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Who will Lesnar face at Mania

  • Rock

  • HHH

  • CM Punk

  • Orton

  • Undertaker

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1) perhaps the match in which Yokozuna defeated 'Taker in a casket match with help from half the locker room? Giant Gonzales getting him the DQ win at WM for using chloroform? The introduction of Kane, and Paul Bearer calling 'Taker's mother 2 bit ****e.

2) a year long run without being in the ring fulltime? hmmm. I don't know about that. What I would like to see at Wrestlemania is Taker being in some sort of handicap / guantlet match which will throw real doubt as to whether he would actually win (I believe he'll keep the streak intact no matter what). I don't think there is any 1 on 1 match that could be done to create enough doubt before Mania. However, you think of an elimination chamber / guantlet / handicap match with Kane, HHH, Mankind, Wade Barrett, and / or *wishful thinking," Brock Lesnar, I see that there is already doubt that he could came away with the win and still look strong. It looks like it'll be HHH v Taker III though - *sigh* There's so many story lines that need to play out from when he last got buried alive. Unresolved conflict with Kane and Nexus. but with HHH running his mouth about how he lost the WM match but walked away from it...

3) the match and it's aftermath that I mentioned in point 1)
Well, I see your point with the PG era, but they could still unleash hell without doing sacrifices..... And actually once Undertaker vowed (as a face) that there would be a sacrifice and he just beat the hell out of Rene Dupree.... as far as him being around a year without getting in the ring I didn't mean it literally, I meant he'd get in the ring but sparingly. Say for instance he has his Ministry going after CM Punk.... it'd culminate in a match between CM Punk and the Undertaker at Summer Slam.... that kinda thing.... A month or so of CM Punk beating Ministry members before getting to the big kahuna...... My fault for not explaining that, but good point nonetheless
Obviously VKM made the Undertaker "famous." But the Undertaker was solidified as a main eventer by feuding with the biggest names of the early 90s- Hogan, Warrior, and Macho Man. The gimmick has been successful for many reasons- the first being the man Mark Calloway is a great entertainer and the second is that the gimmick gets alot of respect from other wrestlers and management. Wrestlers sell the fear and are constantly willing to put over the Undertaker- all of that adds together to make the gimmick a success.
You may have taken the term "famous" to literally. That said, you raise a very valid point. His opponents in the ring most certainly added to the allure of The Undertaker by selling the fear during his entrance and during all of the moments when he "rose from the dead" to take back control of the match. It is true in the early 90's that he feuded with some top names but that was, at least in my opinion, because he was way over as a dominant heel in those days, but still a novelty act because again, in my opinion, NONE of those matches were great except for Savage possibly.

You're giving too much credit to Vince for making him or anybody else famous. While I do admit that Vince may be the greatest mind ever in the business, he has never made anyone famous. All he can do is provide opportunity to individuals. It is what those individuals do with their opportunities that gets them over or makes them fail.

For every great idea Vince has had he has had at least as many bad ideas.

But, I respect your opinion.
1) I don't think there was a specific match or moment that made the Undertaker who he is. He has been around long enough that there has been several memorable moments for all fans regardless of their age and the era that they watched.

2) I wouldn't want another full time run for the Undertaker. I think is once a year match at Wrestlemania is perfect right now. I would want him feuding with someone other than Triple H.

3) My favorite Undertaker moment was when he won his first championship against Hogan at Survivor Series 1991. The other would probably be the Hell in a Cell match against Mankind in Pittsburgh.
I am huge Undertaker fan as well, have been since he first stepped into the ring. I think that The Undertaker gimmick/character is overall the best ever in the history of wrestling PERIOD!

1) I think that The Undertaker made The Undertaker famous. Yes he faced the top guys in wrestling when he first debuted and that helped him gain a lot of notoriety but if Taker wasn't able to pull off the persona he had to perfection the character would have fell flat on it's face. Mark Callaway was able to portray The Undertaker perfectly throughout his entire career and tweak and change the characters mannerisms, movesets, and personality when needed to maintain a main event spot in the WWE for over two decades now. He has stayed relevant in the wrestling landscape for much longer than any other wrestlers have because of his ability to adapt to what ever the situation calls for at the time. This is why he is one of the most respected individuals in the lockerroom and in the ring.

