Raw LD for 8/03/09....with An Entourage

My goodness Wes I thought you were smarter than this.

I thought the same about you tbh. It's apparent you have no idea what you're talking about though, I proved that in the last post. No offense.

Crowd reaction means shit. It's about what Vince wants, and Vince doesn't want Miz to be a big deal on Raw. He's going to Smackdown where he can have a solid run at the midcard or maybe a quick feud with hardy before he leaves. Or maybe he'll go to ECW and feud with Christian where they have like two heels. He's not getting buried. he's losing to a star that's bigger than he is that he has no business beating. Yeah, Miz got noticed. He got noticed as a face in the huge midcard. Swagger, Carlito, Masters, Chavo, Kofi, Primo, Bourne, MVP etc. There's so many people in there so they sent Miz to another show that isn't so damn crowded. Why is that so hard to understand?


I was just stating Miz got over. Something that not very many can do that quickly. Crowd reaction does mean shit. People wanted to see Cena kick Miz's ass after that long build up. So you're wrong there. Miz showed potential through his promo work, and match with John Cena and should have been used better for doing so. And yes, he deserved beating John Cena. This is why you have heels pick up wins via cheating. But yeah, you proved my point. Vince is a fucking idiot. Thank you.

I don't really give a shit about the rest of your post talking about his future on ECW or SD. It's irrelevant to what I'm saying. He had everything fine on RAW, and they failed. That's the point. They failed. Swagger is next. You want to enjoy the same old shit we've been getting for years and try to pump sunshine after they destroy yet another young star that gains momentum, fine. Enjoy.

I'll watch something else when MNF comes. There's fuck all on, on Monday nights.
Fucking epic.

Seriously how is losing to the number one wrestler in the entire business considered "being buried"? If he was being buried he wouldn't be in the fucking MAIN EVENT of Raw.

I explained this in a post which you failed to respond too...

Me said:
He just GOT FUCKING MOVED 4 MONTHS AGO for christ's sake, and afterwards he was in the process of a push that was working and actually getting over. Then he fucking jobs, not once, not twice, not 3 times. FOUR fucking times to John Cena. One on PPV with ease, they redeem themselves in the 2nd one, thus keeping Miz looking legit. then they immediately piss on it in 2 minutes with a squash, then yet another in a match where everything is to his advantage. Are you fucking shitting me here? This is yet another example of them fucking obliterating young talent. Miz had everything working for him when he moved over. They buried it. Pathetic.
Really? You agree with what I say and I'm wrong? Yeah, great logic indeed.

He had everything on Raw? No, not really. He had a bunch of other guys to contend with and yes, he got over, but so what? I'm still waiting to see this destruction that you speak of, because it hasn't happened yet. If main eventing Raw and having PPV matches with the biggest star in the company is being destroyed, where to I sign up to have it done to me?

Ok great and wise Wes. Tell me, why should Miz go over Cena? What sense does that make?
He just GOT FUCKING MOVED 4 MONTHS AGO for christ's sake

Yes, and the upper mid-card/main event scenes of both Smackdown & ECW have changed radically in those 4 months. They don't need The Miz on Raw, but they do on one of the other shows (most likely Smackdown). In the 4 months since the Miz was last moved, Smackdown has lost The Undertaker Edge, and Mr. Kennedy among others, ECW has lost John Morrison, Jack Swagger, Evan Bourne, the New Hart Foundation. The Miz is desperately needed on one of the other two shows, he has no business being on RAW where the only thing he'll be able to do is job.

Then he fucking jobs, not once, not twice, not 3 times. FOUR fucking times to John Cena.

So losing to the biggest wrestler in the entire business is considered being "buried" now? Seriously? I'm sure there are plenty of wrestlers in the WWE that would kill to be in the Miz's position right now. Sorry, but feuding with John fucking Cena, even if he is losing to him, is not being buried. At all.

One on PPV with ease, they redeem themselves in the 2nd one, thus keeping Miz looking legit. then they immediately piss on it in 2 minutes with a squash, then yet another in a match where everything is to his advantage. Are you fucking shitting me here? This is yet another example of them fucking obliterating young talent. Miz had everything working for him when he moved over. They buried it. Pathetic.

"Everything working for him"? How so? You seriously think that The Miz should be beating guys like John Cena at this point in his career?

This is why that company's creative team is a goddamn joke.

Yes, to you. Because you don't like guys like Cena, HHH, Orton, and Batista. There are a shit load more people who do enjoy those four in the main event scene though. How is providing what your fans want to see considered stupidity now? Because they aren't pleasing YOU specifically, they're shit? Sorry, it doesn't work like that. You seriously think The fucking Miz is ready to be in the same main event scene as those four? Not a chance, no way in HELL is he deserving of that or ready for that.

I would be, if he didn't already have everything working for him until they completely flushed it down the drain.

