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How do i make one of those Spoiler box things in my posts?

This is the spoiler code:

[spoiler="Insert Spoiler Title Here"]Write Spoilers Here[/spoiler]

You MUST include a title in the "Spoiler=" box, or it won't work. Any other questions don't be shy to ask!
hey umm, technical question here. A fellow user of the household computer got banned from this site (BradTheGreat) and i've discoverd i'm unable to create an account now. I tried the other day on the main comp and got immediatly banned for 'being an Alt'

so i was wondering if you could reverse the IP ban or whatever makes a new account get auto banned so i can have an account.

PS: i'm using a laptop at my mums house for this and it is no means permanent, i intend to use the main computer back home 99.99% of the time.
hey umm, technical question here. A fellow user of the household computer got banned from this site (BradTheGreat) and i've discoverd i'm unable to create an account now. I tried the other day on the main comp and got immediatly banned for 'being an Alt'

so i was wondering if you could reverse the IP ban or whatever makes a new account get auto banned so i can have an account.

PS: i'm using a laptop at my mums house for this and it is no means permanent, i intend to use the main computer back home 99.99% of the time.

What do you mean unable to create an account? you already have this one, why do you want to make another one? You can only have one
i created this account on another computer.
Will i be able to log in on the comp that Brad got banned on without me being banned for 'alts'?
hey umm, technical question here. A fellow user of the household computer got banned from this site (BradTheGreat) and i've discoverd i'm unable to create an account now. I tried the other day on the main comp and got immediatly banned for 'being an Alt'

so i was wondering if you could reverse the IP ban or whatever makes a new account get auto banned so i can have an account.

PS: i'm using a laptop at my mums house for this and it is no means permanent, i intend to use the main computer back home 99.99% of the time.
I guess if we were idiots, we MIGHT buy this story.

But since I pride myself on NOT being an idiot, I don't buy it one bit. You got banned, deal with it. The fact that you never tried to sign up until AFTER Brad got banned makes it obvious who you really are.

You got banned, move along. We don't want you back anymore.
Can an infraction be lifted if the correction was made quickly after it was given? I felt it was good enough by giving the links to the entire match, but I guess I was mistaken. I went and changed the thread to add some information about why I felt it was good, so I was just checking up to see if there's a possibility of it being reversed since it was done in a timely manner after the infraction was made. Thanks no matter what you decide!
Firstly, was it an infraction or a warning?

If it a warning, then no harm is done, it means nothing. If it was an infraction it can be reversed if the admins/mods feel like it must be. It is at their own discretion in regards to reversals. If it is indeed reversed, it can be taken of your user CP. However, I don't think they will reverse because you fixed it.
It's an infraction and it's no biggie. Just wasn't aware of the specifics of the ruling, but fixed the problem within 20 minutes.
Can an infraction be lifted if the correction was made quickly after it was given? I felt it was good enough by giving the links to the entire match, but I guess I was mistaken. I went and changed the thread to add some information about why I felt it was good, so I was just checking up to see if there's a possibility of it being reversed since it was done in a timely manner after the infraction was made. Thanks no matter what you decide!
If you hadn't been given the infraction, you wouldn't have added the additional information. Which means your post was violating the rules.

To use a real world example, let's say you're in a car, doing 70 mph in a 55 zone. You pass a police officer, and start to slow down so you don't get a ticket. But, he already clocked you, and has his lights on. Can you go to a judge later and say that you were going to slow down after you saw the officer, and get out of the ticket? Not likely.

You broke the rule, and only after being caught did you try to obey the rule. So the infraction would stand in that scenario.
So there's not much reason for me to give rep because whoever I rep will get so little points.
On the contrary, the WHOLE purpose of rep is to show another poster what you think of their post. Since it will no longer boost reps astronomically, there's MORE reason to rep more often.
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