Sheamus's Future - Discussion Thread

Sorry, but I disagree. Trips isn't going anywhere. He'll be main eventing until either he breaks Flair's record or until he gets an injury that prevents him from being there anymore. Sheamus having a match against Trips at Wrestlemania doesn't mean he's getting "the badass heel torch" passed to him. Plus, like others have said.... Sheamus will never be as good a heel as Orton, who is already the current badass heel. Sheamus will need to work on generating heel heat better if he's ever going to be seen as the next badass heel because as most of his "we didn't want you as champion!" heat has died down quite a bit. The next badass heel will be McIntyre, I'm calling it right now, since he's getting pushed correctly, unlike Sheamus who went from debuting in ECW to being WWE Champion in 160 days....
More Sheamus hate I see. I wonder how much of this doubt comes from thinking Sheamus just doesn't have the ability and how much of it comes from just plain not liking the guy.

I don't know whether or not he'll be the next badass heel or not, but to suggest that the guy has been awful since winning the title is just not accurate. Sheamus isn't an internet darling, so I'm not surprised he's getting a generous amount of hate. In an age where it's almost impossible for a secret or a surprise to be sprung in wrestling, the WWE managed to do just that. Sheamus wound up in the Raw main event scene as WWE Champion and it did exactly what it was supposed to do: get people talking and interested in the WWE title scene. Much of 2009, we were treated to one long and stale Orton/Triple H/John Cena feud. Not that they didn't have some good wrestling matches, but we've seen Orton wrestle these two dozens of times over the years and Sheamus was an unexpected wild card that got people talking.

As to Sheamus not drawing any heat, you must have missed Raw last Monday. Sheamus gets a pretty decent amount of heat. The crowd was making some real noise when he attacked Triple H and generated a pretty good "Sheamus sucks" chant. I'm not saying Sheamus is "the future" of wrestling or anything because the jury is ultimately still out on him. But, he's also not nearly as bad as some are trying to make him out to be.

If Sheamus goes over Triple H at WrestleMania, it could be a bigger boon to his career than winning the WWE Championship. Triple H is going to be taking time off soon as Stephanie is going to give birth again this summer, so having Sheamus beat him at 'Mania and "injuring" him or something to put him out of action for a while could do wonders for his career. It won't make him the next badass heel but it'll be a major step in the right direction.
The next badass heel? Maybe, but he's not the same as Orton or HHH when he was a heel. Sheamus is a different that we really haven't seen before. He didn't need a stable around him or a manager to make him successful. He went out there, did his stuff and has a "no nonsense" or "what you see is what you get" type of persona that some hate, but others (including me) see as great, new and refreshing.

I actually think that Sheamus will end up being a top face in the company. If WWE were to at least un-PG itself a little, Sheamus could be molded into being enormous, kind of like the next Stone Cold (i.e. a more "badass" kind of face that won't pander to the crowd like Cena but who will be a bona-fide asskicker). Of course, no one can or should copy Austin, but Sheamus has enormous potential and I could definitely see this working for him, but only after a much longer run as heel.
Not only did he get U Suck chants but he got Sheamus Sucks chants which is what i was surprised about and this is good news. The crowd is actually getting to know this guy and if this feud with Triple H gets any bigger i can almost guarantee Sheamus will be around for quite a long time. I actually have some faith in this guy.
First and foremost, if you've yet to read my post on Sheamus heading into WrestleMania 26, please, read that before you read this. Here is the link:

Now, on to my post!

Sheamus, obviously he has connections, being friends and work-out buddies with the man who will ultimately run the WWE soon, as if he didn't have his hand in the cookie jar enough as it was... Er, no, he took the cookie jar, and now he's scraping for crumbs. Regardless, it's no secret that Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Kane and even the likes of Edge (shows no signs of slowing down aside from injuries) are getting old, and you have to look to the future sooner or later. And that's exactly what WWE (More like Stephanie and Trips) did in December, and instead of building towards it, they just shook everything up. They put the WWE Championship on a man who had a hard time defeating Goldust, in five weeks (at best) on the A-Show.

Obviously, it was at Triple H's hand. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, as I've been a Sheamus mark since I first saw him in FCW, but what did it do for his future? I, for one, think Sheamus winning the WWE Championship might have killed his career. He's really no more than a mere spark to WWE's flame, and he's supposed to be seen as a main guy? Edge, John Cena, Randy Orton, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho and Undertaker. That is the experience, and that is the main event scene in the WWE. So is it really fair to put Sheamus up there, who is still relatively green, in the sense he's yet to grow into his own and really expand in the ring. Surely, it will come with time, but I think someone such as Christian and even John Morrison should be above Sheamus in credibility.

After WrestleMania 26, whether Sheamus beats Triple H or not, then we'll see if Sheamus might have even the slightest chance of being a mainstay, a cornerstone in the upper-card scene in the WWE.. Or if he'll even remain employed. Sheamus doesn't draw. Plain and simple. The only reason the ratings were high during his reign was because Cena was still chasing, and everyone expected Sheamus to get an Edge-esque first title win. Make him a main eventer, but not a top guy. Sheamus, is not, a top guy.

