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Who will Lesnar face at Mania

  • Rock

  • HHH

  • CM Punk

  • Orton

  • Undertaker

  • Cena

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next year wont be 10 years since cena won his 1st wwe title, it will only be 9 years he won his 1st wwe title at wrestlemania 21 which was in 2005.

cena wont end the streak. I think he would no how much that would piss people off and he would no better than that, I mean if ever people were going follow through with there threat to riot I think this would be it.
Undertaker has said in the past he is not fussed about the streak and he wanted it to end at WM21 vs Orton but Orton didn't think he was ready to end it so it wouldn't surprise me if it did end next year.
This probably will get closed or moved because my dream card threads always do but just in case it doesn't I'd be curious to see what everyone wants to happen next year in New Orleans as well as offer criticism to my card

Over-the top-rope Battle Royal to face Fandango
Alberto Del Rio & Christian go over at same time vs Rey Mysterio vs. Big Show vs Ryback vs Big E Langston vs Kofi Kingston vs Bo Dallas vs Mark Henry - It's been a long time since a battle royal has been included on the WM card and I think this is a fun way to get fans excited and speculate which one of these 8 men will challenge Fandango. This is also a great way to get these guys on the card because I'm sure they all feel they deserve spots, let's give Christian and Del Rio a controversial win to keep the fans talking

Tag Team Championship Match
Team Rhodes Scholars def. Kane & RVD (c) - if RVD comes back it'll be great to see him in big feuds and have him perform in so many dream matches (vs Punk, Bryan, Ziggler etc.) but I think that all can be done during the year, for the big show he'll most likely drop down the card but we'll keep him in a memorable match by reuniting him with Kane (who he held the titles with in 03) and having them drop the belts to Rhodes Scholars, who both deserve more than to be in a shitty tag team but probably won't be booked in a different fashion until further down the line

Match for the Money in the Bank Contract
Antonio Cesaro (holder) def. Jack Swagger - Antonio was robbed of a WM debut this year so let's give him a big role in New Orleans. Let him win the briefcase in July (or whenever the ppv is) and put it on the line against Swagger, another American vs Anti-American storyline that might see Swagger finally get over as a face

Randy Orton def. Sheamus - These guys are definitely over enough to have a spot on the card but they are so lost in the shuffle that I find it hard to believe they'll ever be main-eventers again (even though I think Orton would thrive as champion again). It's obvious that Orton will eventually turn on Sheamus to feud so let's just drag it out until a WM payoff

Intercontinental Championship Match
Fandango (c) def. Alberto Del Rio vs Christian - Granted this Fandangoing craze continues and Steve Austin's prediction is correct, Fandango might become the big star that finally revitalizes the Intercontinental Championship and puts on a great show at the big stage with two excellent workers in Del Rio and Christian who are somewhat over and could probably get more over in a years time.

The Shield def. Triple H & The New Age Outlaws (DX) - I really don't know if the Shield will still be a faction in 2014 or if they will have dissolved by then but if they are, let them go in a match that includes an all-time great star and one of the greatest tag teams ever. This would be a fun match for fans to finally see DX in action in the ring (maybe for one last time) and let's keep making the Shield look strong.

World Heavyweight Championship Match
Dolph Ziggler (c) def. Daniel Bryan - Bryan has yet to have a memorable (for the right reason) match at WrestleMania, which is borderline blasphemous because he's a top 5 in-ring worker in the company. With Ziggler finally getting the respect he deserves lets give him the WrestleMania moment he deserves by giving him a great opportunity to steal the biggest show of the year with a top notch wrestler.

WWE Championship Match
Chris Jericho (Royal Rumble Winner) def. Brock Lesnar (c) vs. The Rock - There is probably not one member of the IWC who would want to see this match but if done right this could also be a big money-maker that would A) include Y2J winning his first RR and truly "doing it all" in this business B) have Rock, Brock, and the WWE Title all in a prominent role on the card C) require Brock to be booked as a destructive monstrous champ D) give Jericho the opportunity to do what he loves most (put over new talent) after WM

Undertaker def. John Cena - In my dream card for WrestleMania 29 this was my main event and I still think this would be a great match to see. Cena is really the only person who I feel can bring doubt to the power of the streak and with Taker being so old and a slow (it was hard to watch Punk have to carry him this year) the window of opportunity is closing at an astronomical rate.

