*MERGED* [OFFICIAL] The Nexus General Discussion thread

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I think that Cole will have something to do with it. He cut a good promo and maybe someone sees something in him. He could have "inspired" the rookies to make an impact. Remember, that's how Bishoff was created into a a character.

I LOVED this ending. It makes me wanna watch next week. However, it doesn't make sense that any faces from the main roster didn't come out for the save.

Also, it was a great idea to get the broadcasters out of there. The pictures spoke so much better than words could have.
This ending also made me make an account to give my two cents and its got everyone talking whether they like the ending or not. To the few fans who are in disgust over this angle I LOL at you. DJImpact1 "What the hell has this company come to, when it's about such a disturbing storyline, and not about MEN facing MEN in matches?" So I guess you haven't been watching Raw for the past 10 years which has had very little of Men facing Men in matches. If you haven't noticed its sports entertainment for the past 13years and they have saved the Men facing Men for the pay per views. Your statement there makes no sense at all and I'm not sure what product you have been watching the past 13 years. The E has been stale with many so called "entertainment" segments with no wrestling at all. You should have complained a long time ago. This angle can go many different ways and lets hope it doesn't just fade away like many others. Good job to the E because you got a 13 page post already in just a few hours.
Wow. I skipped RAW (like usual) after seeing about 20 seconds of the awful guest host 'comedy'. I turned on the tv on my way to bed, and this segment blew my mind. As others have said, this was a genuine surprise in an industry that offers few. I've noticed some people complaining about the brutality of it, but in my mind that's what really sold the angle. It didn't feel safe or confined like wrestling angles tend to. It didn't even feel recycled, as most wrestling angles tend to. It actually felt fresh; not in the sense that a surprise gang beat-down hasn't happened before, but in the sense that this was a completely unpredicted major plot development in a company notorious for leaks and predictable storylines. The fact that most of the participants are still relative unknowns just makes it even better. That means that whatever happens next, it's going to be fresh and unpredictable.

Awesome ending, and next week I think I'll actually watch the whole episode of RAW for the first time in years.
Good not great. Not the best ending to a RAW evarrr. Not even the best one this decade or in the part 5 years. Shit, I got more excited when Jeff Hardy swantoned Orton off the production tower than I did for this. Sure, the shock value was great, but after a few minutes, it got a little tedious. Did they really have to clothesline him that many times? I suppose that comes with only 3 of them having identifyable finishers.

Ooh, we got to see whats under the canvas. Cool. Thats about it. This thing is being blown way out of proportion just because people weren't expecting it. Once the scock value wears off, the actual magnitude of this will come to light, that being, a group of 8 rookies that have about 3 personalities between them. The storyline may prove to be quite enjoyable, I'm not doubting that. But to say this ending is the dawning of a new era for the WWE is like saying most of the posters in this section can form a coherent thought.
It completely ruined an otherwise thoroughly enjoyable episode.

Wow!! really that was the most boring show on earth til those last ten minutes!!

Also, the fact that the rookies were working together, both faces and heels all in the same faction, made absolutely no sense. In addition, the segment just made the rookies look weak. Think about it, it took all eight to do any appreciable damage to one superstar at a time after they'd already been worn down and worked over by each other. And still it took that long to get them to stop fighting back. How weak are these people? Give me a break. If they wanted to promote this talent, they should have had Barret come down alone and lay out the pair of them, maybe bring along Bryan since he's got a future on TV as well, but that's it. Don't get these old news NXT rejects involved.

