**MERGED** John Cena & The Rock: Match fallout, etc.*KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!*


Championship Contender
Rock/Cena comparison.

1.) They both are top guys of WWE in different eras.

2.) Rock and Cena both have the same amount of moves. Cena does 5 moves but so does The Rock.

3.) Every Rock match is the same just like Cena.

4.) Both are good on the mic,Rock is a little better but still.

5.) Both have same type of fanbases. Some fans completely hate Rock and some completely hate Cena. They are either on Rock's side or Cena's side.

Rock = Cena

My question is what exactly is different between Rock and Cena ?

Moderator's Note: All things pertaining to The Rock and Cena's feud will go in here. This includes, but is not limited to any discussion about promos on Raw or Smackdown, anything said in interviews, opinions on who is right/wrong, etc. KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!!!
1) One is a top guy in an incredibly succesful era, the other is a top guy in an era where half the fans criticise the product non-stop.
2) It's not about moves, it's the way they tell a story about the performer. To me, Rock's moves always told the story of the most electrifying man in sports entertainment. Cena's move (and i'm not a hater) simply seem like a means to an end, ie getting to the finish.
3)Every Rock match is the same? What a load of BS - Rock Vs Mankind I Quit Match at the Rumble says it all.
4)Rock is a little better? I mean, where to start? The different levels of ability is why The Rock is the lead man in Hollywood blockbusters and Cena will never move beyond WWE productions.
5) The Rock started with a hateful fanbase and turned them round with talent and charisma. Cena started off with everyone loving him and has managed to turn fans aaginast him by sticking to this one dimensional, lame-ass character.

Rock=Cena? What in the blue hell are you smoking?!?!?!?
1) One is a top guy in an incredibly succesful era, the other is a top guy in an era where half the fans criticise the product non-stop.

Attitude Era was incredibly successful because of Stone Cold Steve Austin. Steve Austin was always the top guy then came The Rock (next to Austin). Steve Austin was the top draw until he turned heel at Wrestlemania 17. Rock then became the top Face of the company as Austin was the top heel.

2) It's not about moves, it's the way they tell a story about the performer. To me, Rock's moves always told the story of the most electrifying man in sports entertainment. Cena's move (and i'm not a hater) simply seem like a means to an end, ie getting to the finish.

Really ? What story did Rock's performance told at Survivor Series 2011 ?

3)Every Rock match is the same? What a load of BS - Rock Vs Mankind I Quit Match at the Rumble says it all.

"I Quit" matches count in Hardcore matches. I am talking about a normal "Wrestling" match.

4)Rock is a little better? I mean, where to start? The different levels of ability is why The Rock is the lead man in Hollywood blockbusters and Cena will never move beyond WWE productions.

I am talking about when they are inside WWE ring. Movies don't count.

5) The Rock started with a hateful fanbase and turned them round with talent and charisma. Cena started off with everyone loving him and has managed to turn fans aaginast him by sticking to this one dimensional, lame-ass character.

Nah,fans were split for Rock too. For example take a look at Summerslam 2001 - Rock vs. Booker-T. Rock got a mixed reaction like that most of the times.
Honestly don't know where to even begin with this one, since the first reply summed up my thoughts as well I'll start with your responses

1) By Wrestlemania 17 the Rock had eclipsed Austin in popularity. Austin in 1998 was more popular over all, but by 2001 the Rock had taken his spot. There's a reason why they turned Austin heel you know?

2) It told the story that the Rock didn't Cena, didn't want him and that he can turn it on when he wants to. It said that the Rock isn't some hasbeen coming back to get his ass handed to him by the WWE's top guy, it said the Rock is still more than a match for Cena

3) Great. Go back and look at his matches against HHH, Austin, Foley, Jericho and Taker to see that the guy was good in the ring, better than Cena because Cena simply refuses to sell anything and has practically single handedily destroyed the art of selling in the WWE. Crowbar to the face? Why John will bounce up in under 20 seconds to hit the AA for the win! Run over by a car? Here comes Cena with an STFU 45 seconds later to pick up the win!

