**MERGED** John Cena Thread - Heel Turn, Matches, Etc. (Keep it in here!!)

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I definitely have a lot of respect for John Cena the man. He invests so much of his time to entertain the fans, but also invests it with the Make-a-Wish Foundation, goodwill appearances for WWE, and, from personal experience, is just an all-around genuine nice guy. Him turning down movie roles to stay with WWE doesn't surprise me in the least.

Not a fan of his wrestling persona, but definitely have a lot of respect for the man. Enjoy WrestleMania everyone!
I do give him credit for his work ethic and wish alot more wrestlers would adapt it as well as his commitment to WWE. But I think besides being champion he doesn't want to be like the people he criticize (i.e The Rock) who have used wrestling to springboard them to other opportunities. He does have movies out there but I feel that if he did take anymore movie roles then he would look like a hypocrite and his statement of "I am not an actor I am a professional wrestler" would be worthless.
Ok guys, I have respect for Cena does cause I sure couldn't do it; however, I only partially believe him on this one. If he wa truly all about the wrestling wouldn't have done the movies he's done in the past. Did he turn down movie roles most likely, yes. But what kind of movies are we talking here. Those done by WWE Films or by a major motion picture studio. My guess is the only ones who are knocking at his door are lower budget movies. Let's face it Cena isn't a very good actor, and he knows it. Why suffer the embaressment. He knows he should stick to his lane and there's nothing wrong with that. That's why Cena and others are always crying about how the Rock sold out on wrestling, when in fact if it wasn't for his exposure and that of other stars of the times they wouldn't have the position they enjoy. So Cena stick to your game.
Another problem with Cena turning heel is one of the things I never got when Austin joined the Alliance.

I remember Stone Cold saying one of the reasons he joined the Alliance was that he would fight better competition which is stupid because he'll still be fighting the same wrestlers, just on a different side.

Cena has basically feuded with everyone on the damn roster. What is going to change so much if he turns heel? Cena is in a good spot right now because he can work with faces and heels due to his crowd reaction. If he's in a feud with a Punk or an Orton, they're just going to cheer the other guy more because they appeal to the audience that hates Cena.
Exactly, it's so good because he can literally feud with anyone. I think a lot of people who want him to turn heel have a very rigid idea of what wrestling characters should be.
Ok guys, I have respect for Cena does cause I sure couldn't do it; however, I only partially believe him on this one. If he wa truly all about the wrestling wouldn't have done the movies he's done in the past. Did he turn down movie roles most likely, yes. But what kind of movies are we talking here. Those done by WWE Films or by a major motion picture studio. My guess is the only ones who are knocking at his door are lower budget movies. Let's face it Cena isn't a very good actor, and he knows it. Why suffer the embaressment. He knows he should stick to his lane and there's nothing wrong with that. That's why Cena and others are always crying about how the Rock sold out on wrestling, when in fact if it wasn't for his exposure and that of other stars of the times they wouldn't have the position they enjoy. So Cena stick to your game.
Cena only does WWE films and comes back. The primary focus is wrestling. He makes movies to essentially become a bigger wrestling star, most other guys are vice versa.

As far as Cena not being a very good actor, Rock isn't either. Being a good actor doesn't matter. You just have to look good and be in a well marketed movie. Look at the majority of the high grossing movies of recent history, they are not well acted. Now look at the majority of the well acted movies, they aren't blockbuster hits.
yeah I too believe that Cena's choice not do do big flicks is the reason he's not in them, esp when the ONLY non-wwe produced movies Cena happened to have "time" for was Fred: The Movie & the Fred sequel.

btw, Cena's acting makes the Rock look as good as those who still get crap'd on ex. Keanu, Sam Worthington, etc.
I'm sure he'll try acting more when he retires from the WWE. The Rock did it earlier. So what? You only live once and he wanted to try a new chapter in his life. Good for him.

All hatred for Cena aside. He goes out there, he puts in 100% and he sells what is (for a select few) a convincing athletic performance. I'm very sure that he is entirely committed to the WWE.

Now that I've swallowed my pride and put all that out there, I'd like to ask one very serious question. Who in the fuck WANTS to go see a john cena movie?
I'm pretty sure Cena gained a lot (or at least one) of fans tonight in the match vs. Rock. Which was terrible. But it was extremely obvious that the reason it was bad was mainly because Rocky couldn't go. He got tired and sloppy and botched a few things. It's pretty bad when your hometown crowd is indifferent to you in a match that's been hyped for a year because you have to keep resting throughout the match. I feel bad for Cena having to lay down for Rock tonight. He earned some respect from me tonight and I will also never again say I'd like to see Rock wrestle another match.
I'm pretty sure Cena gained a lot (or at least one) of fans tonight in the match vs. Rock. Which was terrible. But it was extremely obvious that the reason it was bad was mainly because Rocky couldn't go. He got tired and sloppy and botched a few things. It's pretty bad when your hometown crowd is indifferent to you in a match that's been hyped for a year because you have to keep resting throughout the match. I feel bad for Cena having to lay down for Rock tonight. He earned some respect from me tonight and I will also never again say I'd like to see Rock wrestle another match.