OK this is ******ed. First of all, hells and faces working together just makes it more believable when someone is causing chaos in your show. It didn't make them look week at all because how many times have you seen john cena laid out on a stretcher by two people, especially rookies, never gonna happen and you know it. Do you really think Barret, a ROOKIE, could take on two main eventers, really ?!?
I agree pretty crap show but the end of Raw was just fucking brilliant! who ever came up with that idea did a damn good job. I was at the edge of my seat watching and I agree with most this was one of the best Raw endings in a while. Hopefully they can keep this story line going strong!!!!
Just real quick...Cena got his ass handed to him. This (although could have been done better) was perfect, my friend called so i put the DVR on pause, then another friend text and said this was the best Raw ending in forever, so i press play and DAMN, all these Rookies destroying everything, it was exciting, unpredictable, NEW-ish....all in all, i would have to say one of the best Raws ive seen in a while. If done right the WWE could make this out to be bigger than the original invasion...taking out top superstars, wreaking havoc amongst the top contenders would be what this company needs... and just think somebody brought up an interesting point, WWE could say that these guys took out Taker, and they could have the push Kane needs, along with the push these guys are getting, mmmmm cant wait to see how this unfolds...
I thought the ending was great! I wish more RAW superstars would have tried to help Cena but oh well. Hopefully this storyline continues for a while and NXT becomes the NWO of 2010
i think the wwe superstars could of helped cena and punk. took 8 rookies to take out two good wwe superstars now that is weak. good end to raw though best i seen in years. cant wait to see if this folds on to smackdown aswell.
I didnt see Raw but read the results followed by me going to youtube to see it for myself. Some great stuff. Maybe Bret should have came out after the carnage to make it a little more realistic but nice.

Plus... wouldnt it be cool if Randy Orton returns after a month or two after healing up or whatever and stands up to NXT. Like they reek havoc every week taking all the titles, beating up everybody, basicly doing whatever they want and then one night they're beating up John Cena or somebody (possibly a few big names on the roster) and Orton returns. You hear his music and see him slowly making his way down the ramp staring all the rookies down and walks into the ring without fear before he starts RKOing everybody. Would be awesome.

And Undertaker fueding with them would just be awesome. And possibly throw Triple H in the mix when he comes back. The possiblities are endless!
would be awesome would be an 8 nxt season one rookies take on 8 top wwe superstars in a no dq match. would like to see the 8 wwe superstars be john cena. kane.undertaker.rey mysterio.big show.great khali.randy orton.thriple h. now that would be the best match in years
In a matter of a couple of hours, this topic has had 14 pages full of responses. I've never seen a thread grow so fast. That goes to show the impact this RAW had (or at least the ending).

I thought the show was pretty awful, but the end reminded me what I've been saying for some time now in the forums: the WWE is starting to head down the same successful path they went on during the 90's. This business, like any other, go through cycles, and it was a matter of time until the WWE had its BIG storyline. With the Undertaker's coma and the NXT attack, I think the writing team is writing serious gold! I can't wait to see where it goes. And given the complete destruction the Rookies caused, this CAN'T become a cheap, unsuccessful storyline. This has to get bigger from here. Even ECW/WCW's Invasion wasn't as impactful. Who woulda thunk it?

WWE is getting good again!!
Okay everyone saying they looked weak calm down they looked like they were gang beating Cena and Punk not just messing them up a little, he didn't Supercena out at any point they had him and the SES and just kept beating them to a point but it was mostly also it's PGish so they didn't bloody them, but they couldn't move at the end and Cena and Punk are top stars (Although I hate Cena) but they did a good job of taking out a huge superstar remember this is upstarts. If they went with Batista, HHH, Orton, Edge, Taker, Sheamus, Jericho and Big Show doing it yea that might look weak but not 8 nobodies.
This ending to raw was my favorite ending since Mankind won the WWF title on january 1999. I never expect this would happen . This is probably the best thing in the PG era. I was wondering did they take out the Undertaker? I also couldn't belive the baby faces of NXT 1 were acting heel even Heath slater. It was epic ending to RAW. I thought cena would over come the odds before the end of the show but he did'nt. Like they say expect the unexpected.
This is huge! The NXT rookies have made their mark on the WWE and now have the potiential to become the new NWO of the WWE. I was so shocked and am very curious of where the WWE is going with this storyline and I am leaning towards a WWE VS NXT war including the NXT superstars from season 2. I think that all the NXT superstars have potential in the WWE and this is a great way to get them over.
I thought the ending to Raw was epic (hell I registered just to talk about it).

