IMPACT Wrestling LD for 06.16.11

If it is so clearly going there X why would the topic of conversation between the two lately be Sting trying to get Hogan to turn face?

I am hardly the only one saying that the promos between the two have been interesting even before last night.
If it is so clearly going there X why would the topic of conversation between the two lately be Sting trying to get Hogan to turn face?

If you actually think that this won't lead to a Sting-Hogan confrontation, you are absurdly naive and/or just be willingly stupid. Like usual.

I am hardly the only one saying that the promos between the two have been interesting even before last night.

You're right. You and those 3 other people with the huge tinfoil hats on probably all dug it. However for those of us that watched WCW, we've seen this shit ten thousand and one times and it has sucked every single time.
I doubt it X. Most of the people that actually watched WCW seem to like this now or at least have some interest in it. In fact, this whole discussion started from someone saying they were interested. But I am sure you will just repeat yourself, exaggerate some more and maybe throw in a 3rd grade insult.
Trust me I don't need to insult you when you're rocking a Vince Russo sig.
He has an absolutely impossible job and does it very well.

I've tried my hand at fantasy booking in the past, doing it properly by writing entire shows and worrying about time constraints and all that crap. I found it phenomenally difficult to keep producing quality material for more than a few months at a time, and I'm a full time professional writer backed by a writing degree and a lifetime wrestling interest.

I was doing it with no time constraints or external influences or pressures and in a world where every fantasy wrestler was my completely willing pawn, and I still couldn't cut it for more than six months. Russo has been doing the same thing, under incomprehensibly more difficult circumstances, for the best part of a decade. That alone gets my instant respect.

He's also been doing it well. As I've articulated countless times in the past, TNA is doing pretty well for itself, and as such Vince Russo deserves some credit. Credit is something the man never seems to get incidentally: in TNA's multi-year history every time something has happened that somebody didn't like the instinct has been to blame Vince Russo (even though countless wrestlers have gone on the record as saying that half the time when the "Fire Russo" chants got broken out it was for stuff he had nothing to do with), yet every time something good happens it is conveniently overlooked that he might have been involved with that as well.

Then there's the fact that he provides me personally with a large quantity of enjoyable programming. Quite a large number of the reasons why I enjoy TNA come down to the style in which the show is booked and written, and most of that comes down to Russo. As a TNA fan that gives me all the motivation I need to feel some fondness for the guy.

Lastly, the guy seems to have a pretty decent character. He doesn't do a whole lot of interviews, but those he has given generally make sense. He doesn't have too much of an ego, he doesn't seem desperate to put himself over, and he doesn't act like a colossal jackass. That's more than I can say for most people I see interviews from. Russo has his interpretation of the business, which I for the most part I agree with, as is stoically unconcerned that a rather sad but vocal minority of fans seem to have taken out some lifelong grudge against him. Anyone who has to put up with that level of being shit on and still goes in to work and does their job well every day deserves respect.

So yeah... I like the man. I don't really have a reason no to.
Russo has a creative mind, and that's not up for debate. However, he has written/booked just as much garbage as gold, in my opinion.

Much, much more trash than gold if you ask me. I mean, seriously a few good years doesn't make up for a decade now of crap.
I thought you used to like TNA X? I am sure that was just the talent though ...

It is a thankless job. I suspect the main reason Russo is hated so much has to do with how good of a heel he was at a time when the fans needed someone to blame for everything.
It is a thankless job. I suspect the main reason Russo is hated so much has to do with how good of a heel he was at a time when the fans needed someone to blame for everything.

Agreed. It's most certainly a thankless job. Then again, he's receiving a check, and I'm sure it's a sizable one.

Are you talking about his heel run with WCW? The guy was easy to hate, a natural heel, no question. Being in charge of a terrible show probably helped draw heat as well.
I love how every week, the TNA faithful come into the LD & craps all over anyone who doesn't blindly love the product as much as they do, and tell them that if they don't like the product then to stop watching, well...

A) if everyone who didn't like the product as much as you stopped watching right now, TNA would be done, the majority of wrestling fans for both WWE & TNA are just casual fans, you could care less if the miss a show or two, & are not blind hardcore followers like you

B) if we were all to stop watching now, then how would we know if the product was improving? we're all wrestling fans here, and open to criticize the product if we don't like what we see

C)Why is it ok for people to openly criticize the WWE in there LDs but not TNA? kinda hypocritical don't you think?