CM Punk def. Stone Cold Steve Austin - there would be absolutely nothing better than celebrating 30 years of WrestleMania with one of pro wrestling's biggest icons returning for the main event. With Punk being a top guy and Austin constantly saying he has one more in him this is obviously a big money match and one I'd personally shell out the big bucks to fly out and see (I live in New York).
Rock is the big name, the MVP and who they will centre this huge event around. There is nobody left on the card to face now apart from 2 people. Cena, done twice, Punk done twice - it has to be Brock or Undertaker.

The three biggest matches WWE have yet to do are Rock vs Taker, Rock vs Brock and Cena vs Taker.

Cena vs Taker
Rock vs Brock

Double main event.
What about someone gets a draw with The Undertaker? It's not a loss and The Streak is intact, though a little tarnished. Yet, it gives a wrestler something to say because despite the fact that someone could not beat The Undertaker at Mania. For the first time, The Undertaker couldn't beat someone at Mania. I think this would have been perfect for Punk.

It's just an idea. Any thoughts?
I don't like it. Only because you would be ending the streak in a half-assed way. What does it really do for the guy the gets the draw in the long run? He didn't lose, but he didn't win either. A draw proves nothing. It makes Taker look weak and it would make his opponent look just as bad. Especially at Wrestlemania the fans would riot if Undertaker's streak ended in a draw, it's a cop out ending. It would just ruin the streak and in the long run help nobody.
Someone on another forum came up with a very creative way of how to keep the streak while putting someone over (they suggested it for this WM).

Just do a 2 out of 3 falls match. Taker gets pinned but still wins. Streak lives but that wrestler can say he was the only guy to pin Undertaker once. It also sets up a second match for the following year, which would have a higher drawing as said opponent had pinned Taker once and who knows...maybe he will again and end Taker's career?
Undertaker probably should put someone over on the way out, but a draw would just be cheap.

Either end the streak or be predictable and don't end it. The most annoying thing would be if it were half-assed.
I agree, I don't really like it because I feel it cheapens the streak. On a side note, one cool way I thought would get a huge pop is someone getting the 1,2,3 while undertakers foot was on the rope and them restarting the match
Like stated above I've heard a simular theory where Undertaker has a 2/3 Falls Match & the opponents gets a fall, therefore pinning Taker at Mania but still losing the match & keeping the streak intact.

& not only do I personally find the idea rather stupid but WHY?!?!

The entire point of the streak is that it is an untarnished symbol of perhaps WWE's greatest charcter achievement in The Undertaker & it proves the kind of consistent performer & enetrtainer Mark Calloway is.

The entire point to beating the streak would be to only beat one of the greatest of all time on the grandest stage of them all but to obtain that "Torch" but not in the typical sense of being the champion for the company, selling the most merch, etc. but being "crowned" THEE performer by WWE to carry on their Legacy as a whole for essentially that performers entire life span.

That's why the streak has become such a big deal & a focus of Wrestlemania each year, because it is essentially WWE telling us who they think is their greatest achievement ever.

& I think a performer gaining a pinfall but not the win over Taker at mania or some sort of tie would not only be a slap in the face to The Streak, Taker himself & The fans who supported him all these years but even a slap in the face to the performer who would gain the tie/pin. It would be like WWE admitting their not only unsure of what to do with the streak & if Taker was truely that great but it would be like WWE admitting they're unsure about who they chose to gain such a claim over Taker.

If anyone ever does beat the streak, it should be a decisive win to a great up & coming performer that both the WWE & Undertaker are confident in & proud of to take WWE into the next generation.
Next year is Wrestlemania 30. It's kind of a milestone within professional wrestling. Whats Mania without the creator, Mr Vincent Mcmahon.

When Vince has been competing in matches, he has always been the heel and lost. Why not change things up, at Mania 30, have Vince wrestle a match as a babyface against some major heel. I think this would be a brilliant idea. Maybe it won't be the greatest wrestling match, but with a good story behind it, it could potentially be a brilliant feud.

