**MERGED** John Cena Thread - Heel Turn, Matches, Etc. (Keep it in here!!)

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If The Rock turns heel it will surely be the most ridiculous moment in the history of the 'WWE Universe', and there's been some contenders, who's gonna boo The Rock?:shrug:

Vince seems terrified of turning Cena so this is as good a time as any to do it. Turn him tonight until WrestleMania, if The Rock beats a face Cena it will hurt Cena hugely, if he beats a heel Cena it won't matter too much, everybody knows a good face beats a good heel. If Vince didn't like a heel Cena in those four months, have 3 or 4 guys beat down The Rock the next night on RAW, Cena comes out, saves him, apologises, shakes his hand and he gets all his fans back, when they watch the recording of RAW, its on past their bedtimes (haha, did you see what i did there, i made it seem as though all of John Cena's fans are children:lmao:).
Rock doesn't turn heel. He just turns into a jackass temporarily. He could turn heel one week, be face next week, and the fans will just shrug and say "Well, that's Rocky for you!"
Neither Cena or Rock needs to turn heel, the feud has been just fine with them simply having a mutual dislike for each other & wanting to find out once & for all who is the better in the middle of the ring. This horseshit where people say Cena needs to turn heel is just wrong. Cena is 1,000x more valuable to WWE as a face than as a fucking heel. People have been saying for years that Cena must turn heel now, & for years you've all been wrong, now please for the fucking love of god just stop it already. It's not happening, get the fuck over it.
Clearly turning cena heel is key for the storyline they are so weakly trying to build to actually work out. Cena can handle being a heel and i think his heel run should last past wrestlemania and maybe even see the return of the Nexus tieing in their so called being "part of something bigger" that wade barret used to say after meaninglessly stomping out people. there ya have it. Cena can quickly create a super crew of heels in a "nwo" fashion and become this generations hollywood hogan. all of this happening while dwayne goes back to the movies giving the wwe time to put over some new faces creating a new generation of wrestlers. up up and away with the ratings. i personally dont like cena but i always thought he made a much more believable bad guy then good guy.

just my opinion.
this is my issue with turning him heel tonight:

who does he feud with 2 weeks from now? What face?

Can't feud with Rock via satellite every week, so who? What face carries a Cena feud?
this is my issue with turning him heel tonight:

who does he feud with 2 weeks from now? What face?

Can't feud with Rock via satellite every week, so who? What face carries a Cena feud?

well id say the most likely idea would be have punk win tonight and let del rio get his rematch on raw tomorrow and after punk wins again have cena come down and stomp a mudhole in a well beaten punk so del rio is officially out of the title picture giving cena his opportunity to try and still be the champ by wrestlemania to hold true to his first comment to rock about being the wwe champ when he faces him on their big night. obviously vince doesnt need the rock/cena match to be for a belt to draw a big crowd so punk will beat him but only after running another punk/cena mini feud for a few pay-per-views just in opposite rolls this time. jeez i should write for the wwe.

So, CM Punk outsells Cena for a short time, so change it? Why?

Let's look at some facts.
100% of the arena either cheers or boos Cena as a face.

As a heel, it'd probably still be 100%, just inversed. So....what's the change? O yea, lower merch sales.

Don't spew the bullshit of "people legitimately don't like Cena" here's why.

If that were true, they wouldn't talk about him so much. I don't even know of a jersey shore message board, I don't watch it and I don't talk about it.

If that were true, his quarter hour ratings would drop, WWE (who sees a LOT more detailed statistics on this stuff than we can) would see this and tweak it.

If this were true, people wouldn't make any noise because they were so bored.

If this were true, people wouldn't be smiling while booing him.

So either all that, or smarks are the dumbest motherfuckers walking the face of the earth who make noise when a guy comes out (fully knowing if they don't make any noise, then that's a much faster way of getting a guy changed). Then they love pain so much that they continually talk about the guy.

Or maybe there aren't that many people who boo him, which isn't true. Fact is, most people who boo Cena enjoy booing him. It's funny because it's actually turning around. Now the contrarian nature of the IWC is moving to "Cena is pretty fuckin good". It's funny, you see more and more people with CM Punk shirts holding up pro Cena signs.

