*MERGED* WWE Ask a Question Thread

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He could debut any day now. He passed some test he had to take before signing and if I'm not mistaken he has already signed a contract with the WWE. I guess they are just waiting for the right time to introduce him or they might hype him with some vignettes first.
I'm watching Survivor series 2001 and I wasn't watching at the time during the angle. But I know some of the history from it.

My question is Why Did Kurt angle and Stone cold turn on the wwf.
I'm watching Survivor series 2001 and I wasn't watching at the time during the angle. But I know some of the history from it.

My question is Why Did Kurt angle and Stone cold turn on the wwf.

Stone Cold turned on the WWF because he wasn't feeling appreciated enough where the Alliance would give him that support he craved at the time of his betrayal.

As for Angle, Shane said on Raw (after the week of announcing the Survivor Series Match) that someone would jump ship, which turned out to be Angle. On Smackdown he said that it was because of the fact that they had a team worth backing, especially Austin. But in the end, it was a ploy by Vince so he could destroy the Alliance from within, hence the turn (against the Alliance) at Survivor Series.
I'm watching Survivor series 2001 and I wasn't watching at the time during the angle. But I know some of the history from it.

My question is Why Did Kurt angle and Stone cold turn on the wwf.

If you mean kayfabe wise its becuase Stone Cold felt like he wasnt wanted in team WWF and Kurt Angle was a mole for the WWF

If you mean in real life its was becuase the lack of star power in the alliance.
I have read quite a few posts on Sheamus lately and a few people are saying that he is boys with HHH. Where did this stem from?
I believe there was some reports from an interview by Triple H that said he and Sheamus trained together on the road.
I found this here, it was in interview in October

Theinsider said:
At the end of the interview, Hunter singled out Sheamus as somebody with a ton of potential. “The closest (younger star) to me is probably Sheamus, because we always train together on the road. But I try to watch all the young guys’ matches and give them advice, if they want to hear it,” he said, almost if he had to defend himself for giving advice.
I really hope this doesnt offend anyone-cuz this is a serious question: I've been curious ever since the first time I went to the FCW website and saw his picture there.

Is he a white guy made up (body paint- I guess) to be a black guy? He really just seems to have the facial structure of a white guy! I mean: just look at his picture, and then look at all the other black guys on the roster...something just isnt right! Like he has a special GLOW to him. It looks like make-up or something!


Am I the only one noticing/thinking this? Am I correct? Or am I just a idiot?

By the way: I wish the FCW website gave you a "bio page" of the "superstars" so you could know more about them.

Thanks in advance
Sometimes (now this can be a shocker) white people and black people breed. Perhaps he is the case in this situation, because as far as I know, he is coloured. His name is Fred Sampson FYI.
Yes- I understand that bro...come on! I wasnt tryin to be "dickish" in anyway. Its a serious question. His picture compaired to the other guys just seems odd.

My appoligies to the performer if I am mistaken :worship: I mean no harm
He's been working dark matches but for the most part he's just down in FCW getting used to the WWE style. There's really no way to tell for sure though.
This might seem a little basic and boring for my first thread but this has been something that has been burning a hole in me for who knows how long. What is the origin of Stone Cold Steve Austin's "What!?" chant and why does Mr. McMahon hate it so much? I have spent many an hour searching the internet for answers and have never found one to satisfy my thirst knowledge so if anybody could impart some on me, that would be great. Do you foresee anything that is part of a gimmick now being used 5, 10, or 15 years from now? Something like the Woo, Woo, Woo that Tyler Reks uses, the Miz's "I'm Awesome!" or anything like that?
This might seem a little basic and boring for my first thread but this has been something that has been burning a hole in me for who knows how long. What is the origin of Stone Cold Steve Austin's "What!?" chant and why does Mr. McMahon hate it so much? I have spent many an hour searching the internet for answers and have never found one to satisfy my thirst knowledge so if anybody could impart some on me, that would be great. Do you foresee anything that is part of a gimmick now being used 5, 10, or 15 years from now? Something like the Woo, Woo, Woo that Tyler Reks uses, the Miz's "I'm Awesome!" or anything like that?

As far as the origin of the 'What?' chants... Austin used to do them on the road when leaving voicemails to other wrestlers. Christian being one of them. Austin would say things like, "I'm passing a Motel 6. What? A MOTEL 6! What?". Christian told him he should do that on the air. Austin debuted the saying during his rivalry with Booker T during the Invasion days and the rest is history. It picked up more steam when Kurt Angle said how much he hated it during a Smackdown broadcast. Now anyone that says they don't like, gets a huge dose of it when they pause. Vince had it, too and even tried to get it to stop, and couldn't. It's one of a kind.

And as far as gimmicks being used 10-15 years from now? Someone will use a variation of Cena's gimmick eventually. Orton's, too. Because they're generic gimmicks. Cena's is the good guy who stands for what's right. Orton is a nutcase who wants to hurt people and doesn't take responsibility for his actions. You'll see these in the future.
If undertaker was put in a 3-1 gauntlet match at Wrestlemania 26 and he won would that make his streak 18-0 or would it be 20-0. the reason i'm asking is because i was going to post something like this in a thread but i wanted to get my facts straight
I would assume 18, as even though it's three opponents, it's still in one match. He beat A-Train and Big Show at WM19 and it only counted as one.
Considering the amount of time together, why didn't The Miz and John Morrison ever have a team entrance/ video/ music?
In all likely hood, they never thought it through and where Morrison's entrance is awesome, they decided to keep it. Plus, it takes time to do that. If it's not broke, don't fix it. That's what they did with the theme music.
In all likely hood, they never thought it through and where Morrison's entrance is awesome, they decided to keep it. Plus, it takes time to do that. If it's not broke, don't fix it. That's what they did with the theme music.

Yeah, it just seemed strange since they made ones for teams like Rated-RKO and Jeri-Show. Thanks though.
So on some of the trivia pages, it's shown what the superstars make for wrestling at a PPV. Batista at WM23 made a cool $500k for his match with Taker. Hogan made $1.2 mil for his match with Savage at WM5. That brings me to this...

I know the superstars receive "bonuses" for wrestling at regular PPVs. But does anybody know what kind of money the superstars make? Just along the lines of say... The Miz at Bragging Rights vs. John Morrison... or even what Morrison gets. Sheamus at TLC, Jericho at Backlash, or Jeff Hardy at Extreme Rules. Now I'm not asking for those specific people at those specific PPVs, but just what one may get at a B-level PPV or what one would get for just being in the Royal Rumble or something of that nature.
Does anyone know if direct tv is going to have a 3 pay per view special for the Rumble, nwo, and Wrestlemania? I know they did before. I was wondering if they are going to do it again?
i am new to this forum, i read all the time but never post, forgive me if this was already talked about or whatever. whats the deal with big dick johnson? who finds that entertaining enough to put on tv first of all. second does that really coincide with the pg rating? you got the divas looking like amish women on the thanksgiving raw covered up everyway imaginable but you got this nobody coming out making everyone feel uncomfortable. i wouldnt want my kids to see that or hear his name. plus hes been around for a while, does vince have a special place in his heart for this charecter? if so i think hes the only one. all though i did laugh when he spoke.
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