All Future Wrestlemania Discussion (Matches, Gimmicks, Angles.... KEEP IT IN HERE!)

Who will Lesnar face at Mania

  • Rock

  • HHH

  • CM Punk

  • Orton

  • Undertaker

  • Cena

  • Other

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Actually, i am on the fence of buying WM and i would get it if Taker v Lesnar was on it for sure, so you dont speak for everyone

No, but he is right about most people. There may be a handful of extra buys out there, but not enough to offset the cost. I don't mean they can't afford it, but they'll make more money if they don't bring Lesnar in for a show that will already do well. As I said before, better to save him for summer slam or next year's wrestlemania.
Believe me, I think most want to see it but taking all the factors into consideration would WWE do it?

Would Raw allow for Rock/Cena, Punk/Jericho (WWE Title) and Taker/Lesnar to be built each week? That is 3 huge main events! Seems unafir they will have to share the spotlight.

I wouldn't put Punk/Jericho in the same boat as Lesnar/Taker or Cena/Rock.

I personally, would rather see a Lesnar/Taker match then a Cena/Rock.

Overbooking the card possibly, but if your WWE would you risk waiting 15months for a Taker/Lesnar match given all the variables?

Taker is getting older and could be injury prone as a result, and Lesnar is volatile and might change his mind. I guess it doesnt matter too much anyway, Lesnar broke a rib against Overeem and wouldn't be medically clearly to wrestle in April anyhow, I think.
If it were possible WWE probably would book it since (for some reason) people would want to see it (despite the fact thier previous encounters were average quality matchs at best). I doubt we will see it though and looks like we are probably stuck with HHH/Taker III.
I think the best ending to the streak would be Ted Dibiase. It would be the perfect storyline, he could talk how many years ago his father brought undertaker in, and he will be the one to take him out. I also feel it would have to be a casket match and after Dibiase wins the druids come out take the casket the arena can go dark the titiantron come on showing a beaten undertaker with his eyes closed, he then opens them and says, I can now rest in peace.
First off...I want to say hello to everyone on this forum!

A lot of people have been talking about Triple H Vs Undertaker being on the cards for Wrestlemania, this year...Personally, I don’t like the idea.

However, how about this...Undertaker Vs Randy Orton (with Triple H in his corner).

We get advertisements on Undertaker returning, maybe some talk about him wanting to face his 20th WM match for the title and will earn that right at the Rumble.

He gets into a bit of a scruff with Triple H in the Rumble (bad blood..I guess), Undertaker eliminates Trips. Undertaker lasts right until the end, but Royal Rumble victory is snatched away at the end by Triple H, who is going rabid shouting “Deadman, you facing me Wrestlemania...ME!!!”

Laurinitus comes out on Raw talks about the Undertaker match being a special one for the company, “Undertaker will be facing...” and out comes Trips and he does his entrance shtick with the crowd going crazy thinking that they got their match ...however Laurinitus says sorry...”Triple H this is not a match the WWE Universe wants to see...why should we watch you lose again for a second time in a row...we already saw Shawn Michaels lose twice in a row...sorry Hunter not interested*. Triple H drops Laurinitus.

Enter Stephanie Mcmahon and she is back, she says to hubby that Laurinitus is right you will not be facing Undertaker, but you will be responsible for who he does face.

In the next week, Triple H eventually announces he will choose his ex Evolution protégé, a man he groomed to be the net big thing, that man is............ Randy Orton .

Over the weeks, Randy Orton starts hyping up his old ‘Legend Killer’ Moniker and how this time he will prove that he is worthy of this title (of course he will be a tweener and not a heel and this could be taken more seriously). All the while Triple H is cutting promos to say he will bleed to ensure at all costs he will make sure that Undertaker does not get his 20th win.

You could even have at the match, if Undertaker wins after a gruelling battle, Triple H attacks a ref and starts screaming ‘Make the match, make the match’ and we will have Undertaker face Triple H after the Orton Vs Undertaker match.

