*MERGED* [OFFICIAL] The Nexus General Discussion thread

What Should Happen?

  • Continue With 5 Members

  • Reinstate Darren Young With The Group

  • Recruit Rookies from NXT Season II

  • Recruit Wrestler(s) From The Locker Room

  • Disban

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While I somehow doubt it: Wouldn't it be great if the lameness that was NXT S1 was all part of the storyline? As if the writers said lets book the show so poorly, make the guys compete in nonsense challenges that have nothing to do with wrestling, so as to embarrass the NXT participants and give them cause to revolt in such a violent fashion as the pay off. That would be great.

Edit: Realistically, the rest of the RAW roster is vastly more skilled and experienced than the NXT rookies and would have the numbers/skill to back up any retaliatory attack. Therefore the Rookies shouldn't have won if the RAW guys attacked; if they did overcome the Raw vets it would have made no sense. Hence, I can understand why they didn't have anyone help out Cena.
Im not going to ramble on because everything I want to say had been said. I am routing for TNA but tonight TNA you just got bitch slaped by the pros. The WWE i remember is back! But I would like to thank TNA, even if you did not make a dent in the monday night wars I belived you woke up WWE and made them relize there not the only game in town anymore. I think this NXT angle is a game changer and propell WWE in to the next generation (All pun intended) Good luck all the rookies on NXTWO you got your work cut out for you if the original NXT rookies let you have a show!
Just saw it now because i live in canada

All i can is WOW! it was fantastic, i almost went to the bathroom but once i saw barrett i thought fuck it, i need to stay, and i'm glad i did, i've been watching wwe for 18 years and i've never seen anything to jaw dropping in my life, to see the entire camera crew and ring crew taken out, and to see lawler laying under the table, fantastic. There are going to be big things for these rookies and they are deserving of it. They just took out the face of the company, last week some of them were getting big pops from the crowd, and now they are all the biggest heels in the company, WOW, no one could have imagined this happening. I cant wait until next week to see the fallout, i wonder how all this is going to turn out and how long its going to last. I'm in shock and in awe and now i think i might have to stay up until 3 and watch it again haha
i was surprised as well crappy show all they way threw but the ending of course was so out of nowhere. I also was surprised at how many falls Cena had to take ouch. I also was surprised at how they let them expose the ring like that. But this has me wondering, wat was the point of wade barrett winning if all the rookies are still around?
This was awesome!
For those saying Gabriel can't be a heel, it's much easier in a group like this. It reminds me of how RVD was in the invasion. Gabriel's pause before hitting the shooting star just looking down on Cena was real good.

I really like that Punk was involved in this too and how he didn't just get knocked out right away. I've always thought SES was the most logical and best way for WWE to pull off a dominant faction, but now Punk and SES seem like they might be playing a Four Horsemen(during NWO) style role as tweeners. Should be very interesting either way, or could be very interesting depening on how it's done.

It's also great what a Motley Crew(diverse) the NXT guys are as well. They all have their own personality and can have interesting feuds themselves (Imagine like Morrison vs Gabriel? Zack Rhyder vs Darren Young) Btw, I believe Gabriel is what TNA wishes they had in AJ Styles.

I also think that NXT attacked Taker ... which would be cool, couldn't think of a better angle. What ... Kane VS Taker again? I mean this could be pretty big. I don't ever watch NXT or Smackdown ... but I will be now! Hell, I might even watch SuperStars (well, maybe I'll just check the spoilers for it LOL)

Also interested to see if anyone else is involved. Could Jericho/Miz be in it?
How come Michael Cole didn't get beat up?

Also interested to see how this affects the new season of NXT.
I just hope they keep the original NXT guys mainstream and don't make this angle turn out to be NXT 1 vs 2.

I wonder if this was done in part b/c WWE got word that TNA might have some tricks up their sleeves (ECW faction)

Not to say WWE is worried about TNA, but you never know. Unveiling a 8 plus stable before the competition type thing, as to not look unoriginal. All I know is, as a huge fan of TNA and Mr Anderson ... worried about them. But glad WWE finally stepped it up.
I agree with mooseman, if they were in semi- usable ring attire like the Radicalz or street clothes it would have made this look better also. It was already perfect but that would have given it the edge also, in addition more cameras on Punk as every one has said. No one coming out to help Cena was a good move and bad move. Kayfabe, most ppl would have already left. If anyone came out it would have taken away from the shock factor and they would be beat down also and become apart of the storyline.

