Oh hell yeah! [Spoilers]


We shy worth hair
Kofi Kingston became the new WWE Intercontinental Champion at tonight's SmackDown tapings in Tucson, Arizona. The following comes from our spoiler coverage:

* Kofi Kingston beat Dolph Ziggler to win the WWE Intercontinental Title. After the match, Dolph attacked Kofi. Vickie Guerrero demands a restart and the match resumes. Kofi wins again.

However, Ziggler is now your new #1 contender to Edge's World Heavyweight Title after winning a #1 contender's match at tonight's tapings, right after he lost the Intercontinental Title to Kofi.

Vickie Guerrero came out and put Dolph in the #1 contender's match against Cody Rhodes, Big Show and Drew McIntyre. Ziggler won the match and the #1 contendership by pinning Cody.

No word yet if Dolph will get his shot at the Royal Rumble or not.

Oh hell yes! There's no midcard on smackdown more deservant of a world title match(Maybe aside from Kingston) it's Dolph. The guy is probably the most improved wrestler of 2010 which showed in his matches against Cena and Daniel Bryan.
Yeah, I saw this and thought, wow, Ziggler is moving up. With him dropping the IC, I wonder if it means he will win the WHC.
Fuck yes! I think this definitely makes up for the fact JoMo isn't in a title match.
Kofi as IC Champ again instead of moving up :(

But Dolph/Edge at the Rumble? Should be fun.
This is just another test for Dolph. In the past the Rumble has been known to have guys fight for the world title that we wouldn't expect. I would expect Dolph to look rather good at the Rumble against Edge and if he does he could be a favorite to win the MITB (if they chose to have one) at Wrestlemania. A bit bummed Kofi is yet again IC champ, but can't criticize something until it gets moving.
Kofi as IC Champ again instead of moving up :(

With the exception of his brief run with Orton, Kofi has not shown/been allowed to show any real character that will be needed to move up.

But Dolph/Edge at the Rumble? Should be fun.

Indeed, it should, particularly when Edge starts bringing up the similarities between him and Ziggler. much like he has done with Miz.

Also, it means we could get a prolonged IC feud between Swagger and Kofi
Suprised nobody has said that Ziggler has too stupid a name to be world champion.
It could be worse, he could be a male cheerleader
Not to mention, this is ANOTHER character that started with an incredibly stupid gimmick that was panned almost universally and he's gotten incredibly far. Yet we'll keep saying "this guy will never go anywhere" when something stupid happens.
The only good thing about Kofi being Intercontinental champion is if he can continue his feud with Jack Swagger.
This is just another test for Dolph. In the past the Rumble has been known to have guys fight for the world title that we wouldn't expect. I would expect Dolph to look rather good at the Rumble against Edge and if he does he could be a favorite to win the MITB (if they chose to have one) at Wrestlemania.

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Kofi really needs to be allowed to show some personality. He has everything except the push. No idea why they don't want to push him, he's incredibly over. At the SD I went to a few weeks ago, he got the pop of the night, easily. The crowd was so hot for Kofi it was unreal.
and according to spoilers, Barrett took out The Big Show during the match (which is probably what enabled Ziggler to win going by standard WWE booking).
Kofi really needs to be allowed to show some personality. He has everything except the push. No idea why they don't want to push him, he's incredibly over. At the SD I went to a few weeks ago, he got the pop of the night, easily. The crowd was so hot for Kofi it was unreal.
Is Michael Hayes still booking? If so, there's your answer.
didn't Holly get his title shot at the Rumble?

Yup. As have people like Mark Henry, JBL (recent times, not when he was king of SD), Mr. Kennedy, Jeff Hardy (before he was a full time main eventer), and I'm sure there are others, just too lazy to look. It makes sense too, leaves the bigger names for the Rumble match itself.
Барбоса;2724463 said:
With the exception of his brief run with Orton, Kofi has not shown/been allowed to show any real character that will be needed to move up.

Indeed, it should, particularly when Edge starts bringing up the similarities between him and Ziggler. much like he has done with Miz.

Also, it means we could get a prolonged IC feud between Swagger and Kofi

Well Kofi did get that extra firework at the end. You know how he leaps in the air for the fourth boom? Yeah,that's the makings of a future WHC
The spoilers say AFTER the match

No they don't.

Wrestlezone said:
#1 Contenders Match for World Title Triple Threat: Big Show Vs. Dashing Cody Rhodes Vs. Drew McIntyre, before the match starts, Vickie comes out and announces it will be a Fatal 4-Way and adds Dolph Ziggler to the Match. (Wade Barrett runs into the match midway and takes out Big Show) , Dolph Wins the match pinning Cody Rhodes. Dolph Ziggler new #1 contender

PWInsider said:
Drew McIntyre vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Big Show to determine a new top contender for the World championship. Vickie Guerrero comes out and adds Dolph Ziggler to the match. Dolph Ziggler pinned Cody to become the number one contender. Late in the match, Wade Barrett came out and attacked Big Show.

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