**MERGED** John Cena Thread - Heel Turn, Matches, Etc. (Keep it in here!!)

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I don't think that Cena's dropping the belt anytime soon. Even though I know he wouldn't get the title, I'd love to see Cena vs Daniel Bryan. I think Bryan could really bring the best out of Cena in-ring, much like CM Punk did.

If they want anyone to be interested in a Cena title match, the build up will have to be great. The audience has to actually believe that Cena could lose the championship.

I hate Cena in the ring, but I understand. Cena hasn't been champion in a very long time and I expect a very long title reign. Not a CM Punk title reign, but long enough to where he gets his time as champ again.

The WWE will really need to step up their game. I don't know what WWE's big summer angle will be in 2013, but it will need to have Cena involved and give us a reason to want to tune into Raw to see the feud progress.
(1) Are there any WWE superstars who you feel are a legitimate threat to John Cena's title reign?

Yes. Ryback is certainly a threat. He might not win it this month, but he is destined for the big gold before too long. Other than Ryback right now? I really don't know. Mark Henry maybe.

(2) Who do you think will end up beating him for the WWE Championship and under what circumstances?

I would say Ryback beats him, and Cena will be a heel. Ryback's promo on Cena was the best promo anyone has cut on Cena in recent memory. I can't believe I am saying that, but it is true. He's pointed out some critical flaws in Cena's babyface veneer and for professional wrestling I think there is some very subtle storytelling taking place.

(3) How long do you think John Cena will hold the title?

I think he holds the belt at least until SummerSlam.

(4) Are you looking forward to his reign, and if so, how long is your ideal title reign for John Cena?

Ideally, I'd like to see Cena hold it 435 days just to rub Punk's nose in it a bit. :)
Well I know I may get some heat for this but... Screw Cena. I change the channel everytime the guys is doing his kid Promos and half ass matches. For a guy who loves the business so much, he doesn't really care about changing his gimmick, look, or even improving his wrestling.

Now onto the question at hand:
1) Any legitimate threats ? Well Ryback, Henry, Orton (Heel Turn), and IDK... I mean these all seem like legitimate feuds but all seem like people for Cena to beat down the card. Regardless of the challengers cena will beat them and destroy any momentum anyone has.

2) Who Will Beat Cena for the belt? I really don't know... I mean anyone who beats him will probably lose the title right back to him. I would love to see Wade Barrett Beat him and get his title reign... But I see Punk or Ryback ending it which would just be disappointing.

3) How long will he hold the Title? Probably till Survivor Series or Wrestlemania, I mean the guy has just had his "Hallmark Moment" and He always holds the title long.... blah blah blah.

4) Do I look forward to shutting my TV off when Cena is on? Not really as I would like to watch the whole show... but Cena and all the social media crap kill it for me!
(1) Are there any WWE superstars who you feel are a legitimate threat to John Cena's title reign?

Yes. Ryback is certainly a threat. He might not win it this month, but he is destined for the big gold before too long. Other than Ryback right now? I really don't know. Mark Henry maybe.

(2) Who do you think will end up beating him for the WWE Championship and under what circumstances?

I would say Ryback beats him, and Cena will be a heel. Ryback's promo on Cena was the best promo anyone has cut on Cena in recent memory. I can't believe I am saying that, but it is true. He's pointed out some critical flaws in Cena's babyface veneer and for professional wrestling I think there is some very subtle storytelling taking place.

(3) How long do you think John Cena will hold the title?

I think he holds the belt at least until SummerSlam.

(4) Are you looking forward to his reign, and if so, how long is your ideal title reign for John Cena?

Ideally, I'd like to see Cena hold it 435 days just to rub Punk's nose in it a bit. :)

I didn't see that Ryback promo the same way you did. To me it sounded like "Waah! Why didn't you help me! All my loses are your fault! Wah!". Which is a good thing if Ryback is turning heel, and it definitely looks like he is. If anything that promo was intended to make Ryback look like a whiner, not point out flaws in Cena's character.

