WZ, look into your heart!

Oh yes, let's make this about me. I'm obviously at fault and am nothing more than a preachy aggravation because you can't handle being called out on your flaws. Let's me it all about me because you can't take the heat! Come on, it's not like I'm not used to it!

Thanks for the invite, though I obviously didn't need. And, my flaws? I don't think they can be considered flaws, since I'm open and honest about them. Do I have vices? You're damn straight, I do. I smoke, I drink, and I'm a recovering pill popper. Do I ever just drink, with the expressed goal of getting faced? No, I don't. I have a few beers, and a shot of whiskey. And trust me when I say, that's well below my tolerance level. I'm not making any excuses, I'm simply stating what my "demons" are. Now, here's a question for you: What are your vices? Be honest now, because even you're hero has one or two.

Regarding this so called "venom" I've allegedly been spewing in your general direction, I don't see this. I get this way around anybody who seems to think they're better than someone, just based on what they do or don't do. I find it extremely prejudicial, and uncalled for.

Note: Not once did I say I was better than you, in this whole post, or even this thread. Did ya notice that? I've actually put everyone on even ground. Which is how it should be.
What are your vices?
I feel too strongly about what's right and am willing to defend it past the point I need to.

I get this way around anybody who seems to think they're better than someone, just based on what they do or don't do. I find it extremely prejudicial, and uncalled for.
So people who talk about drug use in a positive light like certain members of our staff do are suitable role-models for WZ's PG era? A "yes" or "no" will do just fine.

Call me crazy, but I don't want any child of mine looking up to xfear. The thought makes me sick to my stomach. It should upset you as well. Although you've probably taken something to quell such feelings. Am I right?
Dude, if this isn't a work, you're a fucking idiot. Calling out people due to their private lives is asinine. And I don't drink much, smoke pot anymore, or have ever done serious drugs, but I sure like pussy. Matter of fact, just got done pulling little Lariat out of my new squeeze. So yea, ya like that huh?

Anyway, in reading this thread, this has turned into something that's extremely annoying. And using fancy words doesn't make you sound intelligent. It's HOW you use your words. And what I boil this down to is two different things.

1) Either it's a work due to you being a fan of Punk and all that good stuff.
2) Or you're a massive tool.

Calling out mods and admins on personal issues will lead you to being banned. You know this. Why call out people who have more clout in their toenail clippings than you do in your entire body when it comes to this forum. The best thing to do is simply leave if you're not satisfied with how things are. If you want to stay, deal with it and possibly shut up. Otherwise, do us all a favor and stop being a buzz kill.
I'm getting sick of you and your endless sexual exploits. Monday can't come soon enough as far as I'm concerned, and I'm going to take comfort in the fact that your chances of being a mod in the new order are likely all but gone because of how you flaunt your success with women.
I feel too strongly about what's right and am willing to defend it past the point I need to.
Who are you, or anyone else for that matter, to decide what's right or wrong? We're not discussing murder here. We are discussing addictions. Also, I'm presuming your answer should be interpreted as "My vice is having a condescending attitude, and don't care to actually share anything else."

So people who talk about drug use in a positive light like certain members of our staff do are suitable role-models for WZ's PG era? A "yes" or "no" will do just fine.

Call me crazy, but I don't want any child of mine looking up to xfear. The thought makes me sick to my stomach. It should upset you as well. Although you've probably taken something to quell such feelings. Am I right?

Answer 1. This is hardly a simple yes or no answer. It all depends on which drug we're talking about. Marijuana is hardly a harmful drug. Which brings me to this point: Are you under the impression that the green stuff should be illegal, or are you only saying this because it currently is? Hell, it's less harmful than both of my addictions indidually. And, do you even know why it's on the no-no list? Aside from all this, I can't seem to recall anybody saying coke, ecstasy, heroin, or crystal meth are positive.

Answer 2. If by "taking something to quell such feelings", you mean, for example ENJOYING A BEER (which I can still say openly), and smoked a Camel Wide Light (again, bless this grace period), then the answer is a resounding yes.