4) In the ring the Rock is a million miles better than Cena on the mic. Cena has two styles, overly insulting and using homophobic slurs so dweeb teenagers think he's hilarious or act all goofy in the face of danger so that no-one will ever think he'll lose or care even if he does

5) You obviously started watching wrestling in 2004
1)The Rock was a top guy in the attitude era. That’s a whole different level then now. Now you have Orton, Kane, Show, Punk, Miz, Ziggler, Sheamus, and these people are more recent top guys and some wouldn’t of been top stars in Rocks era. I mean yea HHH, Undertaker and HBK was there coming and going.
Now for the Rock, he had to compete with Undertaker, Kane, Austin, HHH, Mankind, Booker T, Kurt, Jericho, DX (without HBK), Big Show, Eddie, and Beniot. So there is a big difference there.

2)Well everybody moves are limited because its staged and rehearsed. Matches have time restraints. I am pretty sure both wrestlers can do more than their basic 5 moves.

3)I don’t know how you say every match is the same. They both wrestled in different eras and people. I think in the attitude era u got busted open the hard way a lot more.

4)I think Cena is good on the mic but who else is now? Punk and Jericho. Again the rock had Austin and Undertaker and Kurt. I think the rock is funnier and Cena can be more serous.

5)Well, why would a 5 year old be a fan of the rock? He hadn’t wrestled in front of them. Again you really can’t compare. They are two completely different people and era and situations. I’m pretty sure Rock has the Samoan fan base and older fan base locked down(i dont mean recent adult fans).

Rock = Rock and Cena=Cena

You do know they are two different ethnicities right? Also one wears traditional attire the other jean or cargo shorts. I believe the Rock is more agile in the ring. Cena has no tattoos. The Rock has never thrown out gear and it was thrown back at him. I could keep going but I won’t.
These are my personal opinions on both guys and know that I think both are great talents.

Mic skills - I would have to put The Rock over Cena. The Rock is unique due to talking in the third person about himself. Cena has never really drawn me in on the mic but The Rock just has that aura about him, the way he adds emphasis to certain words etc just make him better than Cena in my opinion.

In Ring - Yes both guys do not use too many moves in a match however to counter the OP's post, Rock vs. Hogan WMX8 and Rock vs. Austin WM19. The Rock just like Cena tend to take a beat down, come back and win (or lose!) however The Rock has showed many times his ability to alter himself in ring depending on his opponent, his character being face or heel and he tells a story every time. Cena on the other hand seems less able to adapt and again I think Rock can put opponents over better than John. However I've seen both guys sell moves very well but Cena isn't exactly consistent in selling.

Crowd Reactions - The Rock yes has had a fair few mixed crowd reactions, however on a whole he usually had the crowd cheering if he was a face and booing if he was a heel. Cena again seems to just not be able to control the crowd reaction as well as Rock.

Personally for me there is a lot of differences between to two and I would happily say The Rock is better than John Cena. The differences between to two may not be as huge or as significant but they are there and I think from what I said all of those points matter greatly in terms of being a top guy in the WWE.
This thread is borderline laughable..

Lets analyze this point by point:

1) They are both top guys in the WWE at different eras:

The Rock was a top guy in an era where pro wrestling was at its peak. It was considered cool and was entertaining to watch. Cena is a top guy when the product became so monotonous that people started going to other promotions. And while WWE may still be on top it isnt what it used to be. Another point is that Rock was the top guy in an era where there were many credible superstars/wrestlers. Back then u had stone cold, undertaker, hhh, kurt angle, kane, big show, mankind, benoit and many others. Cena is a top guy in an era where the top guys are cm punk, daniel bryan, dolph ziggler, cody rhodes, randy orton, kane and big show( who were present back then so they really dotn count). With the possible exception of cm punk nobody would have given two shits about the rest had they been present back in the day.

2)Rock and Cena both have the same amount of moves. Cena does 5 moves but so does The Rock: The Rock is a variety of suplexes, running lariats, clotheslines, samoan drops, ddts, belly to bellys, armdrags and hiptosses which he has that signature touch of which makes u know that the rock is doing. From his jumping clotheslines, to his kip ups, to his sharpshooter, his 3 strike combo, his taunts, even his lock up, u know its the rock doing that and it tells a story . Cena has the basic moves every pro wrestler has and the only thing unique about him aka the 5moves of doom has been done so many times it weary. Saying that the rock has 5 moves is well just a plain out lie. Technically neither does cena but the rocks moveset is less limited than cenas.