As for how long I think his reign should be? I'm a fan of long title reigns so if he holds it all year I'm fine with that. If he loses it to Ryback, I'm fine with that too. I don't really see anyone else on the horizon so now might be the time to give Ryback the chance to run with it. Only I have to question the wisdom of turning him heel at this point. But we'll see how it pans out.
So here are my questions...
(1) Are there any WWE superstars who you feel are a legitimate threat to John Cena's title reign?
(2) Who do you think will end up beating him for the WWE Championship and under what circumstances?
(3) How long do you think John Cena will hold the title?
(4) Are you looking forward to his reign, and if so, how long is your ideal title reign for John Cena?
1) oh yes. WWE now is a supershow, so they can have anyone as a threat. Ryback is the first one, but dont forget Money in the Bank. there's 2 cases and 2 cash ins. so here's my threats (just heels)......Ryback, Daniel Bryan (when/if he turns), Mark Henry, Big Show (dont want to see it), a young star who wins the case, example, Cody Rhodes, Jack Swagger.
2) either SummerSlam, before it or after it and i will guess it will be by a cash in of a certain briefcase...my hope, Daniel Bryan cashes in and beats John Cena, sets up a nice feud where he regains his title at Royal Rumble to set up CM Punk vs. John Cena at WM.
3) either SummerSlam or before it or after it.
4) i will look forward to it if he does ONE thing. Take his challenges seriously. dont just act like they arent a threat. Example, his feud with CM Punk, excellent. he had him look like a major threat. he did the same (kinda) with Rock...dont just laugh them off and also, i dont want him telling bad jokes. if he jokes, be funny. his matches are usually not awful. especially if he's in the ring with a good to great in ring performer. in other words a match with Bryan would be great.
(1) Are there any WWE superstars who you feel are a legitimate threat to John Cena's title reign? Well, when you factor in WWE booking most of the roster to look like complete idiots you don't have much of a choice. The only people that could be seen as a legitimate threat to the title are all taking their yearly sabbiticals, A.K.A the "part-timers". I don't know why Ziggler would even be thought of as an option considering he's World's Heavyweight Champion and in a program with Alberto Del Rio and Jack Swagger.

(2) Who do you think will end up beating him for the WWE Championship and under what circumstances? I don't think Ryback will win in this feud. He's just generic monster heel #130 being built up to be fed to John Cena. CM Punk may do it, but I'm not so sure considering he just came off the longest reign in 25 years and winning the belt back so soon would be overkill. I honestly don't know who could do it, but that could change within the next few months.

(3) How long do you think John Cena will hold the title? Until SummerSlam at the earliest. Royal Rumble or WrestleMania 30 at the lastest.

(4) Are you looking forward to his reign, and if so, how long is your ideal title reign for John Cena? I'm not looking forward to his reign since I'm not a fan of the guy at all. I'll just leave it at it that.
right now cena can face anyone. with half the crowd booing him and half cheering, he is neither a face or heel. he's not really a tweener either. he could face anyone, face or heel and the crowd will be into it.
This is not a John Cena hate thread. Please don't make it so. We all know the sky and the sun shine out of his ass and he rains crap in our breakfast every week. We get it. Some of you may love the guy. My point is not to bash anything he has done or will do. My point is to share the one thing that occurred to me that he has yet to do and I think it's a good idea. He hasn't really had a decent run with the Tag Team Titles.

I think John Cena in the tag division is new ground he hasn't really been tackled before. Take a look at the link below. Bleacher Report did all the work for me. John Cena has had four reigns with only one good run. He held it with Shawn Micheals for 63 days. Not a bad little run, but it was over 6 years ago and overshadowed by their match at Mania 23. His other three reigns are Batista for a week, David Otunga for a single day and The Miz for less than five minutes. John Cena has a horrible track record in the tag division.

What better way to build the tag division than to put John flippin' Cena in there to give it a HUGE shot in the arm. The kids would look at the tag belts the way they should be looked at. The division would keep its time on TV. The tag belts would really mean something because John Cena wants and has them. Not to mention the fact, that whoever his partner would be could get a huge run from Cena. This would catapult that wrestler in the eyes of so many and would really help someone get over and probably stay that way. It'll boost the division. Would make others want to join it. Remember when The Rock n Sock Connection grabbed the belts on Raw in Boston. I do, I was there and it was awesome. The Rock was huge at that point and Austin was out with an injury, yet he and Foley had the titles. Jericho and Edge did it. The Big Show did it. Kane and Daniel Bryan are doing it right now. I'm actually amazed no one thought of this while Punk was on his title run.

The arguments I can think of against the idea is he might be too big for it or its above him. Either that, or he will out shine everyone else in a lackluster division. I think the opposite. I think it would force the division to start rolling and get some momentum. I think Rhodes Scholars against John Cena and a buddy is fun to watch. It's new and gets Sandow and Cody a program with the poster boy. That's awesome. The Shield are probably about to win the belts anyway. Boom, another heel tag team with no one to feud with. The titles would be a chip on their shoulder. They would have them just because. John Cena and partner against the Shield is also new, fresh and interesting. It boosts The Shield even more. It's a good idea and John has to lose the title eventually. Give him something new to do. Give him something fresh to do and help out the talent roster. Let John Cena become an accomplished tag team wrestler.

You guys have any thoughts on the idea? Would it work? Who could partner with Cena and get some momentum off of him?
This is not a John Cena hate thread. Please don't make it so. We all know the sky and the sun shine out of his ass and he rains crap in our breakfast every week. We get it. Some of you may love the guy. My point is not to bash anything he has done or will do. My point is to share the one thing that occurred to me that he has yet to do and I think it's a good idea. He hasn't really had a decent run with the Tag Team Titles.

