And the new WZ Admin is....

I'm not sure if I'm more shocked by the fact that ANYONE fell for this or the fact that people are actually laughing. Maybe I'm just dead inside. I dunno. The best part of this is the people trying to save face. Still not laughing, but it's mildly amusing. Very mildly.
Final thoughts:
1. Little upset that Sly apparently sees me as brely a step above Jane. I am a good poster...I think...

2. No way I am ever getting on staff.

Dave would be my pick to replace Lee as well, honestly. He knows far more than I do about modern games, as my expertise is oldschool games. Maybe the WWE section someday if Sidious gets promoted.

There is a chance that a Co-Mod position may open up in WWE at some point. Obviously, that isn't a definite or anything. As of right now it's been me, and the G-Mods have been helping me out when I'm not on. Becca in particular has been looking out for the Raw and PPV subforums as we've kind of divied up the entire WWE section.

But there may be an opening down the road in that section. I submitted a list of recommendations of what I feel would work best IF the Admins decide to go this route, on what to look for in the poster, which I am not going to go into publicly.

The only one I'll comment on though is that you have to work with me. And that can be quite a challenge. ;)

But given the right person, we could make a good team.

Again, I want to emphasize, that NONE of this has been decided upon so nobody should get their hopes up in case the decision is made NOT to add another person. All I am saying is that there is a possibility down the road.
There is a chance that a Co-Mod position that may open up in WWE at some point. Obviously, that isn't a definite or anything. As of right now it's been me, and the G-Mods have been helping me out when I'm not on. Becca in particular has been looking out for the Raw and PPV subforums as we've kind of divied up the entire WWE section.

But there may be an opening down the road in that section. I submitted a list of recommendations of what I feel would work best IF the Admins decide to go this route, on what to look for in the poster, which I am not going to go into publicly.

The only one I'll comment on though is that you have to work with me. And that can be quite a challenge. ;)

But given the right person, we could make a good team.

Again, I want to emphasize, that NONE of this has been decided upon so nobody should get their hopes up in case the decision is made NOT to add another person. All I am saying is that there is a possibility down the road.

I think you and I could make a good team. I'd have no problem co-modding with you if that possibility were to open up in the future. that there is no Admin from the regs, everyone is already discussing the possibility of themselves becoming Mod? :lmao:

....No one touches the Cigar Lounge. That's FromtheBack territory, that is.
Well, it's Fromthesouth territory. I never infract, or do much modding (because my section calls for so very little). The odds of my becomming promoted are slightly high than those of Jane becomming admin.
Well, it's Fromthesouth territory. I never infract, or do much modding (because my section calls for so very little). The odds of my becomming promoted are slightly high than those of Jane becomming admin.

...Sure....that's what I meant....:lmao:
I have read all of these posts so I might as well finally tell you how I feel:

I was upset there is no new admin, but I am not mad that it happened because I wasn't expecting to win, I wanted to win but wasn't expecting it.

Also, SC I don't care what you posted as it is hilarious how dumb I am for falling for this.

Great job all involved with this prank.

(But please but my BT Ideas in effect lol)
Not annoyed by the prank, as I didnt care, not really amused by the prank, as I didnt care.

But if see one more person insult Warrior in this thread I will flip out or something equally badass
Not annoyed by the prank, as I didnt care, not really amused by the prank, as I didnt care.

But if see one more person insult Warrior in this thread I will flip out or something equally badass

Destrucity. that there is no Admin from the regs, everyone is already discussing the possibility of themselves becoming Mod? :lmao:

....No one touches the Cigar Lounge. That's FromtheBack territory, that is.

Your tag partner said he would nominate me for CL mod if IC ever got drunk and promoted him...

I really need to get back to posting. I actually have a few threads I want to put up but I'm never in the mood to type them up.

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