Old School Ask A Question Thread.

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not in any major promotion that i know of, but there was one with new jack wrestling someone that i cant remember the name of on the independant circuit, and only 3 fans showed up, there looked to be enough space for about 600, and i think the mankind rock match was empty because it took place on sunday night heat, going head to head with the superbowl

there was a Terry Funk vs Jerry Lawyer empty arena match in the early 80's in CWA

How did the original Hart Foundation split up? Did Neidhart get injured and they just started pushing Hart? Or was there a proper split? I've been racking my brain and I just cant remember.

Neidhart left the company

what do you guys think of ( in thier prime ) Don Murocho vs Brock Lesner, or Eli Gianta ( the dude who fought hogan at wrestlemania ), kali. (or are they the same guy)
El Giantes/Giant Gonzales never wrestled Hogan at any wrestlemania, he only had one wrestlemania appearance and that was again The Undertaker, the match was piss pour at best, Gonzales is the one guy that makes Khali look good
Back in the early 80's, Hacksaw Jim Duggan was in a 3-man group called "The Rat Pack". Ted Dibiase was one of the other 2 members. Who was the third? I thought it was "Maniac" Matt Borne. Fellow old schooler says it was "Mad Dog" Buzz Sawyer. Help?
Back in the early 80's, Hacksaw Jim Duggan was in a 3-man group called "The Rat Pack". Ted Dibiase was one of the other 2 members. Who was the third? I thought it was "Maniac" Matt Borne. Fellow old schooler says it was "Mad Dog" Buzz Sawyer. Help?

Yeah it was Matt Bourne, but from what I have seen in my research Mr Olympia was also a part of the group.
Does anyone know where you can find the video of Scott Hall throwing up on the camera on the September 14, 1998 WCW Nitro? If anyone has a link or the actual file that they could send to me that would be awesome. Let me know.
ok old schoolers, who taught the undertaker how to walk the ropes? i'm pretty sure i know but i'm wondering if anyone else knows
I've always wondered, and I'm not sure if anyone knows outside of speculation, but what is the supposed beef between HBK and the Rock?

HBK was upset that the Rock got a big push before Triple H after HBK was injured at WM 14.

HBK wasn't happy with the Rock using HBK's patented kick up.

That's all i've heard, but supposedly the Rock has more heat with HBK then HBK does with the Rock. Now I know the Rock was tight with the Hart's, does this all go back to the Screwjob?
I've always wondered, and I'm not sure if anyone knows outside of speculation, but what is the supposed beef between HBK and the Rock?

HBK was upset that the Rock got a big push before Triple H after HBK was injured at WM 14.

HBK wasn't happy with the Rock using HBK's patented kick up.

That's all i've heard, but supposedly the Rock has more heat with HBK then HBK does with the Rock. Now I know the Rock was tight with the Hart's, does this all go back to the Screwjob?
The only thing I've ever heard was that when The Rock first came in, HBK treated him very poorly and was a major asshole to him. He tried to boss him around, talked bad to him, and just treated him very poorly, as HBK tended to do to a lot of people back during that time.

The Rock held a major grudge over this and never forgot it.

That's what I have heard.
HBK also wanted HHH to get The Rock's spot in the main event of Mania 15. Apparentl he pushed really had for it and generally acted like a dick.
ok old schoolers, who taught the undertaker how to walk the ropes? i'm pretty sure i know but i'm wondering if anyone else knows

Don Jardine of the AWA taught the Undertaker how to walk the top rope. He used to use it all of the time and taught it to Mark Callaway.
Don Jardine of the AWA taught the Undertaker how to walk the top rope. He used to use it all of the time and taught it to Mark Callaway.

um sory bout this but if this is spam but anyway did u try to say undertaker tought it to mark callaway well mark callaway is undertaker sory bout this but i just wanted to correct this ..... incase you were wrong.....
No it is a mix up in Grammer and the guy decided to change the Names, even though he got 'Takers name wrong, just one L, Mark Calaway.
I've got a question, one that will tax all of you REAL wrestling
fans to the bone.

Which epiosde of RAW IS WAR was the whole WWE Higher Power corporation/corporate ministry thing revealed to be Vince?

must have been shortly after over the edge cos i remember peepl telling me it was Owen and he wasn't dead. -Sorry if that offends anyone just thought it'd help someone place it for me.

Does anyone know where to find the video of the WCW announce team spoiling the Mankind WWF title win? I have never seen or heard it and would like to know what they said. I searched youtube and wrestling gone wrong, and couldn't find it.
Does anyone know if there is truly beef between Hogan and Shawn and why it is like that? Because at Summerslam 2005 you could tell Shawn was totally mocking him and his overselling.
Does anyone know if there is truly beef between Hogan and Shawn and why it is like that? Because at Summerslam 2005 you could tell Shawn was totally mocking him and his overselling.

The rumor is that the two were suppose to have two matches, Hogan winning the first and HBK winning the second. However, Hogan was said to have backed out of the second match citing knee problems. So it was then decided to have only one match which Hogan would win (this was said by Triple H in WWE magazine).

As for the overselling, it is again rumored that Shawn oversold everything due to being bitter that Hogan backed out of the rematch (the way he takes the big boot is priceless).

Niether of these have been confirmed by HBK or Hogan, though it is odd Hogan had a match with Orton and Paul Wight after the HBK match.
As for the overselling, it is again rumored that Shawn oversold everything due to being bitter that Hogan backed out of the rematch (the way he takes the big boot is priceless).

True. It was classic. And the clothesline over the top rope was pretty damn funny too.