At first I was like, ok SES is gonna jump Cena, Barrett will join in and maybe Kofi, Bourne, and/or Rey will come out. Instead NXT surrounds the ring and goes *^&^ing nuts, at one point even when they attacked Lawler and just flat out started destroying shit I was like "wait, I really hope this is storyline" That's how enthralled I was.

Now as to my ideas,

Mentors attacked on NXT S2
Jack Swagger attacked on Smackdown.
Next RAW
Orton attacked and out, Barrett in at F4W (as many predict).
Then they just continue their onslaught on the WWEs top stars, then take credit for UnderTakers attack
(have Takers music play, followed by man dressed as Taker with the hat and coat, until he is in the ring and brings the lights back up and its Barrett and then the NXT rookies surround the ring taking credit for attack, Kane comes out and Kane is destroyed.

Also mentioned before you could bring back the Rock(very very doubtful though but would be amazing, even Stone Cold) but I think WWE wants to move forward and not use guys from years ago.
instead have the WWE roster in shambles with Cena & Swagger stripped of Titles (now on NXT guys) and hurtin'. Have them take out Orton, Kane, Mark Henry, and another star.
Finally when all hope is lost after say 2 months or 4(in time for SummerSlam or Survivor Series)?
end of Raw with NXT faction triumphant in ring you have 3 BIGS that could return to shift the balance of power (Triple H, Orton and grave-risen UnderTaker) along with Cena, Kane.
and throw some icing on the cake have Taker elude to bringing someone else back from the dead to reclaim the WWE and out of nowhere, while "faction is distracted towards the ramp, a masked figure hits Sweet Chin Music and then a brawl ensues between WWE superstars and NXT faction just in time for the major set up at a PPV between the two groups. I'd personally love to see that and everyone loves surprise appearances by "past" stars.

however this story turns out though I will be watching NXT and Smackdown every week now rather than just RAW and hope Vince doesnt mess it up.

btw sorry for the long ass post
This weeks edition did something that Mark Madden stated hasn't been done in years, "Shock the Wrestling world" this storyline did just that, it made everyone stand up and pay attention to the WWE product and will hopefully translate into more viewers for WWE NXT and Smackdown.

The interesting part is if the WWE's collective creative department can keep this up and maintain this storyline, there are several directions they could go including a Cole heel turn and maybe uniting with the Rookies (which i for one dont see coming up as Cole hates Danielson ), I just hope that they dont pull the trigger on this too early, because IMO this is gonna make an interesting five months.
A great ending to Raw....it got me thinking many things, about the old days as well...i want to see where the writers take this storyline...if anything, i think it should last longer than the Alliance Invasion...think about it...I heard Survivor Series IS infact taking palce this year...this could be the reason..it ould be a huge match...Well done WWE...
I really did enjoy it. As stated by many, it could have been executed better, but it was a genuine shock to all, no one could have ever seen that coming. I think the best thing about it is that no one can see where it is going from here on out, it is compelling and will entice people to watch all shows from now on to see what the former NXT Rookies will do next.

I'm also glad that they are all back, as I feel that just getting them off television again would be a bad move after they were built up for all those weeks. I'm particularly happy to see Tarver back, probably my favourite Rookie, who never got a chance to showcase how good he really was.

I'm looking forward to whatever they do next!
I just finished the DVR of Raw and the ending was pretty incredible. While I do like the surprise of what happen I don't understand it. Whats the point of it? If its because they think they're better than the current WWE wrestlers than whats the point for NXT S2? Why would those rookies bother when they could int heory try to join the S1 guys? I am interested to see where this goes though. Wade Barrett already won so why would he join the losers? Idk I wont hold my breathe for a storyline that makes sense from the WWE. I feel like they are going to screw up the Kane angle too by having him be the guy who did it. WWE always screws stuff up.
I enjoyed the ending although I'm going to agree with Mantaur and say that some of you are blowing this up to be bigger than it is. It's definitely something that surprised me and obviously surprised a lot of people but it's how the WWE builds this that will be the judge of whether it was a success. One thing I feel needs to be pointed out is that this shares a lot of similarities with the New Blood storyline and that didn't work out to well, hopefully WWE makes this into a storyline that helps establish the NXT guys without them being made to look weak. As of right now I think it's a good step in the right direction but we'll have to wait and see if it works out.
I THINK THAT THE INVASION 2 ISNT COMING. THE NxT crew has only 8 people to invade SD! and RAW.However they are suspects that took out taker.A group of guys who just attack people?and remember Kane vs NXT on SD!.
I thought it was a good idea but executed poorly, then dragged on longer than it needed too.