What do you think of this match?
Do you think it could happen?
How would you tweak it?
There is only one person that The undertaker can face at mania that won't be a slam dunk for his 20th win.....and that's John Cena. I would love to see how Vince would book his golden boy vs his favorite of all time. (favorite gimmick anyway)

Obviously this isn't going to happen so I really don't care. The only Undertaker mania match that had any drama since they started talking about the streak was the retirement match with Shawn Michaels. Even then I didn't think HBK was going to win.

I guess what I'm saying is that it doesn't matter. The Undertaker is going to win at wrestlemania regardless of who it is. The lame build up of the Undertaker being carried out last year while Triple H walked out does nothing for me. Like last year, this match will get 10 minutes of build up.

The Undertaker really hasn't competed in two years. It's time to call it career.
Its a really good build up as u have suggested... Regardless of anything, I Would LOVE to see Orton face Taker at this year's Wrestlemania...It would b a very interesting match as Orton has really grown from hi previous WM match with Taker n Taker, as we know, is always at his absolute best in the Ring...
Good idea, but isn't Orton out for 6 months? Given the storyline is gonna need the next few months to play out, I don't think their is enough time for Orton to get healthy enough to do this.
I like this idea. However, its just not going to happen. I see Randy Orton going into Mania as either the champion or the challenger to the champion and walking out with it. Probably against Christian.

I'm not sure why people have a problem with Undertaker vs Triple H again. It was a great match last year and from my own personal experience it even grabbed the attention of a non-wrestling fan in my house. Personally, as a fan of The Undertaker since he came to WWE, I will enjoy any match he is in simply because he doesn't have much left in the tank or much time left either.

For the record if he came back and said to Vince that he wanted one last run with the belt before he finally hangs it up, Vince would NOT tell him no. He has earned that through his loyalty to Vince and the WWE in general as well as everything he has contributed to the business. He gets what or who he wants when he wants it and he has most certainly earned that right.

Personally I'd love to see The Undertaker return as the Ministry of Darkness era heel Undertaker. He could stay around a long time with that gimmick by forming a new Ministry and by staying mainly the leader on the mic while rarely getting in the ring. The amount of stuff he could teach the heels of today is limitless. God knows his ring and crowd psychology is nearly unmatched. He could help a lot of guys get to that next level.

I know I got a little off topic but hey, we're on the Road to WrestleMania and its almost Taker time.
It'd be a good match, I've no doubt about that as Taker & Orton delivered some great ones during their feud back in the mid 2000s. It's just that this scenario is extremely unlikely and with good reason.

There's been too much history between Triple H & Orton for them to cooperate in such a way. They've, occassionally, had to team together and momentarily put their past aside, but doing so in this sense would be asking too much I think and it would be rather anti-climactic. Most people expect Taker to come out the winner at WM, but the key is doing a good enough job in the build up to make fans believe that there's a chance he'll lose. With Orton & Trips, it's easy to imagine their own past personal issues getting in the way and ultimately cost Orton the match.

On top of that, it's hard to say how long Orton will be out due to his back injury. Initial reports said he'd miss 6 months, some reports are saying he'll be out for significantly less time than that. All in all, the scenario just isn't all that feesible.
NO! randy is out for 6 months not gonna happened . i dont want to see the same macth as lat year.! whhy not rey mysterio? that could be aswoome ??
You could even have at the match, if Undertaker wins after a gruelling battle, Triple H attacks a ref and starts screaming ‘Make the match, make the match’ and we will have Undertaker face Triple H after the Orton Vs Undertaker match.

How would you tweak it?

This one part jumps out at me as the only possible, and by possible I mean very very very unlikely but still a bit intriguing, thing that could happen. Taker beats someone to run the streak to 20-0 and then somehow someone forces a match immediately and wins it, making him 20-1. Imagine the potential this causes.

