Raw LD for 8/03/09....with An Entourage

I give up. I really do. We'll be seeing Super Cena, Orton, HBK and HHH dominating the main event scene until their deaths. Fantastic.

Way to bury yet another young star WWE. Way to go. :rolleyes:
Ken landed kinda hard on his head. Good thing he is a doctor.

He actually really IS a doctor, has a MD and everything.

Not sure I understood why they had Piven & Dr. Ken turn heel at the end there. How is that going to help their movie?
I give up. I really do. We'll be seeing Super Cena, Orton, HBK and HHH dominating the main event scene until their deaths. Fantastic.

Way to bury yet another young star WWE. Way to go. :rolleyes:

How is moving him to a different show burying him? Anyone on RAW who isn't named John Cena or HHH has zero chance of being pushed to the top, so I'd think you'd be all for Miz going over to Smackdown where they desperately need top-level guys.
Wow, people are becoming Cena fans? I'm not really into him anymore. He gets the hell beat out of him by 6 guys during match, but wins 10 sec later? And then 6 wrestlers can't take him out afterward? Even Hogan didn't do that. Maybe Cena is the best ever. NOT.
It was entertaining though.

I can hope they'll let Miz move to SD. They need another heel now Edge is injured...

Please don't release him.
Miz to SD or ECW. Either way his career is saved
Now its time for Carlito (he was turned heel to be fed to Cena, poor guy) and Masters to be fed to Cena and HHH each week

Hopefully Swagger can stay away from Cena and HHH

I was a Cena fan for 3 weeks. I no longer like him after SuperDuper Cena reemerging and taking out almost all the heels (holy shit there really isnt any heels of Raw) of Raw
How is moving him to a different show burying him?

He just GOT FUCKING MOVED 4 MONTHS AGO for christ's sake, and afterwards he was in the process of a push that was working and actually getting over. Then he fucking jobs, not once, not twice, not 3 times. FOUR fucking times to John Cena. One on PPV with ease, they redeem themselves in the 2nd one, thus keeping Miz looking legit. then they immediately piss on it in 2 minutes with a squash, then yet another in a match where everything is to his advantage. Are you fucking shitting me here? This is yet another example of them fucking obliterating young talent. Miz had everything working for him when he moved over. They buried it. Pathetic.

Anyone on RAW who isn't named John Cena or HHH has zero chance of being pushed to the top,

This is why that company's creative team is a goddamn joke.

so I'd think you'd be all for Miz going over to Smackdown where they desperately need top-level guys.

I would be, if he didn't already have everything working for him until they completely flushed it down the drain.
Seriously, how many times do we have to see DX reunions and a alternating main event rotation of Cena/Batista/HHH and Orton? Just how many? We've seen this shit for fucking two years now. MAKE NEW STARS for the love of fucking christ MAKE NEW STARS.
Here we go again. How many times do I have to explain this?

The Attitude Era is dead people. Not every show is going to have some mind blowing angle and a huge twist at the end that makes you beg for next week. We're three weeks from Summerslam and we have the main event set. Yes it's repetitive, but what were you expecting tonight? Piven and the pacifier kid were ok I guess, but given that the show is now more about the guest hosts than the wrestling, why are you surprised that the show ended with no contact between Orton and Cena? Miz isn't getting released. he's going to Smackdown or ECW because the Raw midcard is crowded as hell right now. There's WAY too many people there for him to stand out in, so he's going to another show where he can get noticed. He'll be just fine. The big four do need to change, but right now it's not going to happen. Just be glad this isn't HHH vs. Orton again.

why are you surprised that the show ended with no contact between Orton and Cena?

Jeez, idk. Maybe because it doesn't make much sense? Why not have Orton RKO Cena and let Miz pick up the win or some shit? At least he retains what little cred he has left and furthers both feuds.

Miz isn't getting released. he's going to Smackdown or ECW because the Raw midcard is crowded as hell right now. There's WAY too many people there for him to stand out in,


Yeah, this makes alot of sense considering Miz was about the only guy that stood out after the first draft earlier in the year, and put out great promo work on a weekly basis, and got over with the fans.

He stood out fine. They buried it.

so he's going to another show where he can get noticed.

He got noticed fairly quickly on RAW. Lawdy lawdy lawdy, what a memory some of you guys have.

He'll be just fine. The big four do need to change, but right now it's not going to happen. Just be glad this isn't HHH vs. Orton again.

Yeah, it's even worse. We're right back to DX reunion #250,000 when both men are in their 40's and about to bury Dibiase and Rhodes even more, and Orton/Cena part 4.

possibly, but I"m not sure. Anyway thats the only thing I am thinking about after watching Raw. Hopefully Miz heads to ECW. They need one more semi-big name
My goodness Wes I thought you were smarter than this.

Crowd reaction means shit. It's about what Vince wants, and Vince doesn't want Miz to be a big deal on Raw. He's going to Smackdown where he can have a solid run at the midcard or maybe a quick feud with hardy before he leaves. Or maybe he'll go to ECW and feud with Christian where they have like two heels. He's not getting buried. he's losing to a star that's bigger than he is that he has no business beating. Yeah, Miz got noticed. He got noticed as a face in the huge midcard. Swagger, Carlito, Masters, Chavo, Kofi, Primo, Bourne, MVP etc. There's so many people in there so they sent Miz to another show that isn't so damn crowded. Why is that so hard to understand?

My goodness Wes I thought you were smarter than this.

Crowd reaction means shit. It's about what Vince wants, and Vince doesn't want Miz to be a big deal on Raw. He's going to Smackdown where he can have a solid run at the midcard or maybe a quick feud with hardy before he leaves. Or maybe he'll go to ECW and feud with Christian where they have like two heels. He's not getting buried. he's losing to a star that's bigger than he is that he has no business beating. Yeah, Miz got noticed. He got noticed as a face in the huge midcard. Swagger, Carlito, Masters, Chavo, Kofi, Primo, Bourne, MVP etc. There's so many people in there so they sent Miz to another show that isn't so damn crowded. Why is that so hard to understand?


Fucking epic.

Seriously how is losing to the number one wrestler in the entire business considered "being buried"? If he was being buried he wouldn't be in the fucking MAIN EVENT of Raw.

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