**MERGED** John Cena Thread - Heel Turn, Matches, Etc. (Keep it in here!!)

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Cena is like 35 years old now, so he doesn't have a lot of years left in him, so that is why WWE needs to start grooming their next face of the WWE altogether because Cena is not going to be around forever because let's face it the man is pushing 40 in the next 5 years, so by the time he reaches 40, he won't be able to wrestle the same type of matches that he used to
Cena is like 35 years old now, so he doesn't have a lot of years left in him, so that is why WWE needs to start grooming their next face of the WWE altogether because Cena is not going to be around forever because let's face it the man is pushing 40 in the next 5 years, so by the time he reaches 40, he won't be able to wrestle the same type of matches that he used to

I don't understand where people are figuring that being 40 years old is just death for everyone? He's a power wrestler, an athlete, and more likely than not has been off the juice(if ever on it) for years. We're not talking about somebody who's style is abusing his body like Rey Mysterio(38). I know you can look at a guy like The Undertaker(47) and say he's barely part time and is falling apart but he's a big body who's been doing it for 30 years. Kane is 45 and has barely missed a step. Maybe he's lacking some quickness but he has the ability to wrestle the same caliber match as he could 20 years ago. Big Show is showing age now that he's 40. But at the same time his current title reign has been the best of his career and his size makes him more susceptible to health problems. Scott Steiner(50) who's destroyed his body with steroids and drugs was still pulling off frankensteiners in TNA like a couple of years ago. Different bodies react differently to abuse. In general Cena's physique is better for the conditions of wrestling than any of those guys and while he has had some injuries over his 10 years he is still wrestling at a very high level.

I think a lot of this age debate stems from the fact that Cena has simply been the face of the company for most of his decade in WWE. You get used to seeing him around all the time and it seems like he's been in it for a lot longer than he actually has. Look at the fresher faces that we see in the main event circle. CM Punk is 34, Sheamus is 34, Ziggler is 32, Orton is 32, Ryback is 31, and Daniel Bryan is 31. Some of these guys are established and others are considered up and coming but theres at most a 4 year gap between them and Cena. It's honestly not that big of an age difference but the perceptions of each of these guys is very different. The only wrestlers that I mentioned that has had main event status forever are Orton and Sheamus. I don't think it's unrealistic for these or Cena to be wrestling a decade from now.

There is need for more young talented guys to come in to freshen up the roster but the WWE needs their star. Cena is the most important marketing tool WWE has and he's going to be part of the show for a while still. He's been showing more athleticism in his matches now than I have seen from him since 2005, he pulled off a frankensteiner at TLC for shits sake. I see him working at a high level for another 8 years or so before slowing down a bit but he's got another good decade left i'm sure. A bigger threat to him is the shelf life of his character and not his body but thats a story for another thread...

I'll re-read and edit this tomorrow if it doesn't make sense. It's 2 in the AM, i'm tired.
With the injuries that he has got within the past 5 years, not long.
I'd like to think he still has at least 10 years left in him. But it's his body that keeps messing his pushes and whatnot.

If he does have to retire early, I'd like to see him as a GM or supporting role to spot new talent, train them, promote them, even push them. I don't think Cena would leave WWE, so WWE, in theory, he could do anything he wants. You never know, when HHH takes over. Cena could have a job working just below HHH. Cena has done shit tons for WWE, so really, WWE should thank him for it.
Ric Flair wrestled until he was 60

Taker is pushing 50

if Cena is tweaked and stops taking bumps he could easily last another 10 years

not that i would watch any of his matches
John cena is the star player for the WWE for many years.
By looking the health and age we can easily say that He can steel play about 10 years.
John Cena has ditched the rapper character for the past 7-8 years in the WWE as the face of the company. Sure Cena has hung up the throwback jersey's, trucker hats, and bolted chains. But he still dons those jean shorts as part of his attire with tennis shoes in matches. This past Monday night on RAW during the finish of Cena's match against Dolph Ziggler, he lost a shoe (lol).

So now that John Cena has been in the WWE for a decade now, is it time for John Cena to change his ring attire? I'm not saying that John Cena should go back to his debut look wearing wrestling tights with the colors of the cities sports teams wherever city the WWE is holding an event at. But can Cena somehow switch up his current look?

How bout instead of jean shorts he just sports some basketball shorts or something to that nature? And if he's going to wear a pair of tennis shoes in a match, can they atlease be high-tops? Cena's jean shorts reminds me of that one commerical with NBA star Blake Griffin when he tells his younger self to "lose the jean shorts". Comedy :-D

So in your opinion. Should John Cena change or switch up his ring attire?
I don't really think he needs to, it's part of his character. If there was a major change to his gimmick it would be warranted but he's been wrestling in basically the same gear for years so I don't see much need to change it. I think basketball shorts would ride up and look really weird. I could see him in some sort of pants maybe but it's just so tough for me to imagine him in anything but shorts and sweatbands. At least he's moved away from the jorts lately and is in some cargo type shorts now.
I think he should wrestle in trunks, color coordinated with his current line of merchandise. Like he can keep all the bright colored t-shirts, hats, and wristbands and match it up with his tights. Add on a Never Give Up or Rise Above Hate type of logo on the butt or the crotch of his trunks.

