**MERGED** John Cena Thread - Heel Turn, Matches, Etc. (Keep it in here!!)

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But a crowd reaction has nothing to do with wrestling ability. They are two different things. The Ultimate Warrior proves it. By Sly's logic, Warrior was a GREAT WRESTLER. We all know that's bullshit. There was a South Park episode a few years back dealing with this very issue.

Just curious, what do you call this:


That is legitimate wrestling. There is no stopping and pointing to the crowd. There are no pushes. There is no douchebag shouting "I AM THE BEST EVER!" while the other guy is laid out. No one in the WWE who is worth their weight in salt (which is pretty cheap btw) does legit wrestling.

In PROFESSIONAL wrestling, the job of the person working is to make the crowd respond. Negatively or positively is much much better than none at all. If you can do all the movez and flipz in the world, who gives a fuck is no one actually gives a fuck?
I don't hate women or think that women as a whole can't grasp the meaning of wrestling. I just can't stand the "boy band fan" female who only roots for a guy because he's "good looking", therfore keeping a guy I don't like in the main event. I see what you guys mean when you talk about what makes a good or great pro wrestler. I just don't fully agree with you that pure wrestling ability (technique) doesn't or shouldn't matter. I also tend to consider Cena an "entertainer" instead of a wrestler. This is how Lou Thez described Hulk Hogan.

I'm sure you guys will then say that a wrestler and an "entertainer" are the same thing, but I think they can be considered different things, with some guys being both. Obviously the job of all wrestlers is to get a reaction from the crowd, but having a match like the Bret Hart/HBK Iron Man match to get the reaction, instead of Santino doing the Cobra is what I'd call "wrestling" and how I'd explain the difference between entertainment and wrestling.
I don't hate women or think that women as a whole can't grasp the meaning of wrestling. I just can't stand the "boy band fan" female who only roots for a guy because he's "good looking", therfore keeping a guy I don't like in the main event.
I don't like people who think there is a right and wrong reason for liking someone, therefor making me have to point out how silly his opinion is. :shrug:

Works both ways.

I see what you guys mean when you talk about what makes a good or great pro wrestler. I just don't fully agree with you that pure wrestling ability (technique) doesn't or shouldn't matter. I also tend to consider Cena an "entertainer" instead of a wrestler. This is how Lou Thez described Hulk Hogan.
Thesz was a pro wrestler, which by nature makes him a jealous man. Thesz was jealous that Hogan was more popular and a bigger name than he was, despite what Thesz thought was a lack of ability. It wasn't that Hogan had a lack of ability, it was the Hogan CHANGED the entire wrestling industry. Whereas when Thesz wrestled, audiences marveled over Thesz's technical style of wrestling. Hogan conditioned fans to enjoy his brawling style of wrestling. But at the end of the day, BOTH guys worked their matches to entertain the fans, they just went about it in different ways.

It's like if your town built a new bridge over a river. The old man in town prefers to go the old "fast" way, while the new generation takes the bridge.

I'm sure you guys will then say that a wrestler and an "entertainer" are the same thing
They are. As long as Thesz was putting on matches in which the end was determined ahead of time, Thesz was an entertainer.

Obviously the job of all wrestlers is to get a reaction from the crowd, but having a match like the Bret Hart/HBK Iron Man match to get the reaction, instead of Santino doing the Cobra is what I'd call "wrestling" and how I'd explain the difference between entertainment and wrestling.
Ironic, because Hart vs. HBK was a mediocre match. It was a 40 minute match stretched out for 60.

I understand what you're saying, and completely understand where you are coming from. You're still wrong, but I see why you think the way you do. The fact you're willing to at least consider what we're all telling you is a positive first step though.