Not only all that, but Cena as a face is an iconic character. If you had to watch roy Halladay pitch against Babe Ruth, you'd want it to be New York yankees Babe Ruth right? So a heel Cena isn't even really Cena, he's not iconic as a heel, he's iconic as a face.

Not only ALL that but a heel Cena vs Rock is fucking boring. I LOVE watching the good guy Cena say "well at least I'm here" and then Rock retorts with some catchphrase that's irrelevant and doesn't really even say that Cena is wrong.

It's a billion times more interesting with Cena as a face. Unless you're dumb enough/selfish enough to want Cena to turn heel simply so it can be cool for you to....cheer him.

Dumb thread, it's been done a million times before.

Back to the CM Punk is selling a lot of merch thing....so is Cena. If I were an financial manager of your investments, and I said "you know, you were making a lot of money with this security and now you're making a lot with this other one, let's get rid of the old one" you'd say "uh...fuck you, I want to make money on both". That's what WWE is doing. You want as many guys selling as much as possible. If Cena is number 2 in merch, that's still valuable and it's stupid to say that just because Punk outsold him one month that he should turn heel. There is a pretty substantial gap between the top merch sellers and everyone else.
Fair enough... i think that Cena turning heel would be an "iconic" event. can you imagine the look through your 52' hd flatscreen that will be on all those 9 year old faces? basically the same look you saw when hogan turned heel. its a make or break ill grant you that but like i said its not about the rock/cena feud, cena should turn heel to open the door for another guy to become a super face and allowing some moving up in the rankings for guys like kofi(kofi being a random name i threw out there) and other mid card faces opportunity to see what they can do in the primetime last half hour of raw... these are just suggestions.
Fair enough... i think that Cena turning heel would be an "iconic" event. can you imagine the look through your 52' hd flatscreen that will be on all those 9 year old faces? basically the same look you saw when hogan turned heel. its a make or break ill grant you that but like i said its not about the rock/cena feud, cena should turn heel to open the door for another guy to become a super face and allowing some moving up in the rankings for guys like kofi(kofi being a random name i threw out there) and other mid card faces opportunity to see what they can do in the primetime last half hour of raw... these are just suggestions.
No it wouldn't.

WWF and WCW had different markets. The WCW market was southern rasslin, Hogan wasn't really that over as a face, turning him heel made sense. He wasn't making them as much money as they'd hoped. Cena is still making as much money. Just because things are similar on the surface doesn't mean they're the same.

Watching Cena turn heel, to which smarks cheer and kids cry and boo isn't all that interesting. It's more interesting to watch smarks say "man Cena sucks"....but then spend time talking about him.

Another dumb notion is "Cena needs to turn heel to give someone else a shot". That's like saying "Roy Halladay needs to switch to playing center field so someone else can be given a shot to be a great pitcher".

It's stupid, someone else CAN become a top face with Cena still a face. WWE doesn't go "boom, your'e the new top face" you get over and you get pushed, you get more over, you get pushed more. WWE doesn't wave a magic wand and you're over.

