*MERGED* WWE Ask a Question Thread

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i am new to this forum, i read all the time but never post, forgive me if this was already talked about or whatever. whats the deal with big dick johnson? who finds that entertaining enough to put on tv first of all. second does that really coincide with the pg rating? you got the divas looking like amish women on the thanksgiving raw covered up everyway imaginable but you got this nobody coming out making everyone feel uncomfortable. i wouldnt want my kids to see that or hear his name. plus hes been around for a while, does vince have a special place in his heart for this charecter? if so i think hes the only one. all though i did laugh when he spoke.

Reason being, Big Dick Johnson (Christopher DeJoseph) is one of the WWE Creative Staff, he's a writer for Smackdown and always wanted to appear on WWE TV. So naturally through his influence backstage and working with Vince McMahon on a regular basis, he can appear on TV at "special occasions".

As for why they put him on TV? It's Vince McMahon, the guy who was behind the Katie Vick storyline, enough said!
I notice everytime the WWE goes to Madison Square Garden, they have more of a smark-ish crowd (cheering for heels, booing faces). Are there any other cities that are known to be like this? My only guesses where Philly and Chicago.
I notice everytime the WWE goes to Madison Square Garden, they have more of a smark-ish crowd (cheering for heels, booing faces). Are there any other cities that are known to be like this? My only guesses where Philly and Chicago.

By watching WWE i would definetly say Chicago and you do seem to get a lot of it in Canada also.
I notice everytime the WWE goes to Madison Square Garden, they have more of a smark-ish crowd (cheering for heels, booing faces). Are there any other cities that are known to be like this? My only guesses where Philly and Chicago.

The Smarkiest WWE markets tend to be New York, Philly, Washington DC, and Chicago.
I could be wrong- im not sure. Watching ECW lastnight, they previewed Bret Hart as the new guest host on Monday. Obviously- bla, bla, bla. My question is: I coulda swore the promoted RAW to be from 9-11. Its normal running time. I had thought that it was already said they were starting at 8pm that night?

Was it a mistake by me? Or did WWE F-up lastnight?
I could be wrong- im not sure. Watching ECW lastnight, they previewed Bret Hart as the new guest host on Monday. Obviously- bla, bla, bla. My question is: I coulda swore the promoted RAW to be from 9-11. Its normal running time. I had thought that it was already said they were starting at 8pm that night?

Was it a mistake by me? Or did WWE F-up lastnight?

No, WWE is correct and that Raw is on at its normal time this Monday.

It was only speculated that they were going to go head to head with TNA starting at 8. But that is not the case.
WOW! No shit? I knew it was talked about and I just assumed Vince would go the full 3 hours. Doesnt make much sense to me, not to go for 3 hours. Why even give TNA a sniff? Seems odd to me- but thanks for the clarification
The main thing would be December to Dismember. He had a big plan for it but Vince kept shooting it down. the show was a complete and utter disaster and Vince blamed Heyman who went with the only plan that Vince would approve of. Heyman was gone soon after.
The main thing would be December to Dismember. He had a big plan for it but Vince kept shooting it down. the show was a complete and utter disaster and Vince blamed Heyman who went with the only plan that Vince would approve of. Heyman was gone soon after.

So Decmeber to Dismember was the main reason for his departure. That ppv wasn't really worth remebering. The only match I vivdly remember was the Elimination Chamber.
From what I remember, and of course this is not for sure, was the Heyman wanted Punk to win the match, and have Big Show put him over. The pay per view was less than average, but not bad, because it did have a great ladder match with The Hardyz v. MNM which featured the spot where Mercury got hit hard in the face.
From what I remember, and of course this is not for sure, was the Heyman wanted Punk to win the match, and have Big Show put him over. The pay per view was less than average, but not bad, because it did have a great ladder match with The Hardyz v. MNM which featured the spot where Mercury got hit hard in the face.