Remember, I will never criticize someone for who they like, just for statements which indicate objectivity I feel are incorrect. Dislike Cena all you want, and you won't hear a peep. Say Cena isn't a good wrestler, and that's when I post.
I don't hate women or think that women as a whole can't grasp the meaning of wrestling. I just can't stand the "boy band fan" female who only roots for a guy because he's "good looking", therfore keeping a guy I don't like in the main event.
What evidence do you have that this is the sole reasoning? Do you talk to every female Cena fan in the audience? No? Then you've just made assumptions and stereotyped a huge group of people. Well done.
I see what you guys mean when you talk about what makes a good or great pro wrestler. I just don't fully agree with you that pure wrestling ability (technique) doesn't or shouldn't matter. I also tend to consider Cena an "entertainer" instead of a wrestler. This is how Lou Thez described Hulk Hogan.
I can appreciate technique in certain situations, but it's not what's going to draw the masses and it's not what makes an iconic wrestler. You give me a choice between a John Cena or a Daniel Bryan (no offense to Bryan, I know he's very talented), if I'm a promoter, I'll take Cena in a heartbeat. As a fan, I'll still take Cena in a heartbeat. Because wrestling is about so much more than just doing cool looking moves.
I'm sure you guys will then say that a wrestler and an "entertainer" are the same thing, but I think they can be considered different things, with some guys being both. Obviously the job of all wrestlers is to get a reaction from the crowd, but having a match like the Bret Hart/HBK Iron Man match to get the reaction, instead of Santino doing the Cobra is what I'd call "wrestling" and how I'd explain the difference between entertainment and wrestling.
First of all, you used two horrible examples of a comedy wrestler and a severely overrated match that doesn't hold up well fifteen years later. The crowd enjoys Santino, but not one person in that audience pays to see Santino. They pay to see Cena, and that's a huge part of what has made him so successful. And if you're going to tout the Iron Man match as a classic, then you have to give credit to Cena for keeping fans interested in 2011 when I'm almost positive that that match would put them to sleep. Again, no disrespect to Michaels or Hart but Cena's wrestled plenty of matches that I and many other people have enjoyed more than that one, and for good reason.
To call John Cena a "shitty wrestler," you are an idiot. You know absolutely nothing about professional wrestling. If you think John Cena only has five moves are also an idiot. But thinking Cena only has (or knows) five moves is the stupidest thing a Cena hater could say today. I can see if a person's dislike with Cena is his gimmick, and that's fair. But, I just don't see how, after Cena had had multiple great matches and has been in the WWE for 9 years, can call him a bad wrestler.

Add to the fact that the stigma that he's only has five moves has been completely debunked and killed ever since he came into the WWE, 9 years ago. It's a comeback.
I know Cena has more than 5 moves, and I never used the "5 moves of doom" argument on here. If I were to put it simply, in my opinion his work style sucks. That's the jist of how I feel about him. I just don't buy into him being this scary unbeatable face. Now I know he isn't put over as being scary, but heels sure do shit their pants when he's around. In my opinion, "shit in your pants" fear should be reserved for guys like Goldberg, Lesnar, "heel" Batista ( personally loved heel Batista) and Triple H (with beard).
I don't hate women or think that women as a whole can't grasp the meaning of wrestling. I just can't stand the "boy band fan" female who only roots for a guy because he's "good looking", therfore keeping a guy I don't like in the main event.

Okay. I tried to be nice, but what in the fuck? Are you that fucking stupid to think females are that shallow?

I see what you guys mean when you talk about what makes a good or great pro wrestler. I just don't fully agree with you that pure wrestling ability (technique) doesn't or shouldn't matter.

I don't think anyone thinks ability shouldn't matter. However, for YOU think crowd reaction doesn't matter is really, really one of the dumbest things you've typed. Your sexist, ill-contrived bullshit about females is the dumbest. :)

I also tend to consider Cena an "entertainer" instead of a wrestler. This is how Lou Thez described Hulk Hogan.

Again, what the fuck is a 'real' wrestler? I posted a video of legit collegiate wrestling. Running around like an asshole, punching people, and talking weren't apart of that video. Everyone in the pro wrestling history at some point ran around like an asshole, punched the other person and let people know they have vocal chords.

I'm sure you guys will then say that a wrestler and an "entertainer" are the same thing, but I think they can be considered different things, with some guys being both. Obviously the job of all wrestlers is to get a reaction from the crowd, but having a match like the Bret Hart/HBK Iron Man match to get the reaction, instead of Santino doing the Cobra is what I'd call "wrestling" and how I'd explain the difference between entertainment and wrestling.

