Live Discussion: Raw 8/24/09

That really was a pathetic RAW; FMJ did nothing; and Vince as a face WHY! they should have ended his BDAY by slimin him or shitting him or something
Sidious is going to have a field day on this Raw. :( Busy night for the staff.

Sorry to disappoint you, but I was extremely tired today and actually slept through most of Raw, except for the final match. Read the results, though and I solicited feedback from the Live Discussion. Sounds like I missed one of the worst Raws of the year.

I had the ZZ Top Raw ranked as the worst one of the year so far, but this one sounds even worse.

I heard the Godfather was the backup plan for Mayweather, and I would have actually preferred seeing him instead of Floyd, who was seemingly running late tonight. Must have been tied up with the investigation against him or something.

Sounded like a mess.

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