However, he can still wear the shorts for promos and backstage segments when he's not wrestling. Occasionally he can wrestle in the shorts, whenever he has to wrestle an "improptu" match made "on the spot".

Maybe he can keep the sneakers too, but wear maybe amateur wrestling shoes instead of his current footwear.
yeah,. as a main eventer, I feel that when he is actually competing, he should wear a more smarter ring attire. Wear what he wants during promos etc, but for him to be taken seriously as a actual "wrestler" and not just a sports entertainer, he should make some form of efort to look the part
John Cena's awful ring attire has been one of the two main reasons I've never been able to take him seriously and have ended up loathing him (his having zero concept of ring psychology whatsoever being the second) over the years. I think he's long overdue an overhaul in the outfit department to the point that I literally find myself thinking the same word - often aloud even when alone - upon the sight of the man: Ridiculous. In a word, he looks ridiculous.

He should try the old rasslin' trunks and boots and as the poster said earlier he could even add a wee slogan to them and colour co-ordinate them with his latest faddy t-shirt.

Sorry for the hate in my post. I just hate the guy and his stale-ass gimmick and his unwatchable in-ring style.
At this point in his career i don't really think it would make much sense to change. If something isn't broke there is no need to fix it. What he does works. It might not be the greatest ring attire of all time and maybe even one of the worse, but it's still a part of Cena. Regardless what he's wearing he is still going to be the same. Plus do you really want everyone complaining he's trying to be something he's not? He would just get more hate if he dressed like the typical wrestler.
I say yes he should get new attire. And it's only because it doesn't (never really has) fit his character. He doesn't actually act like a 14 yr old suburban kid. So the long, colored, tee and jean shorts never really made sense - outside of the fact that the company may have seen it as a way to easily appeal to kids in that demographic. Right now, kids are still going to continue to be drawn into Cena's character if he dresses more like an ass-kicking man rather than a stereotypical kid.

The clothes don't make the man but since this is strictly just about personal preference, I would say, "change 'em".
Why would he get a new ring attire? Did Hulk Hogan change his ring attire? Steve Austin? Ric Flair? Rock?

Unless you're undergoing a significant character change, I really don't see the purpose in changing the style of ring attire people are used to seeing you in.
I don't understand why everyone is so eager to continuously change John Cena. His ring attire. His theme music. The ever talked about heel turn. The man continues to be the hottest commodity in professional wrestling today, despite what some of his vocal IWC critics may like you to believe. Sure, it could be argued that he has grown a little stale, but I think that is an opinion of the vocal minority. I would respectfully suggest that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. There is absolutely no reason to change John Cena, no more than there is absolutely any reason for the Rock to modify his schtick as was suggested on here earlier in the week. Leave Cena exactly as he is.
As was the response in the similar thread about The Rock changing his character; if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Cena's look is iconic, perhaps more so than that of Austin, HHH and Rock and closer to that of Flair and Hogan. Austin, HHH and Rock all rocked the black trunks with each adding a little something different to the look to stand out, but guys before and after them have the same attire with similar differentiating attributes.

Jorts though, are instantly identifiable with Cena. Sure, Indy guys wear the weird PVC looking versions but lets not try and compare Indy wrestler Y with wrestlings biggest full-time star. Cena is a brawling type who doesn't lie to himself or those he faces, and his self belief is both inspirational to himself and, I imagine, his fans. The jorts perhaps look a bit out of place and cause ridicule. Ridicule, that he overcomes. It's a subtle thing, but it's a relevant addition to his character and is a sum of the total package.

Plus, he went for the camouflaged design not too long ago, lest we forget.
I don't understand why everyone is so eager to continuously change John Cena. His ring attire. His theme music. The ever talked about heel turn. The man continues to be the hottest commodity in professional wrestling today, despite what some of his vocal IWC critics may like you to believe. Sure, it could be argued that he has grown a little stale, but I think that is an opinion of the vocal minority. I would respectfully suggest that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. There is absolutely no reason to change John Cena, no more than there is absolutely any reason for the Rock to modify his schtick as was suggested on here earlier in the week. Leave Cena exactly as he is.

His popularity obviously can't be denied, but don't thing it's just some vocal IWC critics that want a change. Every arena across the country has plenty of vocal real fans chanting Cena Sucks, and they all know why they're doing it.

I personally couldn't care less about his outfit or his music, but have you seen Cena on TV lately? He's turning into a complete caricature. His "funny" overacting, his exact same speeches...it's enough already for entertainment's sake.

