BIG TNA Spoilers - From iMPACT! Tapings, Presumably

TNA Xplosion:
*Mickie James pinned Rosita.

*We open up with Mr. Anderson dragging down Earl Hebner to the ring and demanding to know why he was DQ'd last week, giving Rob Van Dam the win. Anderson demands the decision be reversed and Hebner refuses, calling Anderson an a**hole. Anderson lays out Hebner. Brian Hebner hits the ring then Sting comes out, saying you don't pick on the referees. He and Anderson began brawling. Rob Van Dam's music hits and he comes out, saying he doesn't want the win that way and asks Hebner to add Anderson to the Lockdown main event. Hebner says he cannot. Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan come out and announce it will indeed be a Three-Way at Lockdown.

Bischoff announces Sting & Anderson & RVD vs Ric Flair's team of Abyss & Matt Hardy & Bully Ray tonight in a Steel Cage, saying the network wants ratings, so he will give it to them. Sting and Anderson start brawling again but are held apart.

*Scott Steiner defeated Jesse Neal. Orlando Jordan and Eric Young were doing commentary. Doug Williams and Magnus attacked them (OJ and EY) after.

*Max Buck defeated Jeremy Buck in a good match.

*Winter defeated Velvet Sky with a Submission Move. Angelina Love originally came out to help Velvet but didn't end up doing anything.

*Kurt Angle defeated Rob Terry. Jeff Jarrett was ringside and after the match, Kurt Angle went after him. Angle went to Angle Slam Jarrett off the stage but Jarrett escaped to the back.

*Ken Anderson called out Sting so he could apologize but slapped him instead. They brawled into the crowd. Abyss, Hardy and Ray attacked them but RVD made the save.

*Bully Ray, Abyss and Matt Hardy defeated Sting, Mr. Anderson and Rob Van Dam in a Steel Cage. Sting attacked Mr. Anderson when he made his entrance leaving Rob Van Dam to fend for himself. Eventually all six men were in the match where Anderson cost his team the match allowing Bully Ray to get the win. After the match, Fortune tries to make the save but is also beaten down by Immortal.

The heels keep beating on RVD and Sting. Fortune hits the ring. Immortal hits the ring. Flair locks the cage and the babyfaces are getting massacred. Christopher Daniels hit the ring from the crowd and hit a flip from the top of the cage, wiping out Immortal. The babyfaces regroup and run off Immortal. Big reaction for Daniels' return.

Yeah, automatically made this episode of Impact good.

The fallen angel, not Suicide or Curry man, Christopher Daniels has returned to TNA. Only way they could fuck this up is if they turn him heel right after his year long absence.
I know that I was just saying i like London Brawling better

Edit: By they in my previous post i meant TNA not that Williams & Magnus used the name
Yeah because that's a logical name for two people who are not from London.
TNA's really pushing for some actual surprises now. Hope Daniels gets his hands on the TV title soon. If Gunner is the tall one with the dark hair well, I can at least say... who am I kidding. He sucked major ass here.
So another strong name has been added to the face group as opposed to the ridiculously weak heel group?

Nice going TNA.
Daniels? As Daniels? Sweet, I like. Now give him a real fucking main event push. What does this mean for his role in ROH though? He's their TV champion and looked slated to get a world title run at some point in the future.

But also, Lo-fucking-L at them having a cage match for their main event like a week before they have a PPV ENTIRELY FULL OF CAGE MATCHES. Whoever booked that is a moron.
Daniels? As Daniels? Sweet, I like. Now give him a real fucking main event push. What does this mean for his role in ROH though? He's their TV champion and looked slated to get a world title run at some point in the future.

But also, Lo-fucking-L at them having a cage match for their main event like a week before they have a PPV ENTIRELY FULL OF CAGE MATCHES. Whoever booked that is a moron.

I think Daniels ROH contract is up after Wrestlemania Weekend which is when this will air, And also there are two episodes after this one before Lockdown just though I'd point that out.
So its not just poor booking. It's reallly, really poor booking. I get wanting to hype a PPV but a 6 man cage match the week before, is just inexplicable for me.
I recently went into the TNA section and immediately realized why I don't post there very often. Just a bunch of ********** opinion eaters in there.

You guys are aware that TNA did the exact same thing last year with the cage gimmick before Lockdown right?

It's also pretty easy to see how it makes sense to do.
So another strong name has been added to the face group as opposed to the ridiculously weak heel group?

Nice going TNA.
Shut the fuck up. It's Chris Daniels.

Daniels? As Daniels? Sweet, I like. Now give him a real fucking main event push. What does this mean for his role in ROH though? He's their TV champion and looked slated to get a world title run at some point in the future.

But also, Lo-fucking-L at them having a cage match for their main event like a week before they have a PPV ENTIRELY FULL OF CAGE MATCHES. Whoever booked that is a moron.
Why? They did the same thing last year and it looked quite well.

Does anyone know why Wolfe is still off TV?
Still has health issues I guess. Which may be why they brought back the BI instead.
So its not just poor booking. It's reallly, really poor booking. I get wanting to hype a PPV but a 6 man cage match the week before, is just inexplicable for me.

But they did it last year. That didn't take a damn thing away from was a pretty awesome PPV.
I just think it's a little weak. It would be like a HIAC on Raw before the PPV. I just dont think it's necessary.
Having a cage match a few weeks before a PPV DEDICATED TO CAGE MATCHES is not a good idea. In any shape, way, or form. It was stupid last year, it's stupid this year. There is no way you can spin that as being a positive thing. You're giving away for free what your entire PPV's appeal is. It would be like having a Royal Rumble match on Raw the week before the would make the PPV Rumble pointless, you already got what you would've seen had you bought the PPV for free on TV.

Oh and Wolfe is still off TV because of health problems I believe.
I should add that I think Daniels is awesome. He might actually make me watch this episode of iMPACT!.

On second thoughts, maybe just his bit.

I love it when people say this, as if the people who watch iMPACT! regularly will be overjoyed that someone who regularly dislikes TNA will be watching it. Especially if they're in the LD "Hey, where's Daniels? This sucks. Where's Daniels?" Can't fucking wait broham. Thank you for contributing to approx. 0.00000093 points towards the ratings, it was much needed

In your honor, I'm going to go into a restaurant and show my distaste towards a plate of Brussels sprouts; I'll have a waiter sprinkle some cheese on it, so I can exclaim I MIGHT ACTUALLY EAT THAT NOW. WELL, JUST THE CHEESE.

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