Heres what i'm thinking. Have HHH out with an 'injury' long before Mania. Have someone either new or a major heel threaten Vince that they will take over the company and that Vince doesnt scare him one bit. With no one in the corner of Vince at Mania, the heel will basically beat up Vince until HHH's music hits, makes his return and beats down the heel with a pedigree, Vince pins him, Vince wins or..

Have the heel over the year make sure that he has offended nearly every face. At Mania, have the heel destory him until about 4/5 or 6 faces come out and hit their finishers on the heel and have Vince hit a Stunner, pin him and win.

Would you think this whole idea is good?
I think it is all set up for McMahon vs Trump. Yes, many fans won't like it but it could be entertaining and watching Vince beat Trump be a 'Mania moment of sorts.
It doesn't hold any interest for me, quite frankly.

If they do go with this idea, I think it'll be McMahon vs. Trump for WM 30. Trump made a "challenge" to take on Vince at WM 30 so if they have a match for Vince, it'll probably be that.

For me though, I've seen Vince in too many feuds & matches in the past and it just doesn't feel special anymore. On top of that, Vince will be 68.5 years old come WM 30 and Trump will be 67.5. So that's a wrestling match between two non wrestlers, including one who hasn't done anything athletic since the early days of his comb over, that are a combined 136 years old. It just doesn't do anything for me.

On top of all that, Vince simply isn't the guy he once was physically. At 67 years of age, how could he be expected to be? He recently had hip replacement surgery and is fortunate he didn't get hurt with he took an F5 from Brock Lesnar. It probably didn't do him any real favors. During his fight against CM Punk, according to reports, Vince was feeling the effects of the match for a couple of weeks. There just has to be a point in which Vince looks at things and says that it's ridiculous for him to get in the ring.

That's not to say that the idea wouldn't appeal to a lot of people. Live crowds especially love a "feel good" moment and Vince going over Trump, as a babyface, could be just that. Donald Trump "wrestling" in a match is something that would generate a ton of mainstream media coverage, even more so than usual for WrestleMania. WWE made the wrestlers and the wrestles alone the focus of WM this year. Every year, it seems there's MASSIVE hype around the various celebrity appearances & involvement at the event, sometimes at the expense of the wrestling matches themselves. This year, it was all about the wrestlers and I personally think that's how it should be every year. Even though some panned the event because of it's lack of unpredictability, which was to a fault in some ways, but it was all about the wrestling & the wrestlers this year.
On top of all that, Vince simply isn't the guy he once was physically. At 67 years of age, how could he be expected to be? He recently had hip replacement surgery and is fortunate he didn't get hurt with he took an F5 from Brock Lesnar.

It's not only that he was fortunate. The way I read it, he was scheduled for the hip operation before he planned to take the hit from Brock; as if his logic was: I'm already due for surgery, so how much worse can I make it if I take the F5?"

Is that nuts? Sure it is, but don't you sometimes wonder how crazy Vince is? I do. All the years his father controlled the company, Vince never climbed in the ring. Then, when he was in his 50's, he gets into legitimate matches with guys like Steve Austin. You can admire the dedication to his company ("I wouldn't ask you to do anything I wouldn't do myself") but you have to wonder about the wisdom of his actions.

Still, if Vince thinks showing up as a babyface in a high-profile match at WM30 would generate some buys, he'd probably do it.

Would Donald Trump? You would think not, but he's apparently got an ego like Vince's, so who really knows? Maybe Vince shows him a tape of the Bret Hart-Vince McMahon match and convinces them it can be done in a way that no one gets hurt.

Guys wrestling in their late 60's? Hell, didn't we see the Fabulous Moolah and Mae Young take bumps when they were 114 years old?

It could happen.
WRESTLEMANIA 30 is going to be BIG!!!
John Cena Vs The Undertaker for the WWE Championship will most likely headline the ppv...

I think its time for the streak to end... im the biggest undertaker fan and don't care personally for john cena, but if cena were to say cheat to pick up a win over the undertaker ending the streak then we could have the biggest heel turn in the hisotyr of professional wrestling.

Imagine cena fighting out with taker only to grab a microphone when taker is down after not being able to pin him only to say "JUSTICE" ...

Shield comes out beats taker down, cena smacks taker with a chair and bam 1,2,3 streak is OVER!

would this turn cena into professional wrestlings biggest heel?
I would say no for several reason,

1. So many people already hate Cena as a face that him turning 'heel' regardless of how its done would make so many people happy that they would cheer for it.

