Old School Ask A Question Thread.

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Just a small question.

But has any wrestler who wrestled for all 3 promotions ever tell the difference between the rings.

Like what had the most impact?
I know Bret Hart has commented on the difference between the rings of the WWE and WCW, speaking about how WCW rings were smaller and the "ropes" were actually made of cables, making it harder to run the ropes.

As for "all 3 promotions" which ones are you talking about? Because there have been numerous promotions throughout the years.
Well the main difference is in size with WCW and ECW as well as most other square rings being 16/18 feet square and the WWE is 18/20 feet square. The WWE one is 2 feet longer than the standard one. Both WCW and ECW used cables, combine that with the size factor it is to allow for more aerial moves. this is due to taughtness of the ropes. WWE uses ropes for the ring ropes and combined with the size of the ring allows the bigger wrestlers to rebound off of the ring ropes and clothesline. However the other caters to smaller wrestlers than your Hogans, Warrior's and Batista's (Not putting Batista as any good just his offence is based around the running rebound off the ring ropes)
Ok here's a question:

I'm a big Bruno Sammartino fan and I'm interested in getting some DVD's or VHS's of him in action. Where can I get one? I don't care if it's "WWE Certified" or just made by some 45 year old dude in his basement. Help?
There is a pretty old one entitled: "Wrestling’s Living Legend Bruno Sammartino". If I'm not mistaken WWE is releasing another one on him later on this year, I'm not sure though.
Funniest comment ever. Yea, you're just jealous of Triple H, Conspicuous. This guy will be banned soon enough.

Would you say that constitutes flaming?

I'd also like to point out that CA thinks that Triple H abuses his power and gives himself a profile higher than he needs or deserves. I tend to agree. You may debate that of course, but with your laughable reasoning you'll, well, be laughed at.

EDIT: Wait, who's he even talking to? I just presumed it was Conspicious because of the sig but he's not even on the last page. Must have been pages ago...
Undertaker had most of the control over the ministry idea. But near the end McMahon wanted to get in. Taker really regretted doing that to his won creation. He said so in this one interview during his American Bad Ass gimmick. You can youtube it sometime and prolly find it. Its all taker and some other people talkin about his career. Its a good find since Takers gimmick doesnt let him speak out or do dvd dubs.
When will ECW, be ECW again?? Its really boring now. There should be more exciting matches. TLC, ladder, tables, No Holds barred, barbed wire. Like the original ECW
When will ECW, be ECW again?? Its really boring now. There should be more exciting matches. TLC, ladder, tables, No Holds barred, barbed wire. Like the original ECW

Never, the real ECW is dead and gone, and will never be back, Vince owns the name now, and because of that ECW will never be what it once was, and as for a Barb wire match, WWE will most likely never ever do one, which is good, cause from what I've seen most Barbwire matches are complete shit anyway, there has one been one decent Barbwire match that I have ever seen, and I beleive that was the Funk/Sabu one that took place in ECW
i Have a couple questions please correct me if im wrong but did wwf/e totally abandon 2 angles/story lines? 1 bein gtv remember the hidden camera thing they never really revealed who was behind it and when vince/shane faced austin in the forgotten ladder match 4 control of wwe/f when austin was ceo sum1 lowered the briefcase 4 the macs 2 win the match was any1 revealed as the helper? also at a time i didnt watch wrestlin kurt went 2 tna what exactly was the reason 4 kurts departure from wwe and who has the honor of bein kurts last opponent in the wwe? if any1 has the answers 2 any of these questions may god bless u cuz this shits been killin me
We i iz not rly undstnding ur pst, iz dis de engleisch?

I belive the GTV or whatever it was called angle was just dropped, I can't decypher the rest of the post.
i Have a couple questions please correct me if im wrong but did wwf/e totally abandon 2 angles/story lines? 1 bein gtv remember the hidden camera thing they never really revealed who was behind it and when vince/shane faced austin in the forgotten ladder match 4 control of wwe/f when austin was ceo sum1 lowered the briefcase 4 the macs 2 win the match was any1 revealed as the helper? also at a time i didnt watch wrestlin kurt went 2 tna what exactly was the reason 4 kurts departure from wwe and who has the honor of bein kurts last opponent in the wwe? if any1 has the answers 2 any of these questions may god bless u cuz this shits been killin me