So, you like cliche "This is real wrestling!" shit that most internet fans list as what is 'good' and what isn't? No wonder you don't know what you are talking about.
I know Cena has more than 5 moves, and I never used the "5 moves of doom" argument on here. If I were to put it simply, in my opinion his work style sucks. That's the jist of how I feel about him. I just don't buy into him being this scary unbeatable face. Now I know he isn't put over as being scary, but heels sure do shit their pants when he's around. In my opinion, "shit in your pants" fear should be reserved for guys like Goldberg, Lesnar, "heel" Batista ( personally loved heel Batista) and Triple H (with beard).


That's rich. "Triple H grew a beard, we're all screwed!"

Anyway, I still don't see how you can't grasp why heels back down from Cena. It's "Heel Mentality 101" stuff, man. They back away from the face, want nothing to do with him. Most heels are naturally cowards. They don't want a confrontation because that puts just a bit of doubt as to whether or not they'll get the upper hand, they'd rather sneak up on him.

Then again, guys who aren't portrayed as that type of heel don't back down to Cena. They stand toe-to-toe with him. It evolves with every feud, it's not always the same.

Above everything though, Cena's a muscular guy, moreso than most in the WWE, he's one of the best, and he's the top guy. Why wouldn't they be scared? I sure as hell would be scared of a musclehead who has a never say quit attitude and will fight anybody.
I know Cena has more than 5 moves, and I never used the "5 moves of doom" argument on here. If I were to put it simply, in my opinion his work style sucks. That's the jist of how I feel about him. I just don't buy into him being this scary unbeatable face. Now I know he isn't put over as being scary, but heels sure do shit their pants when he's around. In my opinion, "shit in your pants" fear should be reserved for guys like Goldberg, Lesnar, "heel" Batista ( personally loved heel Batista) and Triple H (with beard).
Or maybe it should be reserved for anyone who the heels know can beat them. Hence the idea of most heels being cowardly fucks who never want a fair fight. Like Crock said, that's Wrestling 101. The face doesn't have to be a big, scary-looking dude for the heels to be afraid of them. He has to be a guy who can kick their ass in a match.

I'm getting the sense that you have a really narrow minded view of pro wrestling and that you need to study some tapes before you continue making these points. You obviously don't understand a few things that have been in existence as long as the business itself.
I COMPLETELY understand why they're booked to be afraid of Cena, but it doesn't mean it makes the most sense. A guy like Miz running from Cena I can buy, but I'm talking about "shitting in your pants" fear shown by Del Rio. A guy who in real life could believably beat Cena's ass. When I mentioned Triple H having a beard, I meant that partially as a joke and partially because of how he has been booked while having the beard. I know it may seem foreign to you guys, but booking SHOULD make some logical sense and not stick to some black and white "formula". There are shades of gray.

When HHH has the beard, he's usually the badass destroyer, while when he was clean shaven he was the Evolution tool who was afraid of everybody. Oh and Ebony, you dumbass ( not trying to flame but you're sort of pissing me off) I didn't say ALL women are "boy band fans". I said a lot are though, which is a fact. They're the same ones who cry and scream whenever they see shit like Twilight and see boy bands in concert.

I also NEVER said that crowd reaction DOESN'T matter. Get your facts straight before you attack me.(Ebony)
Oh and Ebony, you dumbass ( not trying to flame but you're sort of pissing me off) I didn't say ALL women are "boy band fans". I said a lot are though, which is a fact.

So, where does this logic play into when it comes to John Cena? Cena is clean cut and well built, but he looks nothing like 'boy band' member. You want a boy band member of the roster? Look at Gabriel or Ziggles. You want a boy? Look at Mysterio without the mask.

It would be more of an educated guess to say that most women cheer for Cena because he is a good guy. He looks like he keeps his shit together and he loves the kids.

They're the same ones who cry and scream whenever they see shit like Twilight and see boy bands in concert.

