10/10/10! The TNA Bound For Glory LD

Good luck IDR, you're gonna have a shit ton of spam deletion and defending to do.

I've said it before, but I'm totally series this time. I'm done with TNA. And by extension, no longer have a reason to come to wrestling forum. So this is good bye.

And actually, there are 1500+ in the TNA section.
In principle I don't like a swerve at the blow off PPV. Top show is for ending programs, not beginning them. I think the concept can work, but it has to really come out of left felt, not be a swerve that people were told about in advance.

If TNA can come up with a compelling reason why Hogan tried to take over a company he already controls and can give Hardy valid motivation without having him talk too much then more power too them. Personally I think they've got quite a job, but I'd love to see them succeed.

Impact should be worth tuning in to, I just hope to god that they deliver the attention that this angle deserves.
Not that it matters any more but...

Online Streaming Of BFG PPV Cancelled

International Fans: Due to technical issues beyond our control, we will be unable to stream tonight's PPV online. Anyone who ordered the PPV on TNAOnDemand.com will be refunded in the upcoming days. We apologize for any inconvenience.

:lmao: God, TNA just fails at everything
Guess I've gotta go bring the Girlfriend back up off the sofa. I look forward to the internet proclaiming this as equivalent to genocide in the morning.
Online Streaming Of BFG PPV Cancelled

International Fans: Due to technical issues beyond our control, we will be unable to stream tonight's PPV online. Anyone who ordered the PPV on TNAOnDemand.com will be refunded in the upcoming days. We apologize for any inconvenience.

God, TNA just fails at everything

Lucky bastards. At least they'll get a refund, and be spared the expense of having paid for this travesty.
I'm not sure what I think here. It's the NWO all over again and the pelting of the ring was just flat out idiotic. Hardy is surprising, but does that make it good? I don't really think so. Hogan and Bischoff surprised no one. Jarrett did to a degree. Other than that though this had little on the end.
Online Streaming Of BFG PPV Cancelled

International Fans: Due to technical issues beyond our control, we will be unable to stream tonight's PPV online. Anyone who ordered the PPV on TNAOnDemand.com will be refunded in the upcoming days. We apologize for any inconvenience.

God, TNA just fails at everything

Lucky bastards. At least they'll get a refund, and be spared the expense of having paid for this travesty.
But Austin turning heel in WM 17 was brilliant I suppose. Sincerely answer me this. Was it not controversial? Did you see it coming? Was it shocking? Is it drawing attention? Does it have potential to draw rating? Did you water the plants today?
No one gives a fuck anyway, but I've been gone lately to see if I enjoy pro wrestling more when I'm not criticizing every aspect of it on a forum. Well, the last 5 minutes of BFG killed any enjoyment I've had as of late. Let's run down on why this is the dumbest fucking shit ever

1. Hardy could be put in jail anytime
2. Has Hardy ever been heel before?
3. It would have made way more sense to have the guy "selling his soul to the devil" be Anderson, seeing he's never won a World Title before
4. How is Angle going to explain this? He definitely won't retire
5. How did "they" arrive? They were there the whole time
6. Why did Hogan and Abyss ever break off their BFF bond if they were just going to join up again?
7. Why did Hardy back up RVD the past months and semi-feud with Abyss but now he's like "Abyss, we straight bro, but fuck you RVD"
8. What about Deception?
9. Why the fuck did Nash/Sting/Pope, who will be faces now, beat the shit out of Joe, who's a face also?
10. Do I really need to keep going?

I was really enjoying BFG up to this. The opening match was great, the Knockouts match was solid, Williams/Lethal was solid, RVD/Abyss was decent, the handicap match wasn't that great but it was about the story, which turned out to be terrible so I guess that doesn't count. Lethal Lockdown ended abruptly for some reason so that was kinda lame, but Angle/Hardy/Anderson was great until Bischoff and Hogan came down in the most obvious "swerve" in pro wrestling history.

This is the epitome of Russo. He fucking loves doing swerves for the sake of swerves. This angle will be a god damn train wreck. This is just another example of Hogan and co. trying to re-live the past.

Everyone on this board knows I'm a TNA mark, but this is just an absolute abomination of an angle.
I'm not sure what I think here. It's the NWO all over again and the pelting of the ring was just flat out idiotic. Hardy is surprising, but does that make it good? I don't really think so. Hogan and Bischoff surprised no one. Jarrett did to a degree. Other than that though this had little on the end.

Well I'm quite sure what I think. Garbage. Just because turning Hardy and giving him the title was a surprise, doesn't by default make it good. Everyone knew Hogan and Bischoff were part of them. Obviously Bischoff deceived Carter into signing the "termination papers" for Abyss which of course will turn out to be that she has accidentally signed control of the company to these guys and lost control herself. Of course Abyss was a part of it.

How the fuck are "they" coming when every single guy was already there? No outside involvement whatsoever. This will spark a ratings spike for one week, maybe two, and then the arse is going to fall out of it. As I said, all eggs in the one basket. And scrambled eggs it is.
Here's the thing I've said for a long time about this angle: it's been going on so long and with so many twists and turns in it and very tiny hints in it that by the end we're not sure what to think anymore because we were looking at every tiny thing. The big clue was probably the attack by Abyss on Jeff a few weeks ago where the camera fell over. We never saw him getting attacked. Still though, Hogan and Bischoff were always givens and Jarrett pretty much was to a degree also. Just wasn't sure on who would join up with them as the main guy. It was about as good as it could have been, which isn't saying much.

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