People will talk for years about the Taker's streak regardless, but this would give so many more questions and discussions because you will have sides arguing that he should rightfully be considered undefeated at Mania and a small minority always pointing out that one loss.
I have to admit when undi last met orton at WM i thought the streak could end it was full of near falls and a great match i really thought the up coming kid would do it at some points but it wont happen again, apart from the injury which might not be as long as the wwe are making out, the simple fact is WM this year will be undertaker-HHH part 3, i think HHH will do the same as shawn and put his career on the line then will take his backstage office job full time after he loses.
I almost feel sad about the upcoming match, no matter who it's with. I mean we know 99.9999999999999% that Undertaker is winning. We need something to make us feel like he COULD lose, I mean the second time he fought HBK I was still pretty sure he would win, but I had a bit of doubt in the back of my mind.

Sad to say, other than Cena, I can't imagine the WWE letting anyone end this streak. Although if they wanted Cena to heel turn this would have been the way to do it, too bad they locked him up with The Rock a year in advance.
honestly the only ppl i could see putting on a good wm match against the undertaker are all not exactly contracted to a superstar contract and those ppl being mick foley, the rock and steve austin. the reason i say those three is because foley and austin have history with taker (foley ve taker in a cell match and austin bsically was rivalled against taker and kane back in post hbk 90's) and the rock has a massive fan base that would love to see him take on taker....but these three probs wont do it anyways although austin has said he is now healed from his injury and could do a few more matches a year if he wanted im hoping for austin to return soon..although i have heard an austin v rocky 4 at wm29 may occur with the build up being austin costin rockys wm 28 win against cena
I'm sorry man, but this is the worst idea I have heard, if Triple-H is going to be apart of WrestleMania it can't be as a Manager in Orton corner the same guy who on the commentary on shows say hate each other from there past and didn't Triple-H attack Orton and his wife in there own home? Although I do agree on the part of not liking the idea of having Triple-H vs. The Undertaker, in the past three years we've had two Shawn Michaels matches and one with Triple-H, we don't need another one we've already had one in 2001 at WrestleMania X7, and the other last year. I think they should use this match too boost one of the young guys reputation, e.g. Wade Barrett, if Wade Barrett was to be in the last match The Undertaker was in, and if they would even think about having Barrett beat 'Taker then this would do wonders for his career it would be like Jericho being the first Undisputed Champion in WWE history, but on the other hand Barrett doesn't even have to beat Undertaker, he could just beat 'Taker down for some majority of the match and be like the closest guy ever to beating Undertaker, this would also work with Sheamus and they could shake hands at the end of the match, with the opponent then leaving the ring letting Undertaker having his last moment with the fans, this would mean that Barrett would be turning face, so this would probably mean that Sheamus would be the most likely opponent as he doesn't seem to be in a rivalry at the moment also.
honestly i like the original posters idea its a good one BUT id leave randy orton out of it as hes out for 6 monthes (or so everybody is saying but ill be pissed if hes back before wrestlemania just for the big pay day and to ruin someone elses momentum) but id say let the storyline happen but instead of randy orton triple h chooses...Sheamus! sheamus is buddy buddy with triple h backstage anyway and hes someone new for the undertaker to face at wrestlemania sheamus could be on a huge roll going into wrestlemania destorying everybody he faces and of course undertaker would beat him but i think sheamus vs undertaker would be a great match
I can see Orton vs Taker happening but no where near the way you just suggested lmao. Maybe let HHH be the special guest ref and build up that maybe he might screw Taker cause he lost or screw Orton so he doesn't end the streak that Trips couldn't.

But realistically, HHH can still go and him and Taker told one hell of a story last year and why waste a talent like HHH as a ref or manager on THE biggest show of the year?
honestly the only ppl i could see putting on a good wm match against the undertaker are all not exactly contracted to a superstar contract and those ppl being mick foley, the rock and steve austin. the reason i say those three is because foley and austin have history with taker (foley ve taker in a cell match and austin bsically was rivalled against taker and kane back in post hbk 90's) and the rock has a massive fan base that would love to see him take on taker....but these three probs wont do it anyways although austin has said he is now healed from his injury and could do a few more matches a year if he wanted im hoping for austin to return soon..although i have heard an austin v rocky 4 at wm29 may occur with the build up being austin costin rockys wm 28 win against cena

