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Who Was The Best and Worst Host of Monday Night Raw?

CM Steel

A REAL American
This past Monday on RAW we saw TV's Psych star James Rodey as the special guest host of Monday night RAW in Cleveland. That made me think back to 2-3 years ago when the WWE would have celeb's & WWE legend's guest host RAW each week.

For the whole two hours the WWE universe would get entertained by special guest host like Seth Green, Shaquille O'Neal, the Ozbourne's, Snoop Dogg, ECT. And to blend it all in we had such wrestling legend's & icon's like Ted Dibiase Sr, Dusty Rhodes, Rowdy Roddy Piper, and Sgt. Slaugther.

Shorty after Wrestlemania 26 in Arizona, Bret Hart was the new full-time general manager of RAW at the time. And then so on.

So in your own personal opinion, who was the best & worst guest host of Monday night RAW?
in a way i actullay miss the guest host at first they were pretty badass!

Favorite Guest Host i gotta go with Seth Green he was pretty damn badass and he was 1 of the guest hosts who actullay did GREAT on RAW! he was pretty entertaining all night long and it was funny seeing him in a match against legacy teaming with John Cena & Triple H.

Least Favorite Guest Host oh god there was so many HORRIBLE guest hosts but if i had to pick 1 id go with Timbaland i was at the RAW he guest hosted and he didnt even come out to the ring at all! if i rember right he was just in 1 sketch backstage with jillian hall and DX and he was horrible i dont think he was even there live. on the bright side that sketch was hilarious! hornswogle taped to a skateboard...classic
Least Favourite Guest Host gotta be batista simply cause he like nothing and no one remembers him actually being the first

Favourite Guest Host Honestly i have a few but they are ova three weeks. The first are the osbournes cause i loved the begining segment with miz, big show and dx as well as santino eating the head off a bat....MAN. Next would be the cast of the a team. The three main reason for them are 1. im a big fan of both a team series and movie. 2. it brought back legends roddy piper and dusty rhodes and 3. It was freaken halarious to see them act out as the characters instead of the acotrs of the show. My last favourite was shaq. Obvious reason: Shaq vs Big show.......i think i can say that when that happened shit hit the ceailing
First of all I hated the idea of guest hosts. All guest hosts were so childish and RAW just became unwatchable at that point in 2009. The only good guest hosts that I liked were Batista, Bob Barker and Floyd Mayweather.

Bob Barker's hosted RAW was pretty entertaining and the Tag-Team match between DX vs Randy Orton and Chris Masters was good.

Floyd Mayweather's RAW was good too.

Other than that all guest hosts sucked.
I thought the entire concept of special guest hosts was horrible. Especially when one host would "book" a match for the next week......when they weren't even going to be there and most of them knew squat about wrestling....er.....sports entertainment.
I enjoyed the muppets (but then I will enjoy them by default, sorry but I grew up watching them)

I didn't hate any of the others any more than other ones, so I'm not going to pick one out for derision, I'm just going to say the idea was terrible, stunt casting in wrestling has never worked out, Well except for David Arquette
There are so many to choose from on the worst side and in terms of "favourite" it's more like "disliked the least", but anyway:

Favourite: Freddie Prinze, Jr. simply because this guy, genuinely gives a damn about pro wrestling and sure like most of the others, took the gig to self promote his own interests, i have respect for this guy because he likes the WWE.

Least Favourite: ZZ Top. These dinosaurs were disinterested, useless and had no place whatsoever on wrestlings flagship show.
Bret Hart ... because it was a monumental moment it was his return back in WWE TV for almost 13 years. We finally got to see Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels/Vince McMahon confront each other and as one rivalry closed (with HBK) the other lead to a WM26 showdown (with Vince).

But if you are talking about a Celebrity Guest host ... I know I have a short term memory buy I would pick Hugh Jackman. This isn't Freddie Prinze, it's not Seth Green, or some other C-List Movie Celebrity Hasbeen ... this was Hugh Jackman hosting. A Tony Award and Emmy Award Winning Actor and an Academy Awards host. This was a real star!!! And best of all he actually looked like he was having a genuine good time. Plus he helped get Zack Ryder just a bit more over.