My booking for this storyline. Right now the nXt world order is a hot topic. The invasion is perfect right now. This whole WWE vs nXt is good also. WWE has been asking about War Games PPV so i can see this leading to that also.

Titles Wise: There are 8 of the rookies, Wade Barrett can get into the F4W ppv and win the title, that would be cool. Bryan or David Otunga can take the world title from Swagger (Otunga and Bryan look the best with the title presentation wise.) Health and Justin can take the Tag Titles and so can Tavern and Young. That leaves Skip and either Otunga or Bryan with the IC and US title. It would fit more if Bryan was the world champ and Otunga as the US champ on RAW since R-Truth is their.

This creates new stars immediately and would make them the hot topic of the E and the marketing would fly through the roof. You could imagine the picture with all of them holding the titles? This would solve more than one thing. Brand exclusive tag titles is the number 1 i see happening. WWE beating nXt is going to happen i believe. I dont know how the Season 2 will be incorporated but i can see a join us segment. the SES impact would be minimized because of this large stable who gained major heat but the Barrett and Danielson internal problem breakdown should happen and this would give rise to the current WWE superstars that need the push such as the likes of Evan Bourne. I hope this angle can live up to the carnage they did today. regardless if this fails, RAW on June 7th 2010 will go down in history, the best invasion angle since the NWO in WCW? No its better, homegrown talents and they arent even in their prime. TNA needs to take notes because one Vince sure knows what the hell to do.

I swear, this storyline should go on for as long as possible and they should use every rookie involved. this should go on with nXt beating WWE until the undertaker comes back as the American Bad Ass, that would be cool to see that angle with his motorcycle or even the deadman gimmick with the lights out and the return of the undertaker at a PPV. The possibilities are endless!!!!
Just reading your reactions and looking at the review page makes me a little excited because I be sure to check the thing out tomorrow on Youtube when I have the time.

Although I have suspicions that some of you posting tonight will in the next few months revert what you say and start saying the creative sucks again, nevertheless, tonight was a tremendous display of something that can be a very good storyline to be developed and played cleverly.

I'll be sure to tune in tomorrow for NXT also.
I'm gonna be pissed if Cole is the leader. It would be like when ECW was given to good ol' Nipple H, Stephanie MacMahon.

Anyway, I like this idea...best Raw I've seen in YEARS easily, and for once I'm interested in American Wrestling again. I'm a bit bummed that Danielson is in the group, as I would have liked to see him and CM Punk team up. But the points about Cena as champ, and Danielson being the best wrestler in the world are good.

I think they are also going to be behind the Taker story. I'm totally gonna watch NXT tomorrow. It's a damn shame that Low Ki wasn't on season 1.....
I've been a die hard wrestling fan for years and i gotta say i didn't see this coming, this was awesome, but i gotta put the fact that michael cole was not touched at all out there, i feel as though cole is going to be the eric bischoff of this storyline, because in storyline other than wade barret none of those guys have contracts to the wwe so how did they get in the arena, michael cole ladies and gentleman, also this is a good way to get people to tune in to nxt season 2 tomorrow, very interested to see what unfolds
In-Freaking-Credible!! We just witnessed a game changing moment. I have a feeling that a few years from now we will all be looking back and saying "that's where it all began, do you remember where you were". I loved the armbands, I loved the way they actually tore the top off the ring, and I loved the way Wade Barrett took control.

I only wonder now if the NXT shirt that Tarver wore through the whole 1st season (you know the one written in NWO style) was prophetic.

The only thing that worries me is that I hope this doesn't kill the FEW good feuds that WWE has going right now (Orton-Edge .......ummmmm I can't really think of any others) Overall this is great because you did have a bunch of main eventers with no feud going on at the moment such as Cena, CM, Jericho, Morrison and Miz,
How great would it be if a new Michael Cole heel character set this all up. He's tired of being called a poor man's JR and tired of being looked over. So he organized the whole thing. Kinda like Bischoff and the nwo. Might make for some cool TV. Or at least give Cole a boost.