Women scream when they are excited. Your point? Besides, you can't compare a mom taking her kids to see a rasstlin' show to a teenager with her friends.

I also NEVER said that crowd reaction DOESN'T matter. Get your facts straight before you attack me.(Ebony)

Aren't you pleasant.
PN, you have no way of knowing who would win in a real life fight between Del Rio and Cena, so let's not use made up ideas here. What we do know is that, in kayfabe, Cena is a twelve time champion who has beaten icons and some of the best names that WWE has EVER had to offer. Del Rio is a guy who won the title both times by cheating, has never beaten Cena clean, and who's whole character, like most heels, revolves around taking the easy way out. So why would he suddenly man up and fight a guy who, based on wrestling history, is extremely difficult to take out? You're saying they shouldn't stick to the formula, but Del Rio has exactly the type of character that is tailor made for that formula.
I agree with your assessment of heels. In my opinion however, Del Rio hasn't been booked right. He is obviously a very talented technical wrestler who realisticly shouldn't have to solely rely on cheating to win. Now, Miz, who's not a great technical wrestler, I can buy as having to cheat most of the time to have a chance against main eventers. Del Rio should be booked as a guy who cheats because he gets off on it, and because he loves antagonizing the crowd. He already does this with his personal ring announcer, so it would make perfect sense. Obviously this is my opinion, but I think it makes sense.

Oh and Eboney, "boy band fan" is a term I came up with to describe female marks who almost think that wrestling is real, who also happen to cheer like crazy for a main event face because he's good looking. I got the idea for the term because females who love boy bands act the same way. The boy band can be horrible singers and have shitty music, but they'll still scream their head's off when they go to their concerts. The concept also applies to those shitty Twilight movies. All that Team Jacob and Team Edward shit is a perfect example of the type of females I'm talking about.
I agree with your assessment of heels. In my opinion however, Del Rio hasn't been booked right. He is obviously a very talented technical wrestler who realisticly shouldn't have to solely rely on cheating to win. Now, Miz, who's not a great technical wrestler, I can buy as having to cheat most of the time to have a chance against main eventers. Del Rio should be booked as a guy who cheats because he gets off on it, and because he loves antagonizing the crowd. He already does this with his personal ring announcer, so it would make perfect sense. Obviously this is my opinion, but I think it makes sense.

Being good technically does not mean much. It makes Del Rio no more entertaining, nor does it make him any more of a threat. Sure, he can do a picture perfect Belly-to-Back Suplex, but that doesn't mean much when Cena comes in aggressive and uses his power. Sure, his technical ability can come in handy, but it has no scope on whether or not he should cheat.

Del Rio will do whatever he can to get the win, because in his mind it's his "destiny" to win, so he'll cheat. If he could win without cheating, he wouldn't cheat at all. Cheating puts you at risk of getting disqualified, if he would want to get at the crowd, then he could just do a post-match beatdown.

Basically, what I'm getting out of this is that you favor Del Rio and don't like how he's used, but you're not giving me any reason to agree. Most heels cheat, no matter how good they are. Del Rio wins clean, but he also follows the simple heel formula. Why? Because it works. He gets heat and is getting over as a heel. No need for sweeping character changes when you're the WWE Champion.

Oh and Eboney, "boy band fan" is a term I came up with to describe female marks who almost think that wrestling is real, who also happen to cheer like crazy for a main event face because he's good looking. I got the idea for the term because females who love boy bands act the same way. The boy band can be horrible singers and have shitty music, but they'll still scream their head's off when they go to their concerts. The concept also applies to those shitty Twilight movies. All that Team Jacob and Team Edward shit is a perfect example of the type of females I'm talking about.

Then this would apply to 75% of the roster, wouldn't it? They're all muscular guys, decent-looking for the most part, does Cena just negate that?

