Stupidest/Oddest thing that made you go to the Principal's office

Left my shoes in my locker and went to class.

Teacher told me to go to the Principal for coming to class without shoes.

I asked for a hall pass to go to my locker, get the shoes, and go to the Principal.

Teacher wouldn't give me a hall pass because I couldn't walk the hallway without shoes.

I asked: "What am I supposed to do, then?"

He said wait until class is over.

I asked: "Then, it's okay to walk in the halls without shoes between classes?"

He said: "Okay, I'll give you a hall pass."

I took the pass, went to my locker.....and went home without going to the Principal.

Never heard another thing about it.
Well mine is quite the story. A new and very irritable teacher had just began her work for my public school during my eighth grade year and already began to show a disdain for me and my friends. This began in the first month of school as me and my friends would hang out by a bench right at the end of the intermediate side's soccer field.

One day some of the younger students decided to go up further than usual and kick a ball around where we we're sitting and I guess this teacher just happened to look over in our direction and did a full on imperial march towards us and then proceeds to screech at us for being on the "little kid side" despite being on our own side. The argument ended when she declared that she would keep her eyes on us.

Maybe a month or less after that one of my friend happened to be eating an orange. So I don't know if he was moving his arm in an awkward pattern while eating or something because the same teacher ends up storming back over yelling at three of us for being in trouble with her before AND for throwing orange peels at each other. So we got sent to the dreaded "wall" for that affair.

Probably a month and a half after that we are completely away from the previous hang out area, in fact we were on the opposite end of the playground. My friend picks up a stick after it got thrown at him asking whose it was and right at that moment the same teacher sees him with a stick in his hand and calls him over to her, now while she does, she looks at me as I drop a small branch I had picked up for a millisecond for whatever reason and screams for me to go up with my friend as well.

So me and my friend and get completely scolded at in the office for the torment and harassment we have put this new staff member through and the principal nearly suspends us for the incident, but decides he's a "nice" guy and gives us a second chance even though we did nothing anyways.

Months after that and I mean at least three months afterwards I guess that same teacher was just plotting her revenge to try and get us expelled or something because me and my three other friends were getting talked to by various staff members about why were harassing this teacher and putting her through all of this shit for months and months despite not even being in contact with her after the stick incident. In the end one of my friends was able to prove his innocence (he was the one in the office with me so luckily he didn't have to suffer for a second time) while me and my other two friends were forced to write apology letters and hand deliver them to this teacher in her class room during our longest recess break.

And after she gives us a long winded speech about how horrible we were to her, including the famous line we always remember: "I knew some hip cool punks at my other school who could put you in your place!" She took our letters of apology and "accepted" them and finally was that the end of the "Bitch Teacher Saga". And you can bet after that we avoided even being anywhere within ten feet of her. My god were those autumn-winter months were awful in that grade year.
Su Madre Duerme Con Mi Perro.

I said that to my history teacher in 7th grade not knowing she spoke Spanish. I got sent to the Pricipals office and he gave me ISS the next day.
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I got sent today.

Theres this kid in my ancient history and english class and his really small like 145cm(dunno how tall that is in feet maybe 4'6?) anyways english doesnt play a big role but in english he does grammar sheets for no reason.We were all reading a book and his doing grammer sheets.

Now in ancient history today I had to sit next to him and his reallly annoying and racist(im tanned and his white btw)He called me a chocolate mud cake in front of the teacher earlier in the lesson and the teacher didnt care.His also extremely cocky and im easily more then a foot bigger and at least twice his weight(thats how small he is)

So back to the present Im just chilling in ancient history since its the last week and we aint doing anything and he wont stop annoying me(he got moved next to me).So I tell him and I quote "If you dont shut your mouth Im gonna ram your face into the bansaw"he then jabbed me in the nuts and I floored him.Lucky the teacher was out of the room so when he came in the kid i punched was head first on the desk and i pulled a trick out of eddie guerreros book and lied on the ground holding my nuts looking like he hit me hard(when it didnt hurt at all)and we both got timed out which is close to the prinicipal.

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