Cena draws a ton and sells a ton of merch, other guys can do the same thing with or without Cena doing that. Did Bret Hart have to leave for HBK to get over? No. Did Rock and Austin need to leave for HHH and Foley to get over? It's a stupid idea that basically dilutes the whole pool of "money makers" to 'give someone else a chance'.
no, what I am saying is if you are ever going to turn him hell IT HAS TO BE TONIGHT. You have the 25th anniversary of Survior Series, you have the rock back tonight and you lose absolutely nothing by having him turn heel tonight. You think they giving these guys nearly half an hour to watch cena and rock squash? SOmething bigger has got to be happening. You turn rock hel, what do you gain? He's never there frequently enough for it to be relevant. Cena can feud with whoever until january. He's going to have to feud with someone else anyway since the rock won't be there so why not have him feud with a face. Cena sends a message by turning heel in survior series. Why else do they keep mentioning the history and are very reflective. If you don't turn cena heel, to build on the rock as a heel then you never will be able to turn him. The rock is the only one who would be believable for him to turn with. Especially with a pro rock crowd tonight and a boston kid in NY? Slam dunk home-run. You will sacrifice any time period to build up cena and the rock. Why do u think they named to main event for wrestlemainia a year before? Because they know that one night will put to shame any numbers they put up from any thing else. A cena heel turn would add to the buys
All right. So should i just be insanely honest and say im just plain tired of super cena main eventing constantly to do the same 5 moves of death to get a predictable finish. Punk isnt brand new but his character seems super fresh all the sudden. i like that and i think cena could create the same type of buzz as a heel that he does as a face. although i do agree that its either 100% boo or 100% cheer for cena depending on where you are and if he has a heel change then it would be the same just vise-versa. i would personally like to see it because it would be different. fresh, like a green banana... i might want to see what cena says on raw instead of wishing i watched raw after 11 so i could fast forwarded through cenas super hero nonsense. will i ever be a cena fan? most likely not but that doesnt mean i wont watch if hes kicking ass instead of trying to "rise above the hate". anyway once again like i said, nothing personal just my opinion.
I have said it before and I will say it again. Cena will turn at WrestleMania, not a moment before. He will cheat to beat The Rock, why? Because Rock doesn't need it, he got his big glory moment win tonight, but you can't have The Rock lose clean in his hometown at WM. I think even Vince knows its time to turn Cena judging by the script lately with the whole "It's Your Life" thing and recognizing the fact that half the crowd hates him.

It is coming. Cena is still young and has ALOT of years left in him and he cannot remain a face for all of those.

WRESTLEMANIA 28 - John Cena def. The Rock with a dirty win and to turn heel. Not until then will you see it.
Hey TWJC aka mr. know it all, you don't like it don't post shit about it. Face facts, Cena turning heel (if done right) would be Iconic. Your logic of wcw had different markets is stupid. So your saying if Hogan had turned in WWE it wouldn't do anything? It wouldn't have been as big? Hmm...hate to break this news to you but Cena is Hogan so turning him heel against the rock would be as big as when Hogan did. Cena is the face of the company weather you want to admit it or not. And no cena doesn't have to turn heel...he can be a better version of hacksaw duggan. I distinctly remember Austin's, The rock's, HBK's and HHH's merchandise selling off the shelves when they were heels. Also all the names you drop in your argument...yeah they all turned heel. SO u stand on your soapbox pretending to preach as if you know what you are talking about. CM Punk's shit starting flying off the shelf when he joined the nexus (just in case you didn't know they were heels). So if you don't turn cena heel against the rock in his first match in 7 years, in MSG, on the 25th anniversary of SS and on a night when the hype couldn't be higher then he can never been turned heel. You turn cena heel at wrestlemania, who cares. He has already fought Rock so him now as a heel means nothing. There is no one else who can make it believable for cena to turn heel on. Who else would make it believable? So spare me the idea that cena has to be a face to sell clothes cause you are just embarrassing yourself by even thinking it let alone typing it. And like someone said, you can make him a soft heel, like idk randy orton. Say what you will but if everyone else can turn heel (including cole, Jim ross and the coach) then my God I think the face can turn
I think WWE made a mistake tonight by not turning Cena. It's just my opinion, and one I'm sure that's shared by many. I just think this was a grand opportunity for the WWE to really do something extremely memorable and really put what'd been a very enjoyable show over the top.

The Rock did a good job and it was great seeing that he's still got it as much as ever inside the ring. And, to be fair, it was all just pure IWC speculation that Cena was going to turn on The Rock tonight. Still, I think it would have made for a really memorable moment, could have added a new chapter to Rock vs. Cena and maybe given Cena's career a fresh perspective.
Eh... I'll be honest part of me is dissapointed that Cena didn't turn tonight... but I;d be lying if that little confrontation at the end of the show didn't make me raise my eyebrow. It at least got me interested enough to check RAW tomorrow, so it's got that.