2) If I could take control and have final say on one last year long story featuring Taker, I would pull out all the stops. I would dig deep into the rich history of The Undertaker and just go balls to the wall with it. All the crazy supernatural elements played to their fullest. Bring back Paul Bearer, the burning death of his parents, his conflicted relationship with his brother Kane, the Ministy of Darkness, all the things that made Taker the most intriguing character in wrestling over the last 20 plus years. Have him go on a path of destruction taking out faces and heels alike, no one knowing where his path will take him or what his final end game will be until his is ready to reveal it. I love the idea of him having a Gauntlet style match at Mania facing off against at least 3 and at the most 5 guys in a row and beating them all and then finally retiring as the greatest big man in the history of wrestling.

3) My most memorable Undertaker moments would be the few times I have had the pleasure of seeing him live in person. I went to the Unforgiven PPV where Kane and Taker had their very first Inferno Match, and that was just awesome! I also got to got to WM27 last year and seeing The Undertaker's entrance live at Wrestlemania is simply awe inspiring.
Hands down Undertaker possibly has had the best run in wwe as a wrestler look at the span of his career...hogan and warriors era to randy orton and john cena's era all the way to now...though he isnt active in wwe right now his energy is felt wwe is takers home and he can return to his yard whenever he pleases and the fans will never be upset. its quite impressive. The thing about taker is the older he gets the more he grows into the undertaker dead man. I cant decide which taker feud is my fave...we have hogan, we have million dollar man who cant buy taker so he gets a fake one, we have paul bearer betraying him and brining in kane (who also delivers for wwe), the hbk career ending moment really isnt as epic. Takers career is above hogans, hbk, bret hart, and stone cold as a in ring performer...based only on the fact that taker delivers big matches surpassing all of there eras.

taker however is not my fave wrestler that would be 1993 era bret hart but if there was ever a more consistent wrestler for wwe it would have to be taker...then kane, all the other wrestlers took there ball and went home when they made there $
@ Big Red.... Good idea with the balls to the wall thing.... Not sure going out with a gauntlet would be an epic match.... epic ending to an epic career no doubt....

Seeing him live..... freaking amazing.... I only mark out to 2 wrestlers..... ever..... Undertaker and Shawn Michaels.... Hell I remember going to SmackDown in 02.... all night, no Undertaker.... very disapointed.... the end... and BOOM Taker does a run in save for somebody.... Marked out like a little freakin girl... Not ashamed haha
I. I think him beating Snuka made him famous.

II. I'd rather he wrestle for 2 months then spend a dozen leading some stable from afar. If he doesnt see action he becomes a paper tiger gool.. I've never been to big on his talking either.

III. I think his most memorable moments were just his early images shown on screen before the match or his titantron from c. 1991-5. Also i found it really scary when he redubted with his mask on. Oh and Undertaker stairing down DiBiase's Undertaker.
It's not a hard question to answer. Hulk Hogan made Undertaker legit. He was always over, but beating Hogan at Survivor Series made him a main eventer. So if you're looking for one name to credit with "Making the Undertaker" it has to be Hulk Hogan.
1) Vince McMahon made Undertaker an interesting character. Hulk Hogan made Undertaker a main event threat. And only Undertaker made Undertaker the legend he is today.

2) Right now he is 19-0 with only 16 victims due to all the repeat opponents. I'd have him in a Fatal-4-Way match at WrestleMania 28 against Wade Barrett, Drew McIntyre and Sheamus where they all have a chance to end the streak. That's when the streak will really seem like it could end considering Undertaker doesn't even have to be pinnsed.

Once Undertaker wins the match, he announces he will be leaving the WWE. He will mention he won't retire. He is immortal and will never disappear from the WWE. That being said, he has done anything and everything he has set himself out to do in the WWE and after being 20-0, it's time to come home. There will be many who challenge him, and many would go unanswered because he does not deem them worthy. But he will be back. Once he truly sees someone worthy enough to face him, he will come back to make sure that person RESTS IN PEACE.

