ECW LD / WZ Does MST3K on See No Evil

That's the best thing they could have done. Christian was the only main face on the show other than Benjamin and they're fighting at TLC. Someone had to turn face.
Creepy choir, always a good way to build ambiance.

Wait, what the hell? "Jesus loves the little children, all the little children of the SCREAM red and yellow black and white"
I know this, and you know this.

Other people do not.

I dunno, I wasn't thinking.

Oh shit, Darth Vader?

LULZ, he's actually credited as Kane?

I don't think he was being serious Doc. I highly, highly doubt he's wearing green as a tribute to Misawa.
WWE films are so bad they're actually incredibly enjoyable. The Condemned is one of the worst movies I've ever seen but fuck is it entertaining.
David Hasslehoff stars in Anaconda 3? And it's made by Sy Fy?!

Sign me the fuck up!
Naming your villain "Jacob Goodnight" immediately removes all the scary.

I've been in bathrooms that looked like that. EXTREME MOPPING ACTION!
Something tells me Michael's not going to make it out of that bathroom.

It's too bad Kane won't give him a swirlie first though.
The bathroom at the bus station in Providence is literally a shithole. Like, it's a room that's 99% human feces, 1% flooring and ceiling. There is shit literally everywhere, always. I'm beginning to think it's some sort of avant garde art exhibit.
The bathroom at the bus station in Providence is literally a shithole. Like, it's a room that's 99% human feces, 1% flooring and ceiling. There is shit literally everywhere, always. I'm beginning to think it's some sort of avant garde art exhibit.

Haha, no offense man, but Providence is indeed the armpit of New England.

I remember when me and my friend went to look at RIC, the first thing we saw when we got off the highway was an Amazing.

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