While I disagree with your assessment the match was bad (because it was damn good), you are spot on about Rocky being rusty and, quite frankly, old. It's obvious he hasn't worked a match in years.

That's not a knock on the Rock, I doubt anyone could take that much time off and not miss a step. But it was obvious he was rusty, and more telling, it was obvious he did not have the explosiveness he used to. You could tell he was trying to wrestle like he did when he was younger, and his body simply did not do as it was told.

It was still a great match though.
I'm pretty sure Cena gained a lot (or at least one) of fans tonight in the match vs. Rock. Which was terrible. But it was extremely obvious that the reason it was bad was mainly because Rocky couldn't go. He got tired and sloppy and botched a few things. It's pretty bad when your hometown crowd is indifferent to you in a match that's been hyped for a year because you have to keep resting throughout the match. I feel bad for Cena having to lay down for Rock tonight. He earned some respect from me tonight and I will also never again say I'd like to see Rock wrestle another match.

Or maybe the match went slow because Cena, the one who has been actively wrestling for the past decade was expected to carry the majority of the match and can't because its usually him that has to get carried... Rock was absolutely fine and performed very well all things considered.

Anyways I thought the match was great it was never going to be a 5 star classic but the atmospehere was electric, the in-ring psychology intense and it really was edge of the seat stuff. It was completely unpredictable and had a shock ending for the record it was actually good for Cena that Rock won. Had Cena went over everyone would simply have resented him even more at least now he may gain a modicum of respect from the haters. Raw tomorrow night will certainly be interesting.
I can't keep these thoughts in my head.

Think about it.

What if carrot top annonced that he was going to turn down some major movie roles so he could stick to prop comedy at Vegas casinos?

What if tebow announced that he was turning down some major movie roles so he could stick to being a Jet?

My point is, john cena the movie star is an even bigger lost fucking cause than john cena the athletic performer. If john cena had the ability to be a marketable and versitile actor, he would be doing that full fucking time. He has to fall back on being in the wwe because quite frankly, vince can't go a single fucking night without his *****. Remember when he took time off to do the marine? He took time off to do a fucking movie, which is the basis for his entire argument against rock.
Or maybe the match went slow because Cena, the one who has been actively wrestling for the past decade was expected to carry the majority of the match and can't because its usually him that has to get carried... Rock was absolutely fine and performed very well all things considered.
You do realize that Cena calls most of his matches, right? And that Cena has worked plenty of great matches where he is the one controlling the majority of the offense, right?

Your comment is ignorant.
Still trying to get over the fact that the WWE really just did that to Cena. This man has carried your company for nearly a decade and you bury him with a part-time wrestler? I know it's the Rock, but the Rock will be gone next week, and Cena will still be here. I feel bad for Cena, I really do. He just got shit on by the Rock for an entire. Loses the WWE title at WM27 because of the Rock. Gets Rockbottomed after the SS tag match. And now, cap it off with a loss at WM28. Makes no sense to me.

The match, though, was good considering the amount of hype it had to live up to. The Rock was just so damn sloppy though. I'm not a mark or hater of either of these guys, but this was the first time I can remember that Cena has carried anyone.
:lmao:At the Rock haters saying the match sucked because Rock was rusty, Cena has a piss poor match last year against Miz because he can't carry anyone. At MITB it was Punk who carried Cena to a outstanding match, Rock was fine but as usual they had to make Cena look superhuman so he kicked Rock's ass for a good portion of the match. Cena only has great matches when he's against a good ring general ala HBK.
While the match was very good, I was somewhat shocked that the Rock won. He didn't need that victory. I understand it was the Rock's hometown, but The Rock should not have won. I do feel that a rematch is in order. One were Cena is the victor. Still, a fantastic match. Not the best of the night, but still worth the watch.
:lmao:At the Rock haters saying the match sucked because Rock was rusty, Cena has a piss poor match last year against Miz because he can't carry anyone. At MITB it was Punk who carried Cena to a outstanding match, Rock was fine but as usual they had to make Cena look superhuman so he kicked Rock's ass for a good portion of the match. Cena only has great matches when he's against a good ring general ala HBK.