They cheer what they find entertaining, what appeals to them. The "boy band" argument just seems like a cop-out. It doesn't explain why I cheer Cena; I've never seen Twilight, nor do I enjoy boy bands. You're making a huge generalization here and it's flat-out wrong.
ohh god this thread is beautiful a thread for hating cena :)

first his work ethic sucks
2nd he's cheesy i mean seriously the disney channel ain't as cheesy as big j
3rd he's booring and anybody who wrestlers with him has to carry him
4th stop hogging the title noob
ohh god this thread is beautiful a thread for hating cena :)

Oh boy.

first his work ethic sucks

This is EASILY the dumbest thing I have ever read on WrestleZone. John Cena is the hardest worker in the business, in and out of the ring. He pushes himself more than anybody else and, honestly, it shows.

He hits the gym religiously, does every event asked of him, goes all out in every match... You're unbelievable.

2nd he's cheesy i mean seriously the disney channel ain't as cheesy as big j

No, he's not. He's a regular guy, who happens to entertain millions of people with his "cheesy" work.

3rd he's booring and anybody who wrestlers with him has to carry him

Umaga, Khali, Lashley, JBL, the list of people Cena has carried goes on and on. Nobody EVER has to carry Cena. Hell, he had a 5-star match with CM Punk and did an excellent job, carrying his own load. Just as he did with a guy like Shawn Michaels.

4th stop hogging the title noob

Yeah, NO. He just lost the title. First, he put Punk over, then lost it to Del Rio. Cena carries the title because he has to, not because he's "hogging" it. The WWE needs credible guys and sometimes Cena's the only option. After all, he is the face of the company. Guys like Rock and Edge had lots of reigns in short periods of time too, but nobody ever complains.
Crock, I'm assuming you're a guy and the term doesn't apply to you. But if you're female, you sound intelligent enough to not be classified as a "boy band fan". I disagree with you saying Cena carried Lashley, That is one statement of your's I'll call "bullshit" on. Lashley was a great in ring worker. I was personally pissed off that he even lost to Cena. He should've beaten Cena, and at the very least he could've turned into a dominant heel that Cena had to find a way to overcome.
That Lashley bit is hilarious. His two previous memorable matches were so because of Vince's stupidity and Trump. His match with Cena was easily Lashley's best and I wonder who was the reason for that.
You can have "Hogan 2.0". I'll take guys like Lesnar, Kurt Angle, CM Punk and Triple H. Guys who I actually think (imo) are talented wrestlers overall. The above mentioned guys have been in all time great feuds and matches. The exception to that statement would be Punk as he's not been around long enough but if used right he will be right up there with Jericho one day. When I say Hogan 2.0, I'm referring to Cena's work style. You see I HATE Superman. I like Batman. Batman is a badass who can kick almost anyone's ass, but he does show vulnerability and can be killed with a bullet and can get bested from time to time. CM Punk taking the pin at Hell in the Cell was STUPID. It was so obvious they were overly protecting Cena from a loss. I don't care so much that Punk lost, but that Cena can't ever lose cleanly (without having his foot on the rope and still getting counted down).
Crock, I'm assuming you're a guy and the term doesn't apply to you. But if you're female, you sound intelligent enough to not be classified as a "boy band fan". I disagree with you saying Cena carried Lashley, That is one statement of your's I'll call "bullshit" on. Lashley was a great in ring worker. I was personally pissed off that he even lost to Cena. He should've beaten Cena, and at the very least he could've turned into a dominant heel that Cena had to find a way to overcome.

I'm a male, but even so, I feel like it's just wrong.

Lashley was NOT a great in-ring worker. He was big and had an interesting look, sold what he did by making it look powerful, but Cena made him look like a star. Just like LJL said, Cena gave him his only match memorable for in-ring work.

Lashley was such an overrated worker.

You can have "Hogan 2.0". I'll take guys like Lesnar, Kurt Angle, CM Punk and Triple H. Guys who I actually think (imo) are talented wrestlers overall. The above mentioned guys have been in all time great feuds and matches. The exception to that statement would be Punk as he's not been around long enough but if used right he will be right up there with Jericho one day. When I say Hogan 2.0, I'm referring to Cena's work style. You see I HATE Superman. I like Batman. Batman is a badass who can kick almost anyone's ass, but he does show vulnerability and can be killed with a bullet and can get bested from time to time. CM Punk taking the pin at Hell in the Cell was STUPID. It was so obvious they were overly protecting Cena from a loss. I don't care so much that Punk lost, but that Cena can't ever lose cleanly (without having his foot on the rope and still getting counted down).

