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All Future Wrestlemania Discussion (Matches, Gimmicks, Angles.... KEEP IT IN HERE!)

Who will Lesnar face at Mania

  • Rock

  • HHH

  • CM Punk

  • Orton

  • Undertaker

  • Cena

  • Other

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As good as the MITB PPVs are, I think Mania really misses this match, so I'd like to see it back at next year's show. A MITB match with young, hungry guys like Cesaro, Rollins, Ambrose, Reigns, Langston, Ohno, Neville and Zayn would make for a helluva opener.
I'd like to see;

The Undertaker Vs Brock Lesnar. A TRUE Threat to the streak.

The Rock vs Randy Orton

Sheamus Vs Ryback

WWE Title
John Cena Vs Wade Barrett

Intercontinental Title
Antonio Cesaro (c) vs Damien Sandow vs Seth Rollins Vs Deam Abrose

Alberto Del Rio Vs Mark Henry

Roman Reigns Vs The Big Show

World Title
Dolph Ziggler (c) Vs CM Punk
Brock Lesnar vs Ryback - Continue to get Ryback over in a creative way against Brock. Ryback's essentially this generation’s Ultimate Warrior or Batista so this could be built as a tough one.

Dolph Ziggler vs Daniel Bryan - World Heavyweight Championship match. Both of these men need a memorable one-on-one WM match and both are good workers and very over with the type of crowds that attend PPVs (smarks). This match would be huge regardless of who wins.

Cena vs CM Punk - WWE Championship match. They need a Wrestlemania match for their ongoing rivalry if CM Punk is ever going to be considered as great as his title reign.

Undertaker vs Sting - Legend vs Legend for the fate of the Streak The only man left who can possibly make me question if Undertaker's streak will end is Sting. And I know this would have to involve some sort of improbable cross promotion thing. But this thread is about dream line-ups of sorts.

Triple H vs The Rock - Career Ending Match (Regardless of who wins, they both retire)
Stipulations: No Disqualification for both men. Stone Cold as Referee or Guest Enforcer featuring late-in-match nostalgic interference between NAO, X-Pac, HBK, Ron Simmons, Mark Henry, GodFather and possibly the less than likely Shane O Mac (Who has had past loyalties to both HHH and Rock)

I think these matches would make WM 30 an absolute no-brainer to buy. You almost have no clue how any of these matches will end. Sting could actually beat Undertaker's streak or some sort of draw could take place so that Sting is respected for generations as being the only guy to never lose to UT. Brock Lesnar vs Ryback could end in either man being victorious simply because there's still plenty of time and opportunities to have Ryback go over him. Ziggler vs Bryan, it doesn't matter who wins so that's an unpredictable match for obvious reasons. No one knows who'll win between CM Punk vs Cena since both men have lost during high-stakes matches involving the title. Triple H vs The Rock, two grand marquee guys who have a ton of history can finally hang up their boots in a brutal, crowd-involved match that will definitely have everyone cheering either way. Not to mention, the buildup could be very entertaining if a lot of nods to the past aren't ignored.
I think lesnar will get the wwe belt this year to set up.


the ic title and us title will either merge or one will be dropped.i think the us will be dropped i see this setup

sheamus(c)vssomeone from the shield

heavywiegth title i think it will be
antonio cesaro(c)vdaniel bryan

tag titles i think
Random throwntoghter team(c)vrandom thrown togher team

mitb winner will either be kofi kingston or wade barret

undertaker will face hopefully a heel john cena or some new talent from nxt thats been groomed to face him

and prob a gimmick dream match of fahhnn dahhhnn goooov disco infernoooo

and i dont give a fuck about the divas
I really hope WWE brings the Money in the Bank Ladder Match back to WrestleMania next year, and give the mid-card superstars a chance to shine on the 30th Anniversary of WrestleMania.

Kofi Kingston, R-Truth, Wade Barrett, Antonio Cesaro, Cody Rhodes, Damien Sandow, Christian, Chris Jericho, Kane & Fandango would be the participants.

so with that match, here's how I would shape the rest of the card for WM 30:

John Cena vs. Undertaker
The Rock vs. Brock Lesnar
CM Punk vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin
The Shield vs. Evolution (Triple H, Randy Orton & Batista w/Ric Flair in their corner)
Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler
Ryback vs. Big Show
Sheamus vs. Mark Henry
I think that WM30 has to be the best ever. They have to go all out and get some of the biggest names of all time. I think predicting a card a year away is very difficult but:

A legends/gimmcick battle Royal
Donald Trump v VKM
IC/US unification ladder match.