That is exactly what I thought about ten minutes after absorbing all of the chaos that had just played itself out. Michael Cole was the only guy that didn't get touched at all. The reason for Cole organizing it would be at last week's show, he complained that yet again, he had gotten assaulted. So, how better to get revenge on those who laughed and sat and did nothing while he got assaulted than for Michael Cole to organize this NXT Revolt against the WWE's main show? I think I see something on the wall with this, but I digress.

Anyway, I have to agree with the vast majority of you. The ending of this show was great as it came completely out of left field, but yet when you think about it, the assault makes perfect sense. Most of these guys spent their NXT days being told they couldn't do this, they were a one-trick pony, they didn't have what it took, etc. Wade Barrett even got punked by Chris Jericho last week when Jericho said whomever he would have had as a rookie would have won NXT.

The chaos of tonight's end puts it over the top, and the fact that they didn't just go after the faces. It was an all-out assault on the whole ringside product, which was excellent and feeds into this pent-up frustration with the NXT show. The key to how this will be remembered is how they follow it up. If this is a one night only thing, it will fade into memory. However, if we get a good storyline out of this that lasts for a few months and can make some good ratings and money, the ending of tonight's show COULD rank as one of Raw's all-time greatest moments in the last 8 years.
As I stated before, I really think this leads to War Games at Survivor Series! And if you start involving Vince and Bret, what better two captains could you have for the match. There are so many possibilities with that match and I really think that it could save the Survivor Series franchise.
i just thought of this but rember when BRET said "IF CENA WAS STILL WWE CHAMPION HE'LL BE IN THE FATAL 4-WAY" could he have been hinting at this since the person who got the worst beat down was CENA and plus signed the USO and didnt really help THE HART DYNASTY to get revenge[if you get what im saying] and there ussaully is a HEEL and FACE GM so could BRET be the MASTERMIND with VINNIE MAC since he said there would hard decision to make as GM and siding with VINNIE MAC would be a hard decision for BRET and possibly COLE since i dont think they laid a hand on him
OK first time posting but i cant be sure but i did not see any one else write about this but didn't it seem as Danielson spit on Cena i could have seen this wrong but not too sure ............. anyways great way to save a crappy raw lets just hope they run with this and drop the ball..
I really am going to enjoy this storyline. I haven't seen creative to something this creative since The Attitude Era. It was a great way to get 8 rookies over at one time, without making anybody look weak. I am very interested in seeing where this goes. Did they attack The Undertaker? What other havoc will they do in the WWE? Will we see them on the other brands? Will they sabotage NXT season 2? All in all, it was great to see the WWE start a new faction, because we havent seen many of them over the past couple of years.
Heh. I guess something like this was bound to happen. You don't call up eight television ready rookies, have several of them get VERY over, and then throw seven of them in the trash and start over. And you can't run out and say "Well, we'll give these guys contracts because they impressed, but not these guys." It kills the credibility of the whole NXT concept. On the other hand, the midcard at the moment is pretty healthy so a mass exodus from NXT to the midcard on the big brands just isn't logical. So the next part of this revolutionary experiment? Mass invasion where the rookies may now disperse to different places on the card and "take over."

Neat-O. Great ending to an awful Raw (more on that later). I think it's a bold, genius move. Destroying the arena and having Cena do the stretcher job really legitimized it. It wasn't standard fodder. Tip of the hat to whoever came up with this idea.

I need to see where it goes from here, but (judging by board activity) it couldn't have had a hotter start.
It was great, although I wish, Micheal Cole was under the table beat up to! What happened to him anyways did he get beat up I couldn't tell! I thought having Punk and Gallows get back in the ring to get beat down somemore really sold it to! I thought it was funny how all the medical ppl came down and attenmded to Cena while there was an announce table on the King and no one flipped it over till Cena was gone! All in all I look forword to see where this is going, and perhaps we will find out if the rookies were the ones who took out the undertaker! I'll def stay tuned to find out!
Glad to see the WWE's finally given fans something that doesn't insult their intelligence for what feels like the first time in the last two or three years – the entirety of RAW sans the invasion notwithstanding.

I love the idea of an invasion, and even more so love the idea of a rookie invasion lead by a guy who's likely primed to win the WWE championship in his first PPV match (Barrett), but I still can't help but feel the pattern that was used made little sense regardless. While I'm sure everyone is happy something this shocking has happened in an otherwise generally repetitive and childish show (RAW), I still can't help but feel that a number of these rookies don't particularly own personalities worthy of the cause, and most notably I still reject the idea that seven rookies suddenly turned on the stop of a dime to join a faction simply because they didn't win the competition. Though I suppose on some level that's plausible, I just don't think it's very believable.