The Hardyz and MNM wrestles at DTD, but the ladder match was from Armageddon (it was actually a four-way with London/Kendrick and Regal/Taylor).
I just recently purchased the new Hogan DVD, and I'm noticing a lot of the matches look like they were from house shows. I'm wondering, since there was no Raw or Smackdown back then, did WWE use to televise house shows? On a side note, these matches were from the mid or late 80's, and early 90's.
I just recently purchased the new Hogan DVD, and I'm noticing a lot of the matches look like they were from house shows. I'm wondering, since there was no Raw or Smackdown back then, did WWE use to televise house shows? On a side note, these matches were from the mid or late 80's, and early 90's.

The WWE used to televise pretty much Saturday Night Main Events, old morning recap shows, and Pay Per Views. It's why you won't hear about any complicated storylines back then. It was "one guy has the title, another guy wants the title, this is a big match." Depending on how old it was, that could have really been their flagship broadcasts, but it wasn't a billion dollar corporation back then, and they didn't have the money for giant titantrons, lights, and pyro.
The WWE used to televise pretty much Saturday Night Main Events, old morning recap shows, and Pay Per Views. It's why you won't hear about any complicated storylines back then. It was "one guy has the title, another guy wants the title, this is a big match." Depending on how old it was, that could have really been their flagship broadcasts, but it wasn't a billion dollar corporation back then, and they didn't have the money for giant titantrons, lights, and pyro.

Thanks Anonymous Mozarella, this is something that's been on my mind for a while, and I've always wanted to know how the televised matches were done back then.
In Canada, they took away ECW and now I can not find the station on Rogers that has ECW.

If anyone has Rogers can you please let me know what channel I can watch ECW on?

Why did they can the Mordecai gimmick? I thought that was pretty badass. Was it because the gimmick seemed too like.. controversial? Or did they think it was just destined to fail?
This is from an interview with Kevin Fertig (Mordecai):

It was a mixture of mine and Vince’s [McMahon] idea. The main reason it was dropped so soon was because I got into a fight in a bar and got into some trouble with a lawsuit. WWE just didn’t want to take the risk of keeping me on board and getting sued or so-on and so-forth.

I liked it to, but this is what I found. Here's the link: http://prowrestling.about.com/od/interviews/a/kevinthorninterview.htm
One thing I never understood were the rules of a tag team match in WWE.

Why is it that it is illegal to help your opponent in the beginning or middle of the match, but t the end, the partner of the face in the ring always gets into the ring and knocks the heel out? I really don't understand why they don't use the 5 count after a certain point into the match.
One thing I never understood were the rules of a tag team match in WWE.

Why is it that it is illegal to help your opponent in the beginning or middle of the match, but t the end, the partner of the face in the ring always gets into the ring and knocks the heel out? I really don't understand why they don't use the 5 count after a certain point into the match.

I can only assume it's because when a partner comes in the ring, they are actually TAGGED into the ring instead of blatantly coming into the ring. Therefore, leeway is allowed when a tag is made via a 5 count, where as blatantly coming into the ring without a tag, is clearly prohibited.
Whodunnit? Vince was killed bown to pieces and we never got 1 ounce of a hint due to unforseen circumstances around the benoit family? Who was it and what way wud the story have played out?
That is an unanswerable question, as the story line never panned out. To ask a speculative question, first check if the thread exists, second if no thraed exists, create it.
Whodunnit? Vince was killed blown to pieces and we never got 1 ounce of a hint due to unforseen circumstances around the benoit family? Who was it and what way wud the story have played out?

That is an unanswerable question, as the story line never panned out. To ask a speculative question, first check if the thread exists, second if no thraed exists, create it.

I'm going to expand upon this because there were some reports that came out afterwards about where this was going.

To answer the question, nobody knows for sure, however Internet reports came out and said that the plan supposedly all along was for Vince McMahon to stage his own death. That was the only way they apparently saw out of the storyline that would have made sense. They were just going to play it out for a lot longer then they did, but Benoit's actual death made them supposedly decide that continuing the angle was in poor taste.

Don't expect them to ever try this again, because they are apparently cursed when they try to do major angles like this and it always seems to backfire on them, for some reason.

Again, that was all according to the Internet reports.
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