Learning How To Let Go

Who gives a shit what the staff does and doesn't do, threads like these will never change the way they do things, beleive me I would know, I bitched about staff as much if not more than anyone here and to the best of my knowledge it didn't do an ounce of good, so fuck it, Staff is gonna do shit how they see fit whether you like the way it's done or not
You know, I'm not gonna lie. When I first started, SlyFox and Will were assholes to me. I'm sure they are to a great number of people... But if I've learned anything in the time that I've been here, they're 2 of the best posters on here, I respect the hell out of them, and have earned the right to belittle and degrade people. NorCal is a fucking Legend from the looks of things, and KB is a kick ass dude in his own right...

I was gone for about 8 months and from what I can tell, alot of shit has changed. I don't see the need for people to get at eachothers throats about this shit though... Time changes shit... But as for the basis of the thread, I will agree... If you're in a position of power and you're not using it for the better of things, give it the fuck up. That applies to alot more than this place, too...
Well, now that the initial blast of the explosion has past and we've entered into nuclear winter, How does everybody feel? Is it all better? Was any of it worth any part of it? These are some questions to ask ourselves. Is this internet thing too serious? Are we all in disarray with the few and the proud pointing out the glaring flaws? What part of the matter is truth? Answers, answers, answers.
Well, now that the initial blast of the explosion has past and we've entered into nuclear winter, How does everybody feel? Is it all better? Was any of it worth any part of it? These are some questions to ask ourselves. Is this internet thing too serious? Are we all in disarray with the few and the proud pointing out the glaring flaws? What part of the matter is truth? Answers, answers, answers.

After reading through this entire thread, I've come to the conclusion that it was, in the end, pointless. Nothing was resolved (as it seems, there was nothing to solve in the first place), and that was the end of the story.

But you are officially one of my favorite posters.
Well, now that the initial blast of the explosion has past and we've entered into nuclear winter, How does everybody feel? Is it all better? Was any of it worth any part of it? These are some questions to ask ourselves. Is this internet thing too serious? Are we all in disarray with the few and the proud pointing out the glaring flaws? What part of the matter is truth? Answers, answers, answers.

I feel as if I should sue you for gimmick infringement. How does that make you feel? Can you see how certain text-enhancers can bring emotion and meaning to your posts? Do you agree this is better than using colours? Why am I contradicting myself by ripping you off? Is it because I'm trying to teach the rookies not to act out of line? So many questions, so little time.
Dayum. all I can say was I entered this thread thinking I know what it's going to be about. I exit it now, and I was wrong. :(
Page 14 and Sam comes in to say he doesn't give a fuck what moderators do. Then, just as quickly as he appeared, he was gone.
Page 14 and Sam comes in to say he doesn't give a fuck what moderators do. Then, just as quickly as he appeared, he was gone.

Page 2, if you're a tough guy. Still quite pointless, regardless of the number of pages.
Gee... look what I've stumbled upon. Another "mods don't do their jobs right" thread. Never seen one of these before.

And my name hasn't been checked off on the "exempt from Will's tyranny" list, so I'm curious as to see where all of this dogshit is going.
Gee... look what I've stumbled upon. Another "mods don't do their jobs right" thread. Never seen one of these before.

Then do your fucking job man. [/sarcasm]

Wait.... is it really a mods job to start threads, or are they supposed to ensure there is order? These boards are moderated far better than tons I've visited. Plus it's being done for free, so people need to have a real life. Whatever that is.
Wait.... is it really a mods job to start threads, or are they supposed to ensure there is order? These boards are moderated far better than tons I've visited. Plus it's being done for free, so people need to have a real life. Whatever that is.

This basically hits the nail on the head.

We are asked to do a combination of "driving discussion" and cleanup. That means we should post within other threads, create threads, advise posters on things they are unsure of, and infract/warn posters that break the rules. We do any combination of those four things. If some areas are lacking then sure, we could pick it up a bit. But sometimes the other areas become too busy for the ones that are being ridiculed in this stupid thread. But that's no reason to step down from the position.

Moral of the story -

Non-mods should mind their business about what the mods do. That's the bosses job (a.k.a. Sly or other admin staff).
The rule I go by is what is needed. Now to be fair I don't have a specific section and know very little about MMA or music and don't watch much TV outside of ESPN, politics and wrestling so I don't have much of a point going into those three sections. What I can do is infract/warn, talk about wrestling and do things like the reviews and tournament. Sometimes I'll go on a posting binge though, which is always fun.
Well its about time. Finally, the real point of this entire thing has come to light.

Wait, what's with this not posting in your section stuff? I do plenty of stuff for M&T. I had a lot of shit over the past 4 weeks or so, but it's not as if I wasn't going to update the predictions section.

Honestly, Will, I don't think you're in any position to judge someone's modding. Everyone here was very understanding when your Internet went haywire for a couple of months; I think it would be a good idea for you to show the same courtesy that was shown to you.
I haven't read most of this thread because, quite frankly, I feel I'm above that, however, I will say this:

Will, you hung on for a year too long. It was like "Am I a G-mod yet? No? I'll check back next month".

This may have already been said.
I haven't read most of this thread because, quite frankly, I feel I'm above that, however, I will say this:

Will, you hung on for a year too long. It was like "Am I a G-mod yet? No? I'll check back next month".

This may have already been said.

To be quite honest. I agree whole heartedly with this entire statement. Not even remotely trying to be sarcastic, either.

I should have just stepped down when I first lost my internet for the, what, 6 months it went out. Then judging by how NorCal went about it - I would've just got my spot back anyway when I returned. (not meant as offensive, I would've worked for it like I'm sure he did.)

I think I held on a bit too long even before my internet went out, because I started getting drained, tired and bored of a lot of the Staff stuff.. and I only held on because I did want to be a G-Mod. So - yes, I agree I was a mod for probably a year too long.

However, on reflection to that - I was still a mod, that neither Irish nor Sly felt should have been demodded. Clearly both felt I was good enough, and a Staff member that they didn't want to lose. I was asked to step up my productivity, and each time I was asked - I did. Does that mean I was the best? Or even great? No. But obviously there have been others that I doubt either of them would've worked as hard to keep ON Staff, as they did with me.

I finally got so tired of it, that I did "learn to let go" and stepped down. I also didn't create a big "I'm stepping down, love me here and never forget me" thread like the majority of those others have. If someone wanted to know why I stepped down, I told them, privately.

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