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Can anyone give me a full-ish list of wwe dvds that have uncensored swearing?


The Rise and Fall Of ECW DVD is the only WWE DVD that I'm aware of that's uncensored as far as the swearing goes. I own lots of WWE DVDs, and they all censor out the curse words. The only swearing you might hear is the "Holy Shit!" chants from the crowds.
first post so go easy guys

as a fan of the old school group of WWF PPV's, and by owning a lot of them on DVD, there is something that i keep noticing

at all the PPVs from the early 90's, the same guy can be seen in the crowd at every event. who is he???? has a skinhead and wears very old school glasses. also normally in a tank top

tried to find out before to no avail
You might be thinking of Rick Achberger, also known as "The Sign Guy". He regularly appears at WWE Pay Per View shows. I know he has a bald head, but as his nickname applies, he is usually seen with a hilarious sign.
no its alright guys i have done some searching now - a guy called vladimir


thanks anyway

Vladimir was pretty much in attendance at all the MSG shows and had front row tickets each time. He was often times seen with his buddy Charlie (long black hair, mustache) next to him.

He also usually made the trip to Wrestlemania every year as well, but has since stopped.
Does anyone know where to find the "new" Tiffany Playboy photos online? Even tho they arent technically new.

I have a party store next to me with literally 100's of adult mags. I've been looking for this issue since I heard about it a few weeks ago. The party store never had the Feb/March Lingerie issue tho. Then I go in there today on my way home from the gym & they have the lingerie issue- but its for April/May now!! WTF!?!?!?

Someone HELP! I MUST see this woman nude!! ;)
The most I will say is google, or order the magazine from Playboy. WrestleZone Forums have a policy against asking for pornographic material.
Can anyone give me a full-ish list of wwe dvds that have uncensored swearing?

The new DX DVD that was released in 07 I think has swearing in it. The 3 disc set.

In the segment where DX drops 'waste' onto the McMahons and Spirit Squad, Triple H says loudly into the microphone "HOLY SHIT".
He told Sheamus in effect that he has been in his shoes before and that when he was the new guy he tried to pick on the baddest dog he could find just like Sheamus and that at Wrestlemania he (Triple H) got crushed..and then had to scratch and claw his way back to the top.

Who crushed him? I remember him beating Goldust at a Wrestlemania way waaaay back when he was still acting all 'Blueblood' but my memory is fuzzy on if he wrestled a WM before that, so what WM was it and who beat him? I don't recall this for some reason.
The Ultimate Warrior quite easily squashed Triple H in under 2 minutes at Wrestlemania 12, I quite believe that would've been the match Triple H was refering to.
A shame if you ask me really, I think it could've been a fine match to really make Triple H worth something earlier than he was.
I think it was a way of punishing him for his little MSG incident thing.
He was referring to WM 12 where he got squashed by the Ulitimate Warrior in under 2 minutes. I remember the Warrior had just return to the WWE for the 3rd time and I guess Vince had to find someone to feed the Warrior to. I just wish this match would happen today and see what would happen now because I'd bet it'd be a different outcome.
The opponent that Triple H was referring to when he was speaking to Sheamus was the legendary Ultimate Warrior. Triple H had faced the Ultimate Warrior at Wrestlemania 12 (which was H's first wrestlemania appearance) at the Arrowhead Pond in Anaheim California on March 31, 1996. During that time, Triple H was portraying himself as a "Conneticut Blueblood" snob that would be escorted to the ring by a different female valet on each occassion. At Wrestlemania 12, Triple H was beaten by the Ultimate Warrior in a matter of seconds, something that would never happen to him today. Another interesting thing to note about that match was that it was the first time that Sable was introduced to the WWE audience for she was the valet that escorted Triple H to the ring that night.
What was the last WWE title to be won at a house show in North America? I cant seem to find it out for sure.
Dec. 13, 2009 The Miz and John Morrison beat CM Punk and Kofi Kingston for the World Tag Team Championship in Hamilton, Ontario. (Thanks wiki)
does anybody know what will happen after the nxt season ends? will they bring up new rookies, or will htey not show new episodes for a while or what? i dont know if the have enough developmental talent ready for tv to constantly bring up new people if they plan on doing this from now on.(they might i honestly dont know).
WWE.COM website says that Windows Media Player 11 is required when ordering WM26 online. I don't have cable, I planned on buying the wwe.com stream. But Windows Media Player 9 is all thats available for a mac. Anybody else planning on ordering online from an apple computer? Any info on if its supported or what my options could be?
Does anyone know, any websites, where I can buy WM26, at a low price? Any other forum sites, would be great?
Does anyone know, any websites, where I can buy WM26, at a low price? Any other forum sites, would be great?

You are looking in the wrong place for information on that sort of thing, we do not advertise online stores or other forums.
This has always been confusing to me, are the general managers really general managers? Do they book the matches or just on air personalities that are just there to talk on the microphone?
This has always been confusing to me, are the general managers really general managers? Do they book the matches or just on air personalities that are just there to talk on the microphone?

They are just on air personalities. Vickie Guerrero,Teddy Long,and all the other guest hosts on Raw have no real power to book matches and control the show. Everything is already scripted. The real power lies with Vince McMahon and the WWE creative team.
Hey guys something has just came to mind there and was wondering if anyone knows the answer.

I bought the Survivor Series 2001/Vengeance 2001 Tagged Classics DVD today and it has the returns of Ric Flair and Jerry Lawler on the post-Survivor Series Raw (I remember watching it when it was aired originally)

I didn't have the web at the time so was wondering did those that read news online know about them returning or was it a surprise?
Hey guys something has just came to mind there and was wondering if anyone knows the answer.

I bought the Survivor Series 2001/Vengeance 2001 Tagged Classics DVD today and it has the returns of Ric Flair and Jerry Lawler on the post-Survivor Series Raw (I remember watching it when it was aired originally)

I didn't have the web at the time so was wondering did those that read news online know about them returning or was it a surprise?

That is a very odd question. I don't think that really anyone would remember reading news about a return from 2001. Hell, I don't even know if Wrestlezone was around in 2001. They probably were but I was not aware of it.
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