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Are there any rules against a bar room thread dedicated to street fights?

No, I don't see why there would be. Nothing in the rules though. As long as it's not like overly grotesque violence like curb stomping or something.
It is just some good old fashion chick fights. Most of them are on youtube, and they are pretty against the "curb stomp". So it is alright? I can put a warning in the title.
FAQs said:
The Complaint thread is the opportunity for posters who have recently received a Warning or Infraction they feel is unjustified to RESPECTFULLY bring up the issue. If you wish to have your infraction reviewed, you do it in the Complaint Thread. All WrestleZone Forums complaints go in the Complaint Thread.

post it in the complaints thread.
So I've tried a couple times to get WZ to email my new listed email account by stating that I've forgotten my password. It's failed at least twice. Any ideas on why?
Have you tried your junk folder?

Failing that are you sure you are checking the correct email account?
So I've tried a couple times to get WZ to email my new listed email account by stating that I've forgotten my password. It's failed at least twice. Any ideas on why?
Check your spam settings. Make sure that, if your spam settings are high, that the spam mail goes to a junk folder. Then check your junk folder.
I've already checked the junk folder repeatedly. How would one go about changing the spam settings on hotmail?

I've already checked the junk folder repeatedly. How would one go about changing the spam settings on hotmail?

It should be in your "Options" menu. I haven't checked in a while (and can't right now), but the Options menu used to be in the top right corner of Hotmail. There should be a "Spam settings" link.
Okay. I've checked and everything seems in order. Can't explain why I can't the forgotten password email. No rush, but it's confusing.
Could someone please give me permission to put up "some" of the threads in my director's showcase? I wanted to get an OK here because what I will post now could technically be considered spam, although I will come back throughout the days to fill out the posts just like I did with the Deep Red review.
Could someone please give me permission to put up "some" of the threads in my director's showcase? I wanted to get an OK here because what I will post now could technically be considered spam, although I will come back throughout the days to fill out the posts just like I did with the Deep Red review.

Go for it.
I'm not able to see my avatar, or most of anybody elses. I instead get a message telling me to upgrade to Photobucket Pro. Is this just a minor glitch, or are the avatars gone?
Just a glitch for now Dewey, all of the avatars should be back up by sometime tomorrow, 'til then we'll just have to make do bud.
Why the 21st?

Mr. Pink. Do it. You know you want to.
It's already done.

And the 21st is when the PB account that half of them are located on will get a bandwidth renewal.

I'm working on setting up the avatars in a different way right now, so hopefully this problem won't happen again.
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