The LD That Will Not Die

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TNA was awesome tonight, but they overdid it with the blood. Seriously, I was eating dinner while I watched this shit, and they're just damn lucky I wasn't eating spaghetti. I swear, if they ever make me choke on my Chef Boyardee, I'm going to sue the receding hair line off of Hogan.

I loved it. They're showing the wrestling fans all of the things that they can't see on Raw, smart move. They have to show themselves as an alternative and not just WWE-lite or something.
I loved it. They're showing the wrestling fans all of the things that they can't see on Raw, smart move. They have to show themselves as an alternative and not just WWE-lite or something.

Was just gonna say the same. WWE is going PG and won't let anyone bleed on their programming. I applaud TNA for going balls to the wall with it. It just further exemplifies the adult nature of the programming.
That sig is fucking epic mang.

Oh my go.d.......RVD...vs Styles....must happen. Or I will fucking riot.
6 out of 10 fingers up your ass if you dare besmirch the greatness that was Monday's broadcast.
Sounds like I might have to watch the show. Or the highlights on YouTube. I wonder when this shows in the UK - Wednesday?
Was just gonna say the same. WWE is going PG and won't let anyone bleed on their programming. I applaud TNA for going balls to the wall with it. It just further exemplifies the adult nature of the programming.

Hardly. Blood and swears do not an adult program make.
As is usual with anything involving Mr. McMahon in a match, it never goes as promised. Classic bait and switch. At least Hogan has the balls to still get in the ring and at least try. And they work their asses off compared to what Vince does.

And yet, RAW's main event was more interesting to me and got me to change the channel.
You TNA-aholics can have this if you want:

Waltman vs. RVD needs to happen some months down the line. That would be fucking epic.
Raw. 2002. KOTR Quarter Final.

Although I don't remember if it was any good.

So, I screamed like Melina when Sting's mystery opponents was announced. And when Taz said "4:20." Yeah, I'm cool.

Good show. Daniels not being overlooked made me happy and MCMG vs. GenMe should be my favorite Ultimate X match ever.
And if you want a subpar show, just like you made a subpar OP for tonight, then Raw is the show for you.

I'm just happy I have a show that entertains me once again on Monday nights. Go back to "enjoying" Raw, Compton.

Oh please, I just used the same structure for the OPs that I always use. Three main news stories in pictures, followed by additional non-important stories, followed by a funny gif. You always liked them until now, apparently.

And after watching both shows, I will admit that TNA was better last night, although both shows were nothing to write home about. I think they missed a golden opportunity to have RVD and Sting wrestle a competitive match and have people switch over. Five seconds? That was terrible.
Oh please, I just used the same structure for the OPs that I always use. Three main news stories in pictures, followed by additional non-important stories, followed by a funny gif. You always liked them until now, apparently.

Which doesn't mean that it isn't lazy. If you've been doing the same thing each week, which you have since I left, maybe you should switch your routine up a little.

And after watching both shows, I will admit that TNA was better last night, although both shows were nothing to write home about. I think they missed a golden opportunity to have RVD and Sting wrestle a competitive match and have people switch over. Five seconds? That was terrible.

Where as I wasn't happy it only lasted 5 seconds, I think it makes more sense to build the confrontation for PPV as opposed to giving away for free a 15 or 20 minute match. That has been killing the WWE product for years.

Wrestling angles have been proven to be more effective at drawing ratings and drawing viewer interest then the matches themselves.
Guy, you're talking shit. Save the competitive stuff for future shows and PPVs. RVD (and Hardy for that matter) just had to show up and get involved in something. We didn't need lengthy bouts tonight. We didn't need even need promos. We didn't need over-exposure. We know where RVD is, and if we want more after that awesome tease, tune in next week.
Which doesn't mean that it isn't lazy. If you've been doing the same thing each week, which you have since I left, maybe you should switch your routine up a little.

I subscribe to the theory that if it isn't broken, don't fix it. ;)

Where as I wasn't happy it only lasted 5 seconds, I think it makes more sense to build the confrontation for PPV as opposed to giving away for free a 15 or 20 minute match. That has been killing the WWE product for years.

I agree there, but even a 4-5 minute match where Sting had no answer for RVD and resorted to beating the crap out of him with a bat would have gone a long way.
I do like the fact that Sting was the one that turned Heel, because everyone was suggesting either Hogan or Abyss and they pulled the wool over everyone's eyes. He just comes across as a great Heel with the baseball bat. And the Impact fans turned on him instantly.

That's what happens when you cross RVD. It was a very good segment, though and the energy level was through the roof with Sting repeatedly beating RVD with the bat.
Ugh, I am so bored of TNA now.

Then go watch RAW and leave us alone jackass. Thanks for a nothing throw away comment

Yeah, please let's have more intelligent and meaningful comments such as RRRRRRRRRRRVVVVVVVVVVVVDDDDDDDDDDDD and HOGAN and WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
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