IMPACT Wrestling LD for 06.16.11

Takes time to write up a however-many page report complaining about the outcome of every match? Seems like easy money to me...

Your prestigious site wanna pay me to complain about how much RAW sucks every week?

You might actually want to, you know, read X's reviews before knocking them. He's very impartial. Hell, if he gives any company a favorable bias, it's the indy companies.
Takes time to write up a however-many page report complaining about the outcome of every match? Seems like easy money to me...

Oh shut the fuck up IDR, clearly you don't even read my fucking reports or you'd know that I gave thumbs up to both of the last 2 TNA PPVs, praised several matches on each show, and recommended them to the readers. Yeah, I fucking hate TNA SO MUCH man, all I do is bitch and whine you're totally right. :rolleyes:

Your prestigious site wanna pay me to complain about how much RAW sucks every week?

Hmmm, do you have to pay to watch RAW? No? Then no, they won't pay you to recap/review the show for them. Plus you'd actually have to be a talented writer, and I've never seen you write anything more than a few paragraphs on whoever in TNA has caught your fancy that particular week.

You're coming off like a raging cunt right now, seriously.

Pretty decent show this week in other news. A few solid matches, some angle development, I enjoyed it.

Because neither statement has any bearing on the length of a match. People coming in here to complain about "wrestling matters" every week by insinuating it obviously doesn't to TNA because the matches aren't long enough doesn't know their head from their ass.

Wrong. This process that TNA have gone through has promised a bigger emphasis on wrestling, wouldn't you agree? (If you don't, just stop now.)

So, how do you emphasise wrestling on your wrestling show? Have more of it would probably be the answer to that, along with having a higher quality of wrestling.

How do you have more of it? Have longer or more frequent matches.
How do you have a higher quality of wrestling? Well, you have better wrestling.

All makes sense to me.
X's review of the last TNA pay-per-view was actually quite positive. I also saw most comments on the page that night were agreeing with his viewpoints.

Anyways... not digging this Gunner push at all. I agree with IDR that it's a great way to get a new guy over with what they're doing with him; I just wish they chose someone else to give this push to.

I'm just messin' with him. Haven't actually read it. I don't read reviews. I don't care what other people think about shows — only what I do, so it's a waste of time to read them, IMO. But I'm glad he's getting paid to do it. Seems like easy money to me.

I actually kinda agree with you about Gunner, but frankly, I'm glad to see them pushing a guy for real. I wish it was Roode, but I'll take what I can get.
Oh shut the fuck up IDR, clearly you don't even read my fucking reports or you'd know that I gave thumbs up to both of the last 2 TNA PPVs, praised several matches on each show, and recommended them to the readers. Yeah, I fucking hate TNA SO MUCH man, all I do is bitch and whine you're totally right. :rolleyes:

Hmmm, do you have to pay to watch RAW? No? Then no, they won't pay you to recap/review the show for them. Plus you'd actually have to be a talented writer, and I've never seen you write anything more than a few paragraphs on whoever in TNA has caught your fancy that particular week.

You're coming off like a raging cunt right now, seriously.

Pretty decent show this week in other news. A few solid matches, some angle development, I enjoyed it.


LOL. Still the easiest guy on this forum troll. :lmao:
You're a bad person IDR.
I'm tempted to violently defend X's honour just for that Don West crack you made earlier.
Tuned in late, first time in a couple months since I've read good things lately. Enjoyed Joe/RVD, didn't understand but enjoyed seeing Anderson look like an ass, finished with an attempt at a snuff film that was more Rocky 5 than They Live. What the fuck was that?
Yeah dude. Keep telling yourself that and keep being all angry. I'm sure you must be the happiest person I've ever seen. Heaven forbid someone think something other than you and say it. The world would be such a better place if we were all like you, complaining because there's something being said that you don't like, just like I'm doing with this show.

I am not the one using a stop watch to time matches. You are. Nuff said.
You're a bad person IDR.
I'm tempted to violently defend X's honour just for that Don West crack you made earlier.


I can't help it. He gets so riled up. All it takes is a couple words to get him into a frenzy and he's off callin' people ***** and what not. :D

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