It's thinking like "everything is fine with Cena"..."everything is fine with WWE" that has led to their nosedive ratings over the last couple years and their lower PPV buyrates. Soon enough, younger kids will realize Cena is a dumbass and they'll move on to someone "cooler." I'm surprised it hasn't happened already.
He changes his shirt color/design and arm band colors all the time. I do find the jean shorts annoying but at this point, it's part of the "John Cena" character and I don't really think he needs to change it. The jean shorts and tennis shoes kinda suit him. I don't want him going back to underwear/trunks as it would be ridiculous. I do think he could and should go to more of a "boot" style of wrestling shoe rather than gym shoes.

He'd look ridiculous in pants too, I think, unless they were like workout pants like some of the guys wear.
Who cares? It's clothes. As much as we relate a look to the top guys, most fans don't notice and don't care. Folks can complain all they want. If Cena changes his clothes they're still going to find 8,000 other things to complain about. Name me one guy that changed his ring attire and it made you think, "Golly gee willikers, he doesn't suck anymore."
If a wrestler isn't going to have a masive change character like Jericho or HHH had, there's absolutely no reason at all for a wrestler to change their ring attire. And honestly, who cares? It's not going to change anything if the character he portrays doesn't change. So, no, Cena shouldn't change his ring attire.
Jorts were cool 10 years ago and believe me I rocked them bitches long after that. I have ditched them over the last few years and Cena is older than me so a change is long over due. To be fair he is wearing brown cargos now which look better. Personally I think the camo shorts are the best.

I thought of this a few years ago that Cena should rock board shorts. They could be colour coordinated with his flavour of the month shirt AND they could be marketed and sold. Put a John Cena logo at the bottom and of the leg and you have yet another cash cow item at the merchandise stand. This seems so simple and logical to me I have always been shocked it never happened. Not only would it make the WWE tons of money but their top draw would look way better. It wouldn't drastically change his look, which they shouldn't do.

If it ever happens you heard it here and I expect all of you to give me credit for the idea.
Ask yourself this? Did Hulk Hogan ever change his ring attire? SCSA? HBK? Why in the blue hell would Cena need to change his ring attire? For what reason? He is not going heel anytime soon. Unless he completely overhauls his character there is no effin need to change his ring attire. It works for him so why change
I don't really think he needs to, it's part of his character.

Agreed. His look is unique....and he is unique. His persona is strictly his own; unlike many other main eventers, we don't call him anything other than his name. He doesn't need monikers like The Dead Man, The Cerebral Assassin, Stone Cold, The Brahma Bull, or anything else. He's John Cena.....and that's all he needs to be.

His physique is absolutely unique. One muscular man is not the same as any other, and I've never seen anyone with a body like his....it makes me think of a tough guy, a man you'd like to have at your back in a dark alley. Of all the physiques in wrestling, his is my favorite.

As for his ring attire, there might be others who dress like him (although I don't know of anyone) but no one wears it as naturally as he does. To me, he dresses exactly the way he ought to dress. He makes his attire....and his attire makes him.

When his shoe came off Monday, at least we learned he wears socks. Until that moment, I had wondered. :shrug:
To those who ask if Hulk Hogan ever changed his ring attire, the answer is yes. He went from the yellow trunks and eventually to red pants and yellow boots. Mainly because he got older and smaller. Also, HBK did change also. He did go from the tights to the pants with the fake looking chaps on them.

So, yes even major characters would change. I hate the look of John Cena. I do wish he would change, but the problem is, what should he start wearing. I don't think you can go back to the trunk look. He certainly would look weird in tights.

As long as the jorts are gone, I'm okay. I wish he'd go to a plain black, MMA stile of short (board shorts like the guy posted). But, the jean shorts need to stay gone.
At this point, changing Cena's look would put an unnecessary dent in his legacy as a WWE star. I'm going to start off by saying I am a Cena fan and supporter, and while he often is not my favorite wrestler on the show Cena always gives a solid, professional effort. Cena literally IS the Hulk Hogan of his generation. Kids are growing up with Cena, they dress like him on Halloween and wear all the Cena gear they have when they see live WWE shows. To change his attire at this point is a bad idea when you consider how recognizable the jean shorts silhouette is, and how much marketing material it already appears on. The camo shorts was a good evolution of his gear, without changing that iconic Cena silhouette. Also consider that Cena is an older guy, and so is CM Punk. Punk and Hip Hop aren't nearly as popular now as they were when these two guys were teenagers, but they stay true to themselves despite changing trends.

I wouldn't mind Cena switching up his gear if they decided it was time. I think he could wear a singlet well, or even a traditional trunk/pads/boots ensemble that's coordinated with his shirt. He could still wear the Jean shorts for interview segments and appearances. One thing's for sure though: Cena should NEVER wear kickpads.
I don't care much for Cena....but I respect his work. But to change his gear at this stage in the game, especially if he was to wear ring trunks, would make him look like a bigger dweeb than ever.
If it ain't broke don't fix it.

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