WHere did you hear that? In your dreams? Why doesn't anyone crap all over this idea because it Taker vs HHH 3 is supposidely "such a shit idea" than Rock vs Austin 4 must be leaps and bounds worse, shouldn't it?
i really like this idea, other than the build up. triple h and randy orton getting along doesn't make any sense.
but taker vs randy is the best option in my opinion. yes, it has been done before, but it was a couple years back. the first match was great and randy has only gotten better in the ring since then. also, a lot of people give the original randy-taker feud a lot of credit for making the streak meaningful to begin with so why not have randy be the last to try?
Just hear me out on this one why not have taker come back at EC win the world heavy weight title then at WM wade barrett(royal rumble winner) vs undertaker for the WHC there is history between the two but this where they shock the world. If the money in the bank does return at WM why not have taker beat wade Barrett then the money in the bank winner comes out as cashes in on a wounded undertaker.

But on topic orton vs taker seems less likely even if orton was health.
HHH will wrestle at Mania 28 against Taker. Personnaly, the only way I see Undertaker's character ending in WE or the streak being ended is if and when a young guy with a super look(Crimson????) comes along. Repackage this guy and call him CALLAWAY. The son of the Undertaker. I was hoping when Ted DiBiase jnr came to the main roster they could have utilised Takers debut being brought in by The Million Dollar Man back in 1990. An angle could have been born that Junior was actually the spawn of Undertaker and not DiBiase. I kinow it sounds odd, but done properly it keeps the Undertaker legacy going, has a solid worker carrying the gimmick another 10-20 years, and always gives the opportunity for both Undertaker and Million Dollar Man to be brought in for certain angles. I think Callaway would be a super character, son of the Deadman,. The gimmick would need to be worked by somebody who has size, and excellent in ring ability, thus why I suggested Crimson for the role. He would be unknown to alot of current WWE fans. Apart from this, I have no desire to watch the Undertaker ever again, but he will be wheeled out to bury somebody again this year(HHH), go 20-0
yo, y'all need to fall back.. the only person that I think the Undertaker should fight at Mania this year should be...Cody Rhodes. No he's not Triple H, no he's not HBK, but look at this, when Taker took on RKO at that mania was it not a awesome match, when Taker took on Batista or Edge were they not awesome matches. Sorry Taker has a way of making wrestlers look AWESOME on Wrestlemania. Even Henry (who I'm a huge fan of as of late) had a decent match with Taker back then (it wasnt the best though I'd admit). So I'm going to go all in and hope for Taker vs Rhodes at Mania, for the IC title. Streak vs the title that has haunted Takers whole career.
While I may not be well-known in the forums, I have made it known from time to time on these threads that I have been a life-long "Creature of the Night." We are now on the Road to WrestleMania and understandably, I get a little nostalgic in anticipation of the return of the man from the dark side. I know not everybody shares my sentiments and thats okay. I just ask that you retreat from your 'he's old and needs to quit' rhetoric and give me some real opinions.

First question: Who made The Undertaker famous? I firmly believe that the combination of Paul Bearer turning heel on him at Summer Slam '96 and joining forces with Mankind (Mick Foley) and the subsequent feud between the 2 allowed Undertaker to really come out of his shell and evolve the character. Prior to these events he was more of a novelty act. The mind games, the dark eerie entrances, the casket matches, etc. Not saying he wasn't over because he was. And in a big way. Sure he had his first title reign a year into his WWE career but it was more because Hulk Hogan didn't want to lose to Ric Flair at WrestleMania which is who Vince wanted to put the strap on. He was a transition guy and a way to get the belt off of Hogan without making him look weak.

Second question: What would you do, if you had the power and he was willing to make a year long (or longer) run without being in the ring so much? What I would do is have him turn heel and reform the Ministry of Darkness. I touched on this in a previous thread but I really wanted to go more in depth. As far as turning him heel, I'm not really sure how to do it simply because there are a million ways to do it. Going after Cena (choke), Orton, Punk..... any top babyface. The list is too long to mention and wouldn't be that hard to accomplish a heel turn. As far as the Ministry goes I wouldn't make it as large and deep a faction as it was in 98-99, but I would definately use a few guys that have real upside potential. Starting with Wade Barrett. Before you start picking apart my choice I'm only using him in this theory simply because he's the biggest heel with potential that is close enough to Undertakers size to make the end result of this theory seem likely.