I completely understand Triple H is trying to help Sheamus get over with the crowd by having a "heated" angle (I'd rather watch another Orton/Cena program) going into WrestleMania, and hopefully put Sheamus over big with the crowd as a top tier performer. Sheamus isn't bad in the ring, he's not bad on the mic, and he sure as hell doesn't have an "okay" image, he makes you double-take when he's on the TV, he has a presence.. And, well.. He's just downright intriguing. What's not intriguing about the offspring of Casper and the Slim Jim Man?

With that being said, do you really see someone who, even as WWE champion, got flat, silent, no (or near to it) reactions from the crowd? Sheamus has gotten some decent heat on him, but no where near the likes of the other main event heels in the WWE. Right now, Sheamus in my eyes isn't a main event heel, with such men garnering as much heat as Jericho, Punk and even Batista. Am I proposing a face turn? Fuck no. I'm just saying, WWE, please, let him do something new. Let a new talent go out there, put it all on the line, and either fail horrendously, or wind up the smarks like it's already so damned easy to do. Who knows, either he'll get a real reaction, or he'll get another flat pop. What do you have to lose? One of Triple H's crew? Oh no?! One less person to go over those whom work their asses off for 17 years *Cough* Christian *Cough* (Just for the sake of argument) when they have little psychology and need to be carried. WWE Champions should NOT need to be carried. Who is he? Warrior? *Failed at the Youtube addy thing, so here's the damn link -.-*

I'm sorry, but if you've got heat, boos last longer than 5 seconds and outplay the entrance music...

Regardless... If Sheamus wins at WrestleMania, what in the hell are they going to do with him? Face John Cena for the WWE Championship again? No... Batista/Cena is the biggest money feud in the WWE, so that will be drawn out for a while. Face Jericho or Edge? I wouldn't want to see either of those matches, myself. His only real option is to continue with Triple H, which, will do nothing for him as he will sooner or later have to face him again. How often do you see Triple H do multiple jobs to the same person? Let alone in succession?! Sheamus will ultimately go under in the long run with Triple H, and with that, his whole dominating appeal with be more or less, gone, as now he's lost to the only top guy open for a feud. Is he going to feud Kofi? Who's having the exact same struggles but on the babyface front?

The only way I could ever see Sheamus truly going over strong enough to be seen as potentially a long-term guy, is if he beats Triple H at WrestleMania, then beats Triple H AGAIN (I know, right? Who am I kidding!?) at whatever they dropped Backlash for, I don't really care anymore, and then maybe gets screwed over by someone else to give Triple H a cheap win to keep him strong and satisfy Trips' hunger to win in the long run, and Sheamus goes off feuding whoever else. That, or he wins at the WM26 follow-up PPV and goes into a multi-man title chase, and gets eliminated by someone in a multi-man match and feuds them from there.

I don't see Sheamus as a marketable enough worker to draw money for you longer than he already has. He's supporting cast, unfortunately. I like him, a lot, but he's never going to be THE guy, he's not a franchise player. Maybe he'll be where Randy Orton was in 2005-06, or maybe he won't be around at all in the long run. Hell, he could end up as Umaga, the upper-card jobber (The role taken up so graciously by Kane) and just fade off into the realm of Should've Beens, rather than Has Beens.
I think it's still a little early to be trying to eyeball the legacy of Sheamus. Yes, there's still the potential that he ends up another failed heel like Kozlov, and there's the potential that he ends up as a solid main eventer in the future. It's just too damn early to make these kind of calls.

The upcoming match with HHH is important, as it will determine the tempo of the rest of the year for Sheamus. A win for him here is huge, and sets him up to be in the main event for most of the remainder of 2010. A well paced program with HHH post-Mania will do even more wonders for him.

I have grown to like Sheamus. I think there are a lot of different ways that he can grow as a character and a wrestler. I feel this next year is crucial, as this is the time when they can start to really let him sink his roots into us viewers, or they can drop the ball and have him back in FCW by 2011.

Sadly, this isn't an area WWE has shined in in the past.
sheamus is the lame. if he is so great how come he isnt in the main event? even when the guy had the top belt on raw he was curtain jerking. and i am watching raw and even the divas segment is on later on the card then his. if he left the wwe he would be screwed. maybe he will turn into a decent character, but for now he is shit-ass lame.
sheamus is the lame. if he is so great how come he isnt in the main event? even when the guy had the top belt on raw he was curtain jerking. and i am watching raw and even the divas segment is on later on the card then his. if he left the wwe he would be screwed. maybe he will turn into a decent character, but for now he is shit-ass lame.

That's stupid logic. Who opened the show? The first match? JOHN FUCKING CENA.

He obviously isn't in the main event for this build up because Jericho/Edge Taker/HBK and Tist/Cena are it would make zero logical choice for him to be a main eventer at the moment. However they are building him up, they had him destroy a guy who is in the Money in the Bank ladder match and then do an epic promo.

I think we'll be able to tell Sheamus' future a lot more after Wrestlemania, but the fact that he's only 32 means it's too early to knock him off.
I see him being in the main event in the future.

Despite what many say, I think he is damned good on the mic, and if you don't believe me, just watch any TNA backstage promo...its cringe worthy. He has the build. the power and (judging by HHH Vs him at Mania) the backing of the future booker of the company.

From what I have seen of him, I'm impressed. If they give him the clean pin at Mania, it could be the start of something huge for Shaemus. I really hope it is.
I'm afraid Sheamus will have an Great Khali/Kozlov career maybe few months extra as main eventer it probably all depends on what they are going to do with him after wrestlemania.

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