You have an entire crew wiped out, so they send one medical team down to check on Cena, put him on a stretcher, 5 minutes later decide they better put a neckbrace on him, clearly the 10 other guys laid outcold around the ring are worthless? Also, I dont understand why none of Cenas "friends" came to try help, the midcard babyfaces(Bourne,Henry, the tagteam of Khali+Hornswoggle etc).

Raw was a disaster and this angle was only slightly better.
It was a mind blowing way to end Raw. Flipping over tables, choking out Justin Roberts, attacking King and other employees before decimating the ring and tearing up the padding. This could be the start of a super-stable or an invasion storyline where former NXT rookies dominate Raw. Or Smackdown. Or hell even both! This could tie in with NXT series 2 as well, maybes spark a storyline with NXT 2 rookies and former NXT 1 rookies. Although they primarily attacked Cena who is undoubtedly the top face (in terms of allignment) they don't seem to be alligned with any group since they assaulted S.E.S. as well but it could be the situation where they were attacking WWE pros in general. NXT and SD cannot wait for now and next weeks Raw.
^This^ right here? Just proof that WWE did a damn good job tonight. To generate real emotion in an 18 year fan, probably a pretty rare feat. It's a shame he's over reacting a bit and will be cheating himself out of a (potentially) great storyline. Oh well. His loss.
They really have to continue this well and make the NXT guys look strong, supplementing their inexperience with pure strength in numbers. Goof Luck WWE; you just generated a world of interest in your product, don't fuck it up.

A company who wants loyal followers did a "good job" by being so ignorant with their nonsense-filled storyline, that it drove this almost 2-decade fan away? Man, I'm glad you're not my business partner! Strength in numbers is good against one man? I think it shows a true measure of a man (wrestler in this case) when you have to rely on 7 other guys to help you make a physical statement...it shows you're absolutely WEAK on your own!

dont you think its these reactions the WWE are looking for in the fans that think the product has gotten stale im 26 and have been watching all my life and this was just awesome its your lose if your not gonna watch anymore but it looks like we got the beginning of a great story line and possibly a monster stable

If WWE wants to put disturbing television on and drive people like myself away (who have spent thousands of dollars on their product over the years), then I guess they've accomplished getting their reaction. I'm 28, and though I'm ending my support of their product, I can be sure that when my fiance and I have children in the next few years, as they get older, WWE will NOT be an option to watch on TV until their teenage years. Looks like it will be more than just their loss of 1 fan, but a loss of a potential family spending $$ on their product. I mean, that is the driving force behind McMahon, isn't it? Money?

I completely disagree with you. You didn't like the ending...that's OK. It was brilliance though and mark my words, ratings will soar if WWE play this right. We don't need to go back to blood and blading, but this was a damn good Raw ending and I give WWE utmost credit for doing this, since nothing like this has been seen for the last 10 years. Trust me, far from burying his company, this will help WWE and will improve ratings. WWE just "upped" their game on a major scale.

What was "brilliant" about having losing competetors tear apart the symbolic stage that real wrestlers (who WRESTLE) perform on? I don't see how 8 guys on 1 and a dismantling of the set helps them to "up" their game. Did the complete opposite for me.

No one came out because that would have ruined the "surprise" element. Switching to kayfabe mode, imagine that it's the end of the show and most of the guys have probably left for the night. So no one was left to help Cena....it's the shock factor. CM Punk tried to help Cena though, which is shocking in itself.

Maybe next week, the entire Raw locker room *will* get involved and you'll see a mass brawl, but tonight was all about the "shock" factor and the beatdown of the WWE Champion.