I don't know, part of me is thinking that Cena might turn TOMORROW instead. It's just me, though I won't over react if it doesn't happen.
I did not think it was right to turn Cena heel tonight. Nonetheless, I am sure, after watching tonight's main event, that a "heel turn" for Cena is very likely. Perhaps, a better place to turn Cena heel is Wrestlemania. Cena looked mediocre compared to the Rock tonight. The WWE should not be scared of turning Cena. I mean, as a kid, I used to like Hulk Hogan and continued to like him even after he turned heel. I want Cena's turn to be truly memorable and ground-shaking. I am not sure how that should be accomplished.
To be honest, I was actually on the edge of my seat wondering if Cena was really going to turn heel on Rock during their little exchange after the match. And I'm one of the people who constantly say that it's not going to happen. To be honest, I thought it would've at least made up for what I saw to be a rather anti-climatic finish to the main event besides be a huge moment for WWE in general. That said, if the heel turn didn't happen tonight (which I thought was the perfect time to pull the trigger should WWE have decided to do so) then I don't see it happening at any point in the foreseeable future. Like Jack-Hammer said, it would've made for a memorable moment but it was ultimately nothing more than mere IWC speculation.
I've said it before and I will say it again, Cena DOESN'T need to be heel for this match and its not a huge deal that he didn't turn heel. If you turn anyone heel for the match might as well turn the Rock heel.

Now I know the common argument against that "Miami will not boo the Rock they are booing Cena" and although that's true I will give you 1 perfect argument against that and its simple, Rock vs. Hogan at WM18. Hogan hit Rock with a wrench, ran over his ambulance with a semi and they STILL booed Rock and cheered Hogan, but at the same time it was a good way to go for the match, nothing was taken away from the match with Hogan getting cheered if anything it helped the match. Lastly, The Rock still won over the crowd at the end of the day. Even getting booed as hard as he was he still rose above it and delivered a match for the ages, Cena could do the same and through that may finally win the respect of the older audience, the audience that hasn't accepted him yet (for whatever reason, I think its stupid but that's neither here or there). The Rock is a fantastic heel when he is doing his thing and I don't see the big deal making him the heel of the match, he does it so well that why go against the grain.

Make Rock heel, Cena face and build the program on that. You could put Cena in Boston and they would still cheer Rock over Cena, there is nothing you can do about that but at the same time Cena's time as a face is far from over, the Rock could play the sold out card and be a tremendous heel in doing so. You want to turn Cena heel when he needs it to extend his career, he doesn't need to be heel yet so don't force feed it just because some older internet fans want him to be.

The Rock is probably going into this match as a heel and that's the best way to go. I just hope they do a better job building the match because now that I saw Rock wrestle tonight, I really don't care right now about their match, it just hasn't had a good build. Hogan vs. Rock had a build, this one has had little to no build. It's obvious they are still going with the "2 biggest names squaring off" to carry the feud and its not enough. Technically you could have Sammartino vs. Hogan as the main event of WM using that logic. Make a feud that people care about. I would prefer it happen with Rock being heel but the most important thing is to make it interesting. They aren't there yet and have wasted almost 8 months.
So the Rock hits the rock bottom on Cena to close Wrestlemania, and again at his first match back tonight.... I don't like where this is going. There's a lot of kissing the Rock's ass going on, and I'm sure that it's going to continue.