3) Every Rock match is the same just like Cena: Rock vs HHH has been done so many times. Ever look like the same match to u ??? rock vs austin has been done thrice at wrestlemania and several other times on other shows. Ever look like the same match?? Rock vs Benoit, rock vs taker, rock vs kane, rock vs mankind, hell rock vs guerrero. Every match had uniqueness and never looked like the same thing twice.

4) Both are good on the mic. Il just stop u there. No need to look ahead. Firstly cena IS NOT GOOD ON THE MIC. His lame ass raw ending segment is testament to that. How many times have we heard i wont change for anyone bla bla bla rise above hate bla bla bla hustle loyalty respect... Then u said the rock is a little better. Seriously ??? A little better. Iv got over over two thousand videos of pro wrestling ranging from matches, to segments, to backstage interviews to everything. Out of those 2000, 200 + are rock promos and each and everyone of them is interesting to watch, makes me laugh and makes me miss the good days. While u say i am blindly following the rock i have more than a hundred of cena moments as well. And the early ones used to be good. By early i mean up until 2005 and early 2006 i enjoyed cenas work. Then it just felt like Cena himself was bored. So no rock is WAY WAY WAY WAY better than cena on the mic.

5) The rocks fanbase ranges from people from the past and present. Cenas fan base is only the present. The people who say they were rock fans but he lied to the fans when he said he is never going away dont count. They are just sore whiny little people. Technically speaking, has rock ever done something in the public in which he didnt mention the wwe. Something he hasnt done in a long time. From espn, to jimmy kimmel to jimmy fallon to promotion work and even his household videos. One in which he tears cena a new one and one in which he accepts the survivor series match. He in that sense really never did leave. His acceptance of the wwe in public more so than before should be testament to that. Cenas fan base is the present of the wwe. Kids, women and men all like cena but nowadays its become the norm to hate on cena. I however have done extensive research on rock and cenas backgrounds to not hate either of them. From Cenas hand at body building to watching all of the rocks exercise videos i know the type of hard work they do to keep themselves in shape for their respective jobs and careers. Drifting off topic. Anyway fans who hate the rock are plain out stupid and fans who hate cena are also stupid but slightly less than the ones who hate the rock. Simply because cena has given us reason over the years to hate him with his one dimensional characters. During his career in the WWE except the first year the rock never gave the fans reason to hate him face or heel. He was always and is always cheered.

Rock =/= Cena in any way whatsoever.

the only similarity is that they are top guys in two generations and nobody likes anything more than seeing generations collide.
Honestly don't know where to even begin with this one, since the first reply summed up my thoughts as well I'll start with your responses

1) By Wrestlemania 17 the Rock had eclipsed Austin in popularity. Austin in 1998 was more popular over all, but by 2001 the Rock had taken his spot. There's a reason why they turned Austin heel you know?

2) It told the story that the Rock didn't Cena, didn't want him and that he can turn it on when he wants to. It said that the Rock isn't some hasbeen coming back to get his ass handed to him by the WWE's top guy, it said the Rock is still more than a match for Cena

3) Great. Go back and look at his matches against HHH, Austin, Foley, Jericho and Taker to see that the guy was good in the ring, better than Cena because Cena simply refuses to sell anything and has practically single handedily destroyed the art of selling in the WWE. Crowbar to the face? Why John will bounce up in under 20 seconds to hit the AA for the win! Run over by a car? Here comes Cena with an STFU 45 seconds later to pick up the win!

4) In the ring the Rock is a million miles better than Cena on the mic. Cena has two styles, overly insulting and using homophobic slurs so dweeb teenagers think he's hilarious or act all goofy in the face of danger so that no-one will ever think he'll lose or care even if he does

5) You obviously started watching wrestling in 2004

Firstly,don't be a preassumptive asshole. Long time Pro-Wrestling fan since 94.

You see people like Rock are the reason why we have people like Cena today.
People always compared Rock to Cena because they have similarities. They just represent different eras. Over the years Rock has had some good matches other than that all of his matches are the same except his matches with Steve Austin.

I haven't even said anything about "storytelling" in the ring. Rock isn't a great match technician unlike Ric Flair, Bret Hart, HHH, HBK, Kurt Angle,etc.
You saying the Rock got a mixed reaction most of the time quite clearly marks you as someone who wasn't watching on a weekly basis back then

It would be like me saying Ric Flair was mid-card material at best in the NWA
Rock/Cena comparison.

1.) They both are top guys of WWE in different eras.