Still need to use Bryan, The Shield, Lesnar, HHH, The Rock, Y2J, Orton, Ziggler, Sheamus, Ryback, Kane among others.

I can also foresee Rock/Brock and The Shield being involved with HHH and a team of some description.
As some of you know Bret did an interview and stated that Michael McGillicutty should be the one to end the streak.

My opinion would be I think it would be totally ok if it happened, It would set up Michael McGillicutty as a real star, we all know he can perform, it's in his blood. I think if WWE did go this route they should make one change. Joe Hennig should end the streak. I think Bret is on to something here.

My question is do you think Michael McGillicutty could/should be the one to end the streak? If so how would you like it to be booked?
As some of you know Bret did an interview and stated that Michael McGillicutty should be the one to end the streak.

My opinion would be I think it would be totally ok if it happened, It would set up Michael McGillicutty as a real star, we all know he can perform, it's in his blood. I think if WWE did go this route they should make one change. Joe Hennig should end the streak. I think Bret is on to something here.

My question is do you think Michael McGillicutty could/should be the one to end the streak? If so how would you like it to be booked?

How are they going to book the whole feud though? Why should Taker waste his time facing somebody that the WWE isn't invested at all in? These are the obstacles they'd have to over come. That and that fact that Joe Hennig needs a new name.
It is true that the right feud, situation, gimmick, etc can propel someone quicker than expected so I will not claim that by next WM he won't be more relevant of a star than he is now (which is pretty irrelevant even though I like him). However, to even consider going from HBK twice, Triple H twice, then CM Punk to someone who doesn't even appear on the main roster, seems far fetched, not just based on how things are, but based on the process it would take to make things different.

At this point, the streak has been presented as having such a high prestige and such a high relevance at Wrestlemania that only top level opponents will likely have a shot, not just because of the level of opponent, but because the level of hype that the WM match will have. (which goes beyond just the streak but us being expected to believe that the opponent has some sort of a chance of stopping it). I assume that most people would be shocked if anyone less than a main eventer gets a shot at it, especially when there may only be a couple more opportunities left and assume that WWE has the same mindsets. I know that assumptions mean very little, but such an assumption doesn't seem far fetched.

I don't say that to look down upon any mid or low carders, rather cause that seems to be the route that WWE is going, and probably with good reason. Anyway, imo, before Mcgillicutty should even be brought into the conversation he first needs to make appearances on the main roster again, establish himself of someone who doesn't job all of the time (which has to do with being allowed to do that), and establish himself as someone who the crowd cares about during his matches and when cutting promos. Then he needs to be given a chance to, and through his own work successfully establish himself as someone who can hold his own with top stars, and then establish himself as someone relevant enough to be involved in such a prestigious match on the biggest stage of any given year. With the number of stars that are already ahead of him on the pecking order, and the number of people that potentially will be on the roster in coming months, he already (maybe unfortunately) has an uphill battle for legitimacy. Expectint that legitimacy to possibly be high enough for him to even be considered as an opponent for The Undertaker seems unlikely.

While on the subject of Joe Hennig though, I know that second and third generation stars working together is not a new concept, but I wouldn't mind seeing him, Dibiase, Steamboat, and maybe even Bo Dallas as a stable or see Hennig and one of them as a tag team. Something like that seems like a more realistic thing to discuss for him imo.
No. With that being said the reason is because Bret Hart has the up most respect for the Undertaker. So that wouldn't make much sence for Bret Hart to all of a sudden mentor this young lion in Joe Henning (yeah I said it) to try and end the deadman's undefeated streak at Wrestlemania. And as far as Joe goes where the hell is he? The last time that I saw a match with him in it was on that Saturday Morning Slam show on Vortex.

So to answer your thread question in depth, NO.
While on the subject of Joe Hennig though, I know that second and third generation stars working together is not a new concept, but I wouldn't mind seeing him, Dibiase, Steamboat, and maybe even Bo Dallas as a stable or see Hennig and one of them as a tag team. Something like that seems like a more realistic thing to discuss for him imo.