2. Involving the Shield would be unneeded as then they would have to further explain if Cena is with them or not and then they would have to show why the Shield would help anyone else but themselves win a title. If Cena where to align with the Shield as a Heel I think that would give the fans even more reason to like him as (though most might dislike him being in the group) they would enjoy Cena being heel and having one of the best heel groups right now working with him.

3. It wouldnt work cause WWE simply wont do it right now. They dont have enough solid faces built at Main Event level to even attempt sacrificing their cash cow Cena who brings in merchandise sales, children viewers, and does so many appearances for Make a Wish.

Just my thoughts though, it would be COOL if it happened, but not the Biggest Heel turn in wrestling history by far.
It would be a huge turn for sure, but personally, I wouldn't want to see it happen, for the following reasons:

1) Undertaker's streak shouldn't end. (Yeah I'm a Taker mark ;) )

2) Cena is the LAST person who needs to be the one that ends the streak, plus he isn't getting any younger either. The profit in terms of heel heat would be limited.

3) The biggest heel turn in history is and forever will be Hogan joining the nWo. As big as Cena is today, he isn't and won't be Hogan in his heyday. And as was already said: He is already being booed anyway.

So Hogan's will always be the mother of all heelturns, and in my opinion, it's not even a matter of discussion.

But: I'm hoping Cena vs Taker takes place at WM30. Simply because it would be huge, and it's probably the only cenario imaginable right now where Taker MIGHT in fact lose.
Wouldn't be the biggest, that would be Hogan hands down as DragonSlayer said, that came completely out of left field with zero hinting that he was gonna join Hall and Nash (well except for Heenan almost blowing the suprise by saying is he the third man when Hogan was walking to ringside) and besides Hulkamania transcended the business and he was a household name whether you watched WWF, WCW or wrestling in general. Cena not so much except on the charity curcuit

However biggest turn since the turn of the century if it happens absolutely. Problems tho Cena is a 50/50 fan base already so you'd just be swapping Kids loving him to kids hating him and adults loving him. and it's been expected for the past 3 years now so if it does finally happen really the only people that would be suprised is the kids, they've been hinting a more annoyed Cena on an off for years but he always goes back to the Peace Love and Respect everytime.

Now if Cena faced Taker and loses? 3 out of the last 4 Mania's he's lost as a direct result of a legend and barely won this year so could that be a breaking point that maybe he isn't what he once was.

as for him going over Taker, at this point it wouldn't matter either way, Taker has more then cemented his legacy and doesn't need the streak, but on the flipside why does Cena or Brock need the win either? Brock is gonna get zero from it and Cena is already a future legend I really dont see anyone deserves to end it but it would seem with Taker doing extra appearances already that this may be his swansong year, like they've done b4 with a Retirement Tour in 2010 he toured Australia for the last time and that was meant to be his final year but we know how that panned out now :)
1. So many people already hate Cena as a face that him turning 'heel' regardless of how its done would make so many people happy that they would cheer for it.

That sounds right, yet how do we measure it? Right after WM29, I was positive Cena was turning heel....and I'm still not sure he isn't. But he sure wasn't acting like the cheery guy who just won the world title after a long break, was he? He seemed fed up with the fans and their booing, and I was sure the long-awaited shift was finally coming.

Instead, they use Cena to turn Ryback bad. It seemed wacky; given the hate Cena has been inspiring, why would the fans turn on Ryback for going against him? As per the above quote, it seemed the audience would cheer Ryback louder than ever for dunking Cena.

Go figure.

(By the way, regarding the title of this topic, I would think the biggest heel turn in wrestling history involved Hulk Hogan going bad in WCW).
Although the Hogan turn in WCW is considered by most as #1,
Andre's turn led up to Hogan and Andre drawing 93,000 for WM3...

But back to original discussion,WM30 would be the perfect place to stage one of the biggest heel turns ever.
Here's a scenario:
Undertaker beats Cena after an amazing match(or best Cena can possibly pull off) Undertaker grabs mic to tell Cena that was his toughest ever or something like that.. extends hand out to Cena,after a long pause he starts to shake Taker's hand then puts him into an AA,starts kicking and beating him.... goes out to ringside grabs a chair and as Taker starts to stir and starts to get up,CHAIRSHOT HEARD ROUND THE WORLD!!