Cena has to stop looking like a Jobber at the end of every Pay Per View. If this is going to end up being one of the most epic matches of all time, Cena needs to become a strong heel, otherwise this is going to end up another Rock ass kissing party.
Your right deanerandterry but one thing is this. There is no way in hell that the rock is going to turn heel when his last match will be in his hometown at wrestlemania. And does anyone really think that they will have the Rock lose in his last match at wrestlemania? The match tonight was horrible as well. DId they really just have miz and truth get squashed. Wel miz was right, the whole world was talking about the rock and cena...and they still are because miz and truth might as well have been santino and the brooklyn brawler because they were damn near jobbers tonight
I do think a golden opportunity was missed tonight, that crowd was really helping to paint the picture....Rock can't be the one to turn because no matter what he does it will be more entertaining than anything anybody else does and he will be cheered regardless, I think that should be clear to everybody. Miz and Truth were absolute afterthoughts in that whole equation, Nash could have been helpful there. Cena's schtick has become so redundant at this point that even he knows he needs the change...he even tried to follow the "you can't wrestle" chants with some semi-technical wrestling and was rewarded with a "you still suck" chant, priceless:) He walked away from a five-knuckle shuffle to taunt the Rock...He lost the jean shorts, and the hideous shirts...Is the hate getting to him on some level? He was a fan himself of the Attitude era, and ECW ...he wants to be liked,and yet...busting his ass every week and not being appreciated, crowds turning on him, the writing is on the wall...didn't happen tonight but I think you could say a good seed was planted...thanks to the crowd at MSG for helping make that match more than it was. I always thought that the heel rapper Cena was a hell of alot more interesting, the guy is creative and he needs to be let off the leash to do what he can do, and the t-shirts are going to sell either way so let's stop bringing that up, eh?
I wonder if fans of Edward fill up the twilight forums begging for Jacob to turn out to be a bad guy? This is exactly what these threads sound like. You act as if it would be some "Iconic moment", and maybe it would be for you. But to other's it seems like a bad idea. You guys also keep saying "If done right.". Well if done right you could make a guy running around with a mannequin head popular or an olympic medal winning, milk drinking virgin seem like a main event character. Hell, if I do this post right I may actually sway a few of you from you irrational cena hate but I doubt it. I'll probably blow this golden opportunity and you will all continue make thread after thread about how you would like Cena more if you weren't supposed to.
If ever there was a chance it was tonight. Hell, if ever there was a chance to do ANYTHING, it was tonight.


Seriously, it makes me so dissatisfied to watch what could be the greatest year of booking go down the toilet. Cena joins Miz and Truth to beat Rock at his time of need and declares instead of Rise Above Hate, I Am The Hate. There you go, a slogan I made up in five seconds that you can shove on t-shirts and sell, with a gimmick that plays on him being Super-Cena and that being why the crowd hates him.

Ok, so instead of turning him heel you could have at least made me interested in seeing who would win in a fight at WM28 between two future HOF guys. For this, you could use the animosity to give Truth and Miz the win, even a cheap win - that pushes them forward instead of continuing to stagnate their growth. And then have a brawl to end the show. Hell you could still have the 'crowd reaction display' thing they did. Just have the balls to pull one of the guys off mid display instead of just looking there, limp.

At least have Cena say 'this is my time'. Instead he wants Rock to get the plaudits. The spotlight. Why should that make me care about Cena? Or WWE in 2011? I won't see The Rock wrestle for another 5 months and then never again - so should I pay attention to the top guy who will be there next show, next PPV? Nah, he thinks the retired guy is all that is worth seeing.

People don't want Cena to turn heel because they are contrarion, 'to be saying the opposite just because it is cool'. It is because he is getting stale. Someone said to me the other day, to paraphrase, 'If people have stopped caring about Cena, then why do WWE still sell as many tickets and get views etc.' - well because they now want to see Ryder, Punk etc. You can have bad heat at the same time as good heat. WCW in 98 had the future generation of guys in their cruiserweights and midcard and people were getting bored of seeing Hogan, Flair, Piper, Savage and co. It was their most successful year in history. Did they see that as a time to develop what came next or go out of business? WM28 will be huge no matter what but then? Same old Super Cena? No more Rock? Make a mistake and fans might forgive you. Get stale and fans will leave one by one, knowing they aren't being entertained, listened to, never will be and that it isn't worth the effort.
Am I the only one who thought that Rock was waiting for Cena to turn? It seemed like Cena had a choice on whether he would turn heel or not. I have a feeling that tomorrow night he will give a heelish promo on being sick and tired of being booed out of arenas everynight. He will talk shit about Rock and he might actually turn heel tomorrow night.

I have been wrong on many of my predictions, but I have a gut feeling that Cena will turn tomorrow on Monday Night Raw, IF if if if if if The Rock is there.
So, you are having a class of generations, Cena is Iconic as a babyface, so you turn him heel? The face of this generation, who is being passed the torch, you basically want to say "he's not good enough as the character that has made us all this money".

No, it's selfish, dumb booking. Cena shouldn't turn heel. It makes no sense artistically or from a business perspective. The ONLY perspective it makes sense from is "I personally want it to be cool for me to cheer Cena".

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