2.) Rock and Cena both have the same amount of moves. Cena does 5 moves but so does The Rock.

3.) Every Rock match is the same just like Cena.

4.) Both are good on the mic,Rock is a little better but still.

5.) Both have same type of fanbases. Some fans completely hate Rock and some completely hate Cena. They are either on Rock's side or Cena's side.

Rock = Cena

My question is what exactly is different between Rock and Cena ?

The Rock is more exciting in the ring, he has an enigma about him .. For me personally I love how he sells moves, I don't think I've seen anyone sell a stunner as well as The Rock, His mic skills are way better than Cena.

Cena = Rock = Hogan .. We had Hogan v The Rock ( One era vs another ) and now we're getting Cena v The Rock ( One era vs another again ) in 10 years time we will see Cena v someone else in the same sort of match.

I guess at the end of the day, it comes down to who you grew up watching.
Do we really need another thread for the Lil Jimmies to bash The Rock and for the Rock fans to bash Cena?

Both are legendary superstars that, love them or hate them, were the top guys in their respective generations and both guys love the fans and professional wrestling.
Both guys love the fans and professional wrestling.

I HATE when people keep saying that. The Rock doesn't love anything but a pay check. Cena, on the other hand, actually loves being in the WWE. Rock is an actor who drifts into WWE once every seven years. Cena is a WWE superstar who does a film once every few months, but even when he's doing movies, he STILL shows up for the shows he's booked at.

Cena is a greater work horse than The Rock's ever had to be. Unlike The Rock, who had countless of others to help him, Cena has had to carry the company on his back damn near single handedly. That's where the difference lays between them. I'll lay off the "Omg Rock hates the fans" bashing for now and just state a fact that can not be disputed. Cena has had to find a way to keep wrestling in the media in era that was tarnished by Drug scandals, death, murder, and suicide... The Rock had to simply follow what Austin started and he got to the top that way. In terms of being a work horse, I'd put money on Cena every single day before putting it on The Rock.
The OP has a valid point here. The Rock and John Cena are very similar. Most people here don’t want to admit it because their judgment is clouded. Rock was a superstar when they were just little boys entering puberty and they remember him being their hero.

Face it guys, Rock was far from a master technician in the ring. He was certainly capable of putting on a good match but more times than not he was sloppy at best. So many of his matches in 1999 were nothing but brawls that were boring and repetitive. Both Rock and Cena relied more on their charisma than their in ring ability to get over. There isn’t necessarily anything wrong with that but for people to claim that Rock was far greater than Cena in the ring is a joke. Next time Cena you roll your eyes at Cena doing the five knuckle shuffle just remember how you used to mark out for the Rock’s people’s elbow.

There’s no doubt Rock was extremely popular in the second half of 1999 and throughout 2000. Other than that his reaction was mixed. Anytime he went up against another popular star the fans sided against the Rock. They always preferred Austin, Hogan, and even Lesnar.

Rock is more popular than Cena here for three reasons. I already touched on number one. He was a superstar when most posters here were kids. Nothing beats nostalga and the guys who were stars during your youth will always be better than the stars of the present. Twenty years from now people who are little kids now will be telling people who haven’t been born yet how much better Cena was than whoever the current star is.

Number two is a combination of longevity and the other stars Rock had to work with. Rock was only on top for maybe three years. Cena has been on top for seven. It’s natural to appreciate something more when you haven’t had as much exposure to it. If you went to a football game once every three years you would have more appreciation for the experience than if you went three times every year. Also even at his peak the only time Rock was the top guy is when Austin was injured. Cena has been the undisputed top guy for seven years. If he had his own Austin to share the load he people wouldn’t lash out against him so much.

I hate to bring it up but number three is simply attitude vs. PG. So many people here just can’t accept that attitude was a temporary fad and aren’t able to let it go. They think it’s so funny when Rock says things like anus and scrotum. They’re like a bunch of fourth graders giggling at naughty words. People think Cena is corny. Go watch Rock’s opening promo at WM27 and tell me he’s not corny too. An occasionally scrotum reference and people think Rock is so funny. Cena has shown he is more than capable of hanging with Rock on the mic but his current gimmick and the PG rating limits him. Personally I think Cena by far got the better of Rock on the mic last year and if he had no restrictions Cena could own the Rock.

