MMA June - 50 Shades of Gray

Turd Ferguson

Welcome to the MMA June thread. We have three free cards which should feature awesome fights in their main events. Ironically, the card you have to pay for fucking sucks with a rematch at Franklinweight!


Literally Something UFC Related Everyday on FuelTV if you have it.

6/1 - TUF 15 Finale - Ellenberger vs. Kampmann
6/8 - UFC on FX 3 - Johnson vs. McCall II
6/22 - Bellator 71 - Light Heavyweight Tourney Opening Round
6/22 - UFC on FX 4 - Maynard vs. Guida
6/23 - UFC 147 - Franklin vs. Silva II

Essential Websites:

Visit At Your Own Peril:

Noteworthy/Discussion Topics:
  • Kenny Florian is officially retired. Hats off to Kenny for a great career.
  • Brock Lesnar might be coming back!
  • If Jake Ellenberger beats Martin Kampmann tomorrow night, he deserves a shot at the title before Johny Hendricks.
  • Dominick Cruz is out with a Torn ACL.
  • Nick Diaz is suspended, but that's no issue has he's retired, right?!
  • Shane Carwin and Sean Sherk are both on tap for returns this Fall.
  • Hector Lombard is going to main event a Fox card, despite nobody except for hardcore fans knowing who he is.
  • Patrick Cote, who was last seen being kissed by Johnny Cash, is returning to the UFC!
  • Palhares turned down a chance to train with Chael, proving how idiotic he is.
  • Daniel Cormier needs to be brought into the UFC now.
  • BJ Penn Status: May or may not be coming out of retirement.
  • Cain Velasquez did the impossible and made Bigfoot Silva uglier.
  • Big Country won't shut up about steroids.
I don't often skip cards but I bet I skip 147. I haven't followed TUF Brazil at all, I have little to no interest in seeing the Wand/Ace rematch, and Russow/Werdum probably won't be a barn burner.
I just want ufc 148 to be here already.

Dude, I couldn't care less about any other fight happening in the next few months. Like, literally, Chael/Anderson is the only fight scheduled worth giving a damn about. The UFC's booking has never been worse, and because of that I sincerely hope their pay-per-view buys and ratings continue to plummet.
Until this year I've never missed TUF or an event willingly but I haven't watched one episode this season, Ace-Silva 2 is probably the most boring and unappealing fight they could have set up and the rest of the card doesn't seem to be any better. I swear sometimes when Dana uses his stubbornness to push for things I'm with him but when people say they don't want to see a fight and he sets it up and thinks it'll do well he's smokin some bad shit. I honestly think I was more excited to see a rematch of Anderson Silva vs Thales Leites.....

And aside from Munoz vs Weidman nothin very appealing about FX 4, hell I live 30 minutes from where it'll be and I have no desire to even buy a cheap ticket.

148, please save us.
Brock Jardine will shock the world......By coming out as the bastard child of Brock Lesnar and Keith Jardine. It will be glorious.
Thiago Silva is out of his fight against Shogun at 149. Apparently, the UFC offered Glover Texiera the fight and he accepted, but Shogun and his manager are ADAMENTLY refusing to fight Glover.
According to Dana White.....

And quite frankly, IF it's true, then I don't blame Shogun. Not because Teixeira is this huge threat, but it's a lose-lose fight for him. Nobody knows who Teixeira is besides hardcore fans. He hasn't had nearly the exposure to warrant a co-headlining main event against someone like Shogun. If Shogun beats him, then he beat a young guy who was pushed too soon, and if Shogun loses, then he lost... that will be pretty much the end of Shogun.

God I fucking hate Dana White sometimes. First of all, this is just more proof that the UFC can't book for shit these days, and secondly for him to make Shogun out to look like a pussy really pisses me off.
I think it speaks to how fucking thin the LHW division is. At the same time, I'm surprised Shogun is ducking Glover.

Give him Bonnar. That would be a hell of an exciting fight.
Bonnar is a good idea and I wouldn't bitch if it were set-up, but Alexander Gustafsson makes the most sense and is the fight everyone wants to see.

Unlike Glover, Gus actually has name value now. But, the UFC is protecting him.

Also, Shogun ducks nobody. Look at the names he's fought. It's obviously his management refusing the fight with Glover, and good for them for doing so. That fight makes absolutely no sense for Shogun.
I'm with jmt here, Shogun is not a guy to duck a fight. Just because he doesn't want part of a shitty fight for him doesn't mean anything other than he's smart and knows where there's nothing to gain. It's the same as Dan Henderson, Just because he turns down a fight with Lil Nog doesn't mean he's ducking him, he's already fought him and he knew that he deserved a better fight for the run he's on.

I agree that Gustaffson vs Shogun would be an awesome fight but the UFC definitely wants to build up the mauler. I've always wanted to see Shogun vs Rashad personally....

And please tell me in not the only one who wants to kick Kim Winslow's ass out of the octagon and into a graveyard like now? That fuckin zombie bitch of a ref has screwed up more fights than I can remember. Idk if women shouldn't be refs but this tard definitely shouldn't.
I can't stand Winslow. It isn't even that she is a woman, just that she is a shitty fucking ref. She failed the Steve Mazzagatti school of MMA reffing I swear.
When he gets back from injury, Ellenburger vs Alves. That would be a killer fight. So am I the only one totally impressed with Kampmann? I feel like an idiot for not giving him much of a chance, I thought Ellenburger would run through him like everyone else not named Condit.
Kampmann is very underrated. He has won three straight, should be four as he was robbed against Diego and an argument can be made that he edged Shields. His problem is that he often fights his opponents fights, like when he tried to stand and bang with Daley and wing punches with Diego
Kampmann's overrated, imo. He should have lost tonight and against Alves, but those morons didn't know what to do when they had him hurt. I'd compare Kampmann to Bisping... he's pretty good at everything, but isn't great at one thing. He'll never be a champion.

I'm glad he beat Ellenberger, though. Ellenberger is truly awful and it makes the sport look bad when someone like him continues to win. No skill, just power. Someone with punching power being his only good quality should not be constantly winning fights. Chuck Liddell learned how to box and pace himself... this guy Ellenburger just goes in there and throws bombs and lands. It's ridiculous. If the guy learned a little boxing and got some cardio, he'd probably be unbeatable. But like any douchebag wrestler with a strong right hand (ala Koscheck), he figures fuck all that and relies strictly on landing one punch.
I think he is a better version of Bisping, but the jack of all trades, master of none label is very valid.

I've never been a fan of Ellenberger and I just couldn't figure out why until your post. I think you nailed it for me, his fighting style reminds of a bit of Kos and I can't stand Kos and the way he fights, just loading up the big right hand because he knows he probably won't be taken down.
He's got a hell of a right and when he lands it(which he's made a habit of doing) its a killer finish but no real talent.

Kampmann definitely won't be champ but if theres a harder works out there who doesn't get the props he deserves you'd be hard cased to find em. Really aside from those close decisions that he should have won(the Sheilds one is pretty close call tho) he's only lost twice in the UFC with a bigger guy in Marquardt and heavy hands from Daley. Macdonald and Hendricks deserve shots before him but it'd be a great underdog story if he got a shot.
It'll be interesting to see where Ellenberger goes from here. He should rebound and get back in the hunt quickly, but sometimes tko and submission losses to young guys who have a ton of hype turns their careers around.
Middle Easy's Rumor Mill is stating that it's rumored that DREAM has ceased operations. It was obvious the promotion was fading, but it's a bummer, they put on some great fights and cards.
That's good news for the UFC. Nothing stands in their way regarding their dominance of Europe and Asia's MMA scene.

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