Cena has shown that he is vulnerable plenty of times. He has literally put over everybody he can. He's the reason Edge turned into such a credible main eventer, he's the reason Sheamus had success, he built Nexus up, he built CM Punk up, the list is endless.

I find it laughable that you call Lesnar a more talented wrestler. All the other guys are not better, either, I still think Cena's the best in the business, but Lesnar? An amateur background does not mean he was a good wrestler. He had no "all-time great feuds," he was just pushed to the moon and back.

Cena not taking the pin has less to do with protecting him and more to do with the angle. It allows him to have a claim at the title he "never lost," whereas Punk can work with Triple H. Seems logical to me, plus it was an even easier way to get heat for Del Rio. It won't diminish Punk, he's still one of the hottest things in wrestling, he'll still be at the top. Even so, there's nothing wrong with protecting your top guy. It has always been done; they protect their most important guy. Hogan and Austin were both protected the same. For one, it's smart business, for another, you have to do it sometimes. It's funny that you keep making Cena out to be a bad guy for "not losing" or being "Superman" when he has proven to have more.
You can have "Hogan 2.0". I'll take guys like Lesnar, Kurt Angle, CM Punk and Triple H. Guys who I actually think (imo) are talented wrestlers overall.

Let me just start off by saying that Triple H and John Cena are in the same exact mold of wrestling ability. No real offense and then hits a series of moves and wins the match. But both Triple H and Cena can spark a reaction from the fans, they both can bring an entertaining match from the story they're able to tell. Know why the Undertaker/Triple H match at Wrestlemania was so entertaining, despite the fact that Taker is becoming more and more limited in his move-set due to his injuries? Both men were able to tell an amazing story in the ring. The same follows with the Triple H/Cena match a few years back. And as much as love guys like Lesnar and CM Punk, but neither of them could have drawn the money Cena rakes in for the WWE every week.

The above mentioned guys have been in all time great feuds and matches. The exception to that statement would be Punk as he's not been around long enough but if used right he will be right up there with Jericho one day.
CM Punk is a 5 time world champion, he has been around as early as 2006. Not many Superstars in the WWE can achieve that many title runs in 5 years so saying he is used wrong is complete bull. In fact, he is perhaps one of the best used stars in the WWE right now. [/quote]

When I say Hogan 2.0, I'm referring to Cena's work style. You see I HATE Superman. I like Batman. Batman is a badass who can kick almost anyone's ass, but he does show vulnerability and can be killed with a bullet and can get bested from time to time.

Batman is a multimillionare with the largest assortment of gadgets and tools. If anything, he is more Hulk Hogan than Superman. Because like Hogan, Batman would be pushed to his limits by villains like The Joker and Bane only to come back and knock them out cold. Ring a bell?

CM Punk taking the pin at Hell in the Cell was STUPID. It was so obvious they were overly protecting Cena from a loss.

It helps continue the feud between Cena/Del Rio and gives heat for Del Rio. Del Rio can't pin/Submit Cena, otherwise Cena would look weaker than the cowardly heel. Which wouldn't make for an entertaining feud, instead they manage to spark the emotions of stupid internet smarks (Like yourself) by having Punk pinned. Which also fuels Punk's drive and motivation in the story about a conspiracy preventing him from becoming the WWE Champion.

I don't care so much that Punk lost, but that Cena can't ever lose cleanly (without having his foot on the rope and still getting counted down).

Already mentioned above, Cena doesn't ever need to lose cleanly. If he ever lost cleanly, that would ruin his cred as the Superman of the WWE and then ruin any potential pushes in the future for any star looking to break into the Main-event of the WWE.
Oh and Eboney, "boy band fan" is a term I came up with to describe female marks who almost think that wrestling is real, who also happen to cheer like crazy for a main event face because he's good looking.