Don’t get me wrong. I like Rock too. I just don’t think he is light years ahead of Cena like so many others do. They really are quite similar.
WWE / WCW World Titles
Rock – 9 Cena – 12

Intercontinental / United States Titles
Rock – 2 Cena – 3

WWE / World Tag Team Titles
Rock – 5 Cena – 4

Royal Rumbles
Rock – 1 Cena – 1

Rock – 3 Cena – 3 (One shared between the two)

It says Rock is a Triple Crown Winner and Cena is technically isn’t, but I count Cena as a Triple Crown Winner due to his US Title reigns.

I guess the only differences really are that Cena has more 3 more World Title reigns, 1 more Mid-Card Title reign, and the Rock has one Tag Title reign.

When it comes down to it, I think it’s going to be exactly like WM X8. The older fans vs. the younger fans. I wish it were a Triple Threat involving Hulk Hogan, so that my Dad (Hogan fan since around 1988) could be involved in a Triple Threat debate at home with me (Rock fan since around 1998) and my Son (Cena fan since around 2008). HAHA!!
I HATE when people keep saying that. The Rock doesn't love anything but a pay check. Cena, on the other hand, actually loves being in the WWE. Rock is an actor who drifts into WWE once every seven years. Cena is a WWE superstar who does a film once every few months, but even when he's doing movies, he STILL shows up for the shows he's booked at.

Cena is a greater work horse than The Rock's ever had to be. Unlike The Rock, who had countless of others to help him, Cena has had to carry the company on his back damn near single handedly. That's where the difference lays between them. I'll lay off the "Omg Rock hates the fans" bashing for now and just state a fact that can not be disputed. Cena has had to find a way to keep wrestling in the media in era that was tarnished by Drug scandals, death, murder, and suicide... The Rock had to simply follow what Austin started and he got to the top that way. In terms of being a work horse, I'd put money on Cena every single day before putting it on The Rock.

You honestly think the Rock does it for the money? He makes money hand over fist in Hollywood. He's making MILLIONS and MILLIONS of dollars in movies, far more than anything he currently makes off of coming back to WWE. If anything, the WWE schedule intereferes with his movies. Yet, he comes back because despite what Cena and others say, deep down, he loves the business and he loves the fans. Why else would he come back? Hey I'm making $100+ million in movies but I think I'll interfere with that just to get an extra 10 mil from Vince?

All you Little Jimmies act like The Rock didn't put in the time or work to get where he's at. He's a 3rd generation star and worked his way up BECAUSE HE HAS TALENT AND A PERSONALITY, that's what got him over. He immediately connected with the fans. You all act like he's some guy off the street that just came into WWE and was handed the belt but has no talent and no work ethic.
The Brain said everything that needs to be said. The Rock really is not that much different from Cena. Also I agree that if Cena could say whatever he wants he would kill the rock on the mic. The rock sounds like a kid with his insults. "Cena is a good girl" really? I like the roock but really he is not as great as people make he seem. Same goes for Austin people act like he could wrestle great but most of his moves were punches and stomps. That's good wrestling? Even Jericho said in his book that there really is not a difference between Cena and Austin when it comes to what they did in the ring.
There’s no doubt Rock was extremely popular in the second half of 1999 and throughout 2000. Other than that his reaction was mixed. Anytime he went up against another popular star the fans sided against the Rock. They always preferred Austin, Hogan, and even Lesnar.

WM17 v Austin was in Texas - crowd split leading up to WM17
WM18 v Hogan was in Toronto, Toronto LOVES Hogan, leading up to WM18 Rock got more pops
SS v Lesnar - even I will admit Rock was a little stale then.

That doesn't mean fans would side against The Rock Brain......

Anyway, whilst I want The Rock to win and I am not a Cena fan, Cena is the biggest name in wrestling today. The man works damn hard and gets shat on by fans who think its cool to boo him and chant 'we hate you' this Monday on raw (or something to that extent).

WM28 is two icons, two faces of their respective era's (yes Rock SURPASSED Austin, hence making him the face of that era). Sit back, enjoy, it's gonna be the biggest match perhaps of all time.

With Rock making other appearances though, it does make me wonder who will get the win now, I can see Rock winning at WM28, Cena at Summerslam and then Cena getting the rubber match at WM29.
So, the smarks have been on and claimed the Rock and Cena are indeed the same, despite the fact that a simple glance through Youtube will tell you that's not even close to being the truth.