Then lightning strikes the stage and Undertaker disappears...

At Survivor Series '11, The Rock wins the WWE title and has a short publicity reign until John Cena, as a heel, beats him for the title at TLC. And after winning the title and celebrating as the heel he is, the lights go out, lightning strikes, and Undertaker appears in the ring and chokeslams Cena to a huge roar from the audience. The lights go out and Undertaker disappears again until the Road to WrestleMania where he starts teasing Cena with video packages, etc. Eventually, he comes back and announces he will humble Cena by destroying him at WrestleMania. They have a long feud where Cena raps about him, insults him, calls him old, and Undertaker watches quietly knowing that at WrestleMania, he will make Cena tap out. And when he does, Undertaker will be 21-0.

After beating Cena at WrestleMania, Cena begins to become as obsessed as HBK was with beating The Undertaker. John Cena begs him for a rematch and Undertaker says no. Cena then steals the urn from Paul Bearer and tells Undertaker that he will keep the urn unless he gives him a rematch. Undertaker agrees to a rematch, and Cena makes it either a Ladder match, TLC or Triple Cage match with the urn suspended above the ring. Once Cena wins and grabs the urn, he throws it all the way onto the concrete floor close to the ring, where fire starts to engulf the whole ringside and Undertaker disappears in a huge explosion. Cena then starts taking credit for getting rid of The Undertaker for good.

During the year, Vince McMahon makes John Cena out to be the Poster Boy of WWE while the crowd boos in response, but Vince says he controls who they cheer for and he tells them to keep cheering Cena. Cena goes against various top faces with McMahon in his corner helping him win matches.

Eventually, Cena is in a WWE title match at the Royal Rumble and the lights go out and the distraction costs Cena the match. Vince demands to know the meaning of this the next night on Raw and Undertaker comes back. Cena tries to confront him, but Undertaker throws him over the top and goes after Vince. It is then revealed that Undertaker has come back to rid WWE of the biggest evil it has ever dealt with: Vince McMahon.

They go down their history throughout the build-up to WrestleMania where Undertaker will face the almost 80-year-old Vince McMahon in a hellatious Street Fight. With lots of interference from his goons, and lots of destruction similar to Vince's other street fights, Undertaker destroys Vince and sends him off for good.

This would mark the end of Vince McMahon's character and the end for Undertaker's character as they would both end their on-screen careers at WrestleMania XXX.

3) My favorite Undertaker moment is a whopping three-way tie between Royal Rumble 2007, and WrestleMania 25, and WrestleMania 26. All of which he faced Shawn Michaels in one of the best feuds of all time that lasted 3 years.
Undertakers longevity is only due to his non appearances and performing on and off for the past 5-6 years. He debutted in 1990, the Hogan era was nearly over by then. Im thinking Hogans run in the business is more impressive and rewarding, but thats just my opinion. 1983-2002 on top with only minor breaks(2000-2002 WCW dying, returning to WWE) and even coming back in 2005-2006 for top of the card matches. Taker is a WWE legend and Vince is the brains behind getting him over. But NO BODY has ever left WWE wiyout having their reputation sullied or without Vince trying to deflate what he created. So naybody imagining Taker leaving with his head held high are kidding themselves. This is just Vinces way
Undertakers longevity is only due to his non appearances and performing on and off for the past 5-6 years. He debutted in 1990, the Hogan era was nearly over by then. Im thinking Hogans run in the business is more impressive and rewarding, but thats just my opinion. 1983-2002 on top with only minor breaks(2000-2002 WCW dying, returning to WWE) and even coming back in 2005-2006 for top of the card matches. Taker is a WWE legend and Vince is the brains behind getting him over. But NO BODY has ever left WWE wiyout having their reputation sullied or without Vince trying to deflate what he created. So naybody imagining Taker leaving with his head held high are kidding themselves. This is just Vinces way

You have to remember though, Taker quit a number of years back and told Vince to stick it. If I remember rightly it was over Bob Orton bleeding, whilst having hep c, which he took exception to. A few months later there he was large as life, with just as massive a push as ever.
1) The undertaker has become famous because of a type of matches over the years, casket matches, HIAC matches. Just his entrance is fantastic. The changes in the charachter slight like going to the purple gloves then losing Paul Bearer just kept him entertaining and not stale.

