Raw Live Dissizzle


Getting Noticed By Management
Yeah, I know, bad title. But Randy's "boy" Snoop Dogg is the guest host, so this should be interesting at least. I'm expecting HHH and Cena to be good as well. I gotta get up at 5 tomm, so I will prolly tape the show.
Well at least I have heard of the guest host, only about the fifth time I have been able to say that, though I have no time for the guy at all, so I think I prefer not knowing who they are. I like watching Cena/HHH so it will be good until the inevitable DQ. The best reason to tune in is to see the Legacy backlash from last week.

The Divas will be worse than normal tonight, seeing as they got rid of their only two who were worth anything.
I'm going tonight and I'm very excited. My friends hooked me up with front row seats, so look for the bearded guy with a Jaguars shirt on. Should be a fun night of wrasslin'.
PWI is reporting that Marty jannetty will return tonight to take on The Miz. I think this should be a solid raw.
How does everyone expect the John Cena vs Triple H match to end tonight?

Of course it's going to end in a DQ, there's no need to bitch about it. What kind of business would the WWE be running if they had their top two babyfaces fight to a clean finish on free tv?
Probably a cena win via Jericho/Smackdown interference or thrown out. I doubt we'll get a clean win between two top faces going into a PPV.
Of course it's going to end in a DQ, there's no need to bitch about it. What kind of business would the WWE be running if they had their top two babyfaces fight to a clean finish on free tv?

Which was my point.

You know what the outcome is clearly going to be, as this scenario has been done so many times before ... yet people watch anyway.

What WWE should be doing is finding new and innovative ways to be unpredictable, instead of giving their audience the same old crap with the same predictable scenarios. I seriously question even putting on a John Cena vs Triple H PPV quality match on Free weekly TV, because I think it's asinine.

However, let me pose the question. If you were a writer and Vince told you that you MUST schedule a Triple H and John Cena match for Raw, yet you had complete control over what to do with the match and finish .... I would love to hear what some of you could do differently that would make for a better outcome, then what you already know that WWE is going to give you tonight.
Which was my point.

You know what the outcome is clearly going to be, as this scenario has been done so many times before ... yet people watch anyway.

What WWE should be doing is finding new and innovative ways to be unpredictable, instead of giving their audience the same old crap with the same predictable scenarios. I seriously question even putting on a John Cena vs Triple H PPV quality match on Free weekly TV, because I think it's asinine.

However, let me pose the question. If you were a writer and Vince told you that you MUST schedule a Triple H and John Cena match for Raw, yet you had complete control over what to do with the match and finish .... I would love to hear what some of you could do differently that would make for a better outcome, then what you already know that WWE is going to give you tonight.

Why the need to be unpredictable? It's an entertainment show. The odd swerve is fine, but being predictable works too. Everyone knew Ross was getting back with Rachel in the last ever friends episode, yet it still made good TV. As will tonight's match until either the Legacy or Jericho interference. If it boils down to a Cena/DX vs Legacy six man tag match, after the twat of a guest host is "unhappy" with the interference ending, that's fine with me.

As long as the PPV gets hype that's all that matters. Cena beating HHH clean isn't going to make me want to buy Bragging Rights. Orton physically assaulting Cena and beating him to a pulp will.
Why the need to be unpredictable? It's an entertainment show. The odd swerve is fine, but being predictable works too. Everyone knew Ross was getting back with Rachel in the last ever friends episode, yet it still made good TV. As will tonight's match until either the Legacy or Jericho interference. If it boils down to a Cena/DX vs Legacy six man tag match, after the twat of a guest host is "unhappy" with the interference ending, that's fine with me.

As long as the PPV gets hype that's all that matters. Cena beating HHH clean isn't going to make me want to buy Bragging Rights. Orton physically assaulting Cena and beating him to a pulp will.

Are you saying that you feel that more people would be entertained by something that is predictable over something that isn't predictable?
Cena will superman up and beat HHH cleanly. Or HHH will win and people will complain hes not putting people ove..........nm, its Cena.
Are you saying that you feel that more people would be entertained by something that is predictable over something that isn't predictable?

I'm saying the predictable outcome can sometimes be the most sensible one. There is no need to swerve your audience for the sake of it. Tonight, if HHH beats Cena clean, or vice versa, the company are giving away a huge moment for free. The DQ finish, or the interference, keeps interest in the "who would win between Cena and HHH" that can be saved for a PPV AND it builds further either the Cena/Orton feud or the Jericho(Smackdown)/HHH(Raw) feud.
I'm saying the predictable outcome can sometimes be the most sensible one. There is no need to swerve your audience for the sake of it. Tonight, if HHH beats Cena clean, or vice versa, the company are giving away a huge moment for free. The DQ finish, or the interference, keeps interest in the "who would win between Cena and HHH" that can be saved for a PPV AND it builds further either the Cena/Orton feud or the Jericho(Smackdown)/HHH(Raw) feud.

Sometimes, the most "sensible" option isn't always the most "entertaining" option to keep viewer interest.

That's part of the problem I have with today's would-be bookers. Sometimes, the ideology of "most sensible" options that people have been taught over the years needs to evolve as the business evolves.

Personally, I think there are other ways to end this match other than:

A) A direct pinfall from either competitor
B) Predictable Interference in the match from Randy Orton
C) Predictable Interference in the match from Legacy
D) Predictable Interference in the match from Jerishow.

Excitement equals ratings. And I think the key to adding excitement in large part deals with throwing the Rule Book of what people have been led to believe in past decades constitutes "good booking" out the window. Excitement also leads to motivation to potentially purchase a PPV, as well.

But yes, it does require people to put their thinking caps on and show some actual creativity.

So if I had a team of bookers around the table at a brainstorming session, these are the types of questions I would be asking of them to brainstorm the solutions to.
3 pages before show starts. Thats a good sign lol. I like having Snoop as host, that might entice bigger names, imagine if could get Em or Dre to do it.

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