By the way, your whole attitude toward this makes you just as close minded as somebody like Jerry Falwell, my father, and DW Griffin. You do know who Griffin is, right? Or is that just another area where you'll come off as ignorant?

Come on you guys...really?

X, you'd be surprised at how lightly I'm takin' this at this point. I may be coming across as bitter, and angry, but that's the sheer brilliance of me. Well, that, and the fact that sarcasm doesn't translate terribly well over the interwebs. I honestly am having a blast with this, I'm just working off some anger from work today. This, right here, is nothing but fun for me.
Who's saving face? If you'd read some of my posts in the "PG" thread, I'm obviously not buying it. Like I said, all my "anger" stems from work. I had the Bar and Pizza place both today, and I've been flat broke all week. Compounded on top of that, I haven't seen my ex all week (we're still friends), my best friend informed me today that she's not moving home after all, and I've dealt with jackasses since I woke up. This thread, is exactly what I've needed to unleash my aggressions. I think I deserve it.
Inky says it was a work, he also says you shouldn't take things so seriously in the bar room. ....God damn it shut up Inky you asshole.
:wtf:Bah, what's with all these works lately, you people aren't nice sometimes. :p Way to make me feel like an arse!

I can see how people bought into it, Matt, but if think about it, Coco never comes off as preachy as he did here. As for the "PG" thing, that's only a possible work. We shall see about that one on Monday.

It should be noted, I wasn't privy to this work, I just figured it out, and ran with it.
The grabbing hands grab all they can all for themselves
After all it's a competitive world
Everything counts in large amounts
It's Nosferatu speaking of course Dew Drop.

All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm
ChiSox whooped our ass, 12-1 or something like that. I don't know. I was busy getting drunk.

Right, it's well past 4 AM, sleep time. Or something close to sleep atleast. Less awake.

Enjoy the Silence.
Well, have a good one X. I'm off too. Like Dim says, "Bed ways is best ways, so best get Home ways." Right, Right?
Who's saving face? If you'd read some of my posts in the "PG" thread, I'm obviously not buying it. Like I said, all my "anger" stems from work.

So not only do you turn this anger on the people of this forum who come here to converse and enjoy other people company, but then you try to save face by denying it. Truly pathetic.

I had the Bar and Pizza place both today, and I've been flat broke all week.

No doubt having spent all your money on narcotics to feed your insatiable addiction you waste of space. You're a tumor to society.

Compounded on top of that, I haven't seen my ex all week (we're still friends), my best friend informed me today that she's not moving home after all, and I've dealt with jackasses since I woke up.

So now you're going to go smoke a doobie to relieve that stress?

This thread, is exactly what I've needed to unleash my aggressions. I think I deserve it.

Your kind don't deserve anything
Okay, all in good fun, I'll respond, openly and honestly.
So not only do you turn this anger on the people of this forum who come here to converse and enjoy other people company, but then you try to save face by denying it. Truly pathetic.

Like I said, not saving face, it was a nice way to release my frustrations and stress. I'm sure nobody took me seriously.

No doubt having spent all your money on narcotics to feed your insatiable addiction you waste of space. You're a tumor to society.

I've not done narcotics in years. Were they fun when I did do them? Yes. Do I miss them? Sometimes. Do I realize I'm better without them? Absolutely. I dont think I'll ever go back.

So now you're going to go smoke a doobie to relieve that stress?
I don't smoke that anymore, though I'll admit, it was fun while I did.:p

Your kind don't deserve anything

If by my kind, you mean hardworking folks, who sometimes have to decide between food, beer, and rent, knowing they can only afford two, and making that rough decision based on what they want the most that month, then you, sir, are wrong.

Now, because I know it'll come across as a serious answer, I'll go ahead and say, whilst alot is, I know you're joking. And, I'm being a smartass. Except for the drug points. I never joke about that.

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