2) Wrestlemainia final match. What's more important to the undertaker career or streak? whats more important to the opponent ending the career or ending the streak? For arguments sake Wade Barrett gets a match against the undertaker and names the stipulation, If the undertaker wins the match he retires. This brings without its own psychology does the undertaker lay down to save his career or is the streak more important. For the opponent losing is what other people have done winning he would be able to taunt the undertaker for the next year. Tease with Barrett laying down at the begining of the match tauting the undertaker to cover him.

3) Favourite momement the end of the royal rumber against Yokozuna and the video of him saying he will rise again. Favourite match HIAC against Mankind
2) Wrestlemainia final match. What's more important to the undertaker career or streak? whats more important to the opponent ending the career or ending the streak? For arguments sake Wade Barrett gets a match against the undertaker and names the stipulation, If the undertaker wins the match he retires. This brings without its own psychology does the undertaker lay down to save his career or is the streak more important. For the opponent losing is what other people have done winning he would be able to taunt the undertaker for the next year. Tease with Barrett laying down at the begining of the match tauting the undertaker to cover him.

I really like that idea, as even though Wade will have lost and Undertaker would retire with the streak in-tact, Wade can still boast about ending The Undertaker's career. It would be great for his character. Good job UnholyFreak.
Unholyfreak...... simply awesome...... simple, to the point, and more importantly actually realistic... I can honestly say they really could pull that kind of stunt to send him out.... it wouldn't surprise me.... With your typical "career threatening match" done to death, I'd actually prefer it this way....
Right, this is what should happen, we don't want a third Triple-H match, and we don't want a third Kane match, we don't want anything that we've already seen meaning we don't wanna see vs. Mark Henry, vs. Randy Orton, vs. Big Show whatever, in my opinion this is The Undertaker's last match so he should definitely put someone over, whether it is that he loses the streak or not, I think the perfect opponent is Wade Barrett, the WWE is giving the guy a push but if he could have the title of 'The Streak Killer' then this would do wonders for his career, it would be like Jericho being the first Undisputed Champion in WWE History. The Undertaker doesn't even have to lose the streak he could just make it so that Wade Barrett came the closest anyone ever did to beating the streak this would also give his career a boost, he could be like I came closer than legends like Triple-H, Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair did to beating The Undertaker at WrestleMania
i have an idea... the undertaker gimmick is of super natural origins, how can you kill what is already dead? the gimmick it's self i think could be passed on if you have a young guy beat him then have a shit load of pyro go off the lights go out and the undertaker get dragged back to were he came from then that lightning pyro strikes at the feet of the victor and he picks up the undertakers hat puts it on and walks out to the undertakers music. Then starts on monday using the undertaker gimmick.
I think the best ending to the streak would be Ted Dibiase. It would be the perfect storyline, he could talk how many years ago his father brought undertaker in, and he will be the one to take him out. I also feel it would have to be a casket match and after Dibiase wins the druids come out take the casket the arena can go dark the titiantron come on showing a beaten undertaker with his eyes closed, he then opens them and says, I can now rest in peace.

See, here's the thing. I think the reason nobody has beaten the streak is because of the possibility of it being a flop. Say if Dibiase was to beat it, then if he got in trouble because of steroids, or was released, it would all be forgotten. The wrestler who was going "beat the streak" would have to have a high commitment to the company and be there for a long while to sell it. That's why the only people I can see ending the streak is John Cena and to a lesser extent, Triple H. Not some midcard jobber.