You don't even need to have watched wrestling for the past 30 years (as I have) to acknowledge the clear distinction between what they achieved and more importantly, the manner in which it was done.

I appreciate the argument that Cena has had noone to hang with in the manner that The Rock did and therefore should really be praised for his achievements. the fact is that Cena's personality would have got dumped on by the charisma of those in the attitude era.

Being merchandised to kids succesfully will never compare to the level of charisma needed to keep adults glued to their TV sets. Hell, just look at the way they come to the ring, the different levels of charisma and ability to work the crowd are staggeringly obvious.

Also, the ability to post 20 times a day doesn't give anyone the right to say 'you think this' or 'your view is clouded by that'. My view and the view of many others (clearly) who see the Rock's ability as being on a totally different level to Cena's are backed by the simple fact of what he has gone on to achieve in the entertainment industry... something Cena isn't remotely capable of achieving.

To me, if you want to compare Cena to anyone, then stick a yellow bandana on the guy and bring him down to the ring with Real American rocking in the background, because he is a 21st century Hogan clone... shoved down fans throats untuil adults get sick of him but the merchandising machine keeps on rolling and therefore we have to suck it up and take it. They tried it with Luger and they have achieved it in the 21st centurty with Cena. the only difference is that the red white and blue have been replaced by the hustle loyalty and respect.

As ive stated before, i'm not down on cena, but his status in the industry is not based upon talent alone. I can only have the highest level of respect for someone who supports the armed forces and makes the wishes of sick children come true on a regular basis. But, the same as the Rock? NO!!!!!
the rock got mixed reactions after he started doing movies or when he was fighting austin. he didnt have a ton of moves but at least they were good. that ddt the rock did was awesome and the samoan drop he did was picture perfect every time. thing was too is that the rock could carry a match. he didnt have to get beat down the whole time like cena and then do a comeback. and when the rock carried a match, it was still good. mic skills, cena is good but he doesnt get the automatic chants like the rock. the rock would say they are chanting the rocks name and just like that, the fans would chant. the people that chant for cena dont chant for him when hes on the mic making jokes so cena is nowhere near the level of the rock for that. the reason cena gets booed so badly and is one of 2 wrestlers i know that ever heard "you cant wrestle". that is not a good chant to hear. fans dont need to know how to wrestle to understand that cena may work hard in a lot of different areas in his career, but working on his flow in the ring and evolving himself as a wrestler, he hasnt done that. the rock did. rock had his first match in 7 years a couple months ago and looked awesome. whats cenas excuse? people dont boo him because its cool, maybe some do, but a lot of us boo him because he treats us like idiots saying ill rise above. rise above what? its scripted and his performance sucks ass all the time. vince just loves him so much that he gets to win. if it was cool to boo the big name then how come austin wasnt booed? he got booed when he was heel and thats the idea. cena and rock are on different levels and cena is the one looking way up. he cant carry the business and help ratings. hes helped bring that aspect down. he may be the biggest name right now but thats not saying much at all especially when there arent a ton of big stars. the rock was surrounded by big stars and was still a top name.
that ddt the rock did was awesome and the samoan drop he did was picture perfect every time. thing was too is that the rock could carry a match.

So Cena has never carried a match before? Got it.

he didnt have to get beat down the whole time like cena and then do a comeback. and when the rock carried a match, it was still good.

See post above.

mic skills, cena is good but he doesnt get the automatic chants like the rock. the rock would say they are chanting the rocks name and just like that, the fans would chant. the people that chant for cena dont chant for him when hes on the mic making jokes so cena is nowhere near the level of the rock for that.

Basically what this boils down to as that both wrestlers have said corny stuff on the mic but since Rock is more loved than Cena, we criticize Cena and praise Rock.

rock had his first match in 7 years a couple months ago and looked awesome. whats cenas excuse?


if it was cool to boo the big name then how come austin wasnt booed? he got booed when he was heel and thats the idea

Didn't ratings go down when Austin was a heel?

cena and rock are on different levels and cena is the one looking way up. he cant carry the business and help ratings. hes helped bring that aspect down.

Wrong yet again. Cena helped bring the business back up after HHH brung it down and if you think that Cena is the reason for ratings decreasing, I feel sorry for you.
I see some differences. Most of those differences are in the way they present themselves, not so much who they are.

