The LD That Will Not Die

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Again, the TNA audience is fucking stupid. They'll cheer for eating babies if someone starts a chant up for it.

Oh and I didn't say all good things about it. I believe I said something like entertaining but still with a lot of big holes.
Sorry, couldn't hear what you were saying about Sting not being a good heel, the fans on that episode of Impact are chanting "STING SUCKS!" too loudly.

Mind you, this this the same crowd that taunted Anderson at his debut as "Over-Rated! Over-Rated!". The TNA crowd is not the be all end all of over or not. Also, TNA shouldn't be going after fans they already have; isn't the point of the war to be going after Raw fans?
It did.

How the fuck is RVD, Jeff Hardy, a Sting heel turn and Hogan and Flair facing off for the first time on TV in over a decade "nothing to write home about"?

That was probably one of the poorest segments of the night.

Bullshit. Both put on a good match at Genesis, and their feud is the most interesting thing Angle has been involved in for-fucking-ever. Did you not see his promo after Genesis where he basically broke down and talked about all of his real life divorce issues and his arrest? Not shit at all and TNA fans fucking love it.

Meh, he's not that bad. He's a bigger, less talented Mick Foley.

That's nice, but the TNA fans sure do.

Yes because you have no appreciation for junior heavyweight wrestling. Unfortunately for you the TNA fans again love it, and that's why the next PPV will feature a shitload of matches featuring these wrestlers.

How? Sting has been the stalest fucking character in wrestling for the last decade, he hasn't been relevant since the NWO. A heel turn has been direly needed for a long time, it's just never been booked right at all. How was the heel turn dumb if the crowd ate it up?

I'd give Impact an A-, and Raw a C+/B- as well. The thing was though, it was just far more entertaining television because Raw absolutely fucking nothing happened, it was business as usual just like any other episode of Raw on any other week on any part of the year. Did you see those Criss Angel segments? Some of the stupidest shit I've ever seen. Impact had the surprises and twists and turns and kept you wanting to keep watching the show and not switch over. Raw absolutely lacked that feeling.

It didnt though

Jeff Hardy - seen it
RVD - Already knew about it
Sting heel turn - Dumb
Hogan Vs Flair - DEFINATELY have seen it :lmao:

you didnt like the KO segment? For shame. I enjoyed it. Probably becuase I thought the girl rockers were hot. Never seen em before. Cmon man. It had the BPs, it had flippies, it had daffney. whats not to like.

I ave no idea what their match at genesis and their promo the night after have to do with the quality of the promo monday night?

the TNA fans care about it? I will refer you to KBs example. tis the impact zone, sir.

I have no clue were you get this notion that i dont appreciate junior heavyweight wrestling, despite how much I express loving it. I have appreciation for good wrestling, not shit wrestling, I think that is were we may differ.

Sure Sting is stale. but fucking NOW, when the guy has about one year left, and is hurt anyway, is the time to try and push a heel angle with him? Dont be so daft.

Oh, but TNA did it, so it must be amazing. they just walking around shitting out gold.

WTF we barely even rate the show differently. Dont even know why we are arguing. Oh right, becuase you lack the DNA code necessary to be even slightly critical about something you like. I am convinced of this.
Not sure what you mean about me not being able to criticize TNA. I've brought up several things that they're doing right now that pisses me off and is foolish business.

B lah, I'm not n the right mental frame to get into this argument some more, when I'm sober we shall continue. ne
why the fuck would you even do that?

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