Kurt Angle left WWE due to personal issues & WWE granted his early release from his contract
His last match was a number one contender's match against Sabu on August 9th
Thanx and sorry i didnt realize my posts looks like the jericho titantron lmao.....what about the person who helped the mcmahons in the ladder match against austin? any1 know what happened there?
I'm pretty sure you never found out who did it. I got the impression it was just some nobody doing it on McMahon's orders.
For your question about GTV, it was originally supposed to be revealed that it was Goldust behind it (hence GTV), but Dustin Rhodes (Goldust) left the WWF before the angle could play out.
O ok thanx. now what happened in the hogan/sting match in starcade every1 talks about? sumthing about the ending fuckin up the whole thing wit that kind of build up? sorry i never really watched wcw
O ok thanx. now what happened in the hogan/sting match in starcade every1 talks about? sumthing about the ending fuckin up the whole thing wit that kind of build up? sorry i never really watched wcw

The Hogan Sting match at Starcade had over a year of build up. Hogan and the NWO were dominating WCW, but then Sting made an appearance as the Crow character for the first time. This lead to a main event at Starcade (WCW's Wrestlemania) that was suppose to be Sting vanquishig the NWO.

Its unclear as to why things went down this way (some say Hogan refused to lose clean, this has not been confirmed), but the ending was botched badly and made the outcome questionable. Nick Patrick was suppose to fast count and allow Hogan to pin Sting (Patrick was the NWO paid referee in storyline), however the count he made was a normal speed 3 count. Bret Hart then cam out to contest the fast count, but it looked really stupid that he did because the count was normal. Hart restarted the match and Hogan tapped to the scorpion death lock. WCW came out and celebrated in what was suppose to be the biggest moment of the year, but the botched ending really took away from that and the fans were left with a very sour taste in their mouthes. As a result, many consider the last year a waste and this is seen as the begining of the downfall of WCW.
Does anyone know if any of the Andre the Giant vs Ultimate Warrior matches were ever aired on TV? They happened when Warrior was IC Champ in 1989.
I have a question shortly after Hogan went to WCW and was feuding with Flair, a masked man dressed in black attacked hogan from behind with a pipe at clash of the champions 28 in 94. It would later be reveiled that it was brutus beefcake under the mask. At what ppv was this revealed as I cannot remember?
I have a question shortly after Hogan went to WCW and was feuding with Flair, a masked man dressed in black attacked hogan from behind with a pipe at clash of the champions 28 in 94. It would later be reveiled that it was brutus beefcake under the mask. At what ppv was this revealed as I cannot remember?

They revealed it was Brutus Beefcake (or the Disciple or Brother Bruti, or whatever new name they came up for him every week) at the Halloween Havoc 1994 PPV after the Hogan-Flair cage match.

Really poorly done angle.
I have a question shortly after Hogan went to WCW and was feuding with Flair, a masked man dressed in black attacked hogan from behind with a pipe at clash of the champions 28 in 94. It would later be reveiled that it was brutus beefcake under the mask. At what ppv was this revealed as I cannot remember?

Halloween Havoc 94
Something I'd like to know but answering the question would probably break kayfabe.

Anyway, who calls the shots during a match? I know the bookers assign an ending to matches, but who reminds the wrestlers what the ending is or when to finish a match? Is it the referee? The time keeper?

Do the wrestlers talk to each other during the match to make sure the other guy knows what move is coming next if they have to do something particularly dangerous? On youtube there's a short clip showing Triple-H going for a Pedigree on Marty Janetty. Janetty jumps because he assumes he is being set up for a double-underhook suplex of some kind. The result is that his head hits the mat awkwardly after Triple-H's pedigree... soon followed by the rest of his body.
Generally the more highly experience and/or skilled wrestler calls the spots, along with the ref. But its mostly the guys in the ring. And generally both guys have practiced the spots/match a few times at house shows already, especially if its a big Tv or PPV match. And yes wrestlers talk to each other during matches. Thats why they have headlocks or other holds were they lay on the ground for extended periods of time, they are talking to each other. They also talk during sequences in the corner. The ref helps out with discussion of the spots/moves as well. if anyone has any further input on this, or can school me up a lil more on it, feel free.
Something I'd like to know but answering the question would probably break kayfabe.

Anyway, who calls the shots during a match? I know the bookers assign an ending to matches, but who reminds the wrestlers what the ending is or when to finish a match? Is it the referee? The time keeper?

Do the wrestlers talk to each other during the match to make sure the other guy knows what move is coming next if they have to do something particularly dangerous? On youtube there's a short clip showing Triple-H going for a Pedigree on Marty Janetty. Janetty jumps because he assumes he is being set up for a double-underhook suplex of some kind. The result is that his head hits the mat awkwardly after Triple-H's pedigree... soon followed by the rest of his body.

This was not Marty Jannety. His name was Marty Garner and him simply screwed up by not remember what move he was taking. There is also a rumor that he died which is completely untrue.
does anyone know who THE FUCK was that black guy who was in fire and ice with Scott Norton? I cant fuckin remember the dudes name for the life of me...
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