There's a lot of least favorite celebrity guest host but the one that pissed me off the most was The A-Team Cast. They kept showing a teaser of the whole cast being guest hosts then to my disappointment Liam Neeson (the only actor that actually has real acting credentials) wasn't even in the show and the 2nd most popular Bradley Cooper only had a 30 second segment. Total Let down!
I don't know about my favourite, but least favourite was "ZZ Top" that was one one the mst boringest RAW's of the entire year. Honestly I think the "Guest Host Era" was actually a good idea, but the creative writing during that time was just horrible.
As for the best, off the top of my head, I'd probably have to go with Hugh Jackman. I can't say for sure if Jackman was just putting on one hell of an acting job that night or not, but he certainly came off as someone very happy and very excited to be on Raw that night. His interaction with Zack Ryder was memorable, as was his interference in the Ryder vs. Ziggler match. He gave Ziggler what looked to be a decently stiff shot and Ziggler sold it as only he can, like he'd just been shot in the face with a 12 gauge shotgun. The live crowd was hot for having him out there, his enthusiasm seemed contagious, he didn't take up a lot of time and what time he did take up was memorable and entertaining. All in all, Jackman came off as the ideal gest host.

As for the worst, there are a good many to choose from. For me, however, I'm going with Al Sharpton. I read a story online a while back in which backstage consensus was that Sharpton was the least popular with the wrestlers backstage. He just showed up backstage, did his stuff without any real shred of enthusiasm or energy and then just left. He didn't really try to meet any of the wrestlers backstage, he just came completely off as someone that was there so WWE would advertise whatever it was that the Great Huckster was trying to push. He didn't take up a lot of time or anything but at least those who did, for the most part, at least tried to be entertaining or come off as the slightest bit interested in really being there.
Hated it all, it was PAINFUL trying to watch them all assimilate when the only reason most of them were there was to promote whatever movie or tv show they were doing at the time.
My favourite that i can remember was Hugh Jackman, I thought he was great. hes a big WWE fan and it showed, he actually seemed geninely delighted to be there and particpated whole-heartedly really adding to Ryders push.

I'm not so sure if this counts but my least favourite celebrity involvement of all time was Snooki, she just infuriates me and her match at mania was such a massive waste. The line 'I've been looking forward to this alll week', when she came out pretty comically summed it up. It was basically the equivalent of a daytrip to the cinema for her, she didn't really care and there were so many people who would have appreciated an apperance at mania more then her.
Favorite- JERRY SPRINGER! I don't care who ya are, this shit was funny.

Others would be-
Hugh Jackman- He was used in a relly good way. Im a fan. And he is one of the few I could actually stomach hosting Raw.
The Muppets- They are the freaking Muppets. Nuff' Said.

Least Favorite- Pee Wee Herman. The thing with the Big Show sucked. I just thought this was stupid.
Favorite Guest Host
I'm gonna have to say Jesse The Body Ventura, because he was the only guest host to drastically advance a main story, but from what he did on the mic he is obviously a great heel and since I wasn't around during his day I want to know exactly what type a persona he was when he was wrestling.

Least Favorite
I'm going with Verne Troyer, honestly it's probably because he's just always annoyed me but also because there, were so many forgettable guest hosts that I just had to pic someone.
Favorite Guest Host
I'm gonna have to say Jesse The Body Ventura, because he was the only guest host to drastically advance a main story, but from what he did on the mic he is obviously a great heel and since I wasn't around during his day I want to know exactly what type a persona he was when he was wrestling.

Least Favorite
I'm going with Verne Troyer, honestly it's probably because he's just always annoyed me but also because there, were so many forgettable guest hosts that I just had to pic someone.

I agree, The Body was the best quest host by far, mainly because he knows the wrestling business. The nostalgia of him coming out to commentate with Vince was awesome and Vince looked hilarious in that bow tie. Some of the best announcing in years... i mean at least they could name all the moves correctly. Plus he it lead to Cena losing his title at TLC I believe to Sheamus.