-Rock was funnier. Then again, he didn't have the same restrictions Cena faces. Rock knew/knows how to work a crowd as well as anyone I've ever seen, including Hogan. I don't know if he wrote the majority of his own material or not, but he was/is a master when it comes to delivery.

-Both are charismatic. Rock more so than Cena, but I think that has a lot to do with how the crowd reacts to Cena. Cena is underrated in this category.

-Cena is better with the serious stuff. Rock was great when he would feud with Austin or HHH, but when it came to serious promos, he wasn't great when he wasn't working with one of the two.

-Rock's a performer. I believe Cena is too, but just doesn't have what Rock has. Few have.

-Cena is probably a bit better in the ring, but it's basically a tie. I think he's terribly sloppy and corny, but Rock wasn't much better in that regard. I think Cena has had more solid matches, but nothing he has done comes close to what Rock and Austin did at WM 17.

Oh, and I see some people bring up crow reactions. Honestly, that doesn't have much to do with how different or similar the two are. It's how people receive them. Rock caught his share of boos at one time, but those came from him either feuding with Austin (most popular wrestler on the planet), or leaving to make movies. A lot of the just don't like Cena, plain and simple. I'm not sure Rock had that same problem.
oh and cena vs the rock will be epic but its not the biggest match of all time. the rock vs hogan at mania 18 will always be and for one reason 2. no one ever thought theyd see hogan back in wwe after the ugly situation with vince and him. it just didnt seem possible and that was a dream match for such a long time and then it happened. cena and the rock is but it wasnt nearly as talked about
wow bro you really dont know do u. the ratings were actually pretty good when triple h was dominating the wwe. ive followed that a long time and tell me what match has cena carried. cena cant even find ways to be loved in an era that doesnt have a lot going and the rock did when everyone was big. yeah the ratings went down a tad but nothing like today and remember too that when austin turned heel, the rock left for a couple months. we praise the rock because he was and still is awesome. he evolved himself as a wrestler. explain to me how the rock and cena are the same when the fans clearly disagree and yeah thats a big deal because the fans make the superstar. how come cena has heard fuck u cena chants at a wwe ppv and has heard you cant wrestle? not a good sign
Anyone who says Rock got a 'mixed reaction', the majority of the time evidently wasn't watching the same tv I was in 99, 2000 and 2001 he had the crowd in the palm of his hand. Noone could get a crowd response or work them the way the Rock did in his promos.

The crowd was mixed against Lesnar because Rock was in the early stages of 'Hollywood Rock' the heel character, against Austin because in 2003 Rock was again heel and it was Austins last match, at WM 16 as Rock was heel and the corporate champion and at WM 17 because it was two of the three biggest faces of all time next to Hogan going at it.

As to those who claim they are similar in the ring yes they both have the; 'five moves of doom', but so does every major superstar on the roster including in-ring talents like Punk and Kurt Angle. It's simply a case of WWE wanting to create a sense of identification amongst the fans with superstars movesets. Rock's matches did not follow the pattern of him getitng his ass kicked and hitting the same five moves in the last 2 mins.

For one, Rock was actually fallible and often lost clean to put people over, he was a far better athlete than Cena and his offense was faster paced, more graceful and more versatile if anything similar to Ortons. So whilst Rock may not have been a technical marvel in the ring on a par wth the likes of Benoit, Guerrero and Angle he was no worse than other greats like Austin, Savage and HHH who are all better than Cena in-ring.

The only similarity between Rock and Cena imo is that they both represent distinct generations, but whilst Rock did it in the attitude era in which primarily young adults and teens attended shows and got a consitently great crowd response. Cena does it in the PG era where a large chunk of the audience comproes of young kids who provide his main vocal support, the difference in pitch of the chants testifies to this.

The Rock has far more universal appeal than Cena, this is not to say i necessarily hate Cena I respect him as a guy and I have greta respect for all the extra charity work ect he does but he is not similar to the Rock. As a previous poster mentioned he bears far greater resemblance to a 21st century Hogan.
oh and i know its not all on cena for the crappy ratings but he is a big part of that. look back on raw when austin became the face of the company. raw still wasnt the greatest show as a whole but yet the ratings rose because austin the top star was the reason to watch. so yeah your top stars are a big part of the ratings. ratings rise a little bit when the rock is on now. i would respect cena a lot more if he would better himself in the ring. he does his moves in the same damn order almost every time. theres a reason he gets booed but all the cena fans think its the cool thing. grow up

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