You're an sexist idiot. Why can't you just be a regular sexist? Like mah buddy from Utah?

I got the idea for the term because females who love boy bands act the same way.

I'll admit I do love the Backstreet Boys. I think AJ has a fantastic voice and is a good songwriter while Nick brings a lot of passion. However, you really can't use a blanket statement to the likes that 'females only like men for their looks.' I mean, is someone pissy because they haven't made a woman scream yet? :p

Seriously tho, looks get the ball rollin' and actions/personality keep it in motion. I promise ya that chicks screaming for Cena now will still talk about how great Cena is 10 years from now.

The boy band can be horrible singers and have shitty music, but they'll still scream their head's off when they go to their concerts. The concept also applies to those shitty Twilight movies. All that Team Jacob and Team Edward shit is a perfect example of the type of females I'm talking about.

1) That is subjective. What may be shit to me, someone else will love. What is good to you is... Well, shit.

2) Again females scream when they are excited. Sorry we don't fist pump or whatever lame shit is cool these days.

3) So, what if Cena has a group of fans who want to buy his shit, pay to see him (and lose their vocal cords), and talk about how he is the greatest ever. That is there choice to be like that. Stop hatin'.
You just destroyed ALL your credibility (if you had any to begin with) with this blatant sexism. Wow. You have no idea why females cheer Cena, so stop pretending that you do. Until you become a psychic and you can read the minds of every female Cena fan, nothing you say on this has any value whatsoever. The bottom line is that females are a demographic who are largely responsible for a lot of Cena's success, and not only can they like him for whatever reason they want; they're just as much of fans as you and me. Why don't we stop being elitist and discuss our own opinions rather than stereotyping other people's?
I wasn't talking about ALL women. I was talking about a well known demographic of women. For example, my mom hates Cena. My cousin, who's a female, hates Cena. I'm also not saying I know that all of Cena's female fans cheer for him simply because he's good looking.

However a good majority of them probably do. There's obviously a reason that the majority of Cena's crowd reactions come from women and kids. It obviously isn't just because it's "cool" to hate him. That in itself is a blanket statement, and if you used that reason it would be hypocritical of you.

Cena is intentionally marketed to them. Up until now, the teenage and adult male demographic has had to endure a guy in the main event that wasn't for them. At least now, we have CM Punk. Oh, and Cena has been billed as way more dominant than any of his co workers in WWE for a long time now.

Austin, Rock, and Triple H, were all basically billed as even, with a little give and take here and there in who was more dominant. CM Punk should be billed as being at least close to as good as Cena is. Hell, we don't even get to see "Viper" Randy Orton go head to head with Cena. It would just be nice to see a face on the same level beat Cena straight up with no controversy. I may be wrong, but I think the last guy to do that was Triple H.

It would just be nice to see Cena have a feud where he doesn't automatically have the advantage unless his opponent cheats. Yes I know, you call it "heel 101" but that doesn't make it any more interesting. Cena's feud with Del Rio is complete shit. Another problem is the fact that Cena has officially "overcomed the odds" 10 times. People in general probably don't care anymore. I know I don't. Austin may have been billed as dominant in his time, but in his title matches you never knew what was going to happen. Same with Rock's title matches. Now I know Cena has lost 3 title matches recently, but you could see what was going to happen in each of them. You knew Cena wasn't getting beat straight up. I mean he wasn't getting pinned at Hell in a Cell, weapons and screwjobs or not.
Okay like really this is a John Cena COMPLAINTS thread...keyword there is "COMPLAINTS!" If certain people want to defend cena then make a fucking Cena Worship thread! I Personally dont mind the guy, but I am sick of him having the belt the majority of the time. And that he is pretty robotic in the ring and has to be carried sometimes, BUT(before all you Cena ********ers freak out) he does also carry people as well. That is my opinion! People around here are always trying to change the opinion of others and quite frankly its fucking annoying....Stop it...Don't do it...knock it the fuck off. Oh and don't ever compare Batman to Hulk Hogan again, Just no... You're wrong and should probably be hospitalized as you are a danger to society for your lack of intelligence. Thank you.

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