There were so many bad ones, but the worst I can remember was not the actual host, but Piven's incredibly annoying sidekick Ken Jeong... ZZ Top was equally as bad given the fact that they actually follow the sport for decades.
The best would have to be either HUGH JACKMAN or FREDDIE PRINZE JR. These guy's seemed to really enjoy themselves and didnt have a problem getting involved. Great enthusiasim from both guys.

The worst BY FAR is JEMERMY PIVEN. What a complete fucking douche. Summerfest? what a waste of airtime
My favourite that i can remember was Hugh Jackman, I thought he was great. hes a big WWE fan and it showed, he actually seemed geninely delighted to be there and particpated whole-heartedly really adding to Ryders push.

I'm not so sure if this counts but my least favourite celebrity involvement of all time was Snooki, she just infuriates me and her match at mania was such a massive waste. The line 'I've been looking forward to this alll week', when she came out pretty comically summed it up. It was basically the equivalent of a daytrip to the cinema for her, she didn't really care and there were so many people who would have appreciated an apperance at mania more then her.

I have to completely agree on both parts.

Hugh Jackman is just a badass. He actually added to the show, didn't try to get in the ring and wrestle (Lord knows enough of these hosts tried.... ugh). His promotion for his new movie at the time and its tie-in to the show was done well and it was the beginning of a solid push for Zack Ryder that we're still seeing the effects from (obviously this wasn't all Jackman but not the point)... also seeing him in a "BROSKI" headband was just awesome.

Snooki.... I just shudder thinking about it... I understand the whole celebrities at Wrestlemania thing because that's what Mania was based on... They didn't compete though. Some of them were managers, some of them did their bit and were out of sight afterwords. I know it was a rebuttal to the J-WOWW/ TNA appearance... but even though they got Snooki and she did actually do adequate... it pushed other divas off the card. They should have had her as a manager at Mania but not wrestling... (a bit off topic but not the point...)

She showed up... basically went through the annoying ass motions, got the money and left... Personally they could have found someone better...
Most definitely Hugh jackman was the best! He is a legit badass dude and just overall added to the show!! Didnt try to steal the spotlight from stars just did what he did and clocked ziggles with a nice right hook!!

The worse oh man i have to go with Jeremy Piven. Uhhh what a waste of time and space that was!! Summerfest are you kidding me dude? I wanted so bad for someone to slap the lips off of him! Snooki is a close second though i cant stand that chick
The best: Jesse Ventura, without a doubt.

So many bad ones; but I have to say I was embarrassed to be associated with wrestling when the Muppets hosted. It was just so sad.
I'll have to agree with many others and say Hugh Jackman was the best. He was actually excited to be there, or did a great job faking it. Plus he was involved in just the right amount during the show. Not too much, and not too little. Awesome appearance. Bret Hart is also right there justbecause of what a moment it was. Honorable mentions would go to Bob Barker and the Muppets, just because they are who they are.

Least favorite:
So many to choose from here. Jeremy Piven, Al Sharpton, ZZ Top, Rob Zombie. All useless and stupid.

Overall, I was never a fan of the guest host gimmick, other than the ones I mentioned as my favorites. It actually made me not care if I missed the show, when I usually make sure I see it. Most of the guests were just terrible. They didn't know about or care about wrestling, their segments were mostly useless, just a waste of time. And to me, it just made the whole show seem less important. The show is supposed to be (kayfabe, of course) a bunch of great athletes doing all they can to win matches and championships, and become the best in the company while dealing with other huge men who want to destroy them and put them out of commission. So instead of an actual GM who is a part of the company and who would know about wrestling having all the power short of McMahon, you have a bunch of (mostly) D-level celebrities come in and run things a week at a time, making their own rules and matches week-to-week and just basically doing whatever they want. If this is supposed to be real, why would a company do that? Sure, bring celebs in to boost TV ratings, get more exposure, I get that. But to allow them to make matches, or in some cases, insert themselves in matches? Would the NFL let celebrities come in and change games week-to-week? Maybe I'm getting too worked up over it, but I just found the whole concept ridiculous and completely contrived, even for pro wrestling.

