This is freaking hilarious.

The thing I said about Pittsburgh being the city of Bandwagons, it inspired me to make this.


I'm going to post it on my facebook.
Probably. Let's not lie to ourselves here... He moon walked all over their pre-teen rectums.

I personally don't think he did. The mafucka was weird and fucked up in the head, but I don't think he'd do some shit like that, cause he honestly seemed like a good dude.
I felt bad for the guy though, everything he's been though. The whole vitiligo, and then the nose jobs.

I think he was just missing a childhood though.

The whole thing with my Dad is probably way I got so pissed whenever Macca called me a pedo back in the Prison days, eventually though it didn't bother me anymore and I learned to make a joke of it.
It would be a perfect case. Whenever I was around 7-8, my Mom's parents took my half sister to stay at her house, and they never brought her back. Even though my Dad kept telling my Mother that he wants her back so we can go to the Second Christmas January 12th thing.

Though that night they still didn't bring her back, and by Half sister yelled in the phone to my Dad that she hates him. I think she was around 12-13 at the time, and my parents were divorced. This led into a fight between my parents, and eventually a custody battle (Even though during the divorce, my Mom agreed that my Dad should get both of us and then we'd just visit her.) Well than at some point before the custody trial, my Mother's mom her name is Rita (Let me describe good ol' Rita, she is a fat, curly haired red head from Tennessee. Her husband and my Mother's father's name is Bob, who beat and I'm pretty sure raped my Mom and her sister as a child), Rita just happened to ask my Half Sister Madison, if my Dad ever touched her.

And my angry half sister said yes. Of course in a custody case, they're going to pull out the molestation angle on the single, 30 year old male. Which goes into a whole new case. My sister is very naive, and it turns out we discovered that she's also has a very small bit of Autism. After the custody trial, my Mom also won partial custody of me, and I had to stay with her and her parents, and my half sister, for half of the year at their big ranch like house of the rest of 3rd grade (From around February-June). My mom didn't have any say in this, and when my sister first accused my father, they didn't even tell my mom about it. My mom was actually on her way to talk to my Dad about my sister, when she got the call from her Parents telling her to met them at the police station.

It was hell at their house, luckily my Grandma was fighting to regain custody. At one point Rita hit me in the head with a frozen bag of bagels, and when I told he that I'll tell the judge during the trial, she said something like "Go ahead, I'm sure it will be the laugh of his day." He wasn't laughing when I told him by the way.We won the custody trail, and I went to stay with my Grandma, visiting my mom every other weekend, which pretty much turned into Saturday nights. Now fast forward to when I was in 5th grade, the time of my Father's trial. I'll say now, my father is completely innocent. I wasn't at the trial, I wanted to testify, but our Lawyer said it would anger the Judge. The judgmental, hypocritical, bias, man hating Judge, who I'm pretty sure was also raped as a child.

Not only did my sister's story change multiple times during trial, not only was a member of the jury tampered with (Someone win up to him and said "Dave Sullivan is a guilty man", and not only did they try to pile on as many charges as they could think of, my Dad was found guilty of a few of the charges. I'm not sure which ones, I know most of the rapes were not guilty, but yet one charge contradicting another charge was found guilty. The judge sentenced my Dad 18-48 years in jail. 18 years! There's Murderers who get half of that! So far It's been....about 5 years now, but it's felt like 10. During the appeal (Which took about 3 years to even process) the 3 judges up there...were 3 women. Of course, all 3 happened to be women. I wanted to kick the prosecutor up there in the fucking nuts, boy do he look like a weasel. He was a weasel. He looked a lot like Steve Buscemi too.

We're still trying to get everything we can to get him out, and we're hiring an investigator as well. My Grandma spoils me like milk, but I think it's because she just wants me to be happy for once. I talk to my Dad every day, except Sundays, because he calls my Uncle on Sundays to talk about football. He's in a very good place right now though, Laurel Highlands it's called, pretty minimum security, probably the best prison you can be put into. He get's a good tv, and my Gram buys him all the magazines and books. They also visit him a lot too. I can't visit him because of the charges he's in there for, not until I'm 18. Which is also fucking bullshit. Everyone we've explained the trial to thought it was a complete joke. My Dad also has a friend in there, he likes WWE. My Dad calls him Batista because Batista is his favorite wrestler. My Dad though, my Dad hates wrestling. He says I should join a Wrestler's Anonymous Group, to try to get rid of my addiction to WWE.

