Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums

I haven't watched any Survivor since the first season, but this has been fun to watch unfold. Reading how each team approached the challenge of making a banner and now awaiting the result is more enthralling than it has any right to be. May the best team win!
I have gotten them both and I must say both teams did a good job. A few nits to pick on each banner but I can understand your guys' confidence in your work. It'll be a tough decision.

I'll have results by the end of the night (as long as I an stay focused enough during the Wings game) and Tribal Council will begin immediately after I post the winner. I'll explain more in there, but if you're on here late and won't be on tomorrow I'd advise you send me a PM or risk getting a self vote.

EDIT: I'll also post the banners in there so the other team can see what their competition was and so they don't have to snoop in the other teams thread.
Megatron did say that everyone's names should be on the banner, and Blue Team didn't have that. I think that might've played a part...

Anyway, interested to see how Tribal Council goes.
The next challenge should be posted around 3 PM ET (little more than an hour). Just as a heads up, everyone on bWo will need to be involved (aka no photoshop callenge) and one person on Mean Green will sit out (you can wait and see the challenge before making the decision unless someone is going to be away for the next day or so).
Right, ok.

When it comes to the game itself, any chance you can give us all an example for the sake if the person posting first for their team?
Yes. I think you guys are overcomplicating it. One person at a time. Get through all of the obstacles. Next person. If you time it out right it shouldn't really take you more than 15 minutes (7 posts x 2 minute wait = 14 minutes).
Also I'd advise you that are already on to post and get done with so your team doesn't have to wait for you later. You don't need a set list. Just one go then the next.

Unless you want to wait, of course. Don't be complaining to me at tribal though :suspic:
Any chance you could shoot me the puzzle after the challenge is over? I'd just like to see it out of curiosity's sake.

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