I'm glad it's over with, I hope it never comes back.
favorite was hugh jackman and bret hart
and hugh jackman was legitimately excited he was on the george stroumboulopoulos show (canadian talk show) the next night and he said and i quote ''It was AWESOME''

i forgot jon lovitz was good too that talent show segment was hilarious seeing his facial expressions

least fave not sure cause i wasnt watching as much at the time im glad i watched the A-team one cause the whole nexus angle and now i havent missed a raw episode since
Worst: Jeremy Piven....i know its been said but SUMMERFEST!!!

Best: Its a toss up for me, im a steelers fan, so Ben Roethlisberger was good for me. Other than him, past wrestlers like Dusty Rhodes and Rowdy Roddy were good. I dont care for actors being on WWE shows. Leave it to the ex-wrestlers to host.
Like almost everyone has already posted, I was NOT a fan of the guest host concept. I'm glad to see that the fool notion is dead and buried, let's hope it never makes a comeback. When it was first announced that Raw would have a new host every week, I was lukewarm about the idea. I figured they were trying to be "hip", kind of like Saturday Night Live. Like many other brainwaves from WWE, it sounded much better on paper than it did in practice.


Cedric The Entertainer

My god, this guy just pisses me off in almost everything he does. He doesn't annoy me as much as Larry the Cable Guy does (thank GOD we never had to suffer through a "Git R Done" edition of Raw), but pretty damn close. I don't know if anyone else remembers this, but Cedric is the one who "taught" Santino how to do The Cobra. There was also the ridiculous match he was involved in; where he wore the mask, then went under the ring, then was replaced by another wrestler, etc (the whole "twin magic" idea). The whole thing was just bad, not to mention that Santino started doing the Cobra that night. That move was entertaining for a while, but it shouldn't be his finisher anymore...maybe just a signature move. Don't get me wrong, I love Santino. I know the whole "Cobra" thing is a bit off-topic, but still needed to be mentioned (since it was first introduced on the night that Cedric hosted).


Either Hugh Jackman or The Muppets

There have already been great things said about Jackman's involvement, so I won't repeat anything. The Muppets have to be on this list, just because they're the freakin' Muppets! The involvement with Sheamus was priceless. The Santino match (with his blue drink, that was like spinach to Popeye) was a bit over the top, but still entertaining. I wondered what that must have looked like to the live crowd...did they actually see the puppeteers on the ground by the ring apron? I can't remember exactly how they pulled that off...

I actually enjoyed Pee Wee Herman as well, but seeing Big Show dress like him (and stating that they were cousins) was a bit much. I did enjoy seeing Pee Wee argue with The Miz, doing the whole "really" thing back & forth! Haha! I understand that I'm probably in the minority here, since most probably found Pee Wee's involvement just plain annoying...and I completely understand why others would see it that way.
Favorite Host ( s )

1. Bret Hart I was shocked and stunned when they said '' Next weeks guest host and for the new year is Bret ''Hit Man '' Hart after all he went through back in 97 to be back in the WWF/E and to wrestle at Wrestle Mania it was every Hart Fan's dream come true.

2. Jesse '' The Body '' Ventura I loved how he told Vince were going back to 1980's McMahon You and me in the announcers table I loved it it took be back in time where you did not know Vince owned WWF/E he just called the matches.

Least Favorites

1. Pee Wee Herman That was the dumbest segment I have ever seen I flipped the channel for about 10-20 minutes I remember saying what in the hell does this have to do with wrestling .

2. Kyle Busch I can not stand him what so ever '' Kofi Johnson '' Really how do you get Jimmie Johnson's last name mixed up with Kingston .

3. Jeremy Piven I know it's already been said but '' Summer Fest '' I could understand him saying Wrestle Fest because WWF or NWA use to have a thing called Wrestle Fest that I could see but Summer Fest that was just ungodly horrible to watch.

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