I would love them to do the Fortunate Sons idea that was talked about years ago. Maybe have Joe become the break out star like Rock did with the Nation and go on to end the streak, would love him to steal a little bit of his fathers gimmick but not the exact same.

I think they are setting him up for something, I mean he's training all the returning stars like Rock n Brock, someone in the E see's something within Joe, or they wouldn't let him near those two, he's learning so much and I hope he does indeed break out and become a success.
I think they are setting him up for something, I mean he's training all the returning stars like Rock n Brock, someone in the E see's something within Joe, or they wouldn't let him near those two, he's learning so much and I hope he does indeed break out and become a success.

I agree. When Nexus came up, most of the members ended up used sparingly on the main roster or sent back down. Sheffield came back up as Ryback, Husky will be Bray Wyatt, Darren Young kept the name but ended up in a tag team that has been on the various shows quite a bit, and Mcgillicutty will probably either be Joe Hennig or keep the current name, but either way I think that something decent will be planned.

With us knowing that when people come up now, WWE seems to usually have plans for them, and with us knowing what you said with that quote, it seems like once he comes up, he probably will at least get some sort of attempted push, even if it is a minor one.
It's hard to argue with Bret Hart, if he thinks this is the guy then I have to consider it.

I thought C.M. Punk was the guy to do it. The streak was a nice round 20 wins, it could have ended this year. When I look back at what Punk and Taker created I'm glad it went how it did though.

Definitely McGillicutty needs the name changed. I hate it, everyone else does. Do we get a new dark gimmick to usher in a brand new WrestleMania streak? Who knows. Mike is going to get repackaged, he's going to get on the roster. I don't think he's my pick to end the streak, but I doubt anyone ever actually will.
Do casual fans really care about the streak? Even on twitter I see mostly magazines are tweeting about the taker's streak. And that also only when some legend (bret hart this time) gives his opinion about it.

At this point in time, unless a new WWE superstar who is also as big in size and is a dark character who has come from hell to dethrone him, I don't even care about whatever next feud taker will go in. Whoever breaks Undertaker should begin as a new undertaker, so that there is at least a doubt in the viewer's mind that the streak is in danger
There is time to build McGillicutty up to make him worthy- that is not a problem. WM30 may well be Taker's last Mania whereas McGillicutty could have ten left. I am an advocate for the streak ending. I think there is little use for it after Taker retires so why should they not capitalise and use it to make the career of someone younger. If this guy as the talent to be in the main-event than ending the streak would ensure he is a big name in the history of the WWE and it can only help.

I'm not necessarily saying McGillicutty should end the streak but the streak should end and he would be a good choice.
I would like to see the streak used to put over a younger talent who has the potential to be with the WWE for years to come, and Joe Hennig is a guy that it could help tremendously. He is very good in the ring and can handle himself with a microphone, and as William Regal always says on NXT, "I don't think he really knows how good he is yet."

As for the booking, the Fortunate Sons (as someone already mentioned) would be a great way to introduce him to the audience and build him up over a period of time; although I'm not sure who you would put with him. Regarding the Undertaker, since he is perfect at WM and Joe's dad was Mr. Perfect... well you guys are smart, that angle basically writes itself. The only problem is getting Hennig to the level that is is "worthy" of facing Taker. Once he is established, a Perfect v Perfect match would sell, easily.
First, Bret didn't do an interview about it. He was doing a Q&A on his Facebook page and someone asked him who should end the streak.

Secondly, while he did say Joe Hennig, he added that it should be at WrestleMania 50 and that Hennig should beat him with the Perfect Plex at the 59 minute mark of a match. Taker will be 69 by the time WrestleMania 50 rolls around; does anyone here actually think he'll still be competing, even just at WrestleMania, in 21 years?