Oh, and why Ted Dibiase? I understand the story with his father bringing him in and stuff, but Ted is bland as a dry wall, has terrible mic skills, and is hardly relevant.
After seeing how things have played out here in recent weeks/months, I have come to the conclusion that it will be Taker v. Kane 3 at Mania.

At this late stage, there is no other explanation that's possible when you stop and think about it.

#1 - Masked Kane is back. Masked Kane never got to fight Taker again, it was unmasked Kane who lost before. A less powerful Kane mind you.

#2 - Kane's message of Hate. For Kane his message of hate has always been about his family life and issues with Taker. He reiterated that point last night in attacking husbands and wives and children.

#3 - Kane is the only available/believable wrestler to dare to take on Taker at mania this year. For pure strength and size Wade Barrett might be a possibility, but with Cena tied up, then Kane is the only choice left. They sure as hell aren't going to use Big Show as there's no real rivalry here and no chance to build one.

All in all, in my view the choice that WWE is going to go with is Kane again. It works, it's easy to throw together, and outside of those of us who yearn for something bigger/better, this is going to make people overall happy, especially since it was WM14 when Masked Kane and Taker faught last... right after he came in as masked Kane... Revenge at its finest this time around.
Tell me what you guys think of this. I think it would be awesome.

If somehow before Wrestlemania, Undertaker pissed of Lauranitis, or HHH, or whoever is in charge of the WWE that time on television.

Undertaker has a 1 on 1 match with whoever is picked by the GM, or COO or whatever.

Undertaker wins, but then the powers that be send another big name to the ring from the past. Say a Stone Cold, or Nash, anybody really. This happens a few more times as Undertaker fends off those who are trying to end his streak. This could include anyone if he is not booked and any other "legends" that Vince could get to show up for 1 night. Finally, it ends with either HHH/Orton, getting a few near falls on Taker, but Taker ends up getting help from his brother Kane, to go 25-0 (5 matches, obviously some would be quick) to end his career.
Tell me what you guys think of this. I think it would be awesome.

If somehow before Wrestlemania, Undertaker pissed of Lauranitis, or HHH, or whoever is in charge of the WWE that time on television.

Undertaker has a 1 on 1 match with whoever is picked by the GM, or COO or whatever.

Undertaker wins, but then the powers that be send another big name to the ring from the past. Say a Stone Cold, or Nash, anybody really. This happens a few more times as Undertaker fends off those who are trying to end his streak. This could include anyone if he is not booked and any other "legends" that Vince could get to show up for 1 night. Finally, it ends with either HHH/Orton, getting a few near falls on Taker, but Taker ends up getting help from his brother Kane, to go 25-0 (5 matches, obviously some would be quick) to end his career.

Five matches would make him 24-0, not 25-0. But I prefer if his number of victims matches up with his number of wins. Right now, he's 19-0 with 16 total victims. I like your idea, but it would be better suited for a gauntlet match than completely different matches.
I honestly believe with Taker being gone from all of WWE since the last WM that this next one if definitely and sadly gonna be his last one. I just don't think his body take the wear and tear of even competing in one match a year much longer. I would absolutely love for the match he has this year to be a gauntlet style match where he takes out a few guys from the past he has never face while taking down a couple new up and comers as well.
Taker was always a big deal, but I'd agree he really started coming into his own with the Mick Foley feud. Foley really helped to humanize Taker, he became more than just the 'Dead Man' after that feud.
Anyone who actually ends the streak is gonna have a dark cloud hanging over them for their career. It's a particularly beloved concept and most people believe it shouldn't end, and Taker should retire with it intact as a legacy of his.

I suppose a heel like Barrett would benefit i the short term, but it's also a massive amount of pressure on him. There's only one streak, and there's only one time you can end it. If you end it, you have to be completely certain that guy will pan out and be a massive star for many years. Imagine if they'd had Brock Lesnar end the streak? It might have seemed like a good idea idea the time, too, but it would have been a bad idea in the long term.

Trusting someone with a championship is one thing, because you can just take it off them it it doesn't pan out, or even the Rumble or MITB, because there's one every year. There's only one Streak.

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