WHAT did he have working for him on Raw that he can't do on Smackdown Wes? If anything this is going to ELEVATE his career, because now he won't be mired in the midcard like he was on Raw, now he can actually get a chance to start getting title matches with guys like Hardy or CM Punk. How could this possibly be considered being "buried"?
Swagger, Carlito, Masters, Chavo, Kofi, Primo, Bourne, MVP etc. There's so many people in there so they sent Miz to another show that isn't so damn crowded. Why is that so hard to understand?

Just out of boredom, I'm going to break down that list of midcarders. Some of who have been poorly booked.

Swagger - He'll get built up some more then owned by Triple H or something. Remains to be seen, but that's my guess.

Carlito - Triple H and a terrible face turn killed him years ago. Thanks creative.

Masters - He just got back :confused: They apparently don't know what they want to do with him either. Looked like MVP feud last week, well now it looks like it's back to MVP/Swagger and Masters was a worthless lumberjack. Why couldn't they have, ya know built up his return via video packages or something?

Chavo - Jobber. Hasn't been used worth a fuck since feuding with Rey 3 years ago.

Kofi - Like someone's sig said, he's pretty much RAW's entire midcard. The only one that can stay afloat.

Primo - Scrub. Will be canned soon. Only doing something now to try to elevate Carlito.

Bourne - Too small, awful mic worker. Has been getting thrown into random feuds since his debut.

MVP - They had an opportunity to push him against Legacy when he got there, they flopped on that after 2 weeks and it was back to Triple H/Randy Orton. Now he can't even get over unless he touches a microphone (which is his strongpoint that they fail to use enough) or helps some guy from a bully.

Not exactly crowded. MVP, Swagger and Kofi are the only ones worth a damn on that list and since Miz came over in the draft, he's looked much better than each of them except Kofi.
Miz is probably going either to ECW and feud with christian or head to smackdown and keep Morrison busy until after summerslam. And it can't be a bury if it's on the main event of the "A show" It makes no sense how it is considered a job to Cena. None whatsoever. If anything, Miz is getting a rub out of all of this as a heel. Heels like Miz are not exactly percieved as the type that can hang with a face on Cena's level.
I didn't even read your breakdown of the list because you've agreed to one thing: they're all on the Raw roster, they're all in the midcard and they're all taking up time on the show. On another show, Miz doesn't have to have a three minute match because there's more room. It doesn't matter who they're booked, it matters that they're there, and there's a ton of them. Miz is one of the few with some experience against the top guy, so apparently he's being pushed a bit harder. It makes sense to move him to another show where he can have more spotlight on him and not have to share it as much.
Really? You agree with what I say and I'm wrong? Yeah, great logic indeed.

I didn't agree with anything. Agreeing with you would mean I agreed that it was ok for Miz to move over, and that he wasn't really buried. I don't. That's horseshit.

I was implying Vince is an idiot through a shitload of sarcasm.

He had everything on Raw? No, not really.

Not really? They spent promo after promo to build him up for a fucking month and a half and it worked...

He had a bunch of other guys to contend with and yes, he got over, but so what?

He was feuding with John Cena. The feud was poorly booked.
I'm still waiting to see this destruction that you speak of, because it hasn't happened yet.


On the way to possibly becoming a legit star a few months ago, cutting some of the best promo work in the business, to now being jobbed out 3 times and kicked off the show isn't a destruction? They even tried to save themselves the night after the Bash. Yet went right back to it when there was no need too last week, and then again this week. What the fuck are you smoking?

If main eventing Raw

Snitsky main evented RAW before, rofl. Cryme Tyme last week. Anyone can main event with John Cena in it. Fuck RAW main events, we're talking Miz getting built up over time to main event PPV's as a top heel. I know this is so hard for you to comprehend because you haven't seen anything fresh in god knows how long. But seriously, open your eyes.

and having PPV matches with the biggest star in the company is being destroyed, where to I sign up to have it done to me?

A 5 minute PPV match at the fucking Bash in which he got owned in? Then having the match that should have been the Bash one the following night on RAW. That should have just ended the feud right then. These last two weeks, and booting him off RAW was beyond ignorant.

Fact is, Miz should have defeated John Cena at one point during the feud. It was absolute fucking bullshit to job him 4 times after all the buildup.

Ok great and wise Wes. Tell me, why should Miz go over Cena? What sense does that make?

He's a heel. Heel's cheat, and it furthers feud and makes the young heel credible :shrug:
I didn't even read your breakdown of the list because you've agreed to one thing: they're all on the Raw roster, they're all in the midcard and they're all taking up time on the show.

And they all absolutely fucking suck compared to what Miz was doing when he first came over.
So? They're on the show, taking up time. They exist, but based on what you've been saying, we should just eliminate them all and make Miz world champion now, which wouldn't work. And why wouldn't it work audience?