D)How can these blind hardcore TNA followers even know whats going on on the show when they are so busy trying to bash KB, X, or any of the other people who openly criticize TNA's product? perhaps if you stopped bitching about the people that don't like your show and started focusing n the show itself you could see how bad it's really gotten and why they're so critical
I thought you used to like TNA X? I am sure that was just the talent though ...

No I quite liked them in 2005. Russo got fired in late 2004 and didn't come back until late 2006. So no actually, Russo was not involved at all with my absolute favorite period in TNA history.

It is a thankless job. I suspect the main reason Russo is hated so much has to do with how good of a heel he was at a time when the fans needed someone to blame for everything.

What an absolutely ******ed excuse. People hate him for his awful booking, not because he was a good heel.
Are you talking about his heel run with WCW? The guy was easy to hate, a natural heel, no question. Being in charge of a terrible show probably helped draw heat as well.

Yep, that is what I am talking about. Although, he also continued that character in TNA some as well. The thing about it is that at that time the blurring of kayfabe and reality wasn't as well understood as it is now and even now a lot of people still are easily drawn into this pseudo reality. It is pretty much an undeniable fact that Russo's "terribleness" is greatly exaggerated. This is just my theory why.
It's starting again!

Every week, never fail. Love it.

I know, these LDs wouldn't be nearly as bad if people like Shattered would just stfu, and stop trying to shit on other peoples opinions constantly, seems like he's the one that starts this shit every week... or at least everytime I get bored enough to check out the LDs
I've said it before Russo & Anderson are in the same boat, both are capable of producing gold when they have someone to keep them in check and filter out the stupidity, something both received in WWE, and neither have received since
I've said it before Russo & Anderson are in the same boat, both are capable of producing gold when they have someone to keep them in check and filter out the stupidity, something both received in WWE, and neither have received since

While none of us can say this with 100% certainty, this sounds accurate to me.
People hate him for his awful booking, not because he was a good heel.

It is impossible to disassociate the two even if you actually believe he is awful. No one can really answer this question. However, how many people are hated in wrestling for booking/writing only vs what happened on the screen? I'd say such a case study would suggest that the on screen role played a huge part in this whole thing. Is there even a writer that didn't appear on tv that the audience cares about at all one way or the other? It isn't that he played a heel. It is that he played a heel based on issues people had with his real life.

It is pretty much undeniable that Russo gets blamed for a variety of things he had nothing to do with or significantly less to do with than popularly believed (see death of WCW).

I'd also like to add that the filter myth is likely largely a creation of Vince McMahon. Vince has easily shown that he isn't always right yet people buy into this villification of everyone that leaves his company. I'll never understand it. The closest thing we have seen to unfiltered Russo recently was a pretty popular time in TNA history and although X will not admit it I am pretty sure he was into the product then.
It is impossible to disassociate the two even if you actually believe he is awful.

What? No it isn't. It's incredibly easily to differentiate Russo the on-screen character with Russo the booker. As usual, you're just making shit up at this point. You'd have to be pretty mentally deficient not to be able to differentiate between Russo being an on-screen character, and the booking decisions of WCW at the time. I can't believe I'm even pointing this out.

No one can really answer this question. However, how many people are hated in wrestling for booking/writing only vs what happened on the screen? I'd say such a case study would suggest that the on screen role played a huge part in this whole thing. Is there even a writer that didn't appear on tv that the audience cares about at all one way or the other? It isn't that he played a heel. It is that he played a heel based on issues people had with his real life.

It is pretty much undeniable that Russo gets blamed for a variety of things he had nothing to do with or significantly less to do with than popularly believed (see death of WCW).

I'd also like to add that the filter myth is likely largely a creation of Vince McMahon. Vince has easily shown that he isn't always right yet people buy into this villification of everyone that leaves his company. I'll never understand it. The closest thing we have seen to unfiltered Russo recently was a pretty popular time in TNA history and although X will not admit it I am pretty sure he was into the product then.

You make some absolutely asinine points, you know that? This "people hate Russo because he was a heel and not because of his booking" line you're trying to pull right now is so laughably false that I really don't even need to go any further into discussion of it. As usual you're grasping at straws, trying to make some kind of point about your beloved Russo and TNA, and as usual your point makes absolutely NO FUCKING SENSE to anyone whatsoever besides yourself.
And as usual instead of trying to prove your point you just say "me right, you not" and post some purposely misinterpreted version of what I said follow by some flaming. You know a lot about wrestling in theory, why are you so afraid of having an adult discussion about it?

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