I think John Cena in the tag division is new ground he hasn't really been tackled before. Take a look at the link below. Bleacher Report did all the work for me. John Cena has had four reigns with only one good run. He held it with Shawn Micheals for 63 days. Not a bad little run, but it was over 6 years ago and overshadowed by their match at Mania 23. His other three reigns are Batista for a week, David Otunga for a single day and The Miz for less than five minutes. John Cena has a horrible track record in the tag division.

What better way to build the tag division than to put John flippin' Cena in there to give it a HUGE shot in the arm. The kids would look at the tag belts the way they should be looked at. The division would keep its time on TV. The tag belts would really mean something because John Cena wants and has them. Not to mention the fact, that whoever his partner would be could get a huge run from Cena. This would catapult that wrestler in the eyes of so many and would really help someone get over and probably stay that way. It'll boost the division. Would make others want to join it. Remember when The Rock n Sock Connection grabbed the belts on Raw in Boston. I do, I was there and it was awesome. The Rock was huge at that point and Austin was out with an injury, yet he and Foley had the titles. Jericho and Edge did it. The Big Show did it. Kane and Daniel Bryan are doing it right now. I'm actually amazed no one thought of this while Punk was on his title run.

The arguments I can think of against the idea is he might be too big for it or its above him. Either that, or he will out shine everyone else in a lackluster division. I think the opposite. I think it would force the division to start rolling and get some momentum. I think Rhodes Scholars against John Cena and a buddy is fun to watch. It's new and gets Sandow and Cody a program with the poster boy. That's awesome. The Shield are probably about to win the belts anyway. Boom, another heel tag team with no one to feud with. The titles would be a chip on their shoulder. They would have them just because. John Cena and partner against the Shield is also new, fresh and interesting. It boosts The Shield even more. It's a good idea and John has to lose the title eventually. Give him something new to do. Give him something fresh to do and help out the talent roster. Let John Cena become an accomplished tag team wrestler.

You guys have any thoughts on the idea? Would it work? Who could partner with Cena and get some momentum off of him?

ii think it could work & i remember that reign John Cena had with Shawn Michaels. If Undertaker was still wrestling full time then i would say John Cena & Undertaker. besides taker, i would say for John Cena to team with either Kofi Kingston, Brodius Clay or Dolph Ziggler.
What's starting to happen with Randy Orton is similar to Cena's situation in a way.

The more the IWC bitch about how 'insert wrestler here' MUST TURN HEEL', the more likely it won't happen, becuase Vince likes to troll you.

I guarantee you that if the whole of the IWC had agreed a year ago, to play reverse psycology and bitched constantly about how Cena CANNOT, MUST NOT, AND WILL NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES TURN HEEL, HONESTLY IF VKM TURNED HIM HEEL THEN I'M NOT WATCHING WWE, knowing VKM, he'd probably turn him.

WWE's Facebook reported Cena hurt his achilies in a match with Ryback.


If its torn, that's a 9-12 month injury. Meaning he could miss Mania 30.

Also what do they do with the WWE title? No babyface is ready, not to mention if Ryback gets punished. Could they put the title on the line in the Lesnar/HHH cage match?

I'd like to see a 16 or 32 man tournament personally... leading into Summerslam.
Man, I hope he's out for a while. This is nothing but a positive for WWE fans. As much as some people like Cena him being off TV will force WWE to push some fresher faces on top. He could also do with some time off TV having had very few months away from it when being injured since 2005.
I posted 30 seconds to late.. Here are my thoughts I put in the other post...

If its torn, that's a 9-12 month injury. Meaning he could miss Mania 30.

Also what do they do with the WWE title? No babyface is ready, not to mention if Ryback gets punished. Could they put the title on the line in the Lesnar/HHH cage match?

I'd like to see a 16 or 32 man tournament personally... leading into Summerslam.
If Cena is out for a while, then it'll pretty much toss whatever ideas WWE has for the WWE Championship at this time out the window. If Cena is ultimately unable to compete, thereby giving up the title, then I wouldn't mind seeing some sort of tournament take place also. There's still time to put something in place so that some of the matches could take place at Extreme Rules.

Ultimately, if Cena is going to be out for a while, I see WWE having some sort of special match to determine a new champion rather than go the route of a tournament. As for no babyfaces being ready, WWE could always fall back on giving the title to Randy Orton or Sheamus if they feel they're backed into a corner in which they don't think fans will be interested in any other babyfaces.

