Stop being a goddam nerd and sit back and enjoy wrestling. So what RVD won with a rolling thunder, so what Waltman missed a spot, so what Shannon Moore gets a title shot. Its fucking wrestling, not real life shit man. They are out there acting on live television. They can only do so much with a certain amount of time. Every spot cannot be 100% every single night. If they miss a spot, they gotta keep moving. Botches happen. You've never seen people debut to title shots before? Carlito did it, Santino did it, Brian Kendrick did it on Genesis 2 PPV's ago.
Hogan and Flair wasn't a technical masterpiece, but it was an emotional match. They put it ALL out there, and risked their bodies tonight. What was going on over on RAW? Same. Old. Shit. I'm not saying RAW was bad, but RAW didn't do anything to keep me on that channel. It was my commercial break from TNA.
So let me get this straight? RAW can put up mediocre shit and its fine, but TNA can pull out all the stops and its not ok? You're contradicting your argument.
Why am I not suprised I would get this reaction? Well, let me give some intelligent responses since I'm such a "nerd".
1. No, I don't expect them to hit every single spot every single time on live television. To expect that to happen would be laughable and show complete lack of respect for what they do. What I DO expect, however, is for people that are being put in one of 3 primary fueds on a show looking to make an impact(pardon the pun) to be able to take a bump that you learn how to take your first month in the business. Waltman has been wrestling on television on and off since, what , 1994? I'm pretty positive he knows how to take that bump, but he isn't in ring shape to be able to take it. Thus why they do NOT belong on television.
2. Yes, I have seen people debut to title shots, and I didn't say I enjoyed it. On the contrary, I actually can't stand it. Carlito didn't deserve it, Santino didn't deserve it, Kendrick didn't deserve it, Undertaker didn't deserve it when he beat Hogan his first night. It's not something you do. Yes, the fans will pop for it, but is it smart? People give Sheamus shit for getting the strap because he hangs with HHH and didn't pay his dues, but if Shannon Moore gets the X belt after being in the company for less than a month, people will praise them for it. It is a double standard. I wouldn't be shocked if Moore got the title, because if his buddy gets a push maybe Jeff will stay around longer.
3.Emotional match? What match were you watching? There was no story being told in the ring. All it had was 2 legends in the business effectively beating the shit out of each other. Flair bladed around 1:30 into the match. They did it for effect. The only person that had emotion during the match was Brooke Hogan. It was a match that didn't deserve to happen, because it accomplished absolutely nothing. Both segments with those 4 accomplished 2 things. Allowing Sting to turn heel, and Jeff Hardy to come back to the impact zone(2 months since we have seen him the first time).
4. I can tell you exactly what was happening on Raw. Undertaker/Shawn Michaels is now No DQ. That is something that wasn't expected. HHH/Sheamus was confirmed for Mania with a pretty decent promo by HHH, which is good because he can do good work when he decides to. Evan Bourne took the 8th spot in MITB. John Cena got beaten up by Batista again, which we have seen before but they are trying to put over how dangerous Batista is. I get it. I think they could of done without the McMahon involvement in the "match" but I understand why they did it.
5. If redebuting people that aren't part of the FUTURE of the company is pulling out the stops, then I feel really bad for TNA. They have a ton of potential and I want to see them succeed. I don't contradict myself when I say TNA needs to put on a perfect show. WWE is established. They will pull a 3.2-3.6 week in and week out for their ratings. When they start dropping down to 2.7-2.9 then I am going to start bitching that they need to become perfect. TNA is struggling to break 1.2, and the people they headlined the show with and opened the show with were their lowest drawing segment last week. WWE has a base that is in place, and TNA doesn't. So, in short, TNA MUST be perfect to get the attention to draw people away from WWE. I will watch both. If I was given the option to only watch 1 for the rest of my life, I would choose WWE. I can trust that they have the ability to put on a show at any time that can blow my mind. As of right now, I don't have that faith in TNA. I hope to one day, because it will just make both companies better.
So, I have given reasoning behind my opinion, without attacking anyone personally. Hope my answers aren't to "nerdy" for you.