Either way, this will give me a reason to watch RAW for a few weeks to see how the aftermath pans out. I'm a sucker for invasion stories, so anytime this type of thing happens it garners my attention no matter how poorly it's done.
OK first time posting but i cant be sure but i did not see any one else write about this but didn't it seem as Danielson spit on Cena i could have seen this wrong but not too sure ............. anyways great way to save a crappy raw lets just hope they run with this and drop the ball..

First of no you did not see things Danielson Spit on Cena plain as day and I too hope they don't drop the ball and just fade away. Its about time we see some real action in the show. For the past few years I have been predicting to my family the outcome of Raw/Smackdown and got it right every time. Raw was predictable first the guest host/GM would come out, then Jericho or Miz or someone like that would come out run their moth and set the main event. A few some what entertaining matches would occur then a cut to the comic relief, Santino or DX, then a couple of boring matches followed by the Main Event Cena vs who ever whit Cena laid out and show ends. To night started the same and even ended with Cena laid out but this time it was way out of left field. The attacks on King and Cole, referees, security, and the arena itself show some promise to the return of unpredictability. Not to mention with everyone retiring and getting fired for drugs they need more people so we don't have to see the same worn out rivalries over and over and over. Let the anarchy begin.
They desperetly needed a new heel due the drop in main eventers.

Last weeks ending with Evan Bourne was cool but there are many tier 2 stars that deserve the push over him. All your idea work on pushing Wade Barret. But personally Christian is well due for a push. Christian is regarded as the hardest worker and great work ethic and super inteligent.

Taker out with broken nose
Orton with a fake injury
Swagger a transitional champ
HHH spending time with family
Batista quiting
The BIGGEST Storyline to come out of this is What happened to Michael Cole?! Hmm, he mysteriously disappeared and didn't get beat up by the one guy who has the biggest problem with him. Michael Cole is behind the NXT invasion. BOOK IT.

This storyline is incredible. It immediately establishes atleast 5 of these guys. Barret and Bryan become title contenders. Otunga becomes mid carder. And atleast 3 others will form a tag or be relevant. This invasion was pure GOLD! WWE outdid themselves here tonight.

NxT 4 Life.
I hoped to see Danielson stay face and be a true face for the IWC. But i can see that this heel turn can work better at getting him over. He can say how much he hates the WWE and its fans for having him be working in low run down promotions for 10 years ( doing this would burry the iwc ) and they should build him up as a big heel and have him face Cena at Summerslam.
Actually, good point because it makes sense that they would take out the Undertaker because he is the most threatening force in the WWE and now there are no real powerful forces in the WWE to ruin the era of the NXT World Order. Hopefully the WWE does not put these guys into a tag match next week or have them interviewed because I think their actions should explain their motives and not words. Instead, have them interfere where it would be least expected on Raw and have them take a lovable power house out of action say Mark Henry.
WWE Ring = $150,000
Raw Announce table = $12,000
All 8 NXT rookies going batshit crazy at the end of RAW = Priceless

OMG this was beyond amazing I haven't marked out for a RAW ending like this in ages. I don't know if I can credibly believe Gabriel or Slater as heels but I am willing to give them a shot. I was wondering what Barrett was referring to in his backstage interview with Savannah, boy was I surprised! I was disappointed that none of the RAW superstars backstage came out for assistance. Aside from the possible Undertaker connection...could this be the storyline The Rock was talking about coming back to be a part of? Could the veteran superstars call on the great one for assistance? with all the talk of Otunga being like the Rock it just got me wondering.
They desperetly needed a new heel due the drop in main eventers.

Last weeks ending with Evan Bourne was cool but there are many tier 2 stars that deserve the push over him. All your idea work on pushing Wade Barret. But personally Christian is well due for a push. Christian is regarded as the hardest worker and great work ethic and super inteligent.

Taker out with broken nose
Orton with a fake injury
Swagger a transitional champ
HHH spending time with family
Batista quiting

ok i agree with the CHRISTIAN thing i've been saying that for awhile
RANDY actully does have an injury its shoulder which he's had problem in the past with it but reaggrivated during a basketball game on friday before OTL

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