The Doctor Great and Devious Staff member Super Moderator Aug 10, 2009 #379 Oh shit. He fucked that leprechaun up.
R RageBattle - .... . ... .... .. - Aug 10, 2009 #380 Oh yeah, Hornswoggle just put them over, I see big things ahead.
A Ambiguous Turd Mid-Card Championship Winner Aug 10, 2009 #381 The indestructible midget finally got pinned.
The Doctor Great and Devious Staff member Super Moderator Aug 10, 2009 #382 Midcarders have been getting some good focus recently.
K klunderbunker Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House Aug 10, 2009 #384 And that's why Rhodes should never be allowed to talk.
The Doctor Great and Devious Staff member Super Moderator Aug 10, 2009 #385 There's only fifteen minutes left, plus overrun. There's no Kofi Only dark spot in a great show.
R RageBattle - .... . ... .... .. - Aug 10, 2009 #387 I can't believe he still doesn't wear kneepads. Seriously, I will buy them if he will wear them.
S SavageTaker Everybody Has A Price! Aug 10, 2009 #388 They are better when they are quiet. Wait no...they are still shit even when they don't talk.
The Doctor Great and Devious Staff member Super Moderator Aug 10, 2009 #389 Oh shit. He's gonna get Canada to boo him.
S shafe_41 DON'T HINDER JINDER Aug 10, 2009 #390 Jericho just burying Calgary.... love it. Jericho > Everyone
K klunderbunker Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House Aug 10, 2009 #391 The look on Show's face for that was good.
A Ambiguous Turd Mid-Card Championship Winner Aug 10, 2009 #392 It doesn't matter. Canadians will still cheer for Jericho, anyway.
The Doctor Great and Devious Staff member Super Moderator Aug 10, 2009 #393 Punk v. Morrison! I hope Hardy's re-signed.
T Tyrath Occasional Pre-Show Aug 10, 2009 #394 That Show/Jericho segment is the first time Raw has made me laugh out loud in a while. Show's face was priceless.
That Show/Jericho segment is the first time Raw has made me laugh out loud in a while. Show's face was priceless.
L Loveless A Life In Monochrome Aug 10, 2009 #395 I loved the little look to camera from Show. The reaction to Jericho will be interesting.
The Doctor Great and Devious Staff member Super Moderator Aug 10, 2009 #396 Sidious is a nationalist. Jesus, did a Canadian steal your girlfriend or something?
N Nev Pre-Show Stalwart Aug 10, 2009 #397 Legacy's promo reminds me of Orton and Edge as Rated-RKO against DX only 3 years ago. Look at how much has changed between then, and now, for Edge & Orton It tells you something
Legacy's promo reminds me of Orton and Edge as Rated-RKO against DX only 3 years ago. Look at how much has changed between then, and now, for Edge & Orton It tells you something
J Jack bruce Occasional Pre-Show Aug 10, 2009 #398 why do canadians cheer jericho everytime he goes there he clowns them even tho he does claim to be from canada.
why do canadians cheer jericho everytime he goes there he clowns them even tho he does claim to be from canada.
The Doctor Great and Devious Staff member Super Moderator Aug 10, 2009 #399 HE'S A MAAAAAAAAAAAAN SUCH A MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-AAAAAAAN.
R RageBattle - .... . ... .... .. - Aug 10, 2009 #400 It will be just like Summerslam when Jericho got the pops.