Bret's FULL response, not just the cherry-picked part about Hennig, seems to indicate that his tongue was firmly planted in his cheek when he answered that question. While we know he has the utmost respect for Curt Hennig, I doubt he thinks his kid should legitimately beat a 69-year-old Undertaker at WrestleMania 50 in a 59-minute match.
They already did the fortunate sons, what do think Priceless and Legacy was?
Michael Mcguillicutty first off needs a new name that name sucks just go back to Joe Henning cause it's sure as hell not working for him to be not under the shadow of his father and why in the blue hell would Taker even consider a nobody like him.

as a person of honor why would he even consider anything but the best of the best. Jo has proven nothing yet and will continue to aslong as he's only on NXT.
I'm a little Confused to see some so called "dream Matches for WM30" here. All very realistic , so here is my DREAM Card for WM 30!
Matchcard in order of appearance !
Ring Announcer: Howard Finkel Commentators: JBL,Jim Ross,Michael Cole

Former Champion over the Top Rope Battle Royal: Winner faces major(WWE or World) Champion of his choice at the First RAW after WM 30
Rey Mysterio vs Alberto del Rio vs Big Show vs Sheamus vs Mark Henry vs Jack Swagger vs The Miz vs RVD vs Kevin Nash vs Mick Foley

Winning Team represents the oldornew WWE Chairman Team McMahon vs Team Trump
Team McMahon:Triple H and the WWE tag Team Champions The Kings of Wrestling Antonio Cesaro and Kassius Ohno vs Team Trump: The Shield ( Dean Ambrose Seth Rollins Roman Reigns)

6 Man No Holds Barred Elimination Match for the World Heavyweight Championship
Randy Orton vs Kane vs Kofi Kingston(Heel) vs Fandango vs Christian vs Sami Zayn (El Generico)

The Rock vs Brock Lesnar

Once in a lifetime ................. Again !
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs John Cena

The Phenom vs The Icon Undertaker vs Sting

Fatal 4 Way TLC Match for the WWE Championship
CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan vs Dolph Ziggler vs Chris Jericho

You are welcome !
They already did the fortunate sons, what do think Priceless and Legacy was?

It was already recognized that it wasn't a new concept, but that since there are 4 people waiting to return or be called up that are fitting of that kind of thing, it probably isn't the worst idea in the world, even though it isn't the best one either.
I'm not sure if this has come up before, I haven't been reading through the forums.

imo, the biggest heel turn in history was Hogan with the NWO. But how about this, next year at WM we have Cena vs Taker and Cena cheats to beat Undertaker and end the streak.

That would piss the fans off badly, but think about the interest behind it...

Cena has been the babyface of the company probably ever since 2004. Next year will mark 10 years since he won the WWE title for the first time. The time to turn heel would be just right.

Sure it might seem like a disrespectful way to end the streak, but if you think the Cena hate reached it's tipping point it would be insane if that happened. I reckon it would be one of the biggest heel turns in history.
To be honest, if Cena beats the streak clean, it would turn him heel. There is no way that people would still cheer Cena (minus the kids) if he actually beat The Undertaker. He could bring the old attitude that he used to have with Thuganomics and just tell Taker that he's beaten The Rock, he's beaten all the big names, so he knows that he can beat him as well. If he wants to make it even more interesting, put the WWE Title on the line. That'd have us doubting the Streak immediately, because we wouldn't see Undertaker winning the belt anytime.

So basically, have John Cena beat Undertaker where before the match, he brags about how he knows he can beat him, and then when he beats him, he doesn't shut up about it, uses it in every argument and just that alone could make him the most hated man in the WWE.
The streak won't end and it shouldn't end. John Cena won't turn heel either until they find someone new that they can market as their top guy. Taker wouldn't let the streak end that way if Vince just decided that it MUST end and I'm sure Cena wouldn't want it that way either.
The streak won't end and it shouldn't end. John Cena won't turn heel either until they find someone new that they can market as their top guy. Taker wouldn't let the streak end that way if Vince just decided that it MUST end and I'm sure Cena wouldn't want it that way either.

Yeah I agree the streak shouldn't end, it's part of Taker's legacy. I also agree Cena wouldn't want it to happen like that, neither would Vince or Taker. But hypothetically speaking, if it happened in the way I described, it would REALLY shake things up in the "WWE Universe"...

imo, the product has started to become really bland, I used to be excited about RAW back in the late 90's attitude era but now I really struggle to get through the whole show. I think its because it's pretty much the same thing over and over from the top guy in the company so something like this could make things a bit more interesting.

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