Anybody with half a brain could see that Rock was rusty. Come on now, don't be stupid. The result itself demands a heel turn.
Still trying to get over the fact that the WWE really just did that to Cena. This man has carried your company for nearly a decade and you bury him with a part-time wrestler?
Nah, it's not that bad. First of all, this won't be the end of the story, the WWE (I'm assuming) has a plan going forward. But second of all, by having Rock win, you end a great Wrestlemania with the crowd going nuts in excitement.

Even as arguably the biggest and most senior Cena fan on these forums, I don't have a problem with it.

:lmao:At the Rock haters saying the match sucked
The match didn't suck, it was extremely good.

because Rock was rusty
He was, didn't you watch the show?

Cena has a piss poor match last year against Miz because he can't carry anyone.
Completely inaccurate. First of all, last year's match wasn't as bad as you're making it sound, and the problems it had revolved mostly around the fact they had to incorporate Rock into the match.

Cena and Miz had another match a couple weeks later on Rock and it was fantastic. Their WM last year suffered because they had to tell a story which included Rock.

At MITB it was Punk who carried Cena to a outstanding match

You obviously didn't watch the match, or don't know what you're talking about.

Cena only has great matches when he's against a good ring general ala HBK.
Isn't there a bridge somewhere missing its troll?
You do realize that Cena calls most of his matches, right? And that Cena has worked plenty of great matches where he is the one controlling the majority of the offense, right?

Your comment is ignorant.

The point still stands that it was on Cena to carry the match of course Rock was going to be rusty he's been away from wrestling for almost a decade. Asing anything more of him would have been unrealistic. For the recrod I thought it was a great match as I stated I was just responding to the accusation that Rock was at fault for the slow tempo.
The point still stands that it was on Cena to carry the match
And he did. And it was a great match. :shrug:

of course Rock was going to be rusty he's been away from wrestling for almost a decade. Asing anything more of him would have been unrealistic.
I don't disagree with you at all. In fact, I said the same thing already.

For the recrod I thought it was a great match as I stated I was just responding to the accusation that Rock was at fault for the slow tempo.
Well...he was. As I said earlier in a post, it's completely understandable, and it's not a knock on Rock, but the pacing was slower and the only person it would need to be slower for is Rock.

But, then again, I come from a generation of wrestling fans who have an attention span longer than a 4 year old, so I don't see how the pacing was a problem at all.
From top to bottom this WM sucked last like it has pretty much for the last 10 years. The only advantage this WM had over the past 10 is the anticipation of its main event. Otherwise the card was horrible, the crowd was not into this event until the main event and unfortunately the Rock blew up which resulted in a poor match.

I can’t believe how dead the crowd was (I’m looking at you Taker, HHH and Punk) as nobody cared until main event time.

Since the Rock is not full time there are no other true stars except Cena to carry the ball. Wrestling is defiantly dying out. There were only two true eras of wrestling – The 80’s Hogan era and the Stone Cold / Rock attitude era. Everything else really sucks. Very sad day as a wrestling fan when this is the best the product can offer.
Im not surprised by Cena doing this. He Genuinely loves the business his heart soul and everything he stands for is WWE. I know alot of people hate him because they think he is a phony kinda like how rock is. But Cena does do and only WWE films just to get him and WWE more exposure more so WWE!!

Maybe he will act when he retires or he thinks he isn't that good of an actor!! Well Rock is no academy award winner himself but Cena is not a phony he is who he is inside the ring and outside!! People really need to respect him for that and not just boo him cause its the cool thing to do!!
Im not surprised by Cena doing this. He Genuinely loves the business his heart soul and everything he stands for is WWE. I know alot of people hate him because they think he is a phony kinda like how rock is. But Cena does do and only WWE films just to get him and WWE more exposure more so WWE!!

Maybe he will act when he retires or he thinks he isn't that good of an actor!! Well Rock is no academy award winner himself but Cena is not a phony he is who he is inside the ring and outside!! People really need to respect him for that and not just boo him cause its the cool thing to do!!

Okay good for Cena and how is The Rock a phony? For having aspirations that don't include Wrestling?
I can't believe all the nay-sayers here that don't believe John Cena would be offered major movie roles. John Cena is a larger than life entertainer, a house hold name, and has the look of a very believable action star. Given the success of The Rock, I'm very surprised that many of you don't believe Hollywood executives would look at Cena and think he could follow in the same footsteps. Entertainment, after all, is a copycat business.

As for him turning down potential roles, I say to each his own. The Rock saw an opportunity to go to Hollywood, make a ton of money and have the time and ability to enjoy the fruits of his labor. Instead of traveling 300 days per year and living in a constant state of pain, he saw an easier path to entertain. But just because that's the path The Rock wanted to take, it's clearly not the path Cena wants for himself. Again, to each his own.

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