BECAUSE HE HASN'T BEEN BUILT UP YET LIKE HE'S BEEN DOING BY FIGHTING CENA AND LIKE HE'LL DO ON ANOTHER SHOW! Miz has very little seasoning. There is one instance I can think of where a heel was thrown into the main event and given the title: JBL. Yes, I'm sure that's the route Miz should take. It worked SO well the first time.
So? They're on the show, taking up time. They exist, but based on what you've been saying, we should just eliminate them all and make Miz world champion now

You're being an idiot. I never said that. I said the feud should have been booked better long term, or just ended after Cena got the second victory the night after the Bash and gave Miz the US title at NOC. He retains credibility and momentum either way. Something he didn't do when he was squashed 3 times, and now apparently kicked off the show after starting off on fire just months ago.

Nobody is saying he should main event now. Eventually, yes he has the potential to do so. Stop misunderstanding.
Sure you are. He's in the main event of a show and losing and you're saying that's bad booking. Therefore, the right booking would be for him to win in the main event. There we are.
Sure you are. He's in the main event of a show and losing and you're saying that's bad booking. Therefore, the right booking would be for him to win in the main event. There we are.

To win the main event with help from RKO/Legacy, yes. That makes more sense too me as it furthers the RKO/Cena feud and keeps Cena/Miz alive for something down the line. Losing in 5 minutes when you have every advantage in the world looks bad.

How is that the same as main eventing Summerslam for the World title?
No, no it really doesn't. Cena's character is one that overcomes the odds to win the day. He's done this time and time again against far better opponents than Miz. Why wouldn't he be able to do it now? Miz is now free from Cena and their feud so he can go and win one.
What do you want Wes, a 20 minute classic? It's LIVE television, they have a god damn time limit, that's why almost every Raw main event these days is incredibly short, they usually don't get started on the main event until there's only about 5 or so minutes left in the entire show.

Still failing to see how being moved to a higher position on a different show is considered being "buried". Looked over, maybe, but BURIED? No. DDP was buried, Shawn Stasiak was buried. Miz is just being moved.
Fuck me KB, I don't know. Perhaps because Miz has showed signs of potential and could get a rub to remain credible even if it is cheating? It's not like I'm saying he should go out and pin John Cena cleanly. That makes no sense. He'll attract more heat by cheating, and it furthers the feud even more because he can brag and shit. After that, I would have been fine with Cena winning and ending the feud, as long as he still made Miz look good.


Fuck time. He should have won with help from Orton IYAM.

Miz was peaking when he first moved over and was getting promo build up time for the Cena feud, it happens, he's buried 3 times, then shipped over to one of the 2nd or 3rd rate shows.

Sounds more like buried, then moved than just moved. But whatever.
If by the feud you mean the one that ended already because Cena has moved onto Orton, then yes that feud would be furthered which would make somehow even less sense because Cena would be fighting Miz again, only to beat him again and kill whatever heat he would have gotten tonight, while also taking away from the main event of Summerslam. yes, that's better than sending him to a new show where he still has a bit of credibility left and he can use said credibility to build a olid career for himself there, away from Cena and that feud.
I feel the Cena Vs. Miz feud should have ended the night after the Bash. The Miz was made to look like a legit threat, and Cena proved yet again he overcomes the odds and wins. I felt there was no need for their match tonight. Miz should have moved on after losing to Cena after the Bash to the US title scene.
If by the feud you mean the one that ended already because Cena has moved onto Orton, then yes that feud would be furthered which would make somehow even less sense because Cena would be fighting Miz again, only to beat him again and kill whatever heat he would have gotten tonight, while also taking away from the main event of Summerslam. yes, that's better than sending him to a new show where he still has a bit of credibility left and he can use said credibility to build a olid career for himself there, away from Cena and that feud.

Miz could have picked up the win tonight with help from Orton, and still moved onto another angle while maintaining bragging rights for another confrontation in the future. Cena's already kicked his ass cleanly 3 times, so no harm would have been done to him.

Now, that's not the way I would have preferred for it to end. Like Marquis, after the RAW after tje Bash made the most sense. Then I wouldn't have minded Miz gaining US gold at NOC and having a run with it. I preached for it because it was clear there was nowhere for him to go. I was right, they mindlessly tossed him into two more matches with Cena in which he got squashed.
So wait, you would have wanted him to end it after losing twice in a row, which means that most people think he just can't beat someone at cena's level at all, which he can't, instead of having multiple attempts at him, which gives him an association with Cena?
The guest host thing doesn't suck. ZZ Top and Dr. Ken or whatever its name was sucked. People that are fans are going to work better. Green was a fan, as was Shaq, and the first two were wrestlers. Piven was ok, but the other guy ruined it. It's been a success so far I'd say.

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