I'd have him teach these young up and comers and sit on the sidelines for his Ministry brethren's matches. Most likely near the entrance way in his big Ministry "Tx" chair he used years ago. This guy has been a master of crowd psychology since his WWE debut. Face it, todays heels rely too much on "cheap heat." Its a role that would still draw because he's The Undertaker. Like him or not, and realizing he's most certainly on his way out, who wouldn't want to see him live before they can't anymore? Without dragging this on too long, which it may have already, haha, from WrestleMania 28 until around December of 2012 or December of 2013 (preferrably '13 for selfish reasons and because my theory would then culminate at WrestleMania XXX rather then 29) he mainly sits out and gives his Ministry tough love at times forcing them to realize they aren't ready for the next step.

Since I used Wade Barrett as an example I'll use him here. Prior to Undertakers final match, again hopefully WrestleMania XXX, Wade Barrett as the 'crown jewel' of The Undertakers Ministry of Darkness, receives a World Heavyweight title shot at Randy Orton for the Royal Rumble. The Undertaker costs him this match. On Raw or Smackdown the explanation is that Wade wasn't ready to carry the title and he says that in fact that none of his men will ever be ready and he disbans the Ministry. The former Ministry hits the ring and beats down The Undertaker and he dissapears ensuring Undertaker is the babyface and Wade and others are the heels. Wade now leads his former Ministry compadres and receives another shot at Elimination Chamber at Ortons title. No DQ. Orton has the match won and the former ministry hits the ring trying to help Wade win. Enter the returning Undertaker along side Paul Bearer. He single handedly takes out the heels ending with a Tombstone on Wade Barrett and Orton retaining.

WrestleMania XXX: Undertaker vs Wade Barrett - The match could end either way. Taker going out on top, or losing to Barrett. Either way Barrett gets the rub for simply being in the ring on the biggest stage with perhaps the biggest and most unstoppable force in The Undertaker. Could even throw in some interference from the former Ministry brothers to either allow Wade to take the victory or allow Undertaker to rise up one more time to be victorious.

Last Question: Your favorite Undertaker memory. What is it? Don't need to be spectacular. Just that one moment of his that gave you goose bumps or just said "wow that was awesome." Or just simply your favorite match he had. My favorite is hard because I'm an Undertaker mark and I enjoyed most of them. I'm keeping it simple by picking a match. WrestleMania XXV against HBK. Simply one of the single best matches I have ever seen and proved beyond a shadow of doubt the big man can still go all out when needed.

Feel free to expand, eliminate or change anything in the theory portion. It's my first thread and hope it wasn't too long, but, I look forward to reading responses.
1) Taker has always good a good combination of a good gimmick and a good manager when he didn't speak much. That helped him get over. Solo he was never a super great guy on the mic but he did the job. I remember once in his Big Evil gimmick the crowd was letting loose with the "What?" chants(which annoy me to no end) and he flawlessly turned to the crowd and said "If you like having sex with your sister say what" The crowd was shocked.

2) Bring back the ministry probably wouldn't work today. They crucified people, they practiced sacrifice, hell Taker hung Big Bossman from the Cell once. I don't think it would fly in the PG era. I'd like to see him as a chaotic neutral character. He is only out there for himself and can go after the heels and faces

3) There are a lot of good Taker memories. I remember his first match, I remember Bearer using the power of the Urn, every sit up. A few years back he had a match with The Rock and Rocky was in the middle of The People's Elbow and Taker did the sit up so Rock shoved him back down then hit the elbow, it was great. I remember he lost a buried alive match but his hand came up from under the dirt and lightning hit. Just tons of memories. I will always remember Taker as the best big man ever and one of the best strikers of all time. To see him go up top for that flying clothesline was amazing. Then each and every time I saw him perform old-school it was amazing. Dude is just short of 7ft, you aren't allowed to be on the top ropes man, but he did it and did it well.

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