Brotherhood is Painful


Lord And Master
Staff member
I'm the 18 year old brother to my 6 year old sister (damn!). I gotta take care of her everyday while everyone's at work. She's very ill behaved. I go to check up on her and she grabs my arm and starts swinging it around while I ask her if she wants food. Swinging my arm, she accidentally crotched me. I got on my knee's and just dropped to see how she would react. She cried. Hard. She cried harder when I told her to stop. I asked her why she cries and she answered by saying that when mom gets home she's gonna ask why I'm holding my crotch and then she's gonna know and then she'll be grounded.
This is kind of why I don't want children, not because I think children are bad, but I was an absolute ass to my older brother and I know karma is just waiting to punish me for it. :-p

Now it sucks because my brother is able to guilt me into doing all kinds of things for him now that we're both in our twenties. (Me 21, and him 28) So, hang in there. The pay off (in guilt) is worth it.
Not my fault she's ill behaved. But I know I'd make a good parent. Been taking care of her since 2005. We're both alive, so that's a good sign.

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