We also got in an argument over the intelligence level of wrestling fans. Tomorrow he's going to help me with my current WR situation in my fantasy league, I kind of have a weak WR set. We have a lot in common though, people even say that I look just like him. The sad thing is, I can barely remember what he looks like, he's just a voice. It's like..when I talk to him, I talk to my Consciousness. He's just a voice that I talk to 15 minutes a day.

Wow... If you have a problem with this kid I will personally haunt your fuckin dreams

Sully for president!
Anyways, now that I have the whole story, you can understand the way my Grandma feels about my mother, and why she keeps wanting to put guilt into her. With her putting the words in my mouth of what to say to her.

She didn't want me talking to her without her there to see what she says, let alone that the last time we did talk, she told me she was pregnant. And now she's married. I think I'll pick a time whenever she's calm, or sitting down.
After telling you all for a long time that you should be nice to Sully, are you finally prepared to hear what I'm saying?
When people ask where my Dad is, I always tell them that he's in Vegas, working as a contractor during the day, and playing poker at night. Seems like it'd be his dream. If you read the synopsis and read the part about Poker, he plays online poker a lot, that is pretty much his career. Probably the only thing I think he can beat me in, but once the time comes along, I'm kicking his ass in Madden.

I still don't think I have a rough life though. I don't get beaten or neglected, or abused like some children actually do. I'm in a good home and under a roof. I get feed well. I think what's happened to my father is unfair, but it's not the worst thing that could happen. He's still alive, unlike a lot of kids. Some kids don't have a mom or Dad. At least I have a chance at getting my Dad back.

If he does end up serving his full sentence, I'll be 27. He'd be in his mid 50s. I think he's around 37-39 now. Hang on, let me ask my Grandma how old it is. Haha, I don't even know how old he is, he's 38. He'd be 56 when he gets out, although I'm hoping that's not the case, I'm hoping he gets out within the next year or two...although we've been saying he'd get out within the next year or two for the last 5 years. If he serves his sentence all the way up to the 48 years, he'd be 81. Eighty fucking one.

There has been a few positive things coming out of this whole situation though. My Dad was a smoker, he smoked cigerattes a good bit. He used to smoke in High School, then he quit. But then he smoked again when he met my mother. My mother is a smoker as well. But the first prisons he went to didn't allow smoking, and he was forced to quit again.

The place he's in now allows it, but he doesn't have to smoke anymore. He's also been working out and running there too. He's really turned his life around. My Dad mentioned in his synopsis how the little witch laughed after she read her letters. Yeah the court had everyone involved right letters. She wrote a letter, Rita and Bob wrote letters (Bob cried whenever he read his letter...fucking asshole), My mother's sister said that my father was always miserable in her letter...she saw my father not more than two fucking times her entire life...and one of them was when I was born.

The Judge never read my letter. She read all the letters on their side. How fucked up is that? And my Dad mentioned in his synopsis that after she read the letter, she walked away laughing. My mother told my Grandmother and Aunts a year after the trial, that Rita and Bob wanted to go out for Ice cream after the trial. My Mom didn't think that was appropriate, so they went without her. Who goes out to celebrate for Ice Cream after ruining a man's life?

Rita and Bob have that child so brainwashed. Whenever I had to live there in 3rd grade (She was 14 at the time), I'd come home from school and find her sitting on Rita's lap, watching baby shows. I can't even remember the show, it was something from the PBS channel.

I wasn't at my Dad's trial, but my cousin said when they were leaving the courthouse, she was holding Rita's hand walking down the street. She was 15 at that time. I even think that Bob himself molested her, and convinced her someway that it was my Dad. There is something wrong with that child, and even though she is messed up, I still blame her for everything she's done. She's not completely ******ed, and she knows she was lying during at least some point of the whole thing.