It's also an opportunity that leaves the title picture wide open in a way that it hasn't been for a very long time. If Cena is going to be out for a while, this doesn't have to be some sort of major catastrophe by any stretch. It could be an opportunity to elevate some other wrestlers on the roster, possibly establish Ryback as a dominant heel WWE Champion, etc.
Push Ryback heavily in a tournament if it has to be vacated (or give him a squash match over Cena) and push him as the monster to slay until Cena comes back and beats him.
Well honestly, there goes CM Punks time off. You can't not have both. Also, things like this open up doors for future stars. But I do hope it's not an actual tear.
Push Ryback heavily in a tournament if it has to be vacated (or give him a squash match over Cena) and push him as the monster to slay until Cena comes back and beats him.

If he is out long enough to strip him, there is no way he would be able to stand, let alone get squashed by Ryback...
In the nicest way possible, this is the best thing to happen to WWE for a long time and it's the first for a long while that WWE are forced to take drastic actions for their company. With Punk taking time off, Rock doing part time and Cena injured, WWE is forced to perhaps bring up new stars.

I like the idea of a tournament but with ER in a few weeks, can WWE put something else on the card for the main event. I'd like to see a 6 pack challenge for the gold. WWE can throw this match together quickly and they can have the time to build up this match with the shows that they have got left. Apart from RAW and Smackdown, they can even build it slightly on Main Event. Or perhaps even a fatal 4 way between Orton vs Sheamus vs Ryback vs Big Show with a babyface taking the win and then feuding with Ryback for a couple of months.
I have a feeling the belt gets on Brock, and they pony up the cash to get him at TV's and PPV's for a few months
Remember back in late 07, he was hurt and everyone assumed he would be out at least past WM and then he came back a lot earlier at the Rumble.

I believe he would make a quicker recovery but if he is out for 9 months, Then I say A tournament for the title would make the most sense.

In the next few days we will have to see I'm guessing.
First off until there are more details it's a bit pointless speculating. Even surgery might not mean he is out for months, just as Punk wasn't but Punk's healing time was scheduled for a specific event. If Cena does need surgery, I don't see Vince risking him by rushing it, it'll take as long as it takes. He'd rather have Cena back for 30 than wreck it because an Achillies is fundimental, you can't stand, balance, run, move or even lie down properly with that injury.

So IF it is serious what do they do? Everyone is screaming for a tournament, not cos it's the best thing but cos it hasn't been done in a while. I'd much prefer a King Of The Ring and them coming up with a proper solution for the title. Tourneys invariably end up with a "same old outcome" or a "first time winner", neither would really work. If they go for a tournament, then I would put the belt on one of the Shield - having 3 spots in the last 8 for example would be a massive load in their favor.

Realistically Ryback will get the title at ER as it makes sense for him to do so, but it could very easily be a Shane Douglas situation where he is forced to defend on the night against Brock or even Taker.

I can see the logic in making Brock the champion, but personally avoid it and, I'd go with the Championship Scramble or adapt it so it's elimination/gauntlet. As to who goes into it, well I'd put

Christian (great return match for him)
Wade Barrett (could play the IC champ is #1 contender card)

That way there are 3 former champs and 3 yet to be's in there - depending on who they decide on it could be quite effective for moving people on from feuds... I would say have Jericho go over in the end, have someone like Fandango cost Ryback the title with a botched interference.

Jericho can be the opposite of his first title reign, a "fighting champion", beats Fandango at RAW, then Barrett comes into play building to Punk's return. Punk v Jericho never gets old.

Meantime Ryback is stalking him, that menacing threat in the background but can feud with Fandango if back to face or Christian if they are keeping him heel.

Or they could factor in the Shield/BOD/HellNo stuff and have D-Bry betray the Brothers for the shot at the title or Dean Ambrose shock the Taker to win the World title.

All of those would be more interesting than the standard tournament.
Well let me be the first to say I HOPE HE'S OK. With that said, people talk as though it's some sort of blessing. As if Cena is standing in the way of other people's progress. Sure people we get more tv time but will they get any better at what they do? I hate to keep going to football analogies, but Tom Brady getting injured won't make Ryan Mallet a better QB. I don't see any positive in this situation.
I posted 30 seconds to late.. Here are my thoughts I put in the other post...

If its torn, that's a 9-12 month injury. Meaning he could miss Mania 30.

Also what do they do with the WWE title? No babyface is ready, not to mention if Ryback gets punished. Could they put the title on the line in the Lesnar/HHH cage match?

I'd like to see a 16 or 32 man tournament personally... leading into Summerslam.

Jericho could easily pick it up in the short term, as could a returning Christian as faces and feud with Punk, Ryback and Barrett.
According to the main site, it looks like John Cena has injured his achilles tendon..


What are your thoughts? How do you think the WWE might be affected by a severe John Cena injury, such as an achilles tendor?

IMO, worst time of the year for Cena to get injured.

EDIT: This could also be a big work, since it was announced on WWE.com, but if there's only a small pecent of truth in it, then the WWE has found themselves in the worst case situation, again.

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