Oh hell yeah! [Spoilers]

Hopefully a feud with Masters that will elevate both men, since they both have very bright futures in the WWE.

Or he could join the Kofi/Swagger feud.
No they don't.

Yeah they fucking do

wz main site quoting pwinsider said:
- Wade Barrett attacked The Big Show after the #1 contender's match between Show, Cody Rhodes, Drew McIntyre and Dolph Ziggler, at last night's Smackdown tapings.

Barrett is expected now to be permanently on the SmackDown brand. As of now, there will be no follow-up angle with CM Punk on RAW as Punk has taken over Nexus.
Do I give a fuck? I went off the WZ site. I'm not then going to read another two sites just in case I prove Lee wrong.
I have a sinking feeling that this will be more about Vickie than Ziggles. Well better something than nothing.
Ziggler has improved greatly, but I dunno if I wanna see him cut a promo ...ALONE!

Not really lookin' forward to Edge/Ziggler. Dashing would've made a more interesting pick for 'The testing title match of The Rumble'.
Suprised nobody has said that Ziggler has too stupid a name to be world champion.
Yeah. We all got over that about 24+ months ago.

Anyhow, I'm looking forward to this. As mediocre as the World Heavyweight Champion is, Edge's better matches over the last year have come against the likes of Christian, Jericho, and Swagger. Best thing they can do right now is book him against another blond and hope lightening strikes again.

Also, enough of this "Ziggler has improved" garbage. I'll be willing to admit it: I was wrong about him. But not Miz.
Don't be so certain of that. Edge is the master of the 1 month title reign and with Vickie in his corner, I could fully see Dolph winning the World Championship.

Yeah, he is, but those first nine have come as a heel. This is his first face title reign, and possibly his last title reign w his plans to retire in a year or 2. I don't think there's a chance that they'll take the belt off of Edge until Wrestlemania, at earliest. Likely just another test for Ziggler, like the matches vs cena and main eventing Smackdown 2 weeks in a row. I cant wait for this!
I have a sinking feeling that this will be more about Vickie than Ziggles. Well better something than nothing.

But that should be fun as well, considering the Edge/Vickie dynamic in the past. Even in the majority of the exchanges between Cena and Dolph, it was about Vickie. Hopefully this storyline will not only elevate Dolph further(despite he likely won't win), but it will be the end of the Dolph/Vickie relationship, and she can go feud with Teddy over power on SD or something.
But that should be fun as well, considering the Edge/Vickie dynamic in the past. Even in the majority of the exchanges between Cena and Dolph, it was about Vickie. Hopefully this storyline will not only elevate Dolph further(despite he likely won't win), but it will be the end of the Dolph/Vickie relationship, and she can go feud with Teddy over power on SD or something.

This is a potential problem if Ziggles is being built as a top heel on Smackdown because Vickie is so hated that any visible split with either Ziggles dumping her or her dumping Ziggles would make Dolph more sympathetic
Yeah. We all got over that about 24+ months ago.

Anyhow, I'm looking forward to this. As mediocre as the World Heavyweight Champion is, Edge's better matches over the last year have come against the likes of Christian, Jericho, and Swagger. Best thing they can do right now is book him against another blond and hope lightening strikes again.

Also, enough of this "Ziggler has improved" garbage. I'll be willing to admit it: I was wrong about him. But not Miz.

He has improved though Coco. He was good last year, but his performances this year have been considerably better. He has consistently been having top notch matches with near damn everybody he's been given.
I did like him. Now I remember. It was mostly because of his original theme music though.

And his boots. I liked his boots.
No that's Vickie and you're thinking of her 'omeletes on a nail' fun bags

Nope. I'm talking about him being Kerwin White's aryan golf caddy.

I would say if Kofi didn't do something soon...I would've seen him around at one of the raves in my town like this moping like a drugged out lsd haze....


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