But like I said before, if my Dad ends up getting hurt in that Prison, I will walk to Rita and Bob's little log cabin house, and I'll kill both of them. That is how much hate they have drove into me. I'd either kill them, or I'd go into a deep depression. I'm always the type of person that doesn't want to hurt anybody. I don't like fighting, and I don't like killing.

Yet it's funny that I'm a WWE fan. I also don't like hurting animals, but yet I can't fucking stand those assholes over at PETA. When it comes to my personality, I think I have a very interesting one at that, but I suppose everybody has an interesting personality. Honestly though, I think I'm way more intelligent then the people in my school. It's like those people have no common sense, they just talk without thinking. Me, I'm always thinking about everything.

Was it this thread that I said I played those little imagination games with my head? I also like to pretend that I'm a secret agent or a cop, or like a Michael Weston sorta spy during the school day. Of course I don't ever show it, but in my head when I'm walking down the hall way or opening my locker, it think that way.

When I was in Elementary School, I did the same thing, except it was a Harry Potter type of thing instead of a Spy, and my pencil was my Wand. I remember when my teacher taught us Photosynthesis, I turned it into a spell. I am a very odd person. The weirdness doesn't stop there, I think I have OCD too. I'm not diagnosed, but it's pretty blatant. It's not that bad, it's only a little bit of OCD, but it still fucks me a lot.

I also hate paper, it really depends on the paper. But the really dry paper, I hate the way it feels on my skin, or how I'm writing and it brushes up against the side of my hand. Especially after I've just taken a shower, and everything on my body is so dry, I can feel that. I remember one time after Gym, we were swimming. I just got changed and was heading up to Drama class, and my Drama teacher asked me to pass out some papers. I think I died a little inside, I still did it with a smile, but oh was that torture.

One thing I hate is drugs though. I don't like the kids in my school who smoke pot or do other stupid shit. They look like such idiots, goofing off in class, gaging their ears. But yet I don't hate the people who smoke pot either, like SSC. SSC is one of the coolest motherfuckers I know, he's not an idiot. Maybe it's just because the kids in my school are teenagers.

They all wear their skinny jeans, and their beanie hats. They have moccasins, and their ****** ass tapout T-shirts, and their monster hates with the tags on, with their huge gaged ears. I have to sit next to one of those little punks in Homeroom, it kills my mood everyday. I barely talk in Homeroom, I just lay my head down and sleep, but I can't sleep because his annoying ass is yapping in my ear.

One day the little shit said something like "Do you think this gage looks infected?" and I said "I think it makes you look like a ******." Then he said something like "I'm going to kick your ass" and I laughed and said okay, and then went back to sleep. He's friends with another kid like that named Joe, Joe McManus. Although I call him Joe McAnus. When I called him that one time, he informed me that one of these days I'm going to get my ass kicked, once again I laughed.

Except being that I'm going into my Sophomore year, that means the Seniors are no longer there. The same Seniors that protected my ass from that shit. I think I'll be fine, but it was always nice having that little bit of protection. That never really helped me out too much, they pretty much told people to back off. Nothing that nobody will try to take advantage of once they're gone. Plus I think I can handle myself.

I really don't know what I would do though if something happened to my father. Actually, I think what'd be worse is what my Uncle would do. I say I'd kill them, but I don't think I would if it really happened.

My Uncle though. My uncle is a ginger. You know Gingers when they get angry, they flip. Seriously though, my Uncle would probably beat Bob to death if something happened to my Dad.

I really don't know what I would do though if something happened to my father. Actually, I think what'd be worse is what my Uncle would do. I say I'd kill them, but I don't think I would if it really happened.

My Uncle though. My uncle is a ginger. You know Gingers when they get angry, they flip. Seriously though, my Uncle would probably beat Bob to death if something happened to my Dad.
I never got that impression from gingers. Harry always seemed much angrier than Ron.

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