The Mid-Year Worst Of WZ Awards: Thread For Nomination Submissions

Worst Poster, Wrestling
The D-Man

Worst Poster, Non-Wrestling
The D-Man

Biggest Asshole
The D-Man's actually alright - Justinsayne

The "Spencer And Heidi" Award For Biggest Tool
The D-Man

Biggest Tease
The D-Man

The "DerfsNUMBA1FAN" Award For Biggest Attention ****e
The D-Man

The "Chirping Crickets" Award For The Least Amusing Poster On WZ
The D-Man

Most Delusional Poster

Most Overrated Poster, Wrestling
The D-Man

Most Overrated Poster, Non-Wrestling
The D-Man

I'd like to thank the academy... er... Uncle Sam...

And here are MY nominations... (this shouldn't surprise anyone)

Worst Poster, Wrestling
Uncle Sam

Worst Poster, Non-Wrestling
Uncle Sam

Biggest Asshole
Uncle Sam is too nice for this one... I say THE LEGEND KILLER

The "Spencer And Heidi" Award For Biggest Tool
Uncle Sam

Biggest Tease
This one can't be Uncle Sam... it's gotta be Whisper HAHAHAHAH

The "DerfsNUMBA1FAN" Award For Biggest Attention ****e
Uncle Sam

The "Chirping Crickets" Award For The Least Amusing Poster On WZ
Uncle Sam

Most Delusional Poster
Uncle Sam

Most Overrated Poster, Wrestling
Uncle Sam

Most Overrated Poster, Non-Wrestling
Uncle Sam
This D-Man character has crossed the line. Hopefully Shocky or Luther or someone sends him to prison.
All right, there hasn't been enough interest in the Worst NWS Poster or Most Overrated NWS Poster, so those are getting scratched. Instead, they are being replaced with The Max Hardcore Award For Worst Bar Room Poster.

Edit your current nomination submissions, or you can submit new ones for this category. The final nominees will be announced on Monday at 2 PM EDT. And, the sub-forum (or stickied thread) will be up at some point when the administrators have the time to do so.

Also, I am looking for a sig expert to make an award picture. I want a gilded piece of dog poo with flies around it.

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