Learning How To Let Go

Let me start this off by saying I did like the guy while he was here, he helped me with some ideas and such. I just couldn't believe that he was the mod of the sports section, not saying he was horrible but I was expecting more from him. Oh and yeah I was around before he left, I was disappointed to see him go because he was a nice guy, to me at least. I know Doc will put his 2 cents in on him, but he was helpful. I just expected him to completly own and he didn't.

Yeah, Doc didn't like him but that was for completely different reasons.

TM started as the sports mod and was then given the Music section. TM really did do a good job in the first few months he had the Sports section. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been given another section. I recall talking to him when he got the new section and he was genuinely surprised. As he tried to make the music section better, his influence in the Sports section dwindled and eventually petered out. The fact of the matter is that he organised that section really well at first and did a good job.
That you were banned?

By now it's just a story. I've yet to really see you act a fool, and really I couldn't care less. The only people that would give a shit would be people who still carry some emotional attachment to the situation.

Exactly, the banning occured three years ago, I've been unbanned almost two years and in that period have worked my way up to G-mod, obviously people are over it with only Will and one other person who feels the need to bring it up.
Yeah, Doc didn't like him but that was for completely different reasons.

TM started as the sports mod and was then given the Music section. TM really did do a good job in the first few months he had the Sports section. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been given another section. I recall talking to him when he got the new section and he was genuinely surprised. As he tried to make the music section better, his influence in the Sports section dwindled and eventually petered out. The fact of the matter is that he organised that section really well at first and did a good job.
His opinion, I respect it. Yea when I started going in there I bumped 2 month old threads and all kind of shit. I think there was only 12 pages worth of threads to go through. That and when he tried to debate me he put up decent points but lost horribly. I just expected more out of the sports mod that's all.
His opinion, I respect it. Yea when I started going in there I bumped 2 month old threads and all kind of shit. I think there was only 12 pages worth of threads to go through. That and when he tried to debate me he put up decent points but lost horribly. I just expected more out of the sports mod that's all.

TM didn't know much outside of hockey but he still stayed active and drove some discussion. He also made sure to always at least try and post in almost everyone's threads. IC has made a few good threads this week but up until this week I don't even remember him posting in the section since becoming mod.
Exactly, the banning occured three years ago, I've been unbanned almost two years and in that period have worked my way up to G-mod, obviously people are over it with only Will and one other person who feels the need to bring it up.

Who's the other person?
TM didn't know much outside of hockey but he still stayed active and drove some discussion. He also made sure to always at least try and post in almost everyone's threads. IC has made a few good threads this week but up until this week I don't even remember him posting in the section since becoming mod.
True story, I just expected a little more that's all.

True again, I've gotten a bit lazy this past week so I haven't been in there much, but I'll probably end up going in there one day and bumpin' 6 or 7 threads.
To be fair, this thread would be more aptly entitled:

"The Definition of Irony"

And, you could apply it in a variety of ways.
The fact that will did fuck all as mod for months both on and off the scenes?
Please Sly, won't you educate us on the various ways?

Well, first of all, when you first look at the thread title, am I the only one who thought it was about someone who couldn't let something go, and keeps bringing it up over and over again because he/she is crying about it? Surely I couldn't have been...and yet, again, here's Will complaining about the Staff, for the most part the same Staff he fought with forever in the Board Room, and kept throwing temper tantrums with.

At least, on those occasions when he was actually around. I know he mentioned once how he was told to step up his activity as mod and he did...but what he failed to mention was that was like the third time it was mentioned to him.

Will, I like you, look out for you, even took care of something for you tonight (you know what I mean), but this thread would MUCH more appropriate the last 6 months or so that you were on Staff. All the things you're now talking about, applied to you far more than anyone else on Staff since I've been here. I can't begin to tell you how many people said the same things about you back when you were on Staff.

It's not a big deal. Like I said to you then, I understand real life happens, not a big deal. But...you're the pot calling the kettle black. You and I both know it.

As far as what's expected of mods now, it's different than when you were on Staff, so all of the problems you seem to have really don't apply anymore. Feel free to offer your apologies to those of us on Staff (or not), but just realize the criteria for which you are judging the Staff is completely different than my criteria. And since MY criteria matters much more than yours, that would make you completely wrong.

Honestly sick of your pot shots left right and centre. You're not on staff, things have changed, don't like it, don't post it's not that hard

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