Why didn't Steve Austin speak at Owen's tribute. Was there pesonal tension between the two of them?
Does anyone know where to find the video of the WCW announce team spoiling the Mankind WWF title win? I have never seen or heard it and would like to know what they said. I searched youtube and wrestling gone wrong, and couldn't find it.
You'd have to find the beginning of a WCW Nitro from January 4th, 1999. I remember it being said, and I am almost 100% sure it's from the beginning.

You might try dailymotion.com as well.

Does anyone know if there is truly beef between Hogan and Shawn and why it is like that? Because at Summerslam 2005 you could tell Shawn was totally mocking him and his overselling.
Most likely because both are complete ego-maniacs with big time reputations for playing politics backstage.

HBK overselling is an example of complete immaturity and unprofessionalism, simply because he did not get his way. Although, to be fair, HBK usually does oversell a little when he is the heel in a match, so it's not as bas as many people think it is.

The rumor is that the two were suppose to have two matches, Hogan winning the first and HBK winning the second. However, Hogan was said to have backed out of the second match citing knee problems. So it was then decided to have only one match which Hogan would win (this was said by Triple H in WWE magazine).

As for the overselling, it is again rumored that Shawn oversold everything due to being bitter that Hogan backed out of the rematch (the way he takes the big boot is priceless).

Niether of these have been confirmed by HBK or Hogan, though it is odd Hogan had a match with Orton and Paul Wight after the HBK match.
Really, this does not make sense as it was not determined until after the Summerslam match that there would be no rematch. Shawn's overselling was complete immaturity and unprofessionalism.

Why didn't Steve Austin speak at Owen's tribute. Was there pesonal tension between the two of them?
No, from everything I have heard Austin and the Harts get along very well.

I think it was more due to a character thing. Owen's fall was in 1999, which was in the middle of the badass Steve Austin character vs. McMahon, and having Austin speak and breaking down in tears would be potentially harmful to his character.

If I'm not mistaken, Undertaker wasn't even on the show, for the same reason.
Most likely because both are complete ego-maniacs with big time reputations for playing politics backstage.

HBK overselling is an example of complete immaturity and unprofessionalism, simply because he did not get his way. Although, to be fair, HBK usually does oversell a little when he is the heel in a match, so it's not as bas as many people think it is.

Really, this does not make sense as it was not determined until after the Summerslam match that there would be no rematch. Shawn's overselling was complete immaturity and unprofessionalism.

No, from everything I have heard Austin and the Harts get along very well.

I think it was more due to a character thing. Owen's fall was in 1999, which was in the middle of the badass Steve Austin character vs. McMahon, and having Austin speak and breaking down in tears would be potentially harmful to his character.

If I'm not mistaken, Undertaker wasn't even on the show, for the same reason.

Well I remember reading there was supposed to be a reamtch too. And that Hogan was copping out due to injury. I think there might be something else going on between them.

True, Shawn does tend to oversell a bit when he is the Heel in a match.

Thats true as well. But I definitely think the fans could let it slide. After all the man has died and you can only help to feel hurt. From what I've heard it is because Steve was angry at the fact of Owen botching the Piledriver in 1997 and breaking his neck.
This had been bugging me for the longest time and had a debate over this not too long ago. Who was everybody that was in the Ministry of Darkness and the Corporation?

I simply can't remember everybody involved in those factions.
Well I remember reading there was supposed to be a reamtch too. And that Hogan was copping out due to injury. I think there might be something else going on between them.
Hogan didn't "cop out". He had surgery on his knee and was unable to do the rematch until a time where it really wouldn't have made sense to have a rematch.

The decision to not have the rematch came after.

True, Shawn does tend to oversell a bit when he is the Heel in a match.
Although, what he did in that match was an attempt to show Hogan up.

Although, Hogan handled it very well.

Thats true as well. But I definitely think the fans could let it slide. After all the man has died and you can only help to feel hurt. From what I've heard it is because Steve was angry at the fact of Owen botching the Piledriver in 1997 and breaking his neck.
No one said that Steve Austin wasn't hurt by it. But, just because he wasn't on the TV show, doesn't mean he couldn't pay his own respects.

This had been bugging me for the longest time and had a debate over this not too long ago. Who was everybody that was in the Ministry of Darkness and the Corporation?

I simply can't remember everybody involved in those factions.

I'd Wikipedia it.
This had been bugging me for the longest time and had a debate over this not too long ago. Who was everybody that was in the Ministry of Darkness and the Corporation?

I simply can't remember everybody involved in those factions.

ok i am sure i may be wrong because my memory is not that good but i can name a few of them

obviously taker
apa / acolytes at the time
um i think paul bearer not 100% sure if he was with kane at the time?
there is more but my memory is not the best aswell.

and than there was a period when it was the ministry corperation is you want that when mcmahon and shane and someone else joined. to get austin in that first blood match if anyone remembers.
No one said that Steve Austin wasn't hurt by it. But, just because he wasn't on the TV show, doesn't mean he couldn't pay his own respects.

I'd Wikipedia it.

I know. I'm pretty sure he was hurt by it. I was just saying I had heard he was close with the Harts just like you had said and he hadn't appeared on the Tribute Show so I was wondering what was wrong.

I did. I got the list. I was forgetting about Farooq. And man reading about the Minsisty, the Corporate Ministry, and the Union really brings back memories.

Staying with the whole Corporation subject why would you make McMahon the "higher power"? I know to defeat Austin but why McMahon? It made Undertaker look weak.
Just a small question.

But has any wrestler who wrestled for all 3 promotions ever tell the difference between the rings.

Like what had the most impact?
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