IMPACT Wrestling LD for 06.23.11

So I turn on TNA for the first time in forever, join in about ten minutes late, and who are the first four people I see? Eric Bischoff, Sting, Scott Steiner, and Bubba Ray Dudley (I refuse to call him that god-awful other name). What is this, WCW mixed with ECW circa 1997. Last time I checked this was 2011, where is Generation Me, A.J. Styles, Beer Money, Samoa Joe?

Also, that arena is kept way too dark during promos. Who came up with the idea that darkened/different colored lights should be used during promos and in-ring segments. I don't care what company it is, it's stupid.

Alas, nothing to do tonight, so I'll watch. This show better pick up soon.
Steiner should've opened with a line like "So yu mooved ou' ov de dunken donuts centre heh fatass?!"
As soon as you accentuate your "comedic sarcasm" by not being an argumentative hobnob every week.

I don't start arguments. I make observations that are often met with laughter. Every now and again, someone cries about them. I'm not all that worried about it. In this case, I made an idle comment about Bischoff's team not helping him which is completely valid. You are the one who took offense to it and is making this some sort of argument. I'm watching a match now so the stuff we're talking about is in the past. I'm not worried aobut it anymore. Shit happens, bro.
These two need to have an extended feud. I can think of no better combination on the mic that Steiner and Bully Ray.

In TNA alone? Or in the business altogether. I can think of a few that might be better in TNA, but more altogether in the business.
Nothing wrong with that match, petulant smark bitching about a lack of younglings aside.
Sting should start carrying a straight razor with him and handing out Chelsea smiles. He should also have just started ballroom dancing with Bischoff's limp body for no reason.

Let's just rename the show "Sting acting fucking crazy for 2 hours" and have him do shit like this. I will tune the fuck in every week.

right there with ya
So I turn on TNA for the first time in forever, join in about ten minutes late, and who are the first four people I see? Eric Bischoff, Sting, Scott Steiner, and Bubba Ray Dudley (I refuse to call him that god-awful other name). What is this, WCW mixed with ECW circa 1997. Last time I checked this was 2011, where is Generation Me, A.J. Styles, Beer Money, Samoa Joe?

You were two years old in 1997.
Anderson's brash, wears ball caps, and eats hamburgers. He's everyman. What's not to love?
That match actually didn't suck, so I was pleasantly surprised.

ODB is back? Nice. But Jackie is still around...
Does Abyss have a contender for Destination X? If not then will he face Kendrick?
This whole Bound For Glory series is just not going to work methinks. This company has trouble keeping up continuity in angles a month later, let alone 4 months from now.
Still really not sure if I like this series. VERY long time to have points going.

I like the angle quite a bit. If they do it right the series can easily build two or three bound for glory angles. Plus with 12 participants, they can have 65 unique single matches.

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