The shot of all the kids in the crying their eyes out in the crowd seals the deal!!
Wouldn't be the biggest, that would be Hogan hands down as DragonSlayer said, that came completely out of left field with zero hinting that he was gonna join Hall and Nash (well except for Heenan almost blowing the suprise by saying is he the third man when Hogan was walking to ringside) and besides Hulkamania transcended the business and he was a household name whether you watched WWF, WCW or wrestling in general. Cena not so much except on the charity curcuit


Nope, i disagree as i say austin turning at wrestlemania 17 was the biggest heel turn of all time. It was the biggest face of all time, joining not just his biggest adversary, but the biggest heel of all time. And it was broadcast live to over 5 times the amount of people that saw the hogan turn.
1) Undertaker will never lose at Wrestlemania. That's his thing and he will retire undefeated at Mania.

2) I doubt WWE has the balls to turn Cena heel. Whether you're a TNA fan or not, at least they had the balls to try out an ultra popular face in Jeff Hardy as a heel. Vince McMahon probably doesn't see any huge need to turn him either because WWE has been on top for over a decade.

3) I wouldn't be surprised if someone working for WWE gets paid to read sites like this and sees how much people want him to turn heel. Vince becomes aware of this and has Cena do his thing as usual. He loves to mess with the internet wrestling fans.

4) If there ever was a time to turn Cena heel, it was at this year's Wrestlemania. As much as some internet wrestling fans love to jump on the hate bandwagon for the Rock, he's still more popular to the casual fans than Cena. Yeah, cheating to beat Taker at Mania would be much bigger, but be realistic. Taker won't lose at that event.
I had thought about this too but realistically, you can turn Cena bad in that same match while Taker still gets the win and get what you want out of it.

It can play out like this.
Taker beats Cena in your typical back and forth big spot / near finish match. Afterwards, Cena begins to leave down the isle with Taker in the middle of the ring. Then Shield (together or as individual stars by this time) comes down and attacks Taker. Cena returns to the ring to 'save the day' only to turn and help beat down Undertaker.

This would allow Taker to disappear again as he always does this time of year and would give Cena a stable to lead. Then over the next couple of weeks add another major (or up and coming) star to the stable.

It would become your modern day NWO led by the guy everyone has been itching to see turn heel. Hogan still sold shirts when he turned and so would Cena.
Nope, i disagree as i say austin turning at wrestlemania 17 was the biggest heel turn of all time. It was the biggest face of all time, joining not just his biggest adversary, but the biggest heel of all time. And it was broadcast live to over 5 times the amount of people that saw the hogan turn.

Austin's heel turn comes nowhere close to Hogan's. Austin/McMahon was watered down and Austin wasn't heel for too long before he started being the 'funny bad guy'.

Hogan was never a heel (under the Real American gimmick) and it came from out of nowhere. He was the John Cena of that era. It garnered interest again when there wasn't much.
Austin wasn't shocking to me. His character was getting stale and there were no good feuds for him.

On a side note, I felt the Austin heel turn ruined a great WrestleMania Main Event. The chair shots were so lame.
Although the Hogan turn in WCW is considered by most as #1,
Andre's turn led up to Hogan and Andre drawing 93,000 for WM3...

But back to original discussion,WM30 would be the perfect place to stage one of the biggest heel turns ever.
Here's a scenario:
Undertaker beats Cena after an amazing match(or best Cena can possibly pull off) Undertaker grabs mic to tell Cena that was his toughest ever or something like that.. extends hand out to Cena,after a long pause he starts to shake Taker's hand then puts him into an AA,starts kicking and beating him.... goes out to ringside grabs a chair and as Taker starts to stir and starts to get up,CHAIRSHOT HEARD ROUND THE WORLD!!

The shot of all the kids in the crying their eyes out in the crowd seals the deal!!

I didn't see this before I posted otherwise I would have just agreed.
Good call on the Andre turn too.

I agree with how you turn Cena heel. The only thing different that I'd do would be to add other players to it so a stable is formed. He needs to lead a big new storyline. I'm no a fan of the solo Cena heel turn.

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