IMPACT Wrestling LD for 06.23.11

I'm game. Really pumped to see who shows up, have managed to remain completely spoiler free and am damn excited.

Lucky SOB. I'm far too curious these days to remain spoiler-free. It will definitely surprise you who shows up, no doubt.
I do not know why this myth exists that people that enjoy TNA have no tolerance for dissenting opinions.

Our critiques basically fall under 3 pretty simple concepts that are not especially radical:

1) Why spend a lot of time doing something you do not enjoy?
2) Don't be stupid.
3) If you are going to be stupid at least be original.

So unless you are bitching about the same stupid irrelevant thing that you have been for months on end I'd argue we have quite a bit of tolerance.
I have been doing pretty good avoiding spoilers lately but I accidentally found out about Aries beforehand. No clue who is coming this week though. Who do you hope to see before this is all over Gelgarin?
I'm still crossing my fingers that they work something out with Williams. I don't see it happening, but I would love it if it did.

After his last interview I'm expecting Lethal to show up in TNA again, but I don't think it will happen yet; I think we've got another few months to wait for that.

Jerry Lynn is the obvious one, not in the contract battle, but he's got enough name value that they could bring him in for a singles program (I hear RVD isn't doing anything)

For Impact jobbing duty I like the idea of Sonjay Dutt, Roderick Strong, Paul London or Puma. Oh, and I'd absolutly love to see Johnny Divine or Consequences Creed back, although I'm not sure either of them is still wrestling.
Oh, and Curryman. We never got closure on him after he was dragged out of the Impact zone in one of the sadder moments in TNA history. Come to think of it, bring back all of the Prince Justice Brotherhood. If ever there was a time for a Shark Boy cameo then this is it.
So someone edumacate me.

I thought the X-Division was be kilt, but a bunch of them dudes are coming out of the woodwork now?
Storyline-wise, Eric Bischoff wanted to kill them off for a prank. Then Mick Foley came and made the Destination X PPV an all-X Division PPV. Eric/Hogan have to follow.
fuck, why do I do this to myself.

there had better be a HEALTHY helping of XFear and Gelgarin in here tonight

Fo sho' man, I'll be here for this tonight. Another rainy as fuck night in my town.

Jerry Lynn is the obvious one, not in the contract battle, but he's got enough name value that they could bring him in for a singles program (I hear RVD isn't doing anything)

I heard rumors about them trying to do exactly that and I sincerely hope they do. I was crushed last year when Lynn got injured right before Hardcore Justice and couldn't wrestle RVD one more time. Their feud had to be one of my top five favorite ever.

For Impact jobbing duty I like the idea of Sonjay Dutt, Roderick Strong, Paul London or Puma. Oh, and I'd absolutly love to see Johnny Divine or Consequences Creed back, although I'm not sure either of them is still wrestling.

I've never been a big Dutt fan. Strong would probably show up if they offered him a handshake deal since ROH and TNA apparently have no problem with their talent working for each other again anymore. Puma AKA TJ Perkins is doing a pretty extensive tour with New Japan so it's feasible since TNA has a working relationship with NJPW, but I don't see them bringing him in either. And if they brought in Paul London he'd sure as fuck better stick around for more than just jobbing duties, especially with Kendrick a regular part of TNA these days.

Oh, and Curryman. We never got closure on him after he was dragged out of the Impact zone in one of the sadder moments in TNA history. Come to think of it, bring back all of the Prince Justice Brotherhood. If ever there was a time for a Shark Boy cameo then this is it.

I never object to a bowl of hot and spicy Curry Man.

Just don't expect not to be challenged on it or called out for doing so if you're overly critical (in the opinion of those challenging you).

There's also the issue of some people going out of their way to fit in with the crowd they see as rebellious, who watch the show JUST to bitch and go "hah, I think it's shit along with you!" Only a few do that in here, but they know who they are

I never object to a bowl of hot and spicy Curry Man.

i bought a curry man shirt at an indy vendor, was sooo cash

like, 15 cash
It is rainy down on LI so I will be here as well. Might flip back and forth with the NBA draft but I'll be here.

Also, I finally got the music from Petey so I'm going to include a link to our newest show so you guys can hear the latest from The High Crusade. No guests but pretty solid show. If you have an hour, maybe give it a listen. If you do and pass the word around and I get the most listens on our channel, I'm eligible to be in a fantasy league with former professional athletes so I'd appreciate the help!

New Radio Show with new theme song!
I've never been a big Dutt fan either, but if they're keeping the same format from last week then they need bunch of guys to come in any only wrestle one match, and Dutt is one of the most recognizable alumni who does flippies, in other words he's perfect for the role.

I wouldn't be surprised if we got somebody from Mexico showing up given how closely AAA seem to be working with TNA these days. I'm sure they could justify some of the world X cup competitors as being alumni. The only one who I can actually remember showing up in TNA was Ultimo Gurerro, but I'm sure there were plenty of more feasible names who showed up with him.
Curry Man vs Senshi vs Skipper. Book it.

I always liked Dutt but he was the walking definition of limited upside. I have been hoping on that RVD-Lynn match myself. RVD did cut a promo last week where he said you could say he pioneered the style. Interesting choice of words ...
Something came up last week, but I may be here tonight to *********e to the chaos that is a TNA LD. I'm like a heroine-addict going through withdrawals. Gimme that good stuff. Partisan bickering with a thick coat of creamy Coco sauce... Oh yeah.

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