Here Are Your Nominees For The Mid-Year Worst Of WZ Awards

So I have an idea. What if we awarded prizes for those that win?

For Example:

If worst bar room poster ever steps foot in the bar room, and post in the bar room, they are subjected to having the mods change their post to "I'm a little fairy moo cow." Or something embarassing like that.

Biggest tease is met at his/her front door by Deadman, sporting an entire pack of condoms.

Worst wrestling poster ia automatically banned. For pure reasons of sucking. Return will be completelyn up in the air. Or, if they're already banned, allow them back for a week, allow us to make fun of that person until he/she cries, and then permaban them.

And other such things of degrading and humiliating nature that will overall have us feeling like complete dicks afterwards... Until we realize the person deserved it.

There.... I just did us all a favor, and put what someone might say.... So, no need to say it.

Eh.... Please, don't?

lol, i like it.
Worst Wrestling Poster, Most Overrated Wrestling Poster, Worst Bar Room Poster, and Biggest Asshole will be be decided by a seven-person committee (if you are interested in being a part of this, make it known here, or you can PM me if you want). The rest will be voted on in polls that will be put up sometime this upcoming week. The winners will be announced on Tuesday, July 7th.

If you still need more people I'll gladly join if you want.
Whats the problem?? how come I can't get nominated for something? I come up with crazy new threads all the time...........
I presume that in the next poll I´ll be nominated but I´d be glad if anyone disagrees here
It's amazing ho many people want to be nominated for the WORST awards on this site.
I find it funny that all 3 of the females were nominated for Biggest Tease. It's blatantly obvious that KB is by far the biggest tease. He's pimp- he can't help it.

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