Morpheus, I am REALLY to believe EVERY wrestler was gone from the arena at that time? Any of us who have been to a live event knows most all of the roster that was present last night was still there until the whole show was done & over with. The whole idea that NOBODY comes out when a massive beatdown occurs has gotten extremely old over the years...I'm sure the camera guys were the last of the unbeaten employees left running the show too, right?

I must admit I was really taken aback at first. I really was disturbed by the raw violence. If you want to beat up Cena go ahead but all the others it made no sense. I really was disturbed seeing the faces of the children in the audience, I think they could have gone another route rather than using wrestlers that are second class and weren't even worth people voting for. Believe me I have seen alot I have watched wrestling for over 45 years and this was about the worst. It got the reaction it wanted I guess by the many different posts. I just didn't like it.

Kimbfun, "disturbed" is a perfect word to describe this Attitude-era wannabe segment. It might've been the worst wrestling you've watched because it had absolutely NOTHING to do with the sport/art of wrestling. Disappointing to expect "wrestling" & end up getting a non-racial Rodney King-like beatdown from a company who's second word in its name is "Wrestling".

First of all, I thank you DJImpact1 for being pretty much the only voice of reason I've seen thus far in this thread. Now, I know my opinion's in the minority and may draw some bad rep from this, but I have to express my astonishment and disgust with this segment.

First of all, I don't have a problem with the angle per se, but the gratuitous nature of this segment leaves a lot to be desired. It was too long for a start. Three to four minutes would have been ample to get the point across. I get the idea that this one lasted fifteen to twenty of the same boring stuff. It was such a clusterf**k of a beat-down that really nothing individually mattered, the whole thing was sloppily executed, I mean seriously. This wasn't wrestling. What it seemed to me to be was a bandaid slapped over the end because they came up short on time and needed something to fill space at the end. It was shocking, then disgusting, and then just plain old boring. I had to switch to another channel. I checked back every now and again just to see if something worthwhile had come on, but was sadly disappointed. It completely ruined an otherwise thoroughly enjoyable episode.

Also, the fact that the rookies were working together, both faces and heels all in the same faction, made absolutely no sense. In addition, the segment just made the rookies look weak. Think about it, it took all eight to do any appreciable damage to one superstar at a time after they'd already been worn down and worked over by each other. And still it took that long to get them to stop fighting back. How weak are these people? Give me a break. If they wanted to promote this talent, they should have had Barret come down alone and lay out the pair of them, maybe bring along Bryan since he's got a future on TV as well, but that's it. Don't get these old news NXT rejects involved.

What little I saw of this segment made me want to take a long shower. My advice, if you haven't seen the show yet, just change the channel when Barret starts coming. There's nothing worth watching after that.

That's all I got folks. I'm going to go and try to unsee what I saw tonight.

Klown Karnage, A+ analysis of the whole situation. Thank you for the compliment as well.

This disgusting start of a storyline has really brought the marks out, and appeals to the lowest common demoninator. Best ending in 10 years, or best ending ever? Give me a f'n break.

You want a damn good ending? I remember WCW being bought-out by Vince, and EVERYONE (including myself) marked-out at Shane McMahon appearing on Nitro to claim he actually bought WCW. The SON of the owner of WWE buying out the competition right from under his dad...holy shit. Will Nitro live-on? What will happen to the wresters? THAT was a moment that any true fan can appreciate, because it delivered shock without sacrificing the validity of any of the talent, and still had the possibility of consequences we haven't seen before. I'm to believe THAT is on the same level as 8 second-rate wrestlers beating down company employees and tearing apart the ring? Get real.

Too long has McMahon pulled the wool over so many people's eyes, and has used the "wrestling" part of WWE as a tool to spotlight every other aspect of the product they deliver...cheap shock value, bad mic work, overly-themed events & matches, movies. When there's some actual quality WRESTLING in World WRESTLING Entertainment, I'll be impressed. At this point though, let's admit that calling themselves "sports entertainment" is an easy out in saying "Sure, we have a little bit of wrestling here & there, but here's everything else we'll shove at you", and that they can't admit that wrestling is really one of the last things on their mind anymore.

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