Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums

Maybe Megatron could give us a tentative schedule of the challenges or something? That way, we'll all know when we have to be online and ready to go.
Speaking of Tribal, looking forward to seeing who got eliminated. My fellow bWo members know who my guess at who got eliminated is so i'll be shocked if it's not them....well not shocked but surprised.
Maybe Megatron could give us a tentative schedule of the challenges or something? That way, we'll all know when we have to be online and ready to go.

I know that sounds all fine and dandy, but some days I might over estimate or under estimate when I'd have a good time to put stuff up. I said afternoon on the last challenge and while that's broad (could be anywhere from 12-6) I gave a heads up an hour before the challenge was up when it was going to be posted.

And 13 of 15 people were able to at least make an appearance, which I thought was quite well. I know some people may work till 6, but there's also people in the UK (at least a few) and the 5 hours time difference means this is likely one of the last things they're doing before they go to bed. I know that's harsh, but I don't want to put a specific time because I don't know what I'll be doing from day to day and I'll usually give a heads up a little bit if I know when the challenge will be up.

tl;dr - I'll try my best but usually shoot for mid afternoon (same time period as that challenge).

I know that may not work for some of you, but Phatso you were on and